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David Lloyd George
Prime Minister of
Great Britain
Fourteen Points
A series of proposals in which
U.S. president Woodrow
Wilson outlined a plan for
achieving a lasting peace after
World War I.
George Clemenceau
President of France
New nations of Europe
as a result of WWI
Finland, Yugoslavia
Treaty of Versailles
effect on Germany
Germany was
held responsible for the war
had to pay reparations
Had to give up colonies in Africa
Had to return Alsace-Lorraine (iron
producing region) to France
Vittorio Orlando
Prime Minister of Italy
William II
Emporor of Germany
Woodrow Wilson
President of the United
Woodrow Wilson's
Peace Plan
Called the 14 Points
Called for freedom of the seas
Called for an end to secret alliances
called for all nations to rule
Create the League of Nations