2nd Quarterly Progress Report (April-June, 2014) Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh Sub-Project No – SRCWP/29-7/2013/779 July 2014 Bangladesh Country Office 2ndQuarterly Progress Report (April-June 2014) Sub-Project Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh Project No – SRCWP/29-7/2013/779 Submitted to: Project Implementation Unit Strengthening Regional Cooperation for Wildlife Protection Project Bangladesh Forest Department Ban Bhaban (Old), Mohakhali, Dhaka. Prepared and submitted by: IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Bangladesh Country Office House 11, Road 138, Gulshan-1 Dhaka 1212. Phone: +8802 9890423, 9890395; ext-111 Fax: +8802 9892854 Web: www.iucn.org/bangladesh July 2014 Page ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Sub-Project Overview ................................................................................................. 1 1.1.1 The IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM ..................................................... 1 1.1.2 Project Objectives and Results............................................................................. 1 1.1.3 Activities .............................................................................................................. 2 2. SUB-PROJECT ACTIVITY DETAIL ........................................................................... 3 2.1 Project Activity Planning ..................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Formation of National Committee for Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh (NCUSR) .......................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 Develop Red List assessment framework and implementation action plan ........................ 3 2.4 RAG-Butterfly Survey ......................................................................................................... 3 2.5 Meeting with the Chief Conservator of Forest (CCF) ......................................................... 4 2.6 Red List Project Coordination Meeting ............................................................................... 4 2.7 Meeting on Service procurement for purchasing species data, information and assessment .................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.8 Documentation formats ........................................................................................................ 7 2.9 Monthly Review Workshop: ................................................................................................ 7 2.10 Skill development training by the IUCN Red List unit ..................................................... 8 2.11 GIS mapping of the species ............................................................................................... 8 2.12 Updating Biodiversity Data bank of Species Information System (SIS) ........................... 8 2.13 Development of National Biodiversity Database .............................................................. 9 2.14 Publishing the Red List Books and DVD .......................................................................... 9 2.15 Communication material development, printing and distribution ..................................... 9 2.16 Data and information collection......................................................................................... 9 2.17 Procurement of Good and Furniture’s ............................................................................... 9 3. SUB-PROJECT FINANCIAL DETAIL ...................................................................... 10 4. ANNEXURE ................................................................................................................... 19 Annex I: Meeting minutes on National Committee for Updating Species Red Lit of Bangladesh (NC-USR)......................................................................................................... 19 Annex II : Butterfly Survey Report ..................................................................................... 23 Annex III: Meeting Minutes of CCF and National Chief Technical Expert........................ 24 Annex IV : Meeting Minutes on Red list Coordination Meeting ........................................ 25 Annex V : Sample RAG- monthly plan ............................................................................... 26 Annex VI : Sample of the Requisition Format .................................................................... 27 Annex VII : Sample of the Assessor Entry Form ................................................................ 28 Annex VIII : Sample of the Assessor Work Order .............................................................. 29 Annex IX: Sample of the Species Assessment Sheet .......................................................... 30 Annex X: Sample of Species Checklist Documentation of RAG Review Workshop ........ 33 Annex XI : 1st Training Workshop Report .......................................................................... 34 Annex XII : Species Distribution Map with AOO & EOO ................................................ 35 Annex XIII : Sample of Species Assessment and Assessor Profile’s Snap Shot from database ................................................................................................................................ 36 Annex XIV: Assessment Summary Sheets-June 2014 ........................................................ 37 Page iii 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Sub-Project Overview The Forest Department of Government of Bangladesh is implementing a project titled ‘Strengthening Regional Cooperation for Wildlife Protection Project’. Funding for this project is from the World Bank (WB). The project has provision to commission sub-projects that are in line with the project objectives. In response to calls for concept note and submission of the full project proposal, the SRCWP project has awarded IUCN Bangladesh Country Office a sub-project titled “Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh (Project No - SRCWP/29-7/2013/779)” along with Forest Department as its partner. Duration of the project is 2 years, starting from 8th December 2013 to 7thNovember 2015 and estimated cost of the project is BDT 57,324,000.00/-. The project was awarded on 24thNovember 2013 (letter no SRCWP/29-7/2013/779) and the formal MOU between IUCN and Forest Department was signed on 8th December 2013. 1.1.1 The IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is widely recognized as the most comprehensive global approach for evaluating the conservation status of plant and animal species. The IUCN Red List data is used to inform the development of national, regional and sub-national legislation on threatened species protection, and also the development of national biodiversity strategies and action plans. It is also used to inform multi-lateral agreements such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In 2000, the IUCN Bangladesh Country Office published the first Red Book in Bangladesh, where a total of 201 species, including fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals were considered threatened according to Bangladesh National Criteria. A decade has passed since the Red List Assessment has been done in Bangladesh. In September, 2003, the Assessment Criteria has been changed globally and as a result, most countries are re-assessing or updating their list based on the new assessment process. So, there was an urgent need for Bangladesh to re-assess the status of the species. 1.1.2 Project Objectives and Results Goal: The goal of The IUCN Red List is “to provide information and analyses on the status, trends and threats to species in order to inform and catalyze action for biodiversity conservation”. Outcome: The outcome includes the "traditional" role of the IUCN Red List: Identified particular species at risk of extinction and underpinned priority-setting processes for single species remains of critical importance Encompassed the use of data from the Red List for multi-species analyses in order to identify and monitor trends in species status and to catalyze appropriate conservation action. Objective: To achieve this goal, the IUCN Red List aims to reduce the knowledge gap of species status by revising the previous Red List of Bangladesh using recent Red List assessment criteria version 3.1. The specific objectives of the project are to: Page 1 Establish a baseline from which to monitor the change status of species; Provide a global context for the establishment of conservation priorities at the local level; Capacity building of the country professionals in assessing the species status following global standard assessment criteria; Monitor, on a continuing basis, the status of a representative selection of species (as biodiversity indicators) that cover all the major ecosystems of the country; 1.1.3 Activities The previous Red List is outdated as several new species are explored in recent times as well as the status of certain species also been changed. A current initiative through this project will update Red List for seven groups of wildlife (Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Aves, Fresh Water Fishes, Crustaceans and Butterflies) approximately 1700 species in all. The project activities will be concentrated in all over the country with the involvement of scientists, experts, conservationist, officials of Forest Department and IUCN. The following steps outline the processes necessary to implement nomenclature revision and status update for the Bangladesh Red List: Result 1: Determined species conservation status and trends and identified species and ecosystems under the greatest threat. Activity 1.1. Mobilization of the resources Activity 1.2. Formation of National Red List Assessment Committee (NRAC) Activity 1.3. Develop Red List assessment framework and implementation action plan Activity 1.4. Functioning of Red List Assessment Groups (RAGs) Activity 1.5. Independent Review by the Red List unit of IUCN Result 2: Built in-country capacity to produce a further National Red List by providing equipment and training and ensured the sustainability of its through developing National Biodiversity Database as well as a network of national and international experts. Activity 2.1. Skill development training by the IUCN Red List unit Activity 2.2. GIS based species mapping Activity 2.3. Updating Biodiversity Databank of Species Information System (SIS) Activity 2.4. Development of National Biodiversity Database Result 3: Highlighted knowledge gaps and promoted development of effective conservation policies and action plan on threatened species. Activity 3.1. Communication material development, printing and distribution Activity 3.2: Publishing the Red List Activity 3.3: National Dissemination Workshop on Red List of species Page 2 2. SUB-PROJECT ACTIVITY DETAIL 2.1. Project Activity Planning The previous Red List done in 2001 is outdated as several new species are explored in recent times as well as the status of certain species also been changed. This study will update the Red List of seven set of species. These are birds; amphibians; reptiles; mammals; freshwater fishes; crustacean and butterfly. The project activities will be disseminated all over the country with the involvement of scientists, experts, conservationist, officials of Forest Department and IUCN. 2.2 Formation of National Committee for Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh (NCUSR) National Committee for Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh in short NC-USR. It is an inter-ministerial committee chaired by the Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF). Chief Conservator of Forest (CCF), Bangladesh Forest Department will act as the Member Secretary. The committee consists of 19 members representing from concerned govt. agencies, research organizations, universities, civil societies and IUCN. The purpose of this committee is to ensure ownership of the updated species Red List so that different govt. agencies set their conservation policies to save the species under risk. The committee is awaiting for notifying by the Secretary, MoEF. Letter sent by the CCF, FD for the approval of the committee is attached in an Annex I. 2.3 Develop Red List assessment framework and implementation action plan Assessment process, List of species to be assessed and assessor to be engaged in this process already finalized. The final action plan will be made through national workshops in August'14. 2.4 RAG-Butterfly Survey UCN Bangladesh initiated "Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh" by revising previous Red List of Bangladesh back to 13 years. This is the first time to include Butterfly group in Bangladesh to determine its conservation status. Some information gap existing in this venture like present status of taxon, their abundance, population size, GPS coordinate, habitat condition and their threats. Therefore the butterfly group went out for a tour to fill the gaps and collect more information to strengthen the previous outcome. The tour summary report develops based on physical visit of 04 geo-locations, under 02 districts of Chittagong division during 28th March to 01st April, 2014 attached in Annex II. The locations includes precise forest areas of Seeta Pahar (GPS coordinates, 22°29'25.94'' N 092°10'43.96'' E - 22°29'38.26'' N 092°10'42.18'' E), Raam pahar (GPS coordinates 22°29.741' N 092°11.176' E 22°29.883' N 092°10.589' E) hailed from kaptai upizilla under the Rangamati district and Boga Lake (GPS coordinates 21°58.690' N 092°28.174' E - 21°58.823' N 092°28.289' E) and Thanchi area (GPS coordinates 21°48.932' N 092°26.299' E - 21°48.920' N 092°26.364' E) under the Bandarban district. Summary outcomes of the field survey are furnished below: Butterfly of the Nymphalidae family dominated in the all surveyed areas Rich vegetation (both host and nectar plants) stored both Seeta and Raam Pahar area of Kaptai Page 3 Butterfly vegetation types are literally similar found both in Seeta Pahar and Raam Pahar Anthropogenic disturbance prevail all the locations, mainly Jhum cultivation and collection of forest resources for daily usage by adjacent residing villagers. Common Birdwing a globally threatened species existence is prevailing at Kaptai and Thanchi area. White Dragontail, a globally vulnerable species existence is prevailing at Kaptai area. More research is required to know its ecology and biology Jungleglory (Thaumantis diores Doubleday, 1845), a new taxon recorded for the first time in Bangladesh after 165 years of its first sighting by a British nature lover. Further research is required to know its ecology and biology. 2.5 Meeting with the Chief Conservator of Forest (CCF) A project briefing meeting was held on 2nd April, 2014 at the Conference Room of IUCN Bangladesh Country Office. The bi-lateral meeting was arranged to provide an overview of the Red List Assessment Process and also on the project progress. Mr. Md. Yunus Ali, Chief Conservator of Forests, Forest Department, Dr. Reza Khan, Chief National Technical Expert and Mr. Mohammad ShahadMahabub Chowdhury, Project Manager, Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh were present at the meeting. Meeting Minutes have attached in Annex III. 2.6 Red List Project Coordination Meeting The first project coordination meeting of the Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh was held on 3rd April, 2014 at the Conference Room of IUCN Bangladesh Country Office. The meeting was arranged to provide an overview of the Red List Assessment Process and also on the project progress. Dr. Reza Khan, Chief National Technical Expert, Dr. Aparup Chowdhury, Project Director, Strengthening Regional Co-operation of Wildlife Protection Project (SRCWP) and representatives of the Forest Department for seven different groups were also present at the meeting. Meeting Minutes attached in Annex IV. 2.7 Meeting on Service procurement for purchasing species data, information and assessment A meeting was held on Service procurement for purchasing species data, information and assessment of the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, crustaceans and butterflies for the Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh Project on 8 May, 2014. Representatives of the Forest Department and relevant IUCN officials were present in the meeting. Major decision taken at that meeting, are: 1. As per the MoU between IUCN Bangladesh Country Office and the Strengthening Regional Cooperation for Wildlife Protection Project, Bangladesh Forest Department, for service procurement for purchasing data, information and assessment of the species for the project titled, “Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh” under activities which T9 codes are RED-B04, RED-B06, RED-B08, RED-B10, RED-B12, RED-B14 and RED-B16 and maximum value of the cost are respectively Tk. 265000/-, Tk. 790000/-, Tk. 620000/-, Tk. 1350000/-, Tk. 925000/-, Tk. 3590000/- and Tk. 1500000/-, no tender is required as species data, information and assessment are solely owned by the individual scientists/assessors. 2. Data, information and assessment will be purchased through service procurement for maximum 1700 species @ maximum BDT 5000.00 per species. Page 4 3. The procedure that must be followed during service procurement for purchasing of data, information and assessment of the species are: a. Lead Assessor (LA) of the respective Red List Assessment Group (RAG) will select the assessors to be assigned to assess the species and data collection based on the investigation of data availability, experience and publications of journals, books, articles, etc. through personal communication, monthly meeting and stocktaking. b. LA will submit monthly species assessment plan mentioning the species name and assigned assessors to the Project Manager (Principal Investigator). (Example attached) c. PM will send it to Chief National Technical Expert (CNTA) of the project for final endorsement. d. IUCN will provide service procurement requisition for the species specifying required data types using prescribed “Service Procurement Request Form”, which must be endorsed by the PM, Finance Manager and Head of the Station (Request Form attached). e. Assigned assessor will submit his CV and prescribed Red List Assessor Entry Form that must be endorsed by the respective LA and PM (attached herewith). f. IUCN will issue a work order mentioning the Terms and Conditions to render services for supplying data, information and assessment of the species using a prescribed format (work order format attached herewith). g. Assigned assessor/scientist will supply data, information and assessment of the species to the respective LA using a prescribed format (Assessment Sheet attached herewith). h. Lead Assessor will provide clearance of the acceptance of data, information and assessment of the species to the PM based on the monthly meeting and also getting sign-off from the CNTA. i. PM will process invoices/bills submitted by the assessor upon getting clearance of the acceptances from both LA and CNTA following the IUCN standard rules of payment. j. All payments are payable in bank cheques. 4. These above decisions are being taken to ensure smooth execution of these highly technical activities. 5. The rules of procedure of data purchase will be applied upon getting approval by the Project Director, Strengthening Regional Cooperation for Wildlife Protection Project, Bangladesh Forest Department and also from IUCN authority. Process of procuring species data, information and assessment is given in the following flow chart: Page 5 SPECIES ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES MAMMALS BIRDS REPTILES AMPHIBIA FISH FARZANA ISLAM (PA) IUCN will provide “Service Procurement Request Form” to the Assessors IUCN will arrange Work Order, Invoice and Bill for all Individuals PA will arrange Review Workshop with the help of LA Chief National Technical Expert will monitor all procedures CRUSTACEAN BUTTERFLIES SELINA SULTANA (PA) MONTHLY PLAN Mentioning the species name and assigned assessors LEAD ASSESSOR LA will select the assessors to assess the species and submit monthly plan to PM PROJECT MANAGER LA will submit final submition to PM CNTE PM will submit to Chief National Technical Expert Page 6 2.8 Documentation formats A number of documentations have been designed to keep the records of the assessment work. Samples of those documents are listed below and attached in the Annexes: Sample of the RAG monthly plan is attached in Annex V Sample of Requisition Format is attached in Annex VI Sample of Assessor Entry Form is attached in Annex VII Sample of Assessor Work Order is attached in Annex VIII Sample of Species Assessment Sheet is attached in Annex IX Sample of Checklist of Documentation to be used in the Review Workshop is attached in Annex X 2.9 Monthly Review Workshop: Total 7 monthly review workshops were held in June, 14 from all RAG. Dates are furnished in the following table: RAG Amphibia Bird Butterfly Crustacean Fish Reptile Mammal Review Workshop Date 23 June 14 26 June 14 19 June 14 23 June 14 24 June 14 23 June 14 25 June 14 Photographs of the Monthly Review Workshops Page 7 2.10 Skill development training by the IUCN Red List unit Skill development training is under processing. The first training workshop was held from 20-21 April, 2014. Second and third training workshops will be held in mid July 2014. Total 36 assessors have been trained. Training report is attached in Annex XI. 2.11 GIS mapping of the species GIS mapping of the assessed species is ongoing. Besides, additional three grid maps were produced to help the assessors in estimating the AOO and EOO of the species that required for assessing the species as per red list guideline. Those are: 1. National map with standard grid size 2x2 sq. km. and assisted natural features like district boundary, main rivers, protected area, etc. 2. Grid map with detailed rivers network and dry season wetlands. 3. Stand alone detailed rivers map. A sample of the species distribution map showing AOO and EOO is attached in Annex XII. 2.12 Updating Biodiversity Data bank of Species Information System (SIS) Biodiversity Data bank of Species Information System will be done after final assessment. However, preliminary data of the assessed species of June'14 have already been inserted in the database. (Annex XIII). In addition, the project has hired a domain name for the proposed website which is now under construction. www.iucnredlistbd.org Page 8 2.13 Development of National Biodiversity Database Project has developed an access based database to keep record of the assessors and the species to be assessed, however, the structure of the database will be designed at the second year of the project. 2.14 Publishing the Red List Books and DVD Designing of a common format of the Red List books to be published is under processing. 2.15 Communication material development, printing and distribution Under this activity the project has developed and printed different communication materials such as Folders, Note Books, Office Files, Laptop Bags, Pens and Banners. 2.16 Data and information collection During the reporting period, total 199 species were assessed engaging 50 assessors (Following Table). All species assessment sheets were collected in both hard and soft copies (Annex XIV). Sl Red List Assessment Group (RAG) 1 Amphibia 2 Bird 3 Butterfly 4 Crustacean 5 Fish 6 Reptile 7 Mammal Total Species Total Assigned Species June-14) 13 50 52 35 43 13 14 220 Total Assessed Species (June-14) 11 39 52 35 43 9 10 199 Number of Assessors 8 10 6 5 8 6 7 50 2.17 Procurement of Good and Furniture’s Two wooden file racks and two GPS machines were procured during this tenure. Page 9 3. SUB-PROJECT FINANCIAL DETAIL IUCN has submitted monthly statements of expenditures for the months of December’13 to June'14. However, current status cumulatively for the month of June’14 is given below. Total 35% of the year one budget has been expended so far by 30 June’14.Total expenditure upto June’14 is BDT 9,803,747.82 /-. Total fund received so far 20% of the budget in two installments (Signing money and Inception Report). Please find a breakdown of expenditures in the following table: Page 10 Table: Financial Progress of the 1st Quarter (Apr to Jun'14) Year-1 A. Name of Category 2(a) Goods 2(b) Works 2(c) Consultants' Services 2(d) Training & Workshops 2(e) Operating Costs * Total Year-2 Total Econo mic Code (GoB) ACTUAL EXPENDITURE Budgeted Balance (Year-1) Dec'13 Jan'14 Feb'14 Mar'14 Apr'14 May'14 Jun'14 Total Year1 1,027,000.00 199,694. 00 187,500.0 0 384,280.0 0 - 83,550.00 - 15,700.00 870,724.00 106,276.00 12,025,000. 00 28,838,000.0 0 - 23,953.00 1,143,009. 00 32,240.0 0 309,052.0 0 141,202.0 0 1,202,803. 00 2,852,259. 00 13,960,741. 00 8,692,698.4 7 9,175,187.3 6 17,867,885.8 3 24,800.0 0 592,369.8 6 652,483.2 8 519,681. 33 962,374.3 3 512,374.3 3 522,121.33 3,786,204. 46 4,906,494.0 1 200,000.00 600,000.00 800,000.00 - - - - 228,400.0 0 3,800.00 (47,500.00 ) 184,700.00 15,300.00 5,097,108.0 0 3,694,000.0 0 8,791,108.00 60,828.9 0 123,447.0 0 197,378.4 0 75,950.5 0 153,219.7 0 104,510.5 0 459,969.98 1,175,304. 98 3,921,803.0 2 31,779,806. 47 25,544,187. 36 57,323,993.8 3 285,322. 90 927,269.8 6 2,377,150. 68 627,871. 83 1,736,596. 03 761,886.8 3 2,153,094. 31 8,869,192. 44 22,910,614. 03 150,000.00 50,000.00 200,000.00 14,000.00 213,694.00 (63,694.00) 440,000.00 - 440,000.00 1,700.00 386,300.00 53,700.00 75,000.00 - 75,000.00 52,600.00 52,600.00 22,400.00 8,580.00 8,580.00 3,420.00 120,000.0 0 120,000.00 - - 40,000.00 9,550.00 50,450.00 1 2 3= (1+2) 977,000.00 50,000.00 16,813,000. 00 B. Name of Category 2 (a) Goods Office Furniture and Equipment Computer/laptop Printer Modem Photo copier-1 Scanner-1 Mobile phone 12,000.00 - 12,000.00 120,000.00 - 120,000.00 40,000.00 - 40,000.00 60,000.00 - 60,000.00 6821 6815 6815 6815 6819 199,694. 00 187,500.0 0 197,100.0 0 6819 6819 6,000.00 3,550.00 Page 11 Year-1 A. Name of Category GPS-2 2 (a) Goods * 2 (b) Works Formation National Redlist Assessment Committee (Annual meetings)- 2 no. Develop Assessment framework and implementation action plan Functioning of Redlist Assessment group (7) Amphibians group-Lead Assessor (LA-AMP) - 1 Amphibians group-cost for assessment of 53 species by Co-Assessors (CA-AMP) @ BDT5000/per species Reptiles group-Lead Assessor (LA-REP) - 1 Reptiles group-cost for assessment of 158 species by Co-Assessors (CA-REP) @ BDT5000/per species Mammals group-Lead Assessor (LA-MAM) - 1 Mammals group-cost for assessment of 124 species by Co-Assessors (CA-MAM) @ BDT5000/- per species Fish group-Lead Year-2 Total 1 2 3= (1+2) 80,000.00 - 80,000.00 977,000.00 50,000.00 1,027,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 300,000.00 - 300,000.00 Econo mic Code (GoB) ACTUAL EXPENDITURE Dec'13 Jan'14 Feb'14 Mar'14 6812 Apr'14 May'14 Jun'14 80,000.00 199,694. 00 187,500.0 0 384,280.0 0 - 83,550.00 - 15,700.00 4829 4829 2,435.00 Total Year1 Budgeted Balance (Year-1) 80,000.00 - 870,724.00 106,276.00 - 20,000.00 2,435.00 297,565.00 86,250.00 213,750.00 55,000.00 210,000.00 129,375.00 320,625.00 30,000.00 760,000.00 129,375.00 320,625.00 30,000.00 590,000.00 300,000.00 150,000.00 450,000.00 265,000.00 - 265,000.00 450,000.00 150,000.00 600,000.00 790,000.00 - 790,000.00 450,000.00 150,000.00 600,000.00 620,000.00 - 620,000.00 4829 86,250.00 4829 4829 55,000.00 129,375.0 0 4829 4829 4829 30,000.00 129,375.0 0 30,000.00 4829 Page 12 Year-1 A. Name of Category Assessor (LA-FIS) - 1 Fish group-cost for assessment of 270 species by Co-Assessors (CA-FIS) @ BDT5000/per species Crustacean group-Lead Assessor (LA-CRU) - 1 Crustacean group-cost for assessment of 185 species by Co-Assessors (CA-CRU) @ BDT5000/per species Bird group-Lead Assessor (LA-BIR) - 1 Bird group-cost for assessment of 718 species by Co-Assessors (CA-BIR) @ BDT5000/per species Butterfly group-Lead Assessor (LA-BUT) - 1 Butterfly group-cost for assessment of 300 species by Co-Assessors (CA-BUT) @ BDT5000/per species Endorsement and screening by RAGs (3 major groups@quarterly) 3 Major Groups Monthly Meetings Independent Review by Redlist Unit (Consultancy Fees of Reviewers) Year-2 Total 1 2 3= (1+2) 600,000.00 300,000.00 900,000.00 850,000.00 500,000.00 1,350,000.00 450,000.00 150,000.00 600,000.00 925,000.00 - 925,000.00 900,000.00 600,000.00 1,500,000.00 2,000,000.0 0 1,590,000.0 0 3,590,000.00 600,000.00 300,000.00 900,000.00 1,000,000.0 0 500,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,800,000.0 0 1,800,000.0 0 3,600,000.00 135,000.00 135,000.00 270,000.00 500,000.00 300,000.00 800,000.00 Econo mic Code (GoB) ACTUAL EXPENDITURE Dec'13 Jan'14 Feb'14 Mar'14 Apr'14 Total Year1 Budgeted Balance (Year-1) 172,500.00 427,500.00 215,000.00 635,000.00 204,375.00 245,625.00 175,000.00 750,000.00 258,750.00 641,250.00 170,000.00 1,830,000.0 0 172,500.00 427,500.00 260,000.00 260,000.00 740,000.00 16,627.00 29,910.00 65,637.00 1,734,363.0 0 5,225.00 36,333.00 67,845.00 67,155.00 - 500,000.00 May'14 Jun'14 172,500.0 0 4829 215,000.00 4829 129,375.0 0 75,000.00 4829 175,000.00 4829 258,750.0 0 4829 170,000.00 4829 172,500.0 0 4829 4829 4829 4829 10,100.00 9,000.00 13,853.00 11,379.00 1,055.00 Page 13 Year-1 A. Name of Category Skill development on Redlist assessment process by IUCN Redlist Unit staff Capacity building on Redlist for BD assessors, project staff and Forest Department (75-100 pax)@BDT10000/- per pax(materials, venue, remunerations, transport, decoration, equiptments, fooding and logistics) Cost of IUCN Redlist Unit Staff (2 persons*10 days*US$550), where 1$=BDT78/Species information and data collection GIS species distribution mapping (Purchase of GIS layers and information; Digitizing of maps; Ground Truthing; GIS Survey at particular habitats) Species list update and data compilation (2 Data Entry Operators@BDT 25000/- for 6 months per year) - Offline Uploading information on SIS (2 Data Entry Operators@BDT 25000/- for 6 months per year)-Online Development National Biodiversity Database 1 Year-2 2 Total 3= (1+2) Econo mic Code (GoB) ACTUAL EXPENDITURE Dec'13 Jan'14 Feb'14 Mar'14 Budgeted Balance (Year-1) Apr'14 May'14 Jun'14 Total Year1 161,378.0 0 15,600.00 47,500.00 224,478.00 775,522.00 - 858,000.00 124,304.00 275,696.00 - 300,000.00 28,750.00 143,750.00 156,250.00 30,645.00 30,645.00 269,355.00 9,000.00 (9,000.00) - 1,000,000.0 0 - 1,000,000.00 858,000.00 - 858,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 800,000.00 300,000.00 150,000.00 450,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 600,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 600,000.00 - 600,000.00 600,000.00 4829 4829 4829 109,924.0 0 14,380.00 4829 4829 28,750.00 28,750.0 0 28,750.00 4829 4829 9,000.00 28,750.00 Page 14 Year-1 A. Name of Category 1 Year-2 2 Total 3= (1+2) Econo mic Code (GoB) ACTUAL EXPENDITURE Dec'13 Jan'14 Feb'14 Mar'14 Apr'14 May'14 Jun'14 Total Year1 Budgeted Balance (Year-1) - - - - - - - - 96,040.00 203,960.00 - 400,000.00 (Software Design, Coding, Varification and Installation) Final Red List Books (7) Design, typesetting, proofreading, technical editing Book printing (600copies*7books@BD T500/-) Redlist DVD (1000 nos) Distribution of Red List Books and DVDs Communication material development, printing and distribution on vulnerable species Photography of species (Total 1700 species@BDT500/-) - 700,000.00 700,000.00 - 2,100,000.0 0 2,100,000.00 - 200,000.00 200,000.00 - 50,000.00 50,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 600,000.00 400,000.00 280,000.00 680,000.00 16,813,000. 00 12,025,000. 00 28,838,000.0 0 Country Representative -1 489,363.47 523,618.91 1,012,982.38 Programme Coordinator-1 922,935.00 987,540.45 1,910,475.45 1,800,000.0 0 1,800,000.0 0 3,600,000.00 2,017,200.0 0 2,158,404.0 0 4,175,604.00 2 (b) Works 4829 4829 4829 4829 4829 1,375.00 94,665.00 4829 - 23,953.00 1,143,009. 00 32,240.0 0 309,052.0 0 141,202.0 0 1,202,803. 00 2,852,259. 00 13,960,741. 00 81,560.00 40,780.00 40,780.0 0 40,780.00 40,780.00 40,780.00 285,460.00 203,903.47 153,822.0 0 76,911.00 76,911.0 0 76,911.00 76,911.00 76,911.00 538,377.00 384,558.00 450,000.00 1,350,000.0 0 921,923.76 1,095,276.2 4 2(c) Consultants' Services National Chief Technical Expert (Consultant)-1 Project Manager -1 4500 4500 4500 4500 450,000.0 0 142,642.4 6 198,964.4 6 142,642. 46 142,642.4 6 142,642.4 6 152,389.46 Page 15 Year-1 A. Name of Category Assistant Project Officer (3 major groups of species: Fish and Crustacea-1; Amphibian, Reptiles and Mammals-1; Birds and Butterfly-1) -3 Finance Manager -1 Finance Officer -1 GIS Associate -1 2 (c) Consultants' Services Year-2 Total 1 2 3= (1+2) 2,242,800.0 0 2,399,796.0 0 4,642,596.00 297,600.00 318,432.00 616,032.00 298,800.00 319,716.00 618,516.00 624,000.00 667,680.00 1,291,680.00 8,692,698.4 7 9,175,187.3 6 17,867,885.8 3 200,000.00 - 200,000.00 - 600,000.00 600,000.00 200,000.00 600,000.00 800,000.00 Econo mic Code (GoB) ACTUAL EXPENDITURE Dec'13 4500 4500 24,800.0 0 4500 Jan'14 Feb'14 Mar'14 Apr'14 May'14 Jun'14 139,745.4 0 243,844.7 0 165,798. 71 158,491.7 1 158,491.7 1 158,491.71 1,024,863. 94 1,217,936.0 6 24,800.00 24,800.00 24,800.0 0 24,800.00 24,800.00 24,800.00 173,600.00 124,000.00 49,800.00 24,900.00 24,900.0 0 24,900.00 24,900.00 24,900.00 174,300.00 124,500.00 42,283.12 43,849.1 6 43,849.16 43,849.16 43,849.16 217,679.76 406,320.24 652,483.2 8 519,681. 33 962,374.3 3 512,374.3 3 522,121.33 3,786,204. 46 4,906,494.0 1 180,900.0 0 3,800.00 184,700.00 15,300.00 (47,500.00 ) - - 4500 24,800.0 0 Budgeted Balance (Year-1) Total Year1 592,369.8 6 2(d) Training & Workshops Inception workshop-1 no. National Dissemination Workshop on Redlist Species- 1 no. 2(d) Training & Workshops 4842 4842 47,500.00 - - - - 228,400.0 0 3,800.00 (47,500.00 ) 184,700.00 15,300.00 4806 40,000.0 0 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.0 0 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 280,000.00 200,000.00 4833 15,239.0 0 2,240.00 17,479.00 22,521.00 2(e) Operating Costs * Office Running Cost: Office Rental Recruitment cost (advertisement cost for recruitment) 480,000.00 480,000.00 960,000.00 40,000.00 - 40,000.00 Page 16 Year-1 A. Name of Category Year-2 Total 1 2 3= (1+2) Utilities (water, gas and electricity bill payment) 60,000.00 60,000.00 120,000.00 Stationery & office supplies 60,000.00 60,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 240,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 24,000.00 72,000.00 72,000.00 144,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 120,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 200,000.00 Office Printing Telephone Mobile Phone Expenses Internet Postage, Courier, etc. Bank Charge Audit Travelling Cost: Travel-(Surface travel) 720,000.00 1,440,000.00 180,000.00 180,000.00 360,000.00 375,000.00 375,000.00 750,000.00 514,800.00 - 514,800.00 285,480.00 - 285,480.00 Sub-total 3,105,280.0 0 2,265,000.0 0 5,370,280.00 Overhead/Mgt.fee 1,991,828.0 0 1,429,000.0 0 3,420,828.00 Sub-total 1,991,828.0 0 1,429,000.0 0 3,420,828.00 Per Diem for Management and Support Staffs International Air travel (Redlist Unit staff) Per Diem for Redlist unit staff ACTUAL EXPENDITURE Dec'13 4821 4828 Jan'14 Feb'14 Mar'14 Apr'14 May'14 Jun'14 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 11,332.00 1,120.00 10,520.0 0 21,039.00 17,762.00 61,773.00 (1,773.00) 6,190.00 113,810.00 4827 4816 4816 3,775.00 2,415.00 2,800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 6,800.00 5,200.00 23,700.00 4,500.00 5,450.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,800.00 50,250.00 21,750.00 7,170.00 4,985.00 4,985.00 4,985.00 4,985.00 27,110.00 32,890.00 90.00 90.00 5,910.00 1,120.00 18,880.00 - 100,000.00 91,244.00 628,756.00 13,500.00 166,500.00 26,240.00 28,240.00 346,760.00 182,066.80 182,066.80 332,733.20 11,500.00 13,300.00 272,180.00 4816 4815 4899 Budgeted Balance (Year-1) Total Year1 60.00 1,000.00 60.00 4889 720,000.00 Travel-Air Econo mic Code (GoB) 4801 9,475.00 4801 10,160.00 160.00 31,296.00 25,788.00 13,500.00 4801 2,000.00 4801 4801 4898 14,365.00 1,800.00 55,299.0 0 110,047.0 0 75,525.00 66,115.0 0 111,195.0 0 82,173.00 308,808.80 809,162.80 2,296,117.2 0 5,529.90 13,400.00 121,853.4 0 9,835.50 42,024.70 22,337.50 151,161.18 366,142.18 1,625,685.8 2 5,529.90 13,400.00 121,853.4 0 9,835.50 42,024.70 22,337.50 151,161.18 366,142.18 1,625,685.8 2 Page 17 Year-1 Year-2 Total Econo mic Code (GoB) ACTUAL EXPENDITURE Budgeted Balance (Year-1) Dec'13 Jan'14 Feb'14 Mar'14 Apr'14 May'14 Jun'14 Total Year1 8,791,108.00 60,828.9 0 123,447.0 0 197,378.4 0 75,950.5 0 153,219.7 0 104,510.5 0 459,969.98 1,175,304. 98 3,921,803.0 2 57,323,993.8 3 285,322. 90 927,269.8 6 2,377,150. 68 627,871. 83 1,736,596. 03 761,886.8 3 2,153,094. 31 8,869,192. 44 22,910,614. 03 A. Name of Category 1 2 3= (1+2) 2(e) Operating Costs * 5,097,108.0 0 3,694,000.0 0 31,779,806. 47 25,544,187. 36 Page 18 4. ANNEXURE Annex I: Meeting minutes on National Committee for Updating Species Red Lit of Bangladesh (NC-USR) Terms of References (ToR) for the “National Committee for Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh (NC-USR)” Background: IUCN is implementing its flagship project titled “Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh” as a sub-project component of the “Strengthening Regional Cooperation for Willdlife Protection Project” of the Bangladesh Forest Department funded by World Bank. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is widely recognized as the most comprehensive global approach for evaluating the conservation status of plant and animal species. This study will update Red List for seven groups of wildlife (Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Aves, Freshwater Fishes, Crustaceans and Butterflies) approximately 1700 species in all. The committee: The name of the committee is “National Committee for Updating Species Red Lit of Bangladesh” in short NC-USR. It is an inter-ministerial committee chaired by the Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF). Chief Conservator of Forest (CCF), Bangladesh Forest Department will act as the Member Secretary. The committee consists of 19 members representing from concerned govt. agencies, research organizations, universities, civil societies and IUCN. The purpose of this committee is to ensure ownership of the updated species Red List so that different govt. agencies set their conservation policies to save the species under risk. Organizing meeting: - The committee will meet once in a year - IUCN will provide logistical support in organizing the meeting - An agenda will be prepared and distributed prior to the meeting upon getting consensus from CCF, Bangladesh Forest Department and Project Director, SRCWP Tasks of the committee: - The committee will provide necessary guidance to the relevant agencies to collaborate with the “Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh” project in regards to the data and information supply and using it for the assessment of species - The committee will recommend the final assessment of species red list done by the project to be adopted in the country specific policies and actions - Provide necessary instruction to the concerned organization/person/research center in reaching consensus on assessed species (if required) - Endorse National Biodiversity Database (NBD) and provisioning of its maintenance and operation - Ensure collaboration with other academic and non-academic research projects - Oversee the project activities and progress monitoring Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Annex II : Butterfly Survey Report Page 23 Annex III: Meeting Minutes of CCF and National Chief Technical Expert Page 24 Annex IV : Meeting Minutes on Red list Coordination Meeting Page 25 Annex V : Sample RAG- monthly plan Page 26 Annex VI : Sample of the Requisition Format Page 27 Annex VII : Sample of the Assessor Entry Form Page 28 Annex VIII : Sample of the Assessor Work Order Page 29 Annex IX: Sample of the Species Assessment Sheet Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Annex X: Sample of Species Checklist Documentation of RAG Review Workshop Page 33 Annex XI : 1st Training Workshop Report Page 34 Annex XII : Species Distribution Map with AOO & EOO Page 35 Annex XIII : Sample of Species Assessment and Assessor Profile’s Snap Shot from database Page 36 Annex XIV: Assessment Summary Sheets-June 2014 Page 37