The Prince of Egypt

Group Members
1. Anton Chung
History Department
2. Lim Wen Jye
Political Science Department
In "The Prince of Egypt", the movie tells
the story of two men - one born a prince,
the other born a slave……
Two brothers united by friendship
Devided by destiny
Now Begin……
Supervising editor
Nick Fletcher
Supervising production manager
Ken Tsumura
Production manager
Bill Damaschke
Artistic Supervisors Story
Kelly Asbury, Lorna Cook
Writer story
Philip LaZebnik
Associate producer
Ron Rocha
Original Songs by
Stephen Schwartz
Score Composed by
Hans Zimmer
Art directors
Kathy Altieri, Richard Chavez
Production designer
Darek Gogol
Directed by
Brenda Chapman, Steve Hickner, Simon Wells
Produced by
Penney Finkelman Cox, Sandra Rabins
Executive producer
Jeffrey Katzenberg
Dreamworks Picture
December 1998
Born to a Hebrew woman during a time when all male babies were to
be thrown into the Nile, Moses was rescued by the Queen of Egypt
and raised a prince. When he finds out the truth, however, Moses
leaves his princely ways to become a prophet of God and delivers his
Hebrew brothers from the tyranny of Egypt.
Crual and stubborn, Rameses was born the heir to the Egyptian
throne. Afraid of becoming the "weak link" his father warns him
about, Rameses stubbornly refuses to free the Hebrew slaves even
after God sends multiple plagues upon his land including one that
costs him his first born son.
After witnessing the departure of her baby brother as a child,
she grew just as oppressed as all Hebrews and filled with hope
that her young brother would return to her and deliver them too.
Eventually, she is able to give Moses knowledge of his true
who is strong and eloquant that does Moses' handywork in freeing
the Hebrews. However, Tzipporah's line "You're just one man" as
well as Moses' body language seem to indicate that Dreamworks
gave Moses the strong role and so Aaron's character is yet
She discovered Moses as an infant and raised him in the royal
ways to be a prince of Egypt just as her own son, Rameses.
Moses' wife and mother to his children, she is strong and
musically inclined as evidenced by her duet with Mirium, "When
You Believe."
Moses' father-in-law when he marries Tzipporah, Jethro's
daughter. His wise and kind side (he seems to have no other)
shines through in his song, "Through Heaven's Eyes."
Pharoh Seti
Cruel and oppressive, the pharoh of Egypt is also proud and
powerful. He rules Egypt with an iron fist.
Two men -- brothers and princes of the greatest empire on
earth. One will someday rule Egypt. The other will become
one of the greatest heroes of all time. A lie made them brothers
- but the truth will destroy a dynasty and forever separate them
- in faith - in heritage - in destiny.
In their exodus from Egypt, thousands of Hebrews, freed at last from slavery, come to the Red Sea
Moses on ground tries to cheer his brother Rameses, (sitting on idol) after they are reprimanded by
their father the Pharaoh
The epic journey of Moses from slave to prince to deliverer
has been told and retold for centuries, inspiring generation
after generation. Now this timeless story comes to the screen
in a new form for audiences of every generation to experience.
Yocheved sings her last lullaby to her infant son as she sets him adrift in a basket on the Nile River to
save him from the Pharaoh's terrible edict
"My son, I have nothing I can give, but this chance that you may live."
With these words, Yocheved, a Hebrew mother, places her infant son in a basket and
sets him adrift on the Nile River. His sister Miriam follows him along the riverbank to
ensure its safety. After a perilous journey, the basket floats near the royal palace, where
it is spotted by the Queen. As she approaches the basket with her young son nearby, she
marvels at the beautiful infant boy inside. She names the baby Moses and adopts him as
her own.
The Queen discovers a basket floating on the Nile River
Moses is raised in the opulence of the royal palace along with Rameses, whom he
believes to be his older brother. The two grow very close, enjoying the playfulness of
youth and building a powerful and deep friendship. One day as the two careen through
the city streets in their chariots, they accidentally destroy a nearby temple, angering
their father, the Pharaoh Seti. He is particularly disappointed in Rameses, whose
conduct as the future Pharaoh is held up to greater scrutiny. Moses immediately takes
the blame for the incident and pleads with his father not to hold Rameses responsible.
That night as Moses returns to his room, he discovers that Tzipporah has escaped.
Intrigued by the rebellious girl, he follows her through the Hebrew settlement of Goshen
where he comes upon his true siblings, Miriam and Aaron.
Believing that Moses has returned to help them, Miriam reveals to Moses the truth
about his identity, that he is the son of a Hebrew slave. Shocked and dismayed, Moses
refuses to believe her and flees back to the palace. That night he has a nightmare about
the slaughter of the newborn Hebrews many years ago.
Moses races his brother Rameses through the city in a chariot
As Moses trudges through the desert, he removes the trappings of his palace life. He is
caught in a blinding sandstorm, but is eventually rescued by a mischievous camel and
finds himself in a Midianite village, where he encounters Tzipporah and her family.
Jethro, Tzipporah's father and the High Priest of Midian, welcomes him into their tribe.
As the years pass, Moses and Tzipporah fall in love and build a contented life as
humble shepherds. One day as Moses goes in search of a wayward sheep, he comes
across an unearthly sight -- a burning bush that is not consumed by the flames. To
Moses' amazement, he hears the voice of God, calling upon him to return to Egypt and
free the Hebrew people.
Filled with purpose, Moses returns to Egypt, where he discovers that with the passing of
years the Pharaoh Seti has died and Rameses has become Pharaoh. Rameses is
overjoyed by his brother's return. But when Moses tells him about his mission to free the
Hebrew slaves, Rameses reacts with disbelief and scorn. Though Moses tries to
convince Rameses of God's power, Rameses is unimpressed. He responds to Moses'
demands by doubling the workload of the slaves. Through the guidance of his sister
Miriam, Moses summons the courage to confront Rameses again. But Rameses refuses
to comply even when he sees the Nile river turned to blood before his eyes.
Finally, as Moses warned Rameses, God brings a series of plagues to overrun the
land. Although the Egyptian people become more and more afflicted by disease,
famine and pestilence, Rameses refuses to give in. That night, God speaks to Moses,
warning him of one final plague.
Recognizing the terrible danger, Moses goes to Rameses one last time to plead for the
release of the Hebrews. Again, Rameses refuses. That night the Angel of Death kills
all the Egyptian firstborn, including Rameses' young son. Moses is overwhelmed with
grief at the enormity of this last plague, but Rameses rejects his sympathy and angrily
orders, "Take your people and go."
Moses leads the Hebrews out of Egypt, but as they reach the shores of the Red Sea
they spot the Egyptian army in the distance. Moses calls to God, and the Pillar of Fire
emerges from the sea and arches over the Hebrews to block the army's path. Calling
on God's power once more, Moses then plants his staff in the water. Suddenly, the
mighty Red Sea parts, revealing an incredible path between two towering walls of
water. As the Hebrews travel through the parted Sea, the pillar of fire dissolves and
Rameses commands his troops to follow them. But soon the powerful waters begin to
crash down on the Egyptian army as Rameses watches helplessly from shore. Moses
and the Hebrews continue to cross and safely reach the other side a free people.
As the light of dawn descends on Mount Sinai, an older Moses
stands, stone tablets in his arms, poised to deliver the Ten
Commandments to the Hebrew people.
What a wonderful movie!
Not only was it true, but also animated extremely well. Our
group so glad a movie was made based on the Bible. It was
definitely an inspiration to anyone who saw the movie. Keep it
up DreamWorks. The Prince of Egypt definitely rocked the big
When You Believe
Lyrics & Music: Stephen Schwartz
Performed by: Sally Dworsky & Michelle Pfeiffer
Many nights we've prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains
Long before we knew we could
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail It's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe
In this time of fear
When prayer so often proved in vain
Hope seemed like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
Yet now I'm standing here
With heart so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say