By ERNEST KAMAU Email Info@diasporahomes.com Tel 254 20 445 4224/5 Nairobi, Kenya
Providing housing space to eradicate slums
• Bring Investors & Professionals together to build 20,000
houses and apartments in the next 5 years an estimated Kshs
100 billion/$1.5 billion dollars.
• Build housing space to eradicate slums.
• Create well planned estates with water supply, waste
recycling systems and meet high environmental standards.
• Take care of orphans by providing housing space donations.
• Create employment.
• Ensure a good return to financiers and investors.
Kenya Today
Kenya area: 582 650 sq km
Population: 37 million. Projected to be 50 million by 2015.
More than 15 million people live in slums or sub-standard houses.
3 million new homes are required to eradicate slums.
Kenya Economy is growing at about 6% & will grow at about 10%, 2010.
Gross Domestic Product 2007 was about Kshs 3 Trillion/$50 billion dollars.
With the growth rate the GDP will increase to Kshs 5 trillion by 2012.
New homes and infrastructure development will contribute about Kshs 1
trillion/$200 billion dollars.
• The goal of Kenya government is to see 150,000 new homes built every
Can Slums be Eradicated?
If 150,000 houses every year is met for the
next 20 years.
What is Diaspora Homes role?
Organize the building of part of the 3 million houses needed
to change the picture of slums to apartment complexes and
houses all over the Kenya.
Diaspora Homes Projects
My coming to WPI last year opened my mind
to New thinking.
Today there are:
• 3 pieces of land that could result into well
developed 3/4/5 bedroom houses in a Gated
Community Estate.
• 2 pieces of land that could result to well
established settlements outside Nairobi City
Project: 1
Land: 53 acres in Kiambu Nairobi Region.
Product: 150 houses of about 3,000 sq ft
Estimated Investment: Kshs 1.2
billion/$20 million.
Picture of 53 acres Land.
Project 2
Land: 70 acres in Runda region close to the
American Embassy.
Product: 200 houses of about 3,500 sq ft
Estimated Total Investment: Kshs 2 billion/$30
Picture of 70 Acre Land.
Project 3
Land: 127 Acres close to the Windsor hotel
and golf club.
Product: 300 houses of about 3,500 sq ft
Estimated Total Investment: Kshs 4
billion/$65 million
Project 4
Land: 12 Acres in a small town 30 Km/20
miles from Nairobi.
40 houses of about 600 sq ft
Shopping Complex
Technical High School
Estimated Total Investment: Kshs 120
million/ $2 million.
Project 5
Land: 5 Acres in a town 10 Km/7m from Nairobi city.
120 apartments of about 800 sq ft - 1100 sq ft
Shopping Complex
Light industrial/Commercial space
Estimated Total Investment: Kshs 300 million/ $5 Million.
Can you join us?
Yes! Through investing
1. Technology Equipment that
will be needed to build
high-rise buildings and
2. Professional Expertise
3. Finances
DIASPORA HOMES Business Projections
Based on when housing projects ground break
2009: 250 houses Est Kshs 2 billion = $30 million
2010: 1,000 houses Est Kshs 5 billion = $75 million
2011: 3,000 houses Est Kshs 10 billion = $160 million
2012: 5,000 houses Est Kshs 15 billion = $240 million
2013: 10,000 houses Est Kshs 30 billion = $480 million
Note we will start with upscale houses then concentrate
more on high-rise apartments from 2010.
Nairobi is save for investments.
Nairobi is one of the fastest growing cities in
Africa with a population of about 3.5 million
Where Kenya goes East and
Central Africa follows.
I hope you will partner and
get a good return in this
growing economies.
A house built is a Slum Destroyed!