The Monroe Doctrine (Handout)

The Monroe Doctrine (Handout)
Although these foreign agreements were of great importance to establishing
American Sovereignty, the cornerstone of Monroe’s foreign policy came in 1823
and has since been stamped with the president’s name. The origin of the Monroe
Doctrine is found in the turbulent years of the Napoleonic Wars. These wars
touched South America, sparking widespread revolution. After peace was reestablished in Europe in 1815, Spain began making noise about reclaiming its
colonies. President Monroe responded in his 1823 message to Congress with the
four principles now known as the Monroe Doctrine:
The American
In order to stimulate American economic growth following the War of 1812, the
gov’t pursued policies designed to foster industry and encourage CAPITALISM. A
group of Politicians led by Henry Clay promoted these policies, which became known
as the American System. They included a new national bank, a tariff to protect
American industry from foreign competition, and a system of internal improvement
– the construction of roads and canals to facilitate transportation.
Using the handout and textbook, complete the following organization chart to
document some of these changes under the American System.
Area of Change
Banks and Tariffs
(Important terms/people: Second bank of the United
States, Tariff)
Factories and
(Important terms/people: Francis Lowell, textile,
Roads and Canals
(Important terms/people: National Road, Erie Canal)
Economic Growth
(Important terms/people: Panic of 1819, Cotton)