MAYNARD – INTERNET MARKETING TOPIC Marketing & New Product Basics Essential Question How can I satisfy customers? How can I be successful? DATE NAME Do Now 1: Read the article Never Trust the Experts. Remember these the next time someone says your idea won't work. 1. I think there is a world market for… maybe five computers 2. there is no reason anyone would want... a computer in their home 3. this telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication device is inherently... of no value to us 4. the concept of Fed ex is interesting and well formed, but in order to earn better than a CE. The idea must be... feasible 5. the concept of a Post-it note, if I had thought about it I wouldn't have done the experiment the literature was full of examples that said... you can't do this 6. everything that can be invented... has been invented read the Did You Know section 7. UPS was founded by Jim Casey. He was... 19 at the time AIM: Competencies MKTG8125.044 Explain the marketing concept and its application to an Internet Presence MKTG8125.45 Explain the marketing mix MKTG8125.046 Explain the functions of marketing and their relationship to Internet Marketing MKTG8125.047 Distinguish between market segmentation and target marketing MKTG8125.048 Describe the importance of positioning in marketing MKTG8125.049 Describe the importance of developing new products/services MKTG8125.050 Describe the importance of branding in marketing Related SOL’s English 10.4 the student will read and interpret a variety of informational materials. English 11.4 the student will read and analyze a variety of informational materials. English 12.4 the student will read & analyze a variety of informational materials incl. electronic resources. Govt.14 The student will demonstrate knowledge of economic systems Govt. 15 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the US market economy Govt.17 The student will demonstrate knowledge of personal character traits that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in civic life 1 Class Discussion Term Marketing Definition/Details Process of developing, promoting, and distributing products or services to SATISFY customers needs and wants Marketing concept** Satisfy customers Satisfy Customers On your own, describe what it means for a customer to be satisfied: Think Pair Share Discuss your description with a partner, be prepared to share with the class Market All potential customers to share warrants and willingness to buy product customer Buys the product consumer Uses the product Customer vs. Consumer On your own think of an example of a customer who is also a consumer (be Think Share prepared to share with the class) industrial Makes products to resell to consumers Goods Tangible products, ex. Sports equipment Services Intangible products, ex. Live concert Goods & Services On your own think of an example of a company who sells both goods and services Think Share (be prepare to share with the class) Approaches to sell Market segmentation 1. Demographics – age, gender, income, job, ethnic background, education 2. Psychographics – attitudes, lifestyles, behaviors 3. Geographics – local, regional, national, global 4. Product benefits – ex. Shampoo for those with color treated hair vs. dry hair Mass marketing Appeal to all audiences for basic products ex. Soda, chewing gum Alike and Different On your own, describe yourself in the following categories 2 Age: Gender: Ethnicity: Hobbies: Music Style: Create a list of your 10 favorite products 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. With a partner create the T chart below comparing how you are alike and how you are different ALIKE DIFFERENT Create a list of 5 products that you both like and could be “mass marketed” to both of you 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 Target Market** Focus all mktg decisions on a specific market of customers Target Market With a partner, discuss Pair Share Who do you think the target market is for following companies? Food Lion – Harris Teeter – Game Stop – Best Buy – Taco Bell – McDonalds – What clues can we find to help us? Marketing Mix** 4 P’s – Product, Place, Price, Promotion Positioning Get people to think of a product in a certain way ex. Axe body spray – cool, attractive Positioning Pair Share 1 Discuss with a partner: How is Gatorade trying to position its product? What clues can you find? Positioning Pair Share 2 Discuss with a partner: How is Dentine Ice trying to position its product? What clues can you find? Needs Basic necessities such as food, clothing, shelter Wants Things people desire, such as Gatorade (rather than just water) 4 Levels of Needs With a partner, come up with 2 – 3 products that meet the needs of each level of Pair Share the pyramid: Self actualization – Esteem – Love/Belonging – Safety – Physiological - Buying motives The reasons you buy a product or service Emotional motives Buying a product for reasons such as feelings and social status Rational motives Buying a product based on factual information and data Trends in Marketing Impact of technology Social responsibility REVIEW: Faster distribution Ecommerce Green products Identify the components of the marketing mix – P P P P Describe the marketing concept – S C Explain the concept of target marketing – G C F D ESSENTIAL QUESTION – How can I satisfy customers? 1. Target market – know _________________________ 2. Marketing Mix/4 P’s a. Product - _______________ b. Price - _______________ c. Promotion - ________________ d. Place - _____________________ 5 6 Marketing Concept Label each box with one of the 4 P’s of the Marketing Mix Label the circle with the definition for the Marketing Concept Write words, draw pictures, or find pictures on the computer that – describe ways you could satisfy the customer with each of the 4 P’s – PASTE THESE IN EACH BOX *Hint – Review the essential question review in your lecture notes 7 8 Explain the concept of Target Marketing Choose a company of your choice and describe its target market COMPANY ________________________________ Who do you think the target market for this company is? (circle your answers) Demographics Age range: Under 6 6-11 12-19 20-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Gender: Male Female Family Size: 1-2 3-4 5+ Family Lifecycle: young, single; young married, no kids; young, married w/ kids Older, married w/ kids; older, married, no kids under 18 older, single Income Level: High Middle Low Job: professional managers sales technical office farmer student retired homemaker unemployed Ethnicity: Caucasian African American Hispanic Asian Other__________ Education: High School Some College Bachelors Masters + Psychographics Socail Class: lower class working class middle class upper middle upper upper Personality: Happy Critical Detailed Organized Artistic Other__________ Lifestyles: Athlete Gardener Shopper Music Lover Other_________ Geographics Location: Continent________ Country_________ Region ________ City __________ Climate: cold warm hot dry wet Density: urban suburban rural Product Benefits Occasions: regular special Benefits: quality service cheap convenient User Status: non user ex-user potential user first-time user regular user Usage rate: light user medium user heavy user Loyalty status: none medium strong absolute Options: Write a detailed target market description Create a collage of pictures describing the company’s target market Perform a song that describes the company’s target market Act out a short play that describes the company’s target market Create an acrostic device that describes the target market Create a mathematical formula or equation that describes the target market Criteria – Pts Pts Possible Includes all 4 categories 20 Appropriate for company chosen 4 Creative and unique 1 TOTAL 25 9 TERMS/TOPICS DEFINITIONS/DETAILS CLASS LECTURE & DISCUSSION – NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Product item A specific good service or idea ex. Rockband3 Product line A group of products closely related ex. Video Games & Gadgets Product mix All product lines in a company ex. Best Buy producs & services SKU Stock keeping unit ex. Nintendo Wii Rockband 3 Durable goods Last more than 1 use ex. Clothing, cars Non-durable goods Last one or very few uses ex. Gum, food Consumer goods Used by the ultimate consumer ex. laptop Convenience goods Purchase frequently w/ little effort ex. Milk, toilet paper Shopping goods Compare several alternatives ex. Clothing, shoes Specialty goods Make a special effort to research ex. House, car, furniture Unsought goods Doesn’t know about or initially want ex. Disability insurance, burial plot, new Industrial goods Used in production of products ex. Harddrive Production goods Items used to make final product ex. memory chips Support goods Items used in support of production ex. Office supplies, building, equip, tools Product life cycle Sales over time in a product lifecycle 1. Introduction Slow sales, high prices, few choices ex. Hybrid cars 2. Growth Sales increase, price lowers, more choices ex. Portable DVD players 3. Maturity Sales level off, price levels off, generic choices ex. Cell phones 4. Decline Sales drop off, price decreases, limited choices ex. VCR’s Product development process 1. Idea generation 2. Analysis 3. Create Prototype Reasons new products fail 1. no significant point of difference 2. poor craftsmanship Consumer Electronics Show List some of the ideas that you like: 4. Test Market 5. Sell 3. small market 10 NOTES DAY 1 8.1 E-Commerce Revenue Models page 158 -160 Revenue model Describes how your company generates income Consumer goods Physical items that people buy for personal or household use As such, Salon’s revenue 1. the articles which it sells to its readers model covers 3 distinct 2. its readership base which it markets to advertisers products: 3. its books which it sells directly to consumers and to book stores Product sales The most basic revenue model involves selling one product or related product line to customers who use your web site as they would a print catalog There are 2 types of products 1. products you make which you should sell at a high price than they cost to make you can sell 2. products you buy, which you should sell at a higher price than you paid for them Wholesalers Are businesses that sell products in large quantities to stores or distributors at discounted prices, rather than directly to the public NOTES DAY 2 pages 160 - 161 Ad sales Websites can sell advertising space as a source of revenue Although Yahoo! Search It does not charge for its service provides a valuable service to Internet users, Instead, it sells Advertising on its site Companies also pay Yahoo! prominent placement on Yahoo!’s search results for When you start an online Your web site will be virtually unknown business, Although your business may From other small businesses that sell similar products or appeal to similar audiences. be small, it is possible to attract advertising revenue Once you’ve built up a large You can begin selling ad space on your own customer base NOTES DAY 3 Page 161 e-zines May allow subscribers unlimited access to its site or regularly deliver its content to subscribers by email The New York Times offers special services such as access to the paper’s rich archives most of its daily articles for free but requires subscribers to pay for 11 Some online news and Require uses to register with their sites information services don’t’ charge a subscription fee but Then they generate income by Subscriber lists to other Web sites that want to reach the same types of customers selling their A blog is a Public online journal kept by a writer or blogger whose views or activities might be of interst to readers One of the first and most Matt Drudge’s Drudge Report successful blogs is NOTES DAY 4 Page 161 An affiliate program is A partnership in which you deliver your websit’e’s customers to other online businesses In exchange for bringing You receive a commission, or a percentage of the sales they make on that business business to your affiliates, Amazon lets smaller stores For a fee sell on its site And pays a fee to smaller That send customers to amazon sites Licensing The granting of permission to use intellectual property such as music, photos, software programs, and inventions No one can legally copy Your material without paying for it To protect yourself, you can Copywriting your material and keeping track of anyone who visits your site do this by 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Marketing Concept Distribution Financing Marketing Info Mgt Pricing Product/Service Mgt Promotion Selling Marketing Functions Consumer Market Customer Industrial Goods Services Approaches to Sell Market Segmentation 1. 2. 3. 4. Mass Marketing Demographics Psychographics Geographics Product Benefits Target Market Market Mix – 4 P’s Product Place Price Promotion 13 Product Planning Web Product Mix Product Line Product ___Service___ ____Product______ ___Non-Durable__ ___Durable_______ Consumer Goods 1.Convenience 2.Shopping 3.Specialty 4.Unsought Industrial Goods 1.Production 2.Support Product Life Cycle 3. Maturity SALES 2. Growth 4. Decline 1. Intro TIME Product Development Process 1. Idea Generation 2. Analysis 3. Create Prototype 4. Test Market 5. Sell Reasons New Products Fail #1. no significant point of difference 2. poor craftsmanship 3. small market 14 Brainstorming, Screening, Analysis & Selection of New Product Ideas 1. Brainstorm for a new product 2. Screen ideas 3. Evaluate alternatives 4. Business analysis 5. Selection 1. Brainstorm for a new product (MINIMUM 25 PRODUCTS) a. Rules i. DON’T JUDGE ii. RAPID FIRE iii. FORGET ASSUMPTIONS!! b. Techniques Free association First thing that comes to mind Reverse Exact opposite of the ordinary Different perspectives Child vs. adult, male vs. female, athlete vs. non athlete Connect Two unrelated objects Minimal group method Scavenger hunt Connect Reverse Different Perspectives Minimal Group Method Free Association 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 15 2. Screen ideas (NARROW DOWN TO 8-10) - get rid of al definite no’s - combine ideas if needed or desired List best 8-10 below: 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. 4. 5. 8. 3. Evaluate Alternatives (NARROW DOWN TO 4-6) - analyze advantages & disadvantages from the top 8-10 - pick best 4-6 and list below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. Business Analysis (NARROW DOWN TO 2-3) - Answer the following questions for each New Product Idea Questions 1. a. is there a significant point of difference between this products and other on the market? b. can I make a prototype of this product? 2. a. is there a significant point of difference between this products and other on the market? b. can I make a prototype of this product? 3. a. is there a significant point of difference between this products and other on the market? b. can I make a prototype of this product? YES NO 5. Select New Product NEW PRODUCT IDEA CHOSEN – REASONS FOR SELECTION 1. 2. ****Mrs. Maynard’s approval BEFORE moving on _____________________________ 16 NAME: THE BEST NEW PRODUCT FOCUS GROUP RECORD SHEET Member Names Age or Grade Occupation Recommendations/Comments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 17 New Product Development Project MKTG8125.048 Describe the importance of positioning in marketing MKTG8125.049 Describe the importance of developing new products/services MKTG8125.050 Describe the importance of branding in marketing STEP CRITERIA DUE Type 1-5 in a Word document: 1. Determine Target Market Demographics Age range: Under 6 6-11 12-19 20-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Gender: Male Female Family Size: 1-2 3-4 5+ Family Lifecycle: young, single; young married, no kids; young, married w/ kids Older, married w/ kids; older, married, no kids under 18 older, single Income Level: High Middle Low Job: professional managers sales technical office farmer student retired homemaker unemployed Ethnicity: Caucasian African American Hispanic Asian Other__________ Education: High School Some College Bachelors Masters + Psychographics Socail Class: lower class working class middle class upper middle upper upper Personality: Happy Critical Detailed Organized Artistic Other__________ Lifestyles: Athlete Gardener Shopper Music Lover Other_________ Geographics Location: Continent________ Country_________ Region ________ City __________ Climate: cold warm hot dry wet Density: urban suburban rural Product Benefits Occasions: regular special Benefits: quality service cheap convenient User Status: non user ex-user potential user first-time user regular user Usage rate: light user medium user heavy user Loyalty status: none medium strong absolute 18 a. durable/nondurable 2. Classify Product b. consumer/industrial c. convenience/shopping/specialty/unsought d. intro/growth/maturity/decline a. key selling benefit of product – the point of difference (ONLY 1) 3. Describe Product Characteristics b. features of the product (at least 3) c. describe color and style options (at least 3) d. describe size ranges (at least 3) e. describe accessories (at least 3) a. Write a slogan for your product 4. Positioning & Branding b. Describe people, images and symbols you would use to position this product with your target market. c. Explain your rationale for these choices. d. What colors would you use in marketing and packaging this product? e. Why? 5. Plan Design of Prototype List all steps that will be involved (ex. First glue, then paint, etc.) List all materials needs: List all materials needed to bring from home: 1. DRAW PROFESSIONALLY on plain white or graphing paper or DESIGN on COMPUTER 2. must include labels for ALL features Draft Design of Prototype 3. must use lines/arrows to label must specify materials used in PROTOTYPE 19 FINAL PRODUCT AND PRESENTATION Create Prototype Must be made with quality craftsmanship 1. name, title, product idea, date 2. classify product 3. target market Create Presentation Slides: 4. key selling benefit – point of difference 5. product features 6. color/style options 7. accessories available 8. positioning and branding strategy 9. conclusion Present DRESS PROFESSIONAL or creative based on your product (ex. If you have a new sunscreen wear a Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses) 20 TEST MARKETING New Product Idea If YOU WERE a member of management for this company, would YOU recommend production of this new product? If YOU ARE a member of the target market for this product, would YOU buy this product? List your recommendations to improve this product (must list at least 1) (yes or no) (yes or no) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21