Microbiology Mystery Microbe Project

Microbiology Mystery Microbe Project
Part of your lab effort will be to discover the identity of a "mystery microbe". You will befriend
a "mystery microbe" at the beginning of the quarter, perform experiments, and then deduce the
identity of your unknown bacteria by the end of the quarter. You will step into the shoes of a
microbiologist and collect and record data in a laboratory log, interpret your data and finally
conclude the identity of your "mystery microbe".
The process of identifying your unknown bacteria is more important than determining its true
identity. The grading system below shows that only 10% of your grade (2/22pts) will be based
on the identity of your unknown. The remaining 90% of your grade encompasses the process
of condensing your data into a descriptive chart and then writing an argument to support the
identification of your unknown bacteria.
Perform experiments using standard microbiological techniques.
Keep a scientific record of your experiments that is accurate and complete.
Analyze observations to draw conclusions.
Use scientific documentation.
Analyze data, research unknown bacteria possibilities and prepare a report
summarizing your findings and the identity of your "mystery microbe".
5. Use relevant resources and references correctly to solidify the identification
Grading Criteria (22 possible points)
2 pts
1.5 pts
1 pts
0.5 pts
1. Appearance/
Lab report is typed and Lab report is neatly
Lab report is neatly
uses headings and
handwritten and uses written or typed, but
subheadings to visually headings and
formatting does not
organize the material. subheadings to visually help visually organize
organize the material. the material.
Lab report is handwritten
and looks sloppy with
cross-outs, multiple
erasures and/or tears and
2. Scientific
Report illustrates an Report illustrates an
accurate and thorough accurate
understanding of
understanding of most
scientific concepts
scientific concepts
underlying the lab.
underlying the lab.
(includes ranked list of
at least 5 candidates)
Report illustrates
inaccurate understanding
of scientific concepts
underlying the lab.
Report illustrates a
limited understanding
of scientific concepts
underlying the lab.
3. Conclusion
Conclusion includes
complete deductive
analysis of at least 2
pieces of specific
evidence for each
compared microbe used
in the identification of
the mystery microbe.
Deductive analysis is
minimal and not well
supported with
No conclusion was
included in the report OR
shows little effort and
4. Error Analysis or Experimental errors, Experimental errors Experimental errors There is no discussion of
their possible effects, and their possible
are mentioned but not errors.
errors are discussed. Inconsistencies are
Inconsistencies in data partially explained.
to support conclusion
are explained.
5. Test analysis
What 2 tests were the
most helpful in
identification and
WHY? and What 2
tests could be deleted
to save time and
money and WHY?
Helpful and
unnecessary tests
were stated but not
6. Identification
Correct genus identified.
2 possible genera
Incorrect identification.
correctly identified but
report does not state
the selected genus.
1 BONUS point for
Correct species
7. Descriptive Chart All required elements One required element Three required
are present.
is missing.
Several required
elements are missing. elements are missing.
8. Mystery Microbe Clear, accurate, dated Dated, clear, accurate Dated, notes are taken Notes rarely taken or of
notes are taken
notes are taken
occasionally, but
little use.
9. Information
about mystery
All required elements All required elements
are present and
are present.
additional elements
that add to the report
(e.g., thoughtful
comments, graphics)
have been added.
accuracy of notes
might be questionable.
One required element Several required
is missing, but
elements are missing.
additional elements
that add to the report
(e.g., thoughtful
comments, graphics)
have been added.
10. Background
Several reputable
background sources
were used. APA
citation format used
correctly. Material is
translated into
student's own words.
A few reputable
background sources
are used. APA citation
format used correctly
with few mistakes.
Material is translated
into student's own
A few background
sources are used, but
some are not
reputable sources.
APA citation format
used correctly with
many mistakes.
Material is translated
into student's own
11. Summary
Summary describes
the skills learned, the
information learned
and some future
applications to real life
Summary describes
Summary describes
the information
the information
learned and a possible learned.
application to a real
life situation.
Material is copied rather
than put into students
own words. APA citation
format not used.
No summary is written.
Requirements and Grading System for "Mystery Microbe"
Write a 2-3 page ARGUMENT explaining HOW and WHY you decided on the identity of your
"mystery microbe" (unknown bacteria). You can write it as if you came in to my office and
discussed your thought process on the way to the identification of your unknown. Construct a
dichotomous key as discussed in lab. Document this information with references to your source
of comparison, such as Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology and applicable flow
charts from lab or handouts as well as credible internet resources). Your argument should trace
your thought pattern in the process of identification so that a second party can follow your
reasoning. Think of this like detailed directions to your house for someone who has never been
to Salem before.
Organize a coherent report explaining the identification process used to identify your
mystery microbe.
Show the thought process behind your reasoning.
Proceed logically.
Eliminate contenders that don't meet criteria using at least 2 solid and specific pieces of
Emphasize critical test results
Discuss lab tests that you felt confident about which helped to lead you in the right direction
Also discuss lab tests that you needed to repeat and why
Discuss lab tests that you really did not need to know in order to identify your
microbe. What lab tests could you have cut out, saved money and still had a correct
Use flow charts and tables when they help clarify
Argument MUST NOT be a rehash of your observations. Refer ONLY to the tests that are
important in your determination process.
Be creative in your argument
#6. IDENTIFICATION (2 points + 1 bonus point for correct species)
Note: The process is more important than the correct identification!
#7-8 DESCRIPTIVE CHART and Mystery Microbe LOG (4 points)
This chart is a summary of the experiments that have been conducted on your unknown bacteria
and will be handed out later in the quarter OR you can make a copy yourself from pg. 81 in the
Lab Manual. The Mystery Microbe Log was handed out in class and is a document used to
summarize the experiments performed on your mystery microbe. Your grade will be based on
completeness and accuracy. Refer to #7 and 8 in the scoring guide chart above.
#9-10. INFORMATION ABOUT UNKNOWN and Background Sources(4 points)
Include the following INFORMATION about your unknown:
 Where do you find it in the environment?
 What are its growth characteristics?
 Diseases caused by your unknown bacteria including symptoms and treatment.
 Any additional uses of bacteria.
 Background sources used correctly.
 APA format for references as explained in Wikipedia using this
link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APA_style
Summary describes the skills learned, the information learned and some future applications to
real life situations.
Please review the sample report on-line to get an idea and example of how to proceed with
your project. This is a sample only and does not contain all of the criteria listed in the
grading criteria chart above.