Mind, Brain & Behavior

Mind, Brain & Behavior
February 28, 2003
Chapters 26 & 28
Three Kinds of Movement
Reflex responses (knee-jerk) – rapid,
stereotyped, involuntary responses.
Rhythmic motor patterns (walking, running,
chewing) – part reflex, part voluntary.
Graded in response to eliciting stimulus.
Only starting and stopping are voluntary.
Voluntary movements – purposeful (goaldirected) and learned (skilled, practiced).
Types of Movement
Extension – takes limb away from body (opens
Flexion – brings limb toward body (closes penknife)
Muscles can only pull not push so any movement
requires coordination
Synergists -- muscles that work together
Agonists – prime movers
Antagonists – muscles that pull in opposite direction to
agonists, help brake movement.
Parts of the Motor System
Motor control operates at three levels,
organized hierarchically, operates in parallel.
Cerebral cortex motor areas – plan and control
voluntary movement, affect spinal cord neurons
directly & through brain stem.
Brain stem – two systems that regulate spinal
cord interneurons, one for posture, one for
voluntary movement.
Spinal cord – mediates automatic and stereotyped
Parts of the Cortex Motor System
Premotor area – plans the activity
 Motor cortex (M1) – initiates motor activity
Basal ganglia loop (near thalamus) gives the
“go” signal
 Cerebellar loop – tells the motor cortex how to
carry out the planned activity
 Controls
movement direction, timing and force by
activating populations of motor neurons in learned
Planning Movement
Goal directed movement involves many
cortical areas that communicate with Area 6 in
Frontal lobe.
 Area 6 has two parts:
PMA (premotor area)
 SMA (supplemental motor area)
Area 6 plans an action and stays active until it
is executed (“go” signal).
Direction of Movement
Movement is directed using frequency and
population codes:
Motor cortex (M1) neurons fire at different rates
depending on the desired direction.
 Firing rates are averaged across populations of M1
When contributing neurons are inhibited,
resultant direction changes.
Cerebellum controls the sequence of movements.
See Chapter 29 for details
Types of Muscles
Smooth – digestive tract, arteries
 Striated:
Cardiac – accelerates or slows heart rate
 Skeletal – moves bones around joints, moves eyes,
facial expression, respiration, speech
Skeletal muscles are the somatic motor system
and are under voluntary control.
Motor Units
Each muscle fiber is innervated (controlled) by
an alpha motor neuron.
 Bundles of fibers form large and small motor
Small motor units act first, fine motor movement.
Fast contracting, fast fatiguing white fibers
form “fast” motor units (slow ones are red).
Alpha neuron firing rate makes a fiber/motor unit
fast or slow.
Reciprocal inhibition – cannot flex and extend
the same muscle
 Myotatic (knee-jerk)
Opposes gravity
 Uses spindle sensory feedback
Reverse myotatic (knife-clasp)
Relaxes overloaded muscle
 Responds to Golgi tendon organ feedback
More Reflexes
Flexor reflex – response to pain
 Crossed-extensor reflex – compensates for
flexor reflex
One side extends as the other flexes
 The circuit for coordinated control of walking
resides in the spinal cord.
 Circuits called “central pattern generators” give
rise to rhythmic motor activity.
Two Pathways from the Brain
Two corticospinal pathways:
Lateral tract – voluntary movement, crosses
 Ventromedial tract (brain stem pathways) –
posture, descends without crossing
Lateral pathways control fractionated
movement of distal muscles, especially
Corticospinal – new (higher mammals)
 Rubrospinal – from red nucleus, old
Ventral (Medial) Pathways
Tectospinal – orients eyes (fovea) on image
Vestibulospinal – maintains stability of head
and turns it, balance
Receives input from superior colliculus
Input from labyrinth of inner ear
Reticulospinal – originate in pons and medulla
Pontine – resists gravity and maintains posture
 Medullary – liberates muscles from anti-gravity