Chapter 23 Study Guide Why Grant was a poor political leader Why

Chapter 23 Study Guide
Why Grant was a poor political leader
Why Grant won election of 1868
Describe U.S. after the Civil War
“waving the bloody shirt”
Why Tweed was jailed
Credit Mobilier (2)
Why the Liberal Republican broke from the regular Republican Party in 1872
Why Grant was reelected
Match politician w/ Republican faction –Conkling, Blaine, Greeley, Grant
Major cause of the panic in 1873
Solution to the depression that followed the panic of 1873
Result of Republican hard money policies in the mid 1870’s
Who enjoyed a successful political career in the post Civil War decades
Republicans and Democrats during the Gilded Age
Presidential elections of the 1870’s and 1880’s = enormous turnouts
How Republicans appealed to groups in religious and cultural terms
Gilded Age elections contests over culturally and religious issues like prohibition and education
Reason for extremely high voter turnout and partisan fervor of the Gilded Age
During Gilded Age, the lifeblood of both the Democratic and Republican parties
The political base of the Democratic party in the late 19th century
The political base of the Republican party in the late 19th century
Major problem in the 1876 election
Compromise of 1877
Sequence of “forgettable presidents” of the Gilded Age- Hayes to Cleveland
Plessy v. Ferguson
After Reconstruction, how southern whites disenfranchised blacks
What happened to blacks who violated Jim Crow laws
Jim Crow laws
Hayes presidency began with….
How national railroad strike of 1877 started
Attitude of Hayes and other Republicans toward labor agitation
Labor unrest during Hayes administration stemmed from…
Labor unrest during Hayes administration resulted in…..
How Congress responded to anti-Chinese violence in California
Internal developments in China that resulted in Chinese immigration
Main reason the Chinese came to U.S.
What the absence of Chinese children in immigrant communities meant
Tong means
2nd president assassinated
Background of Garfield’s assassin
Pendleton Act (2)
1884 election noted for….
Gilded Age presidents party affiliation
Cleveland’s laissez faire approach gained support from…
Besides lowering the tariff, Cleveland stirred political opposition by…
Major campaign issue of 1888
How Cleveland proposed to address the problem of the large federal budget surplus
Why Harrison’s victory over Cleveland in 1888 was unusual
How Billion Dollar Congress disposed of government surpluses
What Congressman William McKinley’s sponsored tariff bill provided for
Platform planks adopted by the Populist party in their convention in 1892
An epidemic of violent strikes and labor conflict in 1892 led to the prospect of…
The 4 states completely carried by the Populists in the election of 1892
How conservative white Bourbon democrats of the South succeeded in crushing the Populist
How the early Populist campaign to create a coalition of white and black farmers ended
The political developments of the 1890’s were largely shaped by…
William Jennings Bryan
What drove Cleveland’s fear to silver and silver – backed currency
What Cleveland did to arouse public anger
Cleveland’s response to the depression of the 1890’s demonstrated…
The greatest political beneficiary of the backlash against Cleveland in 1894