IEEE Region 10 MEETING Chiang Mai 26-27 March 2006 STUDENT ACTIVITIES: Services and Activities Prof. Marzuki Khalid Region 10 RSAC IEEE Student Activities Mission To provide undergraduate and graduate students who have an interest in the Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering or related professions with opportunities for educational, technical and professional development, emphasizing the value of continuing IEEE membership. There are over 1,434 IEEE Student Branches established at universities and colleges worldwide 382 Student Branch Chapters, 60 Women In Engineering Student Branch Affinity Groups (as of 31st Dec. 2005) . Presentation Contents Student Memberships in IEEE Activities and Services What a Student Branch can do? Student MembershipWho Qualifies? • Undergraduate or Graduate students • 50% of a normal full-time course of study (for parttime studies) • Electrical, electronics or computer engineering, computer sciences • An allied branch of engineering, engineering technology or the related arts and science • Students can join online with a credit card, self- certify they qualify for student membership, have instant access to online services with an IEEE web account Summary on GSM GSM has been implemented finally IEEE Database at HQ Level will be ready to categorize GSM status as of July 2006 GSM still pay students fee but will be eligible to vote (as of Sept. 2006) GSM will be able to hold (volunteer position) office at Section and Chapter Level SAC Committee proposes to have GRSR (Graduate Regional Student Rep at the Region Level - to be proposed at Fall SAC Mtg) Student Membership Worldwide Student membership summary • • • • 73,870 Student members as of 31 December 2005 27,844 US Student members 36,016 non-US Student members REGION 10: 20,843 Number of Student Branches according to IEEE Geographic Organization Region (as of 31 Dec 2005) Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SBs 82 75 93 60 83 72 56 236 238 439 SB Chapters 42 20 33 28 30 32 18 36 100 43 WIE Af Gr 1 0 1 1 0 0 5 16 23 13 Top Ten SBs In Terms of Membership (as of 31 Dec. 2005) INT'L INST OF INFORMATION TECH – PUNE (Bombay, India) - 440 VELAMMAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE (Madras) - 430 CRESCENT ENGRG COLLEGE (Madras) - 341 NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY (Taipei) – 197 KOREA ADVANCED INST OF SCIENCE & TECH (Seoul, Korea) - 186 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE (Singapore) - 173 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECH – KARNATAKA (Bangalore) – 162 NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (Singapore) – 159 KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ENGRG (Bombay) – 157 USHA MITTAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Bombay) -151 WHAT STUDENTS WANT? Two-thirds of Student members consider their IEEE membership to be valuable overall. Those in Regions 9 and 10 were most likely to place high value on their membership. IEEE Student Membership - Overall Value 66% Valuable Overall Value 21% 45% 27% 6% 1% By Region US (1-6) A 19% Canada (7) B 19% Region 8 C 22% Region 9 D 26% D 49% 25% D 5% 44% 26% D 7%DE 1% 31% ABC Region 10 E 6%D 1% D 30% DE 44% 18% 49% AB 24% D 46% 1% 2% 4% By Current Status Under Grad F 19% Grad G 44% 46% 23% 0% 29% 20% 40% Very Valuable (5) Neutral (3) Not at all Valuable (1) Q2: Indicate how valuable IEEE membership is to you overall? (Base = “total” (2563) US (425), Canada (562), Region 8 (597), Region 9 (563), Region 10 (415), Under Grad (1559), Grad (968)) Letters used to denote significant differences at the 95% level of confidence. 7% 26% 60% 80% "Somewhat" Valuable (4) "Somewhat" Not Valuable (2) 1% 5% 100% IEEE Student Membership - IEEE Top 3 Reasons For Joining Student members are most likely to have been motivated by reasons directly impacting their academic work (up to date information and publications) or future career opportunities. Benefits such as discounts, activities, and awards were far less likely to be among the top three reasons for Student members to join IEEE. Get the latest information on new technologies 58% Obtain IEEE publications 45% Enhance my future career opportunities/networking 36% Be a part of a well-respected organization in my field of interest 34% Access information that would be helpful in my coursework 29% Join IEEE societies 21% At the suggestion of a faculty member or other student 17% List my membership on my resume 16% Discounts 14% Participate in local and regional IEEE activities 14% Meet other students with similar interests 5% Have the opportunity to compete for awards and scholarships 4% 0% Q1: Please indicate the top 3 reasons you joined the IEEE to : (Base = total (2563)) 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% IEEE Student Membership - Whether Met Expectations Consistent with the reasons students joined IEEE and how satisfied they are with IEEE’s performance in these areas, the vast majority of Student members say that their membership has met their expectations. Those in Region 10 and Under grads are significantly more likely to say that their membership has not met their expectations. % Met Expectations By Region US (1-6) A Canada (7) B 10% 81% 9% 9% 82% 9% 8% Region 8 C 81% 11% Region 9 D Region 10 E 6% 83% 10% 10% 81% 5% 7% 79% 16% By Current Status Undergraduate F Graduate G Exceed Expectations Met Expectations 10% 76% 8% 14% 84% 8% Not Met Expectations 0% 20% Q4: Would you say that your IEEE membership to date has exceeded, met, or not met your expectations? (Base = “total” (2563)) 40% 60% 80% 100% IEEE Student Membership - Interest in Student Branch Activities When asked which Student Branch activities they would be interested in attending, a majority expressed interest in attending meetings with keynote speakers on technology and/or local engineers. Least appealing are these activities that would require Student Members to offer their assistance. Those in Region 9 and Canada as well as under grads are more likely to express interest in attending. Student Branch Activities % Personally Interested in Attending Meetings with keynote speaker on technology 67% 63% Meetings with local engineers 51% Meetings to discuss career topics 49% Meetings with local IEEE members IEEE student member social gatherings 46% 42% Meetings with recent grads Volunteering at local IEEE conference 37% 29% Working with HS students 24% Recruiting new members to IEEE 17% None 0% 20% Q12a: Please check the items that you personally would be interested in attending. (Base = “Total” (2575 )) 40% 60% 80% 100% IEEE Student Membership - Top 3 Most Useful Products and Services In comparing under grads to graduate students, under grads are more likely to value the IEEE Spectrum, technical workshops/seminars, and networking opportunities. Graduate students are more likely to consider Society products and professional awareness conferences to be most useful. 56% Society Products 76%A 67% B IEEE Spectrum 46% 49% Technical workshops/seminars 34% 34% Networking opportunities 26% A 17% Professional Awareness Conference A 23% Under Graduate 17% 19% Student paper competitions and awards Graduate 16% 15% IEEE. Org alias 0% 20% Q14: Please select the 3 products and services that are most useful to you. Letters used to denote significant differences at the 95% level of confidence. 40% 60% 80% 100% Presentation Contents Student Memberships in IEEE Activities and Services What a Student Branch can do? Presentation Contents Student Memberships in IEEE Activities and Services What a Student Branch can do? Student Activities IEEE Student Concourse Web site – – – – – – – • lists all Student Branches, awards and scholarships Regional Student paper contest Student Branch Web site contest benefits of membership how to join, renew and add services on the web? Career and job resources Entity Web Hosting - Student Branches can get free web hosting at Major Activities/Awards of R10 Students (Details are given to each Section Chair and SB Chair each year) [1] Student Paper Contests Deadline: 28th February (1). Undergraduate Contest (2). Postgraduate Contest (All Prizes for both categories will be provided by HQ except for PG Contest Winner USD1,000 Travel Grant) [2] Student Best Website Contest Deadline: 15th March Two Levels: Region 10 and All Regions Region 10 Level (Prizes awarded by Region 10) [3] Larry K. Wilson Award (best volunteer of the year) Deadline: 28th February [4] Regional Exemplary Branch Award (best Student Branch of the year Deadline: 28th February Other Awards/Activities (Details are given to each Section Chair and SB Chair each year) Outstanding Student Branch Counselor & Advisor Recognition Award $500 and a certificate, applications to HQ. Deadline 30th May, 2004. [Submit nomination form to] AT&T Award - for a Technical project - run by a Branch, funding up to US$1000 - applications to HQ deadline - 1 November, 2004. Outstanding Student Certificate - 1 award per 100 members in a Section, on request from a Section SAC to the HQ. Leadership Workshops Can be organized by a Section or a Group of Student Branches. (Apply for partial supporting fund from RSAC) Students Professional Awareness Activities S-PAC: Student Professional Awareness Conference S-PAVe: Student Professional Awareness Ventures Student Branch Financial Support Increased in 2004 • $50.00 or $100.00 allotment • • • sent to Student Branch Counselor upon receipt of annual plan of activities due 1 November $50 for membership <50 and $100 for 50 or more $2.00 per Student Branch member rebate and $1.00 per Branch Chapter member • sent to Student Branch Counselor upon receipt of annual report of activities due 1 May • In addition to the direct support to Student Branches, Sections receive a $3.00 rebate for Student members in the Section • At Region 10 each new SB gets a $50 subsidy upon approval and another $50 if it has more than 20 members in the second year • In addition Region 10 provides a $1 rebate for each member in a SB (cheque send to Section) Student Services Staff • • • Laura Durrett - Manager, Student Services • • • Christine Eldridge - Administrative Assistant Barbara Koenig - Staff Assistant • • • • • REGION 10 [Marzuki] RSR: [Kazuyuki] R10Website Contest 2006 At first 23 SBs submitted their intention to participate in the Website Contest 2006 Eventually 19 submitted their URLs: India-14 Pakistan-2 Australia-1 NZ-1 Malaysia-1 Current Status – Reviewing Process at the Region 10 Level by 6 Judges Results will be known by 15 April 2006 Top two from R10 will vie for the Inter-Regional Website Contest IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor Award 10 Nominations: R3 (2), R4 (1), R7 (1), R8 (1), R9 (2), and R10 (3) 3 From Region 10 Dr. S. Balakrishnan (Mepco, India) Mohd. Amran Mohd. Radzi (Malaysia) Nisha Kuruvilla (Chengannur, India) Winner will receive Prize Money (USD500 + Customized Cert + USD200 to SB) Current Status – Reviewing Process Results will be out by end of April 2006 New Activities for Students Coming Up! DC Exemplary Students Activity Award RAB approved this Award in the Nov. RAB meeting First Submission: February 2006 This Award will be given to any Activity organized by any IEEE Student Branch that is deemed beneficial or successful Criteria will be out soon Awards in the form of Plaque categorized as Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze Also will be advertised in Virtual Hall of Fame on Student Concourse Judges: Current and Past SAC Committee No limit to number of Awards Submit to Criteria already available now IEEEXtreme Programming Contest RAB has approved the Concept (USD20k approved) Global 24-Hour Programming Contest Open to a Group of 3 or 4 students (all must be IEEE Student Members) Teams should register before a certain deadline Judging – Partly Automated Branch Counselor to certify Topics will be given online at 0 hour Prestigious Significant publicity in promotion of event Significant publicity in presenting the Award Many students will want to participate Presentation Contents Student Memberships in IEEE Activities and Services What a Student Branch can do? Organize a Proper Role for Each Office Bearer: STUDENT BRANCH • Chair • Vice Chair • Secretary • Treasurer • Committee • Committee • Committee • Committee • Committee Special Projects Member Member Member Member Member 1 2 3 4 5 Website Membership Dev. Contests/Awards e-Newsletter Industry Relations Plan your SB strategically Should organize a Strategic Planning Session to plan the following: • Long Term Plan (Up to 5 years) • Short Term Plan (Up to 2 years • Necessary Activities Important Points to look at in Long Term Plan SOME EXAMPLE OF ACTIVITIES: Membership Dev. Activities GOLD + Affinity Programs Industry – University Projects / Events Community Projects with Schools Organize a Student Congress/ Conference/Exhibition at the Regional/International level Short Term Plan (Up to 2 yrs) / Annual Organize a Students Career Fair Organize a Training Workshop/Class MATLAB V.C ++, VB, etc. Flash, Dot-net, etc. Leadership Workshop (organize together with other SBs) Technical Lectures/Talks: Project Management (E.g. Research Methodology) How to carry out FYP effectively? Anything On Latest Technology Annual Sports Activities (Eg. M’sia-S’pore, or within Sections) Annual Academic Contests/Awards (involvement of Faculty) Extra Website Contest Sharing of Websites – Technical Discussions/Chat, Exchange of Information/Papers/Lecture notes, Source-codes, etc… IEEE STUDENTS ACTIVITIES R10 SAC COMMITTEE Thank you for your Attention!