All learning targets and terms need to be highlighted and fully

AP European History
All learning targets and terms need to be
Unit 9
highlighted and fully explained on the
Chapter 19 – Revolutions in Politics 1775-1815
outline you turn in.
12/5 to 12/20
■ Read pgs. 610-647
Learning Targets
1. What were the factors behind the revolutions of the late eighteenth century?
2. Why and how did American colonists forge a new, independent nation?
3. How did the events of 1789 result in a constitutional monarchy in France, and what were the
4. Why and how did the French Revolution take a radical turn entailing terror at home and war with
European powers?
5. How and why did Napoleon Bonaparte assume control of France and much of Europe, and what factors
led to his downfall?
6. How did slave revolt on colonial Saint-Domingue lead to the creation of the independent nation of Haiti
in 1804?
Terms and People – list from the book
Causes of Revolutions
Social Changes
Growing Demands for
Seven Years War
Treaty of Paris 1763
Results of War
Am. Revolution
Stamp Act
John Adams
Tea Act
Thomas Paine
Common Sense
2nd Cont. Congress
Thomas Jefferson
Dec. of Inde.
Marquis de Lafayette
Ben Franklin
Countries that join Am.
Treaty of Paris 1783
US Constitution
Bill of Rights
Who gets left out?
Abigail Adams
French Revolution
Louis XV
Why raise taxes?
Debt – why couldn’t Fr.
manage it like Dutch and GB? What
were the expenses to???
Madame Pompadour
Hurt sacred authority how
Louis XVI
Estates General
Three Estates – who
belonged, who represented? Equal?
National Assembly
Tennis Court Oath
Bastille – storming
of…impact and effect
Abbe Sieyes - “What is the
Third Estate” said what 3rd estate?
Great Fear
How Nat Assem restore
order – what reforms???
Dec. of Rights of Man
Women of Paris March on
Versailles – why? Results?
Nat. Assem impact women?
Marie Antoinette
Nat. Assem changes 1791 –
why get more radical?
Olympe de Gouges – who
and view???
Dec of Rights of Woman
Constitutional Monarchy
World War and Rep of France
Edmund Burke
Reflections on the Rev in Fr
Mary Wollencraft
A Vindication Rights Man
How did leaders of other
countries views change about the Fr.
Declaration of Pillnitz
First Coalition
Jacobin Club – What was
and How differ than earlier
Jacobin impact on women
Attack on Palace of
How did Leg. use forces to
counter First Coalition
2nd Revolution
National Convention
The Mountain
How did Gio & Mt. differ?
Maximilien Robespierre
Battle of Valmy
Georges Jacques Danton
French Army impact on
conquered lands – G or B?
Committee of Public Safety
Reign of Terror
The Guillotine
Why did the Fr. win battles
Thermidorian Reaction
Why turn against
The Directory
Why keep fighting wars?
Napoleon Bonaparte – who,
background? Rise to power?
Coup d’etate
The Napoleonic Era
Napoleonic Code – what
was it?
Was Napoleon
reform/enlightened minded?
Pope Pius VII
The Concordat –
Women under Napoleon
Napoleon’s Expansion
2nd Coalition
Treaty of Luneville
Treaty of Amiens
3rd Coalition
Battle of Trafalgar
Lord Nelson
Battle of Austerlitz
Alexander I
Impact on German States
Grand Empire
Continental System – what
and impact
Spanish Revolt
Invasion of Russia
Prince Metternich of Aust.
War of Liberation
Bourbon Dynasty
Hundred Days
Haitian Revolution –
Will not be covered in class
French Saint Domingue
1658 Code Noir
Why did French commission abolish
slavery in S-D?
Vincent Oge
Toussant L’Ouverture
How did Nap view him?
Jean Jacques Dessalines