kumc 37 anterior abdominal wall student

Borders of the Abdomen
Costal cartilages 7-12.
Xiphoid process:
Level of 10th cartilage = L3
Pubic bone and iliac crest:
Level of L4.
Level of IV disc L3-4
Lines of the Anterior Abdominal
Linea alba:
Located along the midline.
= connective tissue raphe.
Linea semilunaris:
Along each lateral border of rectus
Linea transversa:
Tendinous bands of rectus abdominis.
Abdominal Quadrants
Formed by two intersecting lines:
Intersect at umbilicus.
Upper left.
Upper right.
Lower left.
Lower right.
Abdominal Regions
Divided into 9 regions by two pairs of planes:
Vertical Planes:
Left and right lateral planes
= midclavicular planes
Horizontal Planes:
Transpyloric plane:
Midway between jugular notch and
pubic symphysis (between xiphoid and
Intertubercular plane:
Through tubercles of iliac crests.
Abdominal Regions
Right and left hypochondriac:
Contain liver
Contains: liver, stomach, pancreas
Right and left lateral (lumbar):
Right contains ascending colon.
Left contains descending colon.
Abdominal Regions
Contains small intestine and transverse colon.
Right and left inguinal:
Right contains ileocecal junction and appendix.
Left contains sigmoid colon.
Contains small intestine, urinary bladder (full),
pregnant uterus.
Cutaneous Nerves
Derived from ventral rami of T7 through L1.
Pass inferiorly and medially in plane between
transverse and internal oblique muscles.
Motor innervation:
To abdominal muscles.
Cutaneous innervation:
Lateral cutaneous branches.
Anterior cutaneous branches:
Penetrate rectus sheath.
Cutaneous Nerves
Ventral rami of T7 through T11:
= thoracoabdominal nerves.
T7 to dermatome over xiphoid process.
T10 at level of umbilicus.
Subcostal nerve
 Ventral ramus of L1:
Gives rise to:
iliohypogastric nerve.
ilioinguinal nerve.
 Superficial:
Camper’s fascia
Continuous with fascia over thorax and thigh.
Fatty layer.
 Deep
Scarpa’s fascia
Membranous layer.
Continues into perineum as:
Superficial perineal fascia = Colle’s fascia.
 Deep:
Thin layer covering abdominal muscles.
Arterial Supply Above Umbilicus
Posterior intercostal arteries 10-11.
 Subcostal artery.
 Lumbar arteries 1-4.
 Musculophrenic arteries.
 Superior epigastric arteries.
 Inferior epigastric arteries.
Arterial Supply Below Umbilicus
Superficial epigastric arteries.
 Superficial circumflex iliac arteries.
 Superficial external pudendal arteries.
Venous Drainage
Superficial veins are paired with arteries.
 Above the umbilicus:
Drain into the azygos venous system.
Below the umbilicus:
Drain into the femoral system (via great
Lymphatic Drainage
Above the umbilicus:
Drain into the axillary and sternal nodes.
Below the umbilicus:
Drain into the superficial inguinal nodes.
Anterior Abdominal Wall Arteries
Superior epigastric:
Terminal branch of internal thoracic.
Descends in rectus sheath posterior to
Anastomoses with inferior epigastric.
Anterior Abdominal Wall Arteries
Inferior epigastric:
Arises from external iliac artery.
Enters rectus sheath at arcuate line.
Cremasteric artery.
Pubic branch.
Anterior Abdominal Wall Arteries
Deep circumflex iliac artery:
Branch of external iliac.
Superficial epigastric artery:
Arises from femoral artery.
Superficial circumflex iliac artery:
Arises from femoral artery.
Superficial external pudendal artery:
Arises from femoral artery.
Anterior Abdominal Wall Veins
External iliac vein:
Receives from epigastric and deep circumflex iliac
Femoral vein:
Receives superficial circumflex iliac vein,
Superficial epigastric vein,
Superficial external pudendal vein.
Superior epigastric vein:
Drains to brachiocephalic vein.
Muscle Layers
General Characteristics:
Three large flat sheets connecting rib cage to
hip bone.
Muscular posteriorly and laterally.
Aponeurotic anteriorly and medially.
Muscle Layers
External oblique.
Internal oblique.
Transversus abdominus.
Rectus abdominus.
Muscle Layers: Innervations
Lower intercostal spinal nerve.
 Subcostal spinal nerve.
 First lumbar spinal nerve.
Linea Alba
Median raphe
 Extends from xiphoid to pubic symphysis.
 Lies between paired rectus abdominus
 = fusion of aponeuroses of transversus
abdominus, internal oblique, and external
Surface Features
Linea semilunaris:
Along lateral margin of rectus abdominus.
Crosses costal margin near tip of 9th costal
Arcuate line:
Lower free edge of posterior lamina.
Lies midway between umbilicus and pubis.
Inguinal Ligament
Inguinal ligament:
Thickened lower border of external oblique
From anterior superior iliac spine to pubic
Muscle Layers
Rectus sheath:
Encloses rectus abdominus.
Formed by fusion of fascia of other three
layers of abdominal muscles.
Anterior and posterior laminae. (layers)
Arcuate line is the lower free edge of the
posterior lamina
Lies midway between umbilicus and pubis.
Inguinal Region
Inguinal Canal:
Oblique passage through lower abdominal
Site of potential weakness.
Spermatic cord in males.
Round ligament of uterus in females.
Extends between superficial and deep
inguinal rings.
Inguinal Region
Inguinal Canal:
Superficial inguinal ring:
Triangular defect in the aponeurosis of the
external oblique muscle layer.
Superficial opening of the inguinal canal.
Lies above and lateral to pubic tubercle.
Larger in males:
Transmits spermatic cord in males.
Transmits round ligament of uterus in
Inguinal Region
Inguinal Canal:
Deep inguinal ring:
Opening of the evagination of the
transversalis fascia.
Lies above inguinal ligament midway between
anterior iliac spine and pubic tubercle.
Inguinal Region
Inguinal Canal:
Male: spermatic cord:
Vas deferens.
Ilioinguinal nerve.
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve.
Testicular arteries and veins.
Pampiniform plexus
Lymph vessels.
Cremaster muscle.
Inguinal Region
Inguinal Canal:
Round ligament.
Ilioinguinal nerve.
Lymph vessels.
Inguinal Region
Direct inguinal:
Occurs in older men (rarely women).
Due to weakness in abdominal wall behind or
lateral to superficial inguinal ring.
Passes directly through abdominal wall to
superficial inguinal ring.
Does not extend into scrotum.
Has sac formed by peritoneum.
Inguinal Region
Indirect inguinal:
Traverses deep and superficial inguinal rings
and inguinal canal.
Lies within coverings of spermatic cord.
May descend into scrotum.
More common than a direct inguinal hernia.
More common in boys and young men.
May be congenital.
Inguinal Region
Occurs within femoral canal.
More common in females.
Occurs at site where umbilical cord
penetrates between muscles and fascia of
anterior abdominal wall.
Folds on Posterior Surface
(of anterior wall)
Median umbilical fold:
Midline peritoneal fold on inner abdominal wall
above bladder.
Contains median umbilical ligament:
Remnant of embryonic urachus.
Medial umbilical fold:
Paired peritoneal folds on either side of median fold.
Contain medial umbilical ligaments:
Remnants of umbilical arteries.
Folds on Posterior Surface
(of anterior wall)
Lateral umbilical fold:
Paired peritoneal folds lateral to medial folds.
Contain inferior epigastric vessels:
From deep inguinal ring to arcuate line.
Folds on Posterior Surface
(of anterior wall)
Falciform ligament:
Double layer of peritoneum.
Attaches liver to anterior abdominal wall and
to inferior surface of diaphragm.
Contains ligamentum teres hepatis (round
ligament of liver):
Remnant of left umbilical vein.