Fitness and Nutrition Notes

Physical Fitness
Unit # 2
Can Muscle Men Be Flexible???
Physical Fitness
 Def. The ability to carry out ____________
easily and have enough reserve energy to
respond to ___________ demands
 Carry grocery bags and not let your car get
5 Components of Physical Fitness
Can Muscle Men Be Flexible?
 Health Related Components
Cardio-respiratory Endurance
 Def. - Ability of the heart, lungs and blood
vessels to send _____________ to body’s
tissues during long periods of vigorous
 Example Tests: One mile Run/Walk, 3
Minute step test
Muscular Strength
 Def. - ability to exert force against
resistance (_____________________)
 Example Tests: Bench press, shoulder press,
squats, etc.
Muscular Endurance
 Def. - ability of muscles to work over a long
period of time _____________________
 Example Tests: Max sit-ups or pull-ups,
flexed arm hang, max. reps
Body Composition
 Def. - The percentage of ____, lean muscle,
connective and _________________ tissue
– Amount of _______ in relation to total body
 Methods of Measurement: Weight Charts,
Skin Calipers (more areas measured the
better - at least 5), Hydro-static Weighing
 Teen Boys – _____%; Teen Girls – _____%
“The Forgotten Component”
 ____________________ around a joint or
series of joints
 Prevents injury and muscle soreness
 Methods of Measurement: Seated Reach,
trunk lift
 Stretching - slow tension, do not ________
– ______ - Proprioceptive Neuro-muscular
Performance Related Fitness
 Agility
 Balance
 Coordination
 Power
 Reaction Time
 Speed
Performance Related Fitness Cont..
 Agility - ability to change
 Power - ability to do
position of the body
rapidly and ___________
 Balance - ability to
assume or maintain any
________________ with
control and stability
 _____________- ability to
combine vision or other
senses with movements of
the body
strength performance
quickly, combining factors
 _____________ - amount
of time it takes to get
moving once you need to
 Speed - ______ it takes to
perform a movement
Difference between Performance
Related and Health Related
 ___________ Related Fitness can be
drastically changed, where _____________
Related Fitness can only be changed
minimally or not at all.
Two types of Exercise:
Anaerobic vs. Aerobic
 Anaerobic - _______________/short bursts
of energy
– ex. Weight training
– increase resistance = muscular strength
– increase repetitions = muscular endurance
 Aerobic - with ______________ oxygen
– ex. Running, biking
Anaerobic Exercise
 Benefits
– reduce ___________
– increase strength in bones, tendons, & muscles
– improve __________ and _____________
– increase self esteem
 Myths
– decrease ________________
– reduces ________________
Aerobic Exercise
 Benefits
– Reduce injury
– Improve _________________
– Improve ____________________ health
– Improve tone, appearance and self-esteem
 Myths
– Makes you ____ (better shape - more efficient)
– Takes too much ____ (20 - 40 min:3 x’s/week)
– All exercises give you the same benefits
Benefits of exercise depend on
the F.I.T.T. Principle
 F__________- how often (3-5 x’/week)
 I________ - how hard (55 - 90% of Max.
 T_________ - how long (20 - 40 min.)
 T______ - what kind (anaerobic vs. aerobic)
Other Types of Exercise
 Iso_______ - exercise involving muscular
strength with little or no movement of
the body part. (i.e. pushing against a
 Iso________ - exercise involving muscular
contraction with movement. (i.e.
push- ups, pull-ups, weight lifting, etc.)
Other Types Cont.
 Iso_______ - exercise involving muscular
strength, musc. Endurance and
flexibility. With movement through an
entire range of motion. (i.e. pushing or
pulling against a hydraulic lever: Cybex
machines, nautilus equipment.)
Principles of Training: Improving
the operating efficacy of the body
 _________________ - operating at a level
above which is normal, thus forcing the
body to adapt and function more efficiently
 _________________ - Gradually increasing
the amount of exercise to improve your
 ___________________ - Different kinds of
exercises work on different areas of fitness
Fitness for Life
 Ways to increase phys. Act.
– Daily ___________
– Job Related
– Formal Act.
– Recreation
Don’t Be A Couch Potato!!!
 Need for Phys. Act.
– _____ and Relaxation
– Muscle building
– _________________
– Sedentary Society
– Weight ___________
– Emotional Release
 Why you don’t want
to get too attached to
your couch!!!
Fitness for Life Cont.
 How to Maximize
Progress _________
Keep charts
 Benefits of Fitness
– Feel better about
– Blood vessels _______
– RBC carry more O2
– Inc. Stroke vol. of
– Lower resting HR
– Muscle _______
– Recuperate Faster
– Dec. heart __________
You Do the Math!!!
 If you are 16 years old
 Max. HR. = 220 - age
and want to work out
at 60-80% of your
maximum heart rate,
what range does this
give you?
 Lower limit (60%) =
Max.HR * 0.6
 Upper Limit (80%) =
Max.HR * 0.8
 Range = ___________
1. Carbohydrates
2. Fats
3. Proteins
4. Vitamins
5. Minerals
6. Water
“Energy Providers”
the body’s preferred source of
energy, or _________
Sources Of Carbs.
vegetables, peas, beans,
potatoes, pasta, seeds, nuts and
Carbs. Cont.
 Types of Carbs:
– _________ - major energy source for the body
– __________ - complex carbs. Broken into
– _________ - cannot be digested
helps move wastes along
decreases ____________ rates
lowers cholesterol
increase _____________
________ - (a.k.a. fats) fatty substances
that do not dissolve in water
maintain healthy skin, hair, insulation of
body organs against shock, and body
Sources of fat ...
______________ is a fat-like substance
already made by the body and found in
foods of animal origin
How is Cholesterol Like Bubble
 ________ Cholesterol
 _______ Cholesterol
 _____ Cholesterol
 _________ Cholesterol
– High Density Lipo-protein
– Low Density Lipo-protein
 The hard gum under the
 Chewy gum just after you
seat of you chair.
 How will this “hard” gum
effect cholesterol build up
in your arteries?
have put it into your
 How will this “chewy”
gum effect cholesterol
build up in your arteries?
“Body Builders”
repair _____________________
Sources of Proteins...
help _________ many vital body functions
-Vitamins ___ complex and ___
-dissolve in water and excreted through
urine if in excess
-Vitamins ___________________
-absorbed and transported by fat
the body __________ produce
ex) calcium, iron,
phosphorous, copper zinc
sodium chloride, etc...
aid physiological processes
within the body
Most _________ nutrient
50-60% of body weight
(2/3 of body)
regulates body ______
carries nutrients and
8 cups a day
Recommended Dietary Allowance
_____ of diet should come from
no more than ______ should
come from fats
____ should come from proteins
Daily Food Guide Pyramid
Vegies 3-5
Fruit 2-4
Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta 6-11
Food Labels
Carbohydrates: __g x 4 = total
Proteins: __g x 4 = total kcal
Fats: __g x 9 = total kcal
Weight Control
_________ - a unit to measure energy
What are the sources of calories?
____________________- absolute
minimum amount of energy required
to maintain life processes in your body
3500 kcal = 1 pound ________
 Obesity - excess body ___
 ___________ - weighing
more than 10% over the
standard weight for height
 ______________ - 10%
under the standard
Obesity Cont.
Societal Causes
 Automobiles
 Comfortable lifestyle
 Technology
Obesity Cont.
Results of Obesity
 Increase risk of heart disease
“ “ ___________
“ “ heart attacks
“ “ certain _________
 Quality of life
 _____________
 HBP, Diabetes, HB-Cholesterol,
Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
“Anorexia Nervosa”
‘without appetite’ ‘of nervous origin’
 Def. - __________________ of becoming
obese and results in self-induced starvation.
 Compare ourselves to models/actors
 Most are females in _________________
Anorexia Cont.
 Signs
– low __________ intake
– great interest in _____
– obsessed with exercise
– emotional problems
– ________ body image
– denial of prob.
 Symptoms
– _______________
– constipation
– hormonal changes
– heart damage
– decreased HR
– No __________ cycle
– __________
“Binge and Purge”
 Involves overeating
and some form of
 Know they have a
 Types of Purging
 Side effects of Purging
– ______________
– Kidney Damage
– Eroded ________
– _________ damage in
Stomach, esophogus
and mouth
– Nutrient deficiencies
Sports and Drugs
What do they Really Do?
Positive and Negative Effects
 Commonly Reported Positive Effects
 Commonly Reported Negative Effects
– Both Sexes
– Men
– Women
– Children
» See Handout
Legal Supplements
 Creatine Monohydrate
 Androstenedione (Mark McGwire)
 Supplements do not fall under USFDA
administration. Therefore they are ____
__________ for purity, potency, and long
or short term side effects
Creatine Monohydrate
 Creatine Monohydrate > Creatine Phosphate
 Helps convert ____(Adenosine Diphosphate) >
_____ (Adenosine Triphosphate)
 ATP is used to produce energy during exercise
 A ____________ Supplement
 Stockpiles extra phosphates
Positive Effects
 Prolongs peak _______________
 Reduces muscle recovery time
 Help rebuild ______________ mass
 Correct creatine deficiencies
Negative Effects
 Muscle Cramps
 _________________
 Pulled muscles
 _____________ and ______ problems
 Naturally occurring ________________
 Increases blood levels of ______________
 Levels increase from 15 min. to 3 hrs.
 Max level of increase from 1 to 1.5 hrs.
 Increases ______________ size
 Decreases recovery time
 May produce similar side effects as