Introduction To Criminal Law Day 1

Those in group "A" are all shoplifters, "B" are swindlers, "H" are purse snatchers, "E" are murderers, etc
Human beings are
rational, and make
decisions freely and with
understanding of
Persons rationally choose
actions that will bring
them pleasure.
Crime is an immoral form
of behaviour.
Punishment is because
people choose to commit
a crime.
The punishment should
be severe enough to
deter criminals from
committing a crime.
The punishment should
fit the crime.
Focused on
biological and
factors to explain
criminal behaviour
rather than legal
◦ Lombroso “born
criminal theory”
◦ XYY theory
◦ Proposed by Emile
◦ Argued that as society
moved from rural to urban,
traditional values that
regulated behaviour
◦ People would turn to crime
living in a big city, no
longer restrained by norms
of society
◦ Called this state of
isolation “anomie”
◦ Argued that criminal
behaviour was
encouraged or fostered
in certain environments
◦ Communities that
suffered from high
poverty & social
disintegration were
more likely to condone
criminal activity than
affluent areas
◦ Consensus theorists
assume there is a
universal definition
of right and wrong
and that criminal law
reflects this
◦ Argue that criminal
laws prohibit
behaviours that
society agrees are
◦ Argues that people commit
crimes when they believe
they cannot achieve their
desires and goals through
legitimate means.
◦ The stress of goals of
acquiring wealth (success
and power), and the means
to achieve these goals
(education, economic
resources) are denied to
the economically
◦ Suggests the key
influences leading to
criminal behaviour
are found in
upbringing, peer
groups, and role
◦ Argues that some human
traits such as intelligence,
personality, chemical and
genetic makeup may
predispose people to engage
in criminal behaviour
◦ Research suggests that the
following can cause a person
to become a criminal
 Poor diet (“Twinkie Defense”)
 Influence of hormones
 Exposure to drugs/alcohol in the
◦ Focus on the study of
brain activity and
how neurological
dysfunctions are
connected with
criminal activity
 Twin studies