Summary of Community Involvement

Item 10(1)
Former Coldeast Hospital
Development Brief Supplementary Planning Document
Summary of Community Involvement
The Development Brief was produced for public consultation by Fareham
Borough Council, in consultation with the landowners of the site, Hampshire
Primary Care Trust, the Homes and Communities Agency and their
development partner Miller Homes, and with consultees and the local
The production of the Brief has three stages:
 Evidence gathering including Issues & Options Consultation;
 Production of a draft Brief including formal consultation; and
 Adoption of the Brief as a Supplementary Planning Document.
Issues & Options
The first stage in the production of the document was evidence gathering,
which involved collating information from relevant bodies and the public on the
issues relating to the site. As part of the first stage process an informal
consultation stage was undertaken from 5th November to 17th December
2007. This involved the distribution of leaflets to households and four manned
Exhibitions held at Brookfield School on the 16th and 17th of November and
the 7th and 8th December. Over 250 people attended the exhibitions.
A total of 77 response forms were completed, with a further 28 letter received
by the Council as a result of this consultation exercise. The main issues
raised were:
 traffic congestion;
 facilities and service provision;
 conservation of the site;
 lack of existing open space; and
 the need to ensure the development is of a high standard of design.
A summary report of the issues raised was included as an appendix in the
Draft Brief.
Draft Brief Public Consultation Process
The second stage in the preparation of the Brief was the production of the
draft Brief, which included a six week period of public consultation from 6th
June to 18th July 2011.
The consultation process for the draft Brief included;
 Copies of the document, response form, and public exhibition dates
published on the council's website;
Item 10(1)
A press release;
Leaflets posted to all addresses within a 400m radius of the Coldeast
site (2748 households);
Letters sent to all statutory consultees and other relevant bodies;
Leaflets sent to all residents who had commented at the previous
Leaflets in all notice boards and libraries across the Borough;
Targeted meetings and discussions with key providers and interested
parties; and
Three public exhibition events.
The leaflets set out the purpose of the Draft Brief and contained information
as to where hard copies of the document could be viewed. Times and dates
of a series of public exhibitions were also included in the leaflet and the letter.
Three public exhibitions were held at Victory Hall, Warsash (13th June),
Sarisbury Green Community Centre, Sarisbury (15th June) and Sarisbury
Parish Rooms (22nd June). These exhibitions included display material setting
out the key aspects of the Brief, including potential uses and proposed
layouts. The Homes and Communities Agency together with their selected
development partners, Miller Homes, also attended the exhibitions, displaying
illustrations and potential layouts of how new housing could be developed on
the site.
A total of 171 visitors attended the exhibitions; 53 at Victory Hall, 66 at
Sarisbury Green Community Centre and 52 at Sarisbury Parish Rooms.
Response forms were sent out with all letters and were available on line as
well as hard copies in all local libraries, the Civic Offices and at all the
A total of 41 responses were received regarding the Draft Development Brief.
Of this number 25 were from private residents, and 16 were from named
organisations. The organisations that responded to this consultation were:
 White Young Green on behalf of Miller Homes;
 White Young Green on behalf of NHS;
 Hampshire County Council;
 Sarisbury Infant School;
 Environment Agency;
 Natural England;
 Sport England;
 Fareham Society;
 Wallington Residents Association;
 Portsmouth Water;
 PCT;
 BNP Paribas on behalf of Royal Mail;
 Locks Heath Football Club;
 Southampton City Council (no issues raised);
Item 10(1)
Theatres Trust (no issues raised); and
Coal Authority (no issues raised).
The following issues were mentioned most frequently within the responses
 Impact on traffic;
 Access safety issues;
 Impact on local services;
 Open Space & biodiversity; and
 Design approach.
The table below shows all the principal issues that were raised during the
consultation period and how they have been considered. The table also
indicates how many people commented on each issue.
Item 10(1)
Principal issues raised during the consultation period and how they have been addressed
Summary of Comments
The entrance-exit point on to Barnes
Lane looks potentially dangerous due
to steep hill and blind bend.
Concerned with impact on new access,
especially with regards to Brookfield
School. Suggestions included making
this part of Brook Lane for residents
and visitors to the school only,
reducing speed limit to 20mph or
widening the road
Parking is also an issue, not only for
drop-off and pick-up from local
schools, but also Park Gate and Locks
Heath shopping centres.
No. of
respondOfficer Response
Preliminary assessment has identified access is
likely to be achievable. Detailed design work will
be undertaken for future planning application
and will take account of school access nearby.
Brook Lane can accommodate increased
capacity. However a likely increase in
congestion, particularly at peak times is
acknowledged and unlikely to be resolved in a
significant way. Improvements to non-car means
of transport will be provided taking account of
the sites' good location in terms of accessing
services and facilities in Park Gate and Locks
Heath. Detailed design work will be undertaken
for future planning application and will take
account of routes to schools. The new access
will be to an adoptable safe standard. Existing
project being undertaken by HCC to improve
footway and therefore safety for pedestrian
access to school but Brook Lane is considered
an important connection and cannot be
Parking arrangements at other sites cannot be
delivered through this brief. Future development
will be designed to encourage access by walking
and cycling.
the need
to travel
Item 10(1)
No. of
Summary of Comments
respondOfficer Response
Considerable concern over increased
Impact on traffic is noted. Surrounding road
traffic on Barnes Lane, Brook Lane and
network capacity can accommodate level of
Bridge Road especially when
development and contributions will be sought
combined with additional traffic arising
towards improved management of the network.
from other proposed developments
A likely increase in congestion, particularly at
such as Peters Road. Peak hour traffic
peak times is acknowledged and unlikely to be
is already a major problem in the area.
resolved in a significant way. Improvements to
non-car means of transport will be provided
taking account of the sites good location in terms
of accessing services and facilities in Park Gate
and Locks Heath.
Amendments and clarification sought
Noted. Improvements to non-car means of
on issues surrounding public transport
transport will be provided taking account of the
in the local area. Calls for greater
sites good location in terms of accessing
emphasis to be placed on installing
services and facilities in Park Gate and Locks
methods that reduce the need to travel
Heath. The issue of improving bus services if
viable is a development objective
More housing is not needed in the
Coldeast is one of a number of sites identified in
area. There are parts of the
the Strategic Housing Land Availability
surrounding area that remain unsold
Assessment 2010 which together will help to
with more being built and more
meet the Council's housing supply target set out
planned (Hunts Pond, Peters Rd etc).
in the adopted Core Strategy. In addition,
Coldeast will also help to contribute to the
council's affordable housing target and enable
the provision of a number of community facilities.
Appropriate contributions will be determined
during the planning application stage to help
existing services and facilities.
Summary of Comments
Mixture of comments with some asking
for a high number of affordable units,
with others seeking flexibility in the
percentage proposed.
The sewerage system along Brook
Lane cannot cope with 2 major
instances in the last year. The pipes
are not designed to cope with the level
of development.
Recommend that protection and
enhancement of the water environment
is included in objectives as vital to
enhance ecology.
The site also has drainage problems
that need to be considered.
Recommend additional wording.
Loss of
The proposal will result in the loss of
open space. The area should be left
for dog walking and as general amenity
open space.
Item 10(1)
No. of
respondOfficer Response
Adopted Core Strategy Policy requires 40% of all
dwellings to be affordable housing for schemes
of 15 or more. This is reflected in the brief.
Appropriate detailed drainage design will have to
be agreed with the statutory undertaker as part
of implementation of any planning approval for
development. FBC and future developers will be
guided by the statutory undertaker.
Noted. Brief amended accordingly.
The drainage strategy will be required to be set
out in the planning submission(s) in accordance
with Core Strategy policy CS15. Sustainable
Urban Drainage System is a feature of
sustainable development required by the
Coldeast Development Brief. Southern Water
has not identified capacity problems in the
sewerage/drainage system.
The site is not legally accessible to the public at
present. The proposal will allow for public access
and provide significant additional publicly
accessible community benefits. The precise
size is dependent on assessment of habitats and
biodiversity of the woodlands and the design and
orientation of new housing. This will be
determined at the planning application stage.
Summary of Comments
Loss of
Concerns over the potential loss of
wildlife which currently uses the site.
Any loss of habitat should be mitigated
for, to ensure no net loss overall.
It is considered that the 10-15m buffer
is excessive and unnecessary.
Concerned by the lack of character in
coldeast development being built,
hopes this can be avoided at Coldeast
Concerns that there is potentially
tension between the wording that the
development will be kept to 2 storeys
and the developer is showing 3 storey
Concerns over the proposed location
of the swimming pool given the lack of
Number of
Item 10(1)
No. of
respondOfficer Response
Habitat surveys have been undertaken and will
be updated for any subsequent planning
application. Any adverse impact will need to be
mitigated and compensated and the methods
identified as part of any planning application.
The extent of buffer is appropriate given
potential impact upon biodiversity and habitat
and the potential need to ensure appropriate
living conditions for future residents and
pressure to cut back trees.
The Brief specifies principles to inform character
of new proposals
The Brief states that development will generally
be restricted to 2 stories. Any proposal above
this must be justified through design analysis as
part of any future planning application. No
change to Brief.
The location of the pool and sports pitches have
been carefully considered in the light of all
physical, biodiversity, historic building and
financial constraints and is considered
appropriate. Parking will be provided.
Summary of Comments
Item 10(1)
No. of
Officer Response
Not all the views to and from the site
have been identified, and those from
the Manor Road access to the north
will be lost. Views into the site are also
possible from Brookfield Gardens
The formalising of the existing
footpaths to the local schools which
form part of their travel plans was
stressed as important by a number of
respondents. Proposed pedestrian and
cycle links should be shown on a
definitive map.
Considers that it would be cheaper to
repair the hall than knock it down and
replace it, this would also retain the
character of the building.
Initial assessment suggests that a modern
purpose built facility would achieve greater
functionality and efficiency and reduce long-term
Seeking the installation of dirt bike
jumps as part of community facilities.
There are no facilities of this kind in the
local area.
Dirt bike facilities within the Borough are being
explored by the Council's leisure department.
The site of Coldeast is sensitive in landscape
and biodiversity terms and it is not anticipated
that a suitable area could be found within the
Dirt bike
It is acknowledged that views into the site along
Brook Lane past the access road will be
significantly eroded, albeit that they are partially
filtered by existing trees at present. The sense of
openness lost in this part of the site is one of the
negative aspects of the balance to provide
community benefits through new development.
Views from the western end of Brookfield
gardens are noted, but no housing is proposed
within this vista.
The formalisation of these footpaths is intended.
Precise alignment and construction will be
subject to planning applications.
Community Hospital
Item 10(1)
No. of
Summary of Comments
respondOfficer Response
Strong concerns were reported
The potential impact upon doctor's surgeries and
regarding the lack of doctors'
the delivery of health facilities is acknowledged.
surgeries, with the Locks Road
However the Council does not have a policy
Surgery moving to Whiteley.
mechanism to seek specific financial
contributions towards future health facilities, as it
does for transport, open space and affordable
housing. As such the Brief cannot identify such
provision. The NHS must plan and cater for
expansion of services where necessary. It is
understood that the decision of the Locks Road
Surgery to move to Whiteley is now subject to
Concerns that the proposal will lead to
The brief allows for the expansion of the
insufficient land for future expansion of
community hospital. The type of services
the hospital. Also concern that hospital
provided is determined by the PCT, not Fareham
expansion will lead to light pollution.
Borough Council. Details of lighting design to
reduce light pollution should be considered as
part of a detailed planning application in due
The Brief does not give enough focus
There are existing retail centres at Park Gate
on local retail services.
and Locks Heath. Core Strategy policy seeks to
strengthen such centres, which will be helped by
population increase from the development. Out
of centre retail within the site is not supported by
Concerns over the likelihood of the
The swimming pool is a corporate priority. Future
swimming pool proposals ever coming
funding will determine the timing of delivery, but
to fruition.
is not linked to housing delivery.
Summary of Comments
Some residents requesting fewer
sports pitches adjacent to residential
properties. Also enquiry to put new
stadium for local sports team on
Coldeast site.
Concerned with the impact on local
schools, especially when considered
alongside other proposed
developments in the area.
A number of alternative uses were
proposed for the mansion house
including musical performance area,
retirement village and/or commercial
premises with flats above.
Impact on
Little account is taken of the living
environment of existing residents,
particularly Brookfield Gardens.
Item 10(1)
No. of
respondOfficer Response
There is an identified need for additional pitches
and the Coldeast site is suitable for provision.
Nuisance impact needs to be considered as part
of planning applications. An enclosed stadium is
inappropriate development within the site due to
historic landscape issues and need to retain
open land for public access.
The brief acknowledges lack of school places.
Hampshire County Council education
department have indicated that their preference
is to use financial contributions from the
development to expand school places in the
existing nearby schools.
The brief is supplementary to the Core Strategy
Policy, which sets out proposed uses for the
Mansion. The brief cannot identify new or
additional uses. Alternatives to those uses
identified in the Core Strategy need to be
considered by the owners when considering
planning application submissions. Such
applications would need to demonstrate an
overriding justification for alternative uses.
The specific impact upon existing residents will
be ascertained through detailed design
considered at the planning application stage.
Core Strategy policy seeks to ensure that there
is no unacceptable impact upon residential
Item 10(1)
No. of
Summary of Comments
respondOfficer Response
The scale of contributions is unclear,
The scale of contributions can only be specified
the SPD should be more specific in this
once the planning application has been
submitted and the viability of the site considered.
"Fareham Borough Council leader
The need for sports pitches, biodiversity issues,
Sean Woodward said that although the
traffic implications, housing provision and the
250 homes were not needed in the
impact on local facilities have been addressed
west of the borough they were the way
elsewhere in this table. The pavilion will be a
of paying for the community facilities" necessary facility to serve the adjacent pitches.
Daily Echo 4th April 2011. Comments
The waiting list for allotments shows that there is
include: Football pitches would be
a significant need for this type of use within the
used by a relatively small number of
Borough and the Council is actively looking to
the community and we already have
provide new allotments where it can. The
footballs pitches on the adjacent field
Council is tasked with providing land for
(Brookfield School). A sports pavilion
cemetery spaces, both for burial and cremation,
would be mostly used as changing
therefore a need for these spaces exists. The
rooms, so again limited in use and we
site is not legally accessible to the public at
already have 7 community centres
present. The proposal will allow for public access
locally at Locks Heath, Sarisbury
and provide significant additional publicly
Green, Abshot, Burridge, Lockswood,
accessible community benefits.
Warsash and Priory Park. There are
approximately 300 people on the
waiting list for an allotment in Fareham,
the waiting lists are higher in the
Western Wards than other areas within
Fareham. 30 allotments is an
insignificant number when viewed in
respect to the waiting list. Cemetery
plots are unsustainable and will be
used in a relatively small space of time.
Summary of Comments
The council should be promoting
cremation. Land for a swimming pool
is of no benefit to community without
the necessary financial commitment to
build the swimming pool. The limited
benefit these facilities might bring to
the community will not outweigh the
devastation to our local environment
brought about by building these
additional homes. The majority of
these homes are planned to be built
outside of the urban area, removing
green space from our community. That
green space is currently home to a
great deal of wildlife including bats,
slowworm, newts, buzzards, tawny
owls, dormice and stag beetle. Some
of these are protected species. The
negative impact of additional traffic on
our already busy roads, that this
development would cause, will make
our community nosier, more dangerous
and a less healthy place to live. There
is also the negative impact of many
more families using schools and
facilities within our community, facilities
that are already at capacity. If these
homes are not needed why is Fareham
Council pushing for this development?
No. of
Item 10(1)
Officer Response
Summary of Comments
Fareham Council should instead
understand the benefit to the
community of having Coldeast as a
green space and not cause a negative
impact on the community through
additional traffic and pressure on local
No. of
Item 10(1)
Officer Response
Item 10(1)
Adopted Brief
The last stage in the preparation of the Brief is the production of the adopted
brief. In light of the issues raised through the draft brief period of consultation
the Brief has been revised accordingly and the final version will be adopted as
a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) forming part of the Local
Development Framework (LDF).