Chem 20 Outline 2013

Chemistry 20
Course Outline
Glenmary School Semester 1, 2013
Instructor: Mr. Denis Gagnon
Chemical change and matter are the themes common to all the units in Chemistry 20. An understanding of
the nature of matter and an analysis of its changes is essential for understanding what is happening and for
predicting what will happen; control of change is essential for the design of technological systems. The
principles of conservation of mass and energy help to predict and explain the changes that occur in a closed
system. Observations that provide evidence to support theories are stressed through experimentation and
linking empirical and theoretical knowledge.
General Objectives:
Gain an increased understanding of the nature of chemistry and use the scientific method to
answer questions and solve problems.
Develop awareness of the impact of chemistry and related technologies on society, the
economy and upon the local and global environment.
Develop safe and efficient laboratory skills, and demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively
with others.
Be able to apply the knowledge and skills learned in class to choices and decisions involving
science and technology, at home, or in the workplace.
Students will gain the ability to make informed decisions about further career studies and
careers in science.
Unit 1:
Matter & Change
Review of science 10 chemistry section
Lewis diagrams & structural formulas
Intermolecular forces
Unit exam about End of September 2013
Unit 2:
Properties of gases
Gas laws and molar volume calculations
Unit exam about End of October 2013
Unit 3:
Solutions, Acids and Bases
Properties of solution
Concentration measures and calculations
Solution reactions
Properties of acids and bases
pH and pOH
Unit exam about End of November 2013
Unit 4:
Mole/molar mass calculations
Gas stoichiometry
Gravimetric and solution stoichiometry
Gravimetric analysis
acid-base titrations and titration curves
Unit exam about End of December 2013
Final review
30 days
16 days
30 days
30 days
Chemistry 20
Course Outline
Glenmary School Semester 1, 2013
Requirements for Success
1. ATTENDANCE: Students must make every effort to attend all classes. Regular attendance is one of
the most important factors for academic success. Lateness is a form of disrespect. If you are late,
you are still expected to attend class. Go to the office and get a late slip. Enter the room quietly, sit
down and get to work. Do not disrupt the class.
2. STUDY: Regular studying and review of course material at home and preparation for quizzes and
tests is essential. What this means is that students begin preparing for their test at least 5 days before its
scheduled date. Studying should be around 45 min per night, going from general to more specific.
Check Chem 20 procedures for a more detailed outline.
3. RESPONSIBLE: Students are responsible to obtain and/or make up all missed readings, notes,
materials, assignments, quizzes and/or labs during any absence. Students may obtain missed items
from the “while you were away folder” in addition to other students or the instructor at an appropriate
time so as not to disturb the class. All materials can be found on my website as well. You can either
click on the link on our school website or go on the following site:
4. QUESTION: Be sure to ask questions to clarify concepts. Tutorial is every day before and after
school. Please make an appointment with your teacher to ensure that you get the help that you
5. BEHAVIOUR: Mature and considerate behaviour is expected in class. Students who do not meet an
acceptable standard of behaviour will not be permitted to continue disrupting others.
Formative Assessment
Quizzes, etc… During the course of each unit
there will be a series of pencil
paper quizzes each with at least a
day’s notice
Formative assessments are learning activities given to students specifically for the
purpose of practicing. These activities provide teachers, students and parents with
valuable tracking information about academic progress and where to focus their efforts
for improvement. Formative assessments are provided for informative feedback only,
and as such, are not directly included in the determination of the student’s course mark.
Please refer to the table below for a guide explaining the score codes teachers will use for
formative assessments.
Formative Assessments
Score Codes
Absent when Learning Activity was done in class
Not Meeting the assessed outcomes
Indicates a Basic demonstration of knowledge, skills and attitudes
Indicates a Proficient demonstration of knowledge, skills and attitudes
Indicates an Excellent demonstration of knowledge, skills and attitudes
Chemistry 20
Course Outline
Glenmary School Semester 1, 2013
Summative assessments are given to students to evaluate their knowledge
and skills after they have been adequately prepared. These activities are used to
determine student achievement in relation to the curriculum outcomes for each course.
Summative assessments include section tests, final exams, assignments and quizzes.
Inside assignments you can include all your projects, performance tasks and other subject
specific activities.
These scores will be communicated using percentages. Each teacher will communicate a
deadline that all summative assessments must be completed by before the end of a
semester. After these dates all marks become final so report cards can be printed off and
marks can be submitted to Alberta Education. Zeroes will be inputted once three quality
interventions have been applied to each summative assessment. One of these quality
interventions will be a phone call home to discuss the implications of assigning a zero.
Summative Assessment
Final Exam
This will be scheduled for the end
of the semester and cover all
Tests - Unit
Each Unit will have a pencil and
paper unit test. Students will have
at least a week’s notice for such
Assignments - Students will be writing various
science labs and doing lab tests to
prove their understanding of the
scientific method.
Tests - MidUnit 1 and 2 will be retested at
terms and
the mid-semester while unit 3 and
4 will be retested at the end of the
semester. Tests will be averaged.