Student Name: Sonja Soo UBC ID:75829093 BIOL463 Week: 3 WEEK 3 LEARNING JOURNAL: YOUR PROGRESS Before you fill out this document, please review the feedback you received from your previous learning journal piece. Make sure you address at least one piece of that feedback in this piece either in the table (if appropriate) or using the space in Q3 on the next page. Factual knowledge Concepts and connections Skills “Facts” that you did not Links among facts and ideas, applications, Tasks that you are getting better at know/understand and that implications, and general principles that accomplishing, practical tips and you now know/understand have become apparent to you tricks that you are picking up Brief description of one or I learned that an That we cannot infer too much from I am getting better at reading two new pieces of experimental approach to experimental results. For example, seeing scientific papers efficiently. The key knowledge or skills finding enhancers is to use a correlation between mutation in a is to look for the main points and developed since your last an “enhancer trap” where specific region of DNA and a mutant summarize along the way; don’t Learning Journal form. we insert a reporter phenotype is only a correlation; causation focus too much on the construct and look at gene can’t be concluded from the information details/names, knowing that those expression. presented. can be referenced in the future. Activities, media and In class discussions and In class discussions and after-class Assigned readings and practice. resources (in and out of background information in questions with instructor. class) that you used to the assigned readings. develop this knowledge/skills This is useful when This knowledge helps me understand how This skill is useful when How is this knowledge understanding to interpret experimental data from encountering many readings. I can useful/helpful/applicable? experimental techniques scientific papers or experiments; read more quickly and see the big What can/will you do with when reading scientific additionally, this will help me when I do picture of the experiment rather it? article and helps me my own research, that I can’t make than getting caught up in details. understand how scientists assumptions and based on small sets of This will help me when I do research design experiments. data and infer causation from correlation. either as part of a literature review. How do you know that I can explain enhancer trap I can adequately interpret data without I read the 3 assigned readings in a you have acquired this in a simplistic diagram inferring too much so that I can read few hours and understood the knowledge/developed (attached #1) results of scientific papers without making concepts. I took notes of the main this skill? (Please describe assumptions (attached #2) points of the papers (attached#3). or refer to, and attach evidence). Student Name: Sonja Soo UBC ID:75829093 BIOL463 Week: 3 1. Current level of mastery at this point in the course For each skill or task (a-g), please circle the number that corresponds to your current level of mastery and confidence. 1= To do this I would need someone to 2= To do this I would need 3= To do this I would need 4= To do this I would need show me how and to provide considerable supervision some supervision or minimal supervision or considerable assistance or assistance assistance assistance 5= I could do this on my own a. Identify and extract relevant information from primary and secondary literature to learn about a topic of interest. 1 2 3 4 5 b. Develop a sensible, testable hypothesis that is based on logic and evidence, and that explains a data set or a phenomenon. 1 2 3 4 5 c. Design a scientific experiment to test a hypothesis relating to developmental biology. 1 2 3 4 5 d. Interpret primary data relative to a biology experiment on the spot. 1 2 3 4 5 e. Develop a relevant and novelscientific question that can be investigated and answered experimentally. 1 2 3 4 5 f. Teach someone else a biological concept, principle, technique, or novel finding and its relevance. 1 2 3 4 5 g. (Skill that you included in your first LJ form) _efficiently read scientific articles______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. 1 2 3 4 5 2. Addressing one piece of feedback from your first LJ form. Please use this space to address one piece of feedback that you received on your first Learning Journal form. - Q: Factual knowledge that you expect to acquire. A: Specific information about transcription factors and how they work Q: What kind of info are you really interested in? A: I am interested in the Hox genes and how they work to set up the positional pattern in Drosophila. I am fascinated at its conserved order in the genes that corresponds to the physical body patterning (“colinearity of hox genes”). I think it will be interesting to study what types of Hox genes work at which time and their specific mechanisms. 3. Difficult and confusing points Student Name: Sonja Soo UBC ID:75829093 BIOL463 Week: 3 a. What is one thing that you are still confused about and you would want to have clarified? I am still confused at how some sequences can be enhancers in some cell types but silencers in other cell types. I know that each cell types has different proteins and constituents involved and thus do not express the same genes. It does make sense that some genes need to be expressed in some cells and repressed in others. However, I don’t understand how this can work mechanistically given that DNA sequences are specific and thus there would be two types of proteins that bind to this sequence, and in one cell type this would be a repressor protein and in another it would be a transcription factor? b. How do you think having this point/ “thing” clarified would help you? What would you do with it? How would you use it? Knowing this would help me gain a deeper understanding of distal regulatory elements and how different cells can be different despite originating from one cell. This knowledge will help me understand how proteins interact with enhancers and silencers to give different cell profiles. Evidence Student Name: Sonja Soo #1 UBC ID:75829093 BIOL463 Week: 3 Student Name: Sonja Soo UBC ID:75829093 BIOL463 Week: 3 #2 I read this paper “CNP and DPYSL2 mRNA Expression and Promoter Methylation Levels in Brain of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients” where the researchers found CNP and DPYSL2 mRNA in deceased Alzheimer’s Disease Patients. From the skills I have learned about data interpretation, I know that just because there is a correlation between these proteins expressed in higher amounts in Alzheimer’s patients, does not necessarily mean these proteins cause Alzheimer ’s disease; it is possible that having Alzheimer’s Disease causes these genes to have higher expression, or a third variable causing both higher amounts of CNP and DPYSL2 as well as Alzheimer’s disease. #3 Student Name: Sonja Soo UBC ID:75829093 BIOL463 Week: 3