Target Setting

Answering the Question
Higher Critical Essay
Topic Sentences
• These should not describe plot
• They should mention the audience
• And should use key words from or related
to the question:
• From the beginning the audience is clear
that it is a massive mistake to trust Iago.
• It is clear that Othello should put his faith in
• Act 3 Scene 3 is the turning point where we
realise the consequences of Othello’s
misplaced trust.
Choose a play in which a central character behaves in an
obsessive manner.
• Describe the nature of the character’s obsessive behaviour
and discuss the influence this behaviour has on your
understanding of the character in the play as a whole.
What is Othello obsessed by?
Write 3 topic sentences
First act
In the first act Othello is shown to be not only
obsessed by his beautiful wife Desdemona but his
acute awareness of his status in Venice also never
leaves his mind.
• Key scene
• Obsessive love turning to obsessive/destructive
• Climax – obsessive nature means he must destroy D
and ultimately himself.
Key Scene
4. Choose a play in which an important theme is effectively
highlighted by one specific scene or incident.
Explain how the theme is explored in the play as a whole
and then show in detail how the chosen scene or
incident effectively highlights it.
• Start with the scene
• Theme – jealousy destroys
• Good/evil – evil prevails
• “When I love thee not…” – loving, caring as he showed
in first act
• “Ha, I like not that!” – Iago’s control over people through
language – we have seen manipulate everyone
• “I’ll see before I doubt…” – logical, as he as been
• “O blood! O
What is the nature of the inner conflict?
…the conflict with another character?
Write topic sentences
How does Shakespeare make clear the nature
of the conflict with Iago in the first act?
• How does Shakespeare make clear the nature
of the inner conflict in the key scene?
• How does the final scene show the
Crucial error
• “I am not what I am”
• Realisation. Othello acts – ‘Othello runs at
• He wants justice: “Are there no stones in
• Gives up: “I am not valiant either…Let it go
• And later, “’O Desdemon! Dead
Desdemon! O! O!”