In-situ Detection of the High Pressure Metallic Phase In Silicon Lei Dong, Jimmie A. Miller (UNCCharlotte, NC 28223) , John A. Patten (WMU) 2005 NSF DMII Grantees Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona The goal is to detect in real time the high pressure phase as it happens. This experiment takes advantage of the optical transparency of silicon to infrared radiation. Signal change is detected when metallic phase generated under high pressure. This metallic zone is presumed to be not transparent to the wavelength 1330nm IR, which coincide with our results: 10%~15% decrease voltage. Tip Wafer A diamond tip(5um radius) is attached on the end of the ferrule. IR light (1330nm wavelength) radiates right through the diamond tip. Silicon wafer used in IR detection test Silicon wafer (100), 4 inches diameter, 475~575 micrometer thickness, one side polished Infrared detecting diagram There is a layer of gold vacuum deposited on the diamond tip before scratch starts. After one or two scratching, there is an area of approximately 3~4 um in diameter with gold removed. This area is the only spot on the tip that allows IR come through. Scatch and Stay Test (variables: laser driving current and staying time period) Scratching Parameters 250 mA driving current Scratching speed: 0.305mm/sec (forward) 2.5mm/sec (backward) 500 mA driving current 200 Groove depth 150 measured on 100 50 AFM (nm) 0 A metallic phase area is generated under the pressure of the tool. As the diamond tool going forward, metallic phase changes to amorphous phase. SEM Image of scratch at 20mN load 250 mA driving current 180 Laser source: 1330nm, beam size 10 micrometer, fiber coupled 120 30 Pressure at the tip: ~10-12GPa 1000 mA driving current Laser driving current (mA) 60 Loads: 20mN,30mN,40mN and 50mN Formation of the metallic phase SEM Image of Gold coating (2000 Angstroms thickness) Staying time (Sec) Scratching Speed Test 2nd scratch 0 mN scratch 3rd scratch 2nd scratch 3rd scratch 0 mN scratch 1st scratch 2nd scratch 3rd scratch 0 mN scratch 2.9 3.4 1st scratch 2nd scratch 140 120 100 Groove Depth 80 60 (nm) 40 20 0 3rd scratch 3.2 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.7 2.5 2.3 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 stylus position (micrometer) Scratch at load 20mN 3000 3500 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.1 0 3 detector voltage (volt) 3 detector voltage (volt) 3.2 detector voltage (volt) detector voltage (volt) 1st scratch 0 500 1000 1500 2000 stylus position ( micrometer) Scratch at load 30mN 2500 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 1.9 0 500 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 stylus position (micrometer) stylus position (micrometer) Scratch at load 40mN 1000 Scratch at load 50mN Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank NSF for funding this project . Jay Matthews from Digital Optical Company provided great help and Scott Williams from UNCC Optical Center lend me laser equipments for my experiments. 1000 scratching speed (mm/sec) 250 speed 3 1st scratch Load 50 mN scratch speed 2 0 mN scratch Load 40 mN scratch speed 1 Load 30mN scratch Load 20 mN scratch Speed1: 0.0002mm/sec Speed 2: 0.002 mm/sec Speed 3: 0.305 mm/sec laser driving current (mA) This plot shows preliminary results about different scratching speeds from the laser-heating test. There is a clear trend in this plot that the slower the speed, the more softening effect. Also, the outputting power from the laser play its role. The higher the energy of the laser is, the deeper the groove.