SHAPE AND MEASUREMENT A Mathematics Unit Tanya Winship UBC Teacher Candidate Tanya Winship | 1 Table of Contents Unit Rationale Assessment Curricular Connections Unit Timeline Unit Overview 2 2 3 7 8 Tanya Winship | 2 Extensions and Adaptations 22 Tanya Winship | 3 Shape & Measurement Grade Level: 4/5 Timeline: Unit Rationale This unit is designed to cover a core aspect of the Mathematics curriculum for grades 4 and 5. The ‘shape’ part of the unit includes the discovery and classification of 2-D and 3-D shapes while measurement includes choosing appropriate units, measuring length and capacity, and determining the perimeter, area, and volume. This unit will include a number of hands-on activities to engage students in an active and meaningful way, including using manipulatives to explore new concepts. There is also an experimental aspect to the unit as we explore capacity and volume. The activities and lessons in this unit are designed to stimulate interest and cement learning. Assessment Tanya Winship | 4 Students will be assessed in a number of ways throughout the unit. Participation in hands-on activities and experiments are essential to students’ success in this unit. Students will complete a variety of corresponding worksheets, a review package, and a unit test as summative assessment for this unit. Formative assessment will be ongoing and will examine students’ ability to use manipulatives to demonstrate their understanding of topics and new concepts. Curricular Connections Mathematics – Grade 4 Prescribed Learning Outcomes Suggested Achievement Indicators It is expected students will be able to… C3 demonstrate an understanding of area of regular and irregular 2‐D shapes by recognizing that area is measured in square units selecting and justifying referents for the units cm2 or m2 estimating area by using referents for cm2 or m2 determining and recording area (cm2 or m2) constructing different rectangles for a given area (cm2 or m2) in order to demonstrate that many different rectangles may have the same area describe area as the measure of surface recorded in square units identify and explain why the square is the most efficient unit for measuring area provide a referent for a square centimetre and explain the choice provide a referent for a square metre and explain the choice determine which standard square unit is represented by a given referent estimate the area of a given 2‐D shape using personal referents determine the area of a regular 2‐D shape and explain the strategy determine the area of an irregular 2‐D shape and explain the strategy construct a rectangle for a given area Tanya Winship | 5 C5 demonstrate an understanding of line symmetry by identifying symmetrical 2‐D shapes creating symmetrical 2‐D shapes drawing one or more lines of symmetry in a 2‐D shape demonstrate that many rectangles are possible for a given area by drawing at least two different rectangles for the same given area identify the characteristics of given symmetrical and nonsymmetrical 2‐D shapes sort a given set of 2‐D shapes as symmetrical and nonsymmetrical complete a symmetrical 2‐D shape given half the shape and its line of symmetry identify lines of symmetry of a given set of 2‐D shapes and explain why each shape is symmetrical determine whether or not a given 2‐D shape is symmetrical by using a Mira or by folding and superimposing create a symmetrical shape with and without manipulatives provide examples of symmetrical shapes found in the environment and identify the line(s) of symmetry sort a given set of 2‐D shapes as those that have no lines of symmetry, one line of symmetry, or more than one line of symmetry Mathematics – Grade 5 Prescribed Learning Outcomes Suggested Achievement Indicators It is expected students will be able to… C1 design and construct different rectangles given either perimeter or area, or both (whole numbers) and draw conclusions construct or draw two or more rectangles for a given perimeter in a problem-solving context construct or draw two or more rectangles for a given area in a problem-solving context illustrate that for any given perimeter, the square or shape closest to a square will result in the greatest area Tanya Winship | 6 illustrate that for any given perimeter, the rectangle with the C2 demonstrate an understanding of measuring length (mm) by selecting and justifying referents for the unit mm modelling and describing the relationship between mm and cm units, and between mm and m units C3 demonstrate an understanding of volume by selecting and justifying referents for cm3 or m3 units estimating volume by using referents for cm3 or m3 measuring and recording volume (cm3 or m3) constructing rectangular prisms for a given volume C4 demonstrate an understanding of capacity by describing the relationship between mL and L selecting and justifying referents for mL or L units estimating capacity by using referents for mL or L measuring and recording capacity (mL or L) smallest possible width will result in the least area provide a real-life context for when it is important to consider the relationship between area and perimeter provide a referent for one millimetre and explain the choice provide a referent for one centimetre and explain the choice provide a referent for one metre and explain the choice show that 10 millimetres is equivalent to 1 centimetre using concrete materials (e.g., ruler) show that 1000 millimetres is equivalent to 1 metre using concrete materials (e.g., metre stick) provide examples of when millimetres are used as the unit of measure identify the cube as the most efficient unit for measuring volume and explain why provide a referent for a cubic centimetre and explain the choice provide a referent for a cubic metre and explain the choice determine which standard cubic unit is represented by a given referent estimate the volume of a given 3-D object using personal referents determine the volume of a given 3-D object using manipulatives and explain the strategy construct a rectangular prism for a given volume explain that many rectangular prisms are possible for a given volume by constructing more than one rectangular prism for the same given volume demonstrate that 1000 millilitres is equivalent to 1 litre by filling a 1 litre container using a combination of smaller containers provide a referent for a litre and explain the choice provide a referent for a millilitre and explain the choice Tanya Winship | 7 determine which capacity unit is represented by a given C5 describe and provide examples of edges and faces of 3-D objects, and sides of 2-D shapes that are parallel intersecting perpendicular vertical horizontal C6 identify and sort quadrilaterals, including rectangles squares trapezoids parallelograms rhombuses referent estimate the capacity of a given container using personal referents determine the capacity of a given container using materials that take the shape of the inside of the container (e.g., a liquid, rice, sand, beads) and explain the strategy identify parallel, intersecting, perpendicular, vertical, and horizontal edges and faces on 3-D objects identify parallel, intersecting, perpendicular, vertical, and horizontal sides on 2-D shapes provide examples from the environment that show parallel, intersecting, perpendicular, vertical, and horizontal line segments find examples of edges, faces, and sides that are parallel, intersecting, perpendicular, vertical, and horizontal in print and electronic media such as newspapers, magazines, and the internet draw 2-D shapes or 3-D objects that have edges, faces and sides that are parallel, intersecting, perpendicular, vertical, or horizontal describe the faces and edges of a given 3-D object using terms, such as parallel, intersecting, perpendicular, vertical, or horizontal describe the sides of a given 2-D shape using terms, such as parallel, intersecting, perpendicular, vertical, or horizontal identify and describe the characteristics of a pre-sorted set of quadrilaterals sort a given set of quadrilaterals and explain the sorting rule sort a given set of quadrilaterals according to the lengths of the sides Tanya Winship | 8 according to their attributes sort a given set of quadrilaterals according to whether or not opposite sides are parallel Tanya Winship | 9 Unit Timeline MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY April 28 – Lesson 1: Shapes May 5th – Lesson 5: Building Geometric Models May 12th – Lesson 10: Measuring Length April 29 – Lesson 2: Sorting 3-D Solids May 6th – Lesson 6: Lines of Symmetry April 30 – Lesson 3: Constructing 3-D Models May 7th – Lesson 7: Lines of Symmetry (cont’d) May 1 – Lesson 4: Nets May 8th – Lesson 8: Problem Solving May 2nd – NO SCHOOL May 9th – Lesson 9: Review/Mini-Test May 13th – Lesson 11: Units of Measure May 14th – Lesson 12: Perimeter May 15th – Lesson 13: Introducing Area May 19th – NO SCHOOL May 26th – NO SCHOOL June 2nd – Unit Test May 20th – Lesson 15: Calculating Area May 27th – Lesson 19: Units of Measurement May 21st – Lesson 16: Surface Area May 28th – Conversion May 22nd – Lesson 17: Volume May 29th – Review May 16th – Lesson 14: The Area Stays The Same May 23rd – Lesson 18: Capacity May 30th – Review th th th st T a n y a W i n s h i p | 10 Unit Overview Topic 1 The Classification and Identification of Shapes Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) - name and identify a variety of 2-D and 3D shapes - define key vocab, including vertices and faces Activities Materials Show students a number of shapes on the SMARTBoard, ranging from easily identifiable to difficult, including both 2-D and 3-D shapes. Ask students if they can identify the shape. SMARTBoard with variety of shapes After students have identified each shape, classify each shape (how many sides does it have, faces, dimensions, corners, edges, etc.) Use this opportunity to review key vocabulary and explain the properties of shapes (vertices, faces, etc.) Copies of orksheet Give students one block shape (prisms, cylinders, pyramids) per two students. Students will work in pairs to examine their shape and complete the accompanying worksheet to name and describe the item. Ask students to share their findings. Students will then complete a set of independent activities further exploring shapes and their properties. Wood 3-D solids T a n y a W i n s h i p | 11 2 Topic Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) Sorting 3-D Solids - sort shapes and solids using different classifications - identify solids as having specific number of faces, edges, or vertices Activities Display a collection of 3-D solids. Place two hula hoops on top of a large sheet of paper (representing the outside set, where items not belonging to either hula hoop set are placed). Sort the 3-D solids without telling students what your rule is (select a rule such as solids with at least one circular face/solids with no circular faces, etc.) Ask students to, as you sort, record their ideas about your sorting rule. Once you have sorted all the solids, have students share their answers. Allow students to come up and sort the items, one at a time, provide the sorting rule and have the students sort the objects. Record the rules on index cards (solids with eight vertices, no vertices, no faces, four faces, etc). Continue the activity by giving students the opportunity to choose their own sorting rule and sort the solids while their classmates try and guess the rule. Be sure the volunteer records their sorting rule first and double-checks it with you so you can guide the sorting. What patterns do students notice? Are there prisms that are similar? Different? Explain that all rectangular prisms have rectangular faces and all triangular prisms have triangular faces. Create a table to examine the Materials Wood 3-D solids 2 hula hoops Index cards with sorting rules Table on whiteboard Copies of prisms and non-intersecting Venn Diagrams Scissors and glue T a n y a W i n s h i p | 12 Topic Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) Activities Materials number of faces, edges, and vertices (with prism and base as other headings). Have students examine prisms and contribute. Students should copy table into their books. 3 Constructing Models of 3-D Solids - construct 3-D models of solids and prisms using a variety of materials - draw and describe 3D prisms Provide students will copies of small pictures of prisms and blank non-intersecting Venn Diagrams. Have students cut and paste the prisms into the appropriate categories or create their own. Divide class into groups of 4 and provide each group with one 3-D solid and some modelling clay. Have each group first examine, and discuss their solid, focusing on the number and shape of its faces as well as the number of edges and vertices. Have students use the clay to build a model of their solid. Once all students in the group have built their models, they may choose another 3-D solid and build a new model. Repeat until each group has built a minimum of 3 solids. Have a student collect the modelling clay and solids while you distribute several sets of pattern blocks. Pose the question, Can you use several pattern blocks to build a larger 3-D solid? Challenge the groups to discuss and determine a way to use the pattern blocks to build a 3-D solid. Review students’ solutions by having each group display their 3-D solid. Continue to Wood 3-D solids Modelling clay Pattern blocks Copies of worksheet T a n y a W i n s h i p | 13 Topic Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) Activities Materials develop this by guiding students, can they build a triangular prism? A rectangular prism? 4 Exploring Nets - define nets - examine nets to predict and determine the 3-D solid it represents Students should return all materials and independently practice drawing 3-D solids with accompanying worksheet. Show students a net of a triangular prism on the SMARTBoard and ask students what they think it is. Review the term net, explaining that it is a twodimensional figure created by opening up and flattening a three-dimensional object. Ask students what 3-D solid they think this net will make and why. Distribute copies of net A and have students cut out their nets and fold them into a 3-D solid. Ask students what solid it made and what they know about triangular prisms (# of faces, base shapes, etc.) Repeat process with another triangular net (net B). How are they alike? How are they different? Distribute copies of activity sheet and have students draw diagrams of their nets and corresponding 3-D solids. SMARTBoard with nets Copies of nets A, B, C, and D Copies of worksheets Scissors and tape T a n y a W i n s h i p | 14 Topic Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) Activities Materials Provide students with the net C and net D (a cube and a rectangular prism) and have them assemble each. How are they alike? How are they different? Distribute activity sheet and have students draw diagrams of their nets and corresponding 3-D solids. 5 Building Geometric Models - build geometric models using cubes - examine pictures of geometric shapes to determine how it is created and identify its key features - draw geometric models using isometric paper Students will conclude by investigating a final net without building it, but rather by predicting the solid it will make and writing a paragraph on their understanding. Use six interlocking cubes to build a rectangular prism as show it to students. Turn the shape so that they can see it from different perspectives. Ask students if they can name the solid, how many cubes were used, how many cubes long is the solid, how many cubes wide, and how many cubes high. Distribute interlocking cubes to students and have them use the cubes to build a rectangular prism just like yours. Build another solid, more complicated. Show students from different perspectives. Ask students to describe the solid and then build it themselves with interlocking cubes. Have students compare their completed shapes with their classmates. Interlocking cubes Copies of activity sheet Isometric dot paper T a n y a W i n s h i p | 15 Topic Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) Activities Materials Divide the class into partners. Have each student use five interlocking cubes to make another solid. Ask partners to exchange shapes and then use another five cubes to replicate their partners’ solids to make sure the two solids are the same. Repeat four-five times. Distribute activity sheet and have students use interlocking cubes to build the solids shown. Complete the first one together with students. Ask how many cubes do you need to build the solid, how many cubes are on the bottom layer, how are they arranged, how many cubes are on the second layer, and so on. 6 Lines of Symmetry - define line of symmetry - use mirrors to determine if an object or picture is symmetrical Students will then complete the remaining solids, using interlocking cubes to build the solid. Students should also use isometric dot paper to draw 3-D models of each solid. Ask students to define symmetry. Explain that when an object can be divided into two parts that are exactly the same, the object is symmetrical. The line that divides the shape into equal parts is called the line of symmetry. The parts of the object or shape on each side of the line of symmetry are congruent, or identical in shape and size. Show students a variety of images and ask them if they are symmetrical or not Miras or small, plastic mirrors Copies of activity sheet and table Scissors and glue T a n y a W i n s h i p | 16 Topic Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) - use geoboards to create or re-create symmetrical shapes Activities and why they think so. Ask students if they can think of things that are symmetrical. Materials Geoboards with elastic bands (or iPads with app) Provide students with Miras or small plastic mirrors and copies of the activity sheet. Have students examine the pictures on the activity sheet and predict which ones they think are symmetrical. Demonstrate how students may use a mirror to determine if the object is symmetrical. Have students test each object and cut out, sort, and glue the pictures onto the chart. Have them draw a line of symmetry through each picture they sort into the “symmetrical” column. 7 Lines of Symmetry (cont’d) - apply knowledge of symmetry to answer basic questions about objects - determine the number of lines of symmetry in any given shape Have students use GeoBoards to create symmetrical shapes. Have students record their images on graph paper and draw the lines of symmetry. Ask students take out a piece of paper and have students examine it. Ask what shape the piece of paper is, whether they think it is symmetrical, and how they know. Have students fold their sheet of paper in half vertically and then open it. Ask whether this proves it is symmetrical, what does the fold represent, and whether there is another way you could fold your rectangle into two parts that are equal in size and shape (congruent). Paper Copies of activity sheets Pattern blocks Graph paper T a n y a W i n s h i p | 17 Topic Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) - classify shapes as symmetrical or asymetrical Activities Materials Can shapes have more than one line of symmetry? Can they have only one line? Have students share their ideas and record them on the board. Distribute activity sheet to students. Have students cut out each shape, fold it to see if it is symmetrical, and then sort, and glue it onto the chart based on whether it has one line of symmetry, more than one line of symmetry, or no lines of symmetry. Have students draw the lines of symmetry on each picture. When students have completed the activity, have them share their findings. 8 Problem Solving with Pattern Blocks - use manipulatives to answer a problem solving question involving lines of symmetry Have students use pattern blocks to create a set of symmetrical shapes (with a list of specific requirements) and record their findings on graph paper. How many different shapes can we make as a class? Have students share their findings. Give students a problem solving question that requires them to use pattern blocks and explore lines of symmetry. Students will work independently to answer the question. Students are encouraged to use manipulatives to work through the question. Copies of problem Pattern blocks T a n y a W i n s h i p | 18 Topic 9 10 Shape Review Measuring Length Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) - illustrate sound understanding of shape - use a variety of items, non-standard and standard, to measure Activities Have students complete a short review package or quiz to conclude the shape portion of this unit and assess understanding of concepts. Discuss rules of measurement. Ask students “how” they measure? Where do you start when using a ruler? (0 or the end of the ruler?) What if it’s longer than the ruler? What units can we measure in? What can we use to measure? Copies of review package/quiz Have students practice measuring length with nonstandard units. Complete activity chart and scavenger - estimate length prior hunt. Have students practice estimating and choosing to measuring appropriate units. - use measuring tools to accurately measure Complete measurement worksheets. a variety of objects - determine the unit What unit of measure do we use for length? How long of measurement is a centimeter? Have students use a cm cube to find required to measure a things that are around the same length. Complete variety of items (cm, Length 19 and Length 20 sheets to measure with cm m, mm) cubes. Copies of activity sheets - demonstrate proper use of measuring tools 11 Units of Measure: Length and Height Materials Ask students to define a meter. What is it? How do they know? Use cm cubes to determine the length of a meter. Compare to a meter stick. Complete Length 14 – Length 16 activity sheets in groups. Ruler Pencils, paper clips, cubes, or other nonstandard measures Centimeter cubes or rods Meter sticks T a n y a W i n s h i p | 19 Topic 12 Perimeter Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) - demonstrate a variety of ways to determine perimeter - define perimeter - use a formula to determine the perimeter of a variety of shapes 13 Introducing Area - use manipulatives or grid paper to calculate area Activities Ask students to predict what a millimeter is. How do they know? Look at a ruler. Complete activity sheets measuring with centimeters and millimeters. Ask students to brainstorm and write down ways they could measure the distance around their desk (use a string, trundle wheel, measure each side and add). Ask students if they can define ‘perimeter’. Explain that the distance around the outside of any shape is the perimeter. Materials Copies of activity sheets Rulers Give students perimeter shapes sheets and ask them to recreate the shapes and determine the perimeter. Students should label each side and determine the total perimeter. Students will repeat this process with the shapes on the second sheet, but should also draw the shapes on graph paper as well as label each side and determine the total perimeter. Complete find the perimeter worksheets. Ask students to define area. What is area? Why is it used? What purpose do we have for calculating area? Students should write down their ideas, share with a partner, and add to their own ideas. Students should then contribute to class discussion of area and add to their own ideas with those of others. Geoboards and elastic bands (or iPads with app) Copies of activity sheets 1cm grid paper T a n y a W i n s h i p | 20 Topic Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) Activities Materials Demonstrate on the board how we can find area by counting the regions (i.e. cubes). Have students complete activity sheet to find areas of shapes. Students will then use GeoBoards to complete exercise exploring different sizes of the same shape and how the area may change. 14 15 The Area Stays The Same Calculating Area - understand and explain that shape does not determine area, but rather size does - use a number of formulas to accurately calculate the area of different shapes Have students trace their hands on 1cm grid paper and count the regions to determine the area of their hand. Begin class by discussing the unit of measure used for calculating area. Why is this the unit? Use manipulatives to illustrate. Squares cut to 10cm x 10cm Scissors Have students cut a square (or pre-cut squares) that are 10cm x 10cm (100cm2). Students should determine the area by laying it on a 1cm grid paper and trace the shape. Students should then cut their square into pieces and re-arrange the pieces to make a new shape. Have students place this shape on the grid paper and trace. They should then calculate the “new” area. Have students write a paragraph explaining their findings. Have students hypothesize how they could find area without counting squares. What formula can we use? What about shapes that are not squares or rectangles? 1cm grid paper Geoboards with elastic bands (or iPads with app) T a n y a W i n s h i p | 21 Topic Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) - use manipulatives to explain and understand the various formulas for area 16 17 Surface Area Volume - determine the surface area of 3-D objects - determine the volume of specific solids Activities Have students use GeoBoards and ask them to make a triangle. Compare this to the area of a square. What formula could we use? Materials Copies of worksheet or textbook Introduce the standard formulas for rectangles, squares, parallelograms, triangles, and trapezoids. Have students complete textbook work or workbook with practice questions. Challenge students to find the area of unusual shapes and record their methods. How do we find the area of 3-D objects? What is it called? Introduce the topic of surface area. Give students a 3-D object or prism. How can we find the surface area of the object? Have students brainstorm ways to figure out surface areas. Introduce formula for surface area. Have students complete the worksheets on surface area. What is volume? How is it determined? Introduce the formula for volume. Copies of worksheets Wood 3-D solids Textbooks SMARTBoard Have students practice finding the volume of a variety of shapes, starting together as a class. Complete textbook work independently. T a n y a W i n s h i p | 22 Topic 18 19 Capacity Units of Measurement Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) - determine how capacity and volume are different - sort units of measurement by their purpose (area, volume, length, mass) - choose appropriate units of measurement for various purposes Activities Materials Are capacity and volume the same thing? What is capacity? Two glasses with the same capacity Show students two different size glasses. Do they hold the same amount of water? Which one is bigger? Which one holds more? Have students predict which glass holds more? Pour the water from one cup into the other. Does it hold the same amount? Water Give students varying sizes of containers. Ask students to determine the volume using standard measurements. They will then choose a “filler” and predict the capacity, i.e. how many grains of rice or how many marbles will it hold. Students will then carry out their experiment. Provide students with cards labelled with units of measurement (kg, g, lb, cm, cm3, cm2, etc.) Students need to find their “group” by sharing their unit and looking for those who have things in common, grouped by weight, volume, area, length, etc. These will include both units and key terms associated with each category. Students should discuss what they have in common and be prepared to share. Independently, students will complete activity sheets focused on choosing appropriate units of measure. Containers, different shapes and sizes Fillers (a variety of materials) Cards labelled with units of measurement Copies of worksheets T a n y a W i n s h i p | 23 Topic 20 Conversion Learning Outcomes (SWBAT) - complete basic conversion and demonstrate an understanding of conversion Activities Materials Ask students to name all the units of measurement they can think of and categorize them. What is the difference between a mm, cm, and m? SMARTBoard with copy of conversion chart Show students how to convert using multiplication and division. Textbook Have students complete textbook work on conversion. T a n y a W i n s h i p | 24 Extensions & Adaptations This unit contains themes for both grades 4 and 5. There are also a number of students who have IEPs. In order to address the need for adaptations, students will have reduced workloads with modified questions where necessary. Students who need an additional challenge will be given challenge questions, aimed at furthering their investigation into the topic and extending their knowledge. Advanced T a n y a W i n s h i p | 25 students may also begin to explore how to calculate the area of circles.