William Hemmer Joseph Cunningham Intermediate Comp. June 24, 2013 Books that inflict emotions upon the audience can use many forms of writing to provide this. While a portion of the audience believes that the main form of writing comes from genre, they can be proved wrong. Rhetorical triangle is used to help persuade an audience with the help of genre. It’s hard to name a novel that does not use the rhetorical triangle throughout a novel. A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Child Soldier by Ishmael Beah is a book that was able to use the genre and rhetorical triangle. While the book itself may not be the best book written properly, it invokes a reaction to its audience. In the book A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Child Soldier the author does an excellent job in persuading and convincing his audience with the help of genre, ethos, pathos and logos. A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Child Soldier written by Ishmael Beah is classified as an Autobiography and a Memoir. The book follows the life of Ishmael Beah as a civil war is going on in Sierra Leone, Africa. Beah, who is around the age of thirteen when the rebels pillaged his home village. Beah’s village was attacked while he and his friends were away participating in a rap battle. As they learned about the recent events at their village, “Their day-today existence is a struggle of survival, and the boys find themselves committing acts they would never have believed themselves capable of, such as stealing food from children” (A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah Book Summary). Ishmael does what he has to do to stay alive, and one day is taken in as a child soldier and is brainwashed with the use of drugs to kill for revenge. Ishmael losses many friends in the process but is eventually taken to rehabilitation center, and he progresses slowly over the next couple of years before moving to the United States. Ishmael went through a lot, which compelled him to write a book about what he had to endure for a fraction of his childhood. Ishmael Beah’s book, A Long Way Gone: Memoir of a Child Soldier is an Autobiography and memoir. An autobiography is non-fiction and is written by the author who experienced the event. A memoir is, “A record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation” (Memoir). A memoir is the same thing as an autobiography, but just a more unique name. The use of certain genres can be very useful while writing novels, but in particular for A Long Way Gone: Memoir of a Child Soldier, it’s important to understand the use of the genre memoir. From the definition of memoir we can see that it’s a first hand account of an event and that is precisely what A Long Way Gone: Memoir of a Child Soldier is. The Author Ishmael Beah wrote the book about his life and how he struggled to survive through these tough times and a kid. With the choice of genre the audience is aware that it is coming from a first hand account of the event which helps play role in the rhetorical triangle. Before understanding how genre helps support the rhetorical triangle in this novel, we must understand the rhetorical triangle. Rhetoric has been around from the time of Aristotle and the “Rhetoric encompasses the art of analyzing the language choices authors and speakers use to create meaningful and persuasive texts, texts worth reading or hearing” (The Rhetorical Triangle and Situation). Rhetoric is described as being able to create meaningful and persuasive text, but to better understand how these texts become meaningful and persuasive we must understand the rhetorical triangle. The rhetorical triangle can be broken up into three parts, “ Ethos, Pathos and Logos are modes of persuasion used to convince audiences” (Examples of Ethos, Logos and Pathos). Ethos, pathos, and logos all work together to convince audiences, but each one does so in a specific way. Ethos and pathos contribute to the most to Ishmael Beah’s book A Long Way Gone: Memoir of a Child soldier, while logos is used less effectively. Ethos in the book is a very important role in building up credibility because, “Ethos (credibility), or ethical appeal, means convincing by the character of the author” (Ethos, Pathos, and Logos). In the book A Long Way Gone: Memoir of a Child Soldier, ethos is used effectively throughout the entire book. The author, Ishmael Beah, uses “I” throughout the book, which implies that it is coming from a first hand account of the person. We can see this throughout the book such as, “The only wars I knew of were those that I had read about in books or seen in movies such as Rambo: First Blood, and the one in neighboring Liberia that I had heard about on the BBC news. My imagination at ten years old didn’t have the capacity to grasp what had taken away the happiness of the refugees” (5-6). As we see the use of first person pronouns are used in this novel, which can also be predicted from the genre of the book. This is why genre is important to this book because it helps supports the claim that ethos is used efficiently throughout this book. An autobiography genre helps ethos out because the autobiography is written about some ones life, which can be understood as a first hand account of an event. Ethos gives the author credibility to help persuade the readers through the life events of Ishmael Beah, but uses pathos to help his case. Pathos is another part of the rhetoric triangle, and defined as “an element in experience or in artistic representation evoking pity or compassion” (Merriam Webster). The definition provided by the Merriam- Webster dictionary described pathos more in detail of a way to show emotion. Since we know that the author has experienced first hand the events that happened Ishmael could write in more detail about his life events with out losing credibility. By going into more detail about his life and creating a more precise image of his encounters is noteworthy. Pathos is used throughout the novel from the start to the end. In A Long Way Gone: Memoir of a Child Solider, Ishamel writes, “ It was over 120 degrees, and we were barefoot. The humidity by the sea was less than inland, but since there were no trees to provide shade, the sun penetrated right into the sane, making it hot and loose. Walking barefoot on the sand was like walking on a hot tar road… after I had cried for several hours, my feet became numb” (60). This gives an idea of how Ishmael provides more detailed information to his audience to provide a more emotional connection and response. Ishmael try’s to paint a picture in our mind the best and sometimes he uses more descriptive words, but sometimes he use simple and less descriptive words to convey an emotion. There is a part in the book where he talks about Saidu, who sits in the attic of his home while his sister are raped and parents abused. This part of the book he has to use very little descriptive words to convey and emotional response from his audience and according to Samia Chughtai, “Although descriptive imagery is absent from this excerpt, the scene still paints a vividly dark picture. The actions and the very nature of the scene creates a strong emotional” (3). Sometimes the events that happen are all that needs to be said because some events are taboo and are hard to comprehend. In this scene it could be beneficial to be more descriptive, but with certain words such as rape, it is not needed as much. While Ishmael flips back and forth between how descriptive he is in his book, the title also plays a role in the use of pathos. The title to Ishmael’s book can provide an emotion with some of the audience if they have a general idea of child soldiers. The title invokes the idea to certain readers an emotional response before or after reading this book. Back in the Video of about Child Soldiers year 2012 a viral video about child soldiers went viral on YouTube. It was called KONY KONY 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=Y4MnpzG5Sqc 2012; while the title may do very little for the video it was the ethos, pathos and logos used throughout the video that made it such an incredible film and movement. This film just simply talks about child soldiers and this one leader who is running the child soldiers and terrifying the villagers. It is similar in ways to the book A Long Way Gone: Memoir of a Child Soldier, but the main purpose is that an audience who knew about these issues going on in the world would have a reaction before picking up the book. Through the KONY 2012 video that is one way a person could be educated about such events on going through this world. Pathos is used throughout the book in the main form of being descriptive with the details of the events that makes an emotional connect. It is strengthen with ethos because we understand that he has credibility towards the event, because he lived through this. Ishmael Beah uses two sides of the rhetorical triangle effectively; he limits his usage with the last side, logos. According to the Purdue OWL, “ Logos or the appeal to reason relies on logic or reason. Logos often depends on the use of inductive or deductive reasoning” (Weida). A notable scene in the book is when, “My squad had lost the base where I had trained, and during that gunfight Moriba was killed. We left him sitting against the wall, blood coming out of his mouth, and didn’t think much about him after that. Mourning the dead wasn’t part of the business of killing and trying to stay alive” (149). Logos being used throughout the novel is seldom compared to pathos as we see we have some vivid images of the event. There are logos used within the book it can be typically dry and very faint to catch. As we can se it is hard to view how logos is used in this scene, but according to Samia Chughtai “Beah relates one of the hard facts of a soldier on the front: survival triumphs over companionship or emotions. After a valued comrade dies, the others, including the author, abandon his body and his memory. “Mourning the dead wasn’t part of the business of killing and trying to stay alive.” This heartless, yet logical, statement relates the dehumanization at work” (4). As we can see we need to use reasoning to determine how ethos would be used and it persists throughout the book just like this. The logos part is not straightforward statistics, but simply the fact that the audience must think. I find that the use of logos in this novel to be on the poorer side for the fact that you must stop and think about it, but the author must have reasoning behind it. Ishmael wants his audience to stop and think about these areas where logos persist because it is there to help persuade and inflict emotions. Logos still stands on the poor side for being very limited, could be used more effectively, but its there, and adds a slight benefit to the book. Ishmael Beah used the genre and rhetorical triangle to make his book much better and more convincing, but for being human it is not exactly perfect. Ishmael Beah used genre to help build his ethos before picking up and reading the book and by using first person pronouns to indicate he experienced these events. Pathos was also used effectively with making very precise and vivid images of most events, but struggled to use logos effectively. A Long Way Gone: Memoir of a Child Soldier is an excellent book to pick up and read if time allows, and to experience a good book about an African civil war. Works Cited "A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah Book Summary." Book Summary. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 July 2013. <http://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/l/a-long-waygone/book-summary>. Beah, Ishmael. A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007. Print. Chughtai, Samia. "AP Language and Composition." : A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldiers Soaps and Dails. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 July 2013. <http://samiachughtai.blogspot.com/2013/03/a-long-waygone-memoirs-of-boy-soldiers.html>. "Ethos, Pathos, and Logos." Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 July 2013. <http://courses.durhamtech.edu/perkins/aris.html>. "Examples of Ethos, Logos and Pathos:." Ethos, Pathos Logos Explanation and Examples. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 July 2013. <http://pathosethoslogos.com/>. "KONY 2012." YouTube. YouTube, 05 Mar. 2012. Web. 02 July 2013. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4MnpzG5Sqc>. "Memoir." Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com, n.d. Web. 01 July 2013. <http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/memoir>. "PathosAbout Our Definitions: All Forms of a Word (noun, Verb, Etc.) Are Now Displayed on One Page." MerriamWebster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 02 July 2013. <http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pathos>. "The Rhetorical Triangle and Situation." The Rhetorical Triangle and Situation. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 July 2013. <http://www.mrgunnar.net/ap.cfm?subpage=347030>. Weida, Stacey, and Karl Stolley. "Welcome to the Purdue OWL." Purdue OWL: Establishing Arguments. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 July 2013. <http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/588/04/>.