monroe doctrine

Nicholas DiPreta
Monroe Doctrine Assignment
George Washington, upon leaving office, issued a farewell address that set several
precedents and offered advice to the nation; advice that lives on to this day. Washington told of
the importance of not creating alliances with foreign nations, of maintaining a sense of
isolationism and separateness from all others. The presidents that followed Washington (until
Monroe), had established strong trading bonds with other nations, especially in mainland Europe.
The trading relationships upheld with European nations generated conflict, especially when
American ships tried to sail to France and were sunk or taken control of by British ships. Several
presidents gave preference to countries such as France or Britain, again against the precedents set
by Washington. The Monroe doctrine formally set the US foreign policy, permanently making us
the "big brother" in Latin America. The Monroe Doctrine was issued at the moment when the
European countries were looking to carve South America up amongst themselves. The Monroe
Doctrine stated that, the United States would not interfere with Europe, its wars or its affairs, and
that we expected the reciprocal. The Monroe doctrine established the United States as neutral
and peace-seeking, and offered its hand to every foreign nation simultaneously. This coincided
perfectly with Washington’s point of view.