

1.) How did technological innovations change the way goods were manufactured and marketed?

Industrial Revolution

Machines led to mass production and new forms of transportation

Led to easier and faster trade across the country

2.) How did improvements in technology and manufacturing effect urbanization?

Industrial Revolution

More jobs in the factories, easier to get to the cities because of transportation.

There is a need of

Low skilled workers which led to many immigrants working in factories.

3.) How did the cotton gin impact slavery in the South?

Industrial Revolution

There was an increase in slavery because of the mass production of cotton.

4.) What were the benefits of the free enterprise system?

Industrial Revolution

Little government interferences, competition, lowered prices, consumer choices,

5.)What was the main reason for Indian removal during the presidency of Andrew

Jackson? What was his reaction to the Supreme Court ruling in Worcester v. Georgia?

Age of Jackson

1.) We needed more land to produce more cotton

2.) He ignored the Supreme

Court and this resulted in the

Trail of Tears

6.)What role did Jackson and the federal government play during the Nullification Crisis?

Age of Jackson

He threated to send troops to

South Carolina to force the tariff laws. The real issue was also states rights.

7.) What foreign issues arose during the presidency of John


New Republic

The XYZ Affair and the

French Seizing our ships

8.)How did the Embargo Act affect the American economy?

New Republic

It shut down trade with the

French and British.

9.) Explain the significance of the following:

Marbury v. Madison

McCulloch v. Maryland

Gibbons v. Ogden

New Republic

1.) Marbury vs. Madison = it establishes judicial review

2.) McCulloch vs. Madison= you cannot tax the federal bank. (This increased the power of the national gov’t)

3.) Gibbons vs. Ogden= the federal gov’t could regulate trade . (This also increased the power of the national gov’t, showing that the federal gov’t always overrules states rights)

10.) Explain the significance of the following dates:







1607: Jamestown

1620:Mayflower Compact

1776:Declaration of Independence

1787: Constitution

1803: Louisiana Purchase

11.) What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights and why were they added to the



To protect our rights, the Anti-

Federalists would not ratify the

Constitution without the Bill of


12.) What were the weaknesses of the Articles of

Confederation? How did

Shay’s Rebellion expose those weaknesses?


1.) states did not work well together

2.) no President

3.) no respect from foreign countries

4.) not able to tax

5.) weak central government

Shay’s Rebellion showed Americans that we needed a stronger government because we had

No military.

13.) Identify the seven principles of the Constitution and explain how they are like a building frame.


1.) popular sovereignty

2.) republicanism


4.) limited government

5.) individual rights

6.) checks and balances

7.) separation of powers

14.) Define the following: republicanism: popular sovereignty:



Republicanism- we elect a representative popular sovereignty- people have the power

Federalism- federal and states have powers

15.) Explain the following: limited government: separation of powers: checks and balances: individual rights:


limited government- power is limited separation of powers- 3 branches of gov’t checks and balances- keep gov’t in check individual rights- Bill of rights guarantees your rights

16.) What two main compromises were reached at the Constitutional Convention?


17.) Explain the 3/5

Compromise and the Great



3/5ths Compromise: A slave counted as 3/5 of a person for voting.

Great Compromise: Large states(Virginia) v. small states(New Jersey)

18.) What did Federalists like

Alexander Hamilton and James

Madison promise to add to the

Constitution in order to obtain ratification?


Bill of Rights

19.) How did the Bill of Rights address criticism from the



It protected our rights against the government

20.) Compare and contrast the

Virginia Plan and the New

Jersey Plan.


Virginia (larger states) wanted representation by population.

New Jersey (small states) wanted equal representation

(1 per state)

21.) Which American foreign policy statement warned that the United States government would consider any European power’s attempt to colonize or interfere with nations in the

Western Hemisphere a hostile

New Republic act?

1.) Monroe Doctrine

22.) What foreign policy problems did John Adams face during his presidency?

New Republic

XYZ Affair

French seizing our ships

(impressment of sailors)

23.) How did George

Washington’s Farewell Address impact U.S. Foreign policy?

New Republic

1.) warned against permanent alliances with foreign countries

2.) remain neutral

24.) What foreign policy problems did Thomas

Jefferson face during his presidency?

New Republic

Embargo Act- due to the impressment of our sailors

25.) What factors led to the

War of 1812?

War of 1812

1.) Impressment of sailors from the British and French

2.) Shipping interference

3.) British sided with the


4.) War Hawks (instigators of war)

26.) Explain the difference between a: representative government: and self –government:


representative government- we elect our leaders self –government- we govern ourselves

27.) What political and social impact did the Great

Awakening have on the colonies?


Started going back to church and they questioned authority

The End
