SSUSH 15 Questions

SSUSH 15: The student will analyze the origins and impact of U.S. involvement in WWII
1) What three aspects of the war will this standard focus upon?
b) ____________________________________________________________________________
c) ____________________________________________________________________________
a) Describe the movement from U.S. neutrality to engagement in WWI with reference to
unrestricted submarine warfare
2) Define neutrality: ______________________________________________________________
3) Define engagement: ________________________________________________________________
4) In August 1914, war broke out between which countries? __________________________________
5) Many Americans were outraged at newspaper reports of atrocities in which neutral country? _______
6) What two things was U.S. president Woodrow Wilson worried about happening ? ________________
7) What did President Wilson ask for from Congress? _________________________________________
8) Which side did the actions of the United States tend to favor? ________________________________
9) How did American businessmen view the war? ____________________________________________
10) What were two examples of the U.S. supporting the Allies? _________________________________
11) How did the British navy try to keep goods from getting to German ports? _____________________
12) By early 1915, which ships did German submarines decide to attack?__________________________
13) What kind of ships did Britain put critical materials aboard in order to keep the Germans from
sinking them?
14) What ship was attacked by the Germans in May of 1915? ___________________________________
15) How many Americans died? ___________________________________________________________
16) Why did the Germans order submarine commanders to stop attacking American ships? __________
17) What did the Germans renew in February 1917? __________________________________________
18) What did Germany ask the Mexican government to do? ____________________________________
19) What was the name of the German foreign minister who asked this of Mexico? _________________
20) How did President Wilson respond to German attacks and threats? ___________________________
21) What happened when the Zimmerman Telegram was published in American newspapers? ________
22) What did President Wilson ask Congress for on April 2nd 1917? _______________________________
b. Explain the domestic impact of WWI, as reflected by the origins of the Great Migration, the
Espionage Act, and socialist Eugene V. Debs
23) The Wilson Administration moved to centrally organize the U.S. economy with a series of wartime
boards. What were three things these boards did?
b) _________________________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________________________
24) What was the main way the U.S. government financed the war?
25) What fraction of war costs were covered this way? ________________________________________
26) What did the U.S. do in addition to borrowing? ___________________________________________
27) What three types of actions did the Espionage Act of 1917 provide penalties for?
28) What did the Espionage Act make it illegal to send through the mail? _________________________
29) Why was Eugene V. Debs thrown in prison? ______________________________________________
30) What were two “push factors” that led to the migration of blacks from southern states to northern
a) _________________________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________________________
31) What was a major “pull factor” leading to this migration?
32) Prior to the war, which laborers did factory owners prefer to African Americans? ________________
33) Why did the war create new opportunities for African-Americans to work in factories?
34) How many African-Americans moved north during this time? ________________________________
c. Explain Wilson’s Fourteen Points and the proposed League of Nations
35) What was Woodrow Wilson’s plan for post-war Europe known as? ___________________________
36) What were 7 ways Woodrow Wilson’s plan was intended to create a lasting peace? _____________
d. describe the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment establishing prohibition and the Nineteenth
Amendment establishing women’s suffrage
37) Define prohibition: __________________________________________________________________
38) Define suffrage: ____________________________________________________________________
39) What did Wilson hope women would support in exchange for his support of suffrage? ___________