Time Period VI

Time Period VI
1900 - Present
• Why 1900?
• The cut off right before the build-up of World
War I
• Industrialization firmly in control
• Huge revolutions in first 2 decades of 1900s in
Mexico, Russia, & China
• Pass Politics is developing
• New technologies, sciences and the modern
– Cars mass produced
– Airplanes
– Radio
• Causes of WWI
• Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism, Alliances
• Imperialism
– Fighting for land to take (Africa, Asia, islands)
– Once its all taken, they take from the other takers
• Nationalism
– Pride in your country, need for self-rule
– Austria-Hungary, Serbia
• Miliatrism
– Rapid building up of military
– Happens because of fears of others’ powers
– Easy to do because of the new technology (industrial revolution)
• Maxim Gun (machine gun)
• Alliances
• European countries unite, making an attack on one an
attack on all
• Immediate cause
• Assassination of Franz Ferdinand (Austria
Hungary) and his wife
• Hanging out in a part of AH that was just taken
from Serbia
• Killed by nationalist terrorist, Gavrillo Princip
of the Black Hand
• The War (1914-1918)
• Trench warfare, new weaponry (machine gun,
submarine, tank)
– Trench foot
– Mustard Gas
– Barbed wire
– Tanks
– Machine gun
– Submarines (by Germany)
– LOTS of Colonial Troops serve (millions)
– 14 Points calling for National Soverignty
• Trench Warfare
– Conditions in the trenches were poor, and common infections
included dysentery, typhus, and cholera.
– Many soldiers suffered from parasites and related infections.
– Poor hygiene also led to fungal conditions, such as trench mouth
and trench foot.
– Another common killer was exposure, since the temperature
within a trench in the winter could easily fall below freezing
• Soldiers from colonies fought (India, Australia,
– Gives natives an opportunity to see “the world” and
get a western education
– Some will return to run out their colonizers b/c they
see they’re not as strong as thought
• British convince the Arabs to unite against
Ottomans (Lawrence of Arabia)  Hussein
McMahon Correspondance!!!
• Nationalism in Turkey under Mustafa Kemal 
Turks create nationalistic modern state
• Russia withdraws due to Russian Revolution/ US
enters and dominates!
• Effects
• Treaty of Versailles – ends the war
– Austria & Hungary separated into modern nationstates instead of old-school empire, Germany
needed to pay reparations, League of Nations
– Germany had to sign “War Guilt Clause”
• The government in charge of Germany stinks, and
thinks it can print tons of money to pay the debt after
the stock market crashes
• This causes ultra inflation (1 US dollar =
1,000,000,000,000 marks)
– Rise of National Socialist Workers Party (Nazis)
• President Woodrow Wilson (14 Points) calls for
self-determination inspires decolonization
– Self-determination – when a country creates its own
• Example: Vietnam’s Independence documents (Ho Chi Minh)
– Should be ruled by Vietnamese, not French
– League of Nations – a treaty group created by Wilson
to stop a war from happening again. It doesn’t work,
hence the name World War II.
• Women in west get the right to vote
– Because they help in the factories while the men are
at war
• Happens in US after WWI
• Other countries after WWII
• Ottoman empire gone
– Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) overthrows sultan and
becomes first president of Turkey
Super example of nationalism
Becomes secularized
Western legal code
Democratic government
Secular nation in the Middle East
• Disillusionment with war
– People are pro-war before WWI
– After, they see the realities of it
– Books and art show how horrible it can be
(Guernica – Picasso’s painting of Spanish Civil War
during 1930s)
• Mandate system in place in the Middle East:
• Set up so Middle East countries are controlled by
European countries
• Balfour Declaration = Britain backs Zionists (those
who call for a Jewish homeland)
• Sykes – Picot Agreement =
• France in Syria and Lebanon
• Britain in Palestine, Jordan and Iraq
– Can you see even more building drama between the
West and the Middle East?
• France also takes Vietnam back (French
• Between the Wars
– Notion that WWI, interwar period and WWII are
one big war
– Boom in the 1920s/ Worldwide depression in the
• US stock market crashes, makes world stock market
– Because US lent money to Germany, other European countries
to pay war debt
– Everyone defaults on their loans
– Industrialized nations = everyone out of work/ Colonies =
squeezed even harder
• Reorganized governments:
– Fascism in Italy (Mussolini) and Germany (rise of
• Extreme nationalism
• Economic corporatism (basically state-run)
• Usually about restoring some past glory
– Italy with ancient Rome
– Germany with the Holy Roman Empire (Third Reich)
• The good of the country is more important than the
good of the individual
• Government can take rights away from individuals if it
serves a purpose
• Japan becomes an aggressor
– Invades Manchuria (northeast China) in 1931
• Is this really when WWII began?
– Invades China proper in 1937 (Rape of Nanking)
• Increased Wartime Casualties especially
• The Rape of Nanjing
• 250,000 to 300,000 Chinese civilians and
unarmed soldiers were killed by the Japanese
Imperial Army.
• Widespread rape and looting also occurred.
–Uses formerly-French Indochina
(Vietnam) for oil and iron
–Use formerly-Dutch Indonesia for
• US puts on sanctions
Lenin/Stalin (USSR)
Mussolini – Italy
Hitler: Germany
Hirohito Japan
• World War I and World War II were the first
“total wars.”
• Total war = entire country is part of the war
– Factories making weapons
– Women working
– Children collecting cans to donate to war effort
– War bonds = giving money to gov for the war, will
be paid back in ten years
• Governments used all resources for war
– Forced conscription = “the draft”
– Propaganda (radio, television, film, posters)
– Colonial holdings
• Africans, Indians forced to fight in WWI
– Pushed nationalism, communism and socialism as
reasons to fight
• When did WWII begin?
– Asian answer: When Japan invaded China (1937)
– European answer: When Hitler takes Poland
– American answer: When Japan bombed Pearl
Harbor (1941)
• Policy of appeasement towards German
– Because no one wants to go to war again
– Nevil Chamberlain – signs away Czechoslovakia to
Hitler for “Peace in Our Time.”
• Hitler invades Poland (1939)
– Axis (bad guys) and Allies (good guys)
– Uses blitzkrieg (planes bombing and tanks on the
ground for cleanup)
– Steamrolls through France
• Hitler and Stalin had a non-aggression pact
– Hitler breaks pact and invades the Soviet Union
– Now Germany is fighting on two fronts
• Britain to the west, Russia to the east
– Russia wins by retreating, just like they did with
• D-Day
– European Western Front turning point in WWII
– Allies storm the beaches in France, take it back and
march to Hitler in Germany
• Pacific
– Allies firebomb Tokyo
– Truman decides to use the A Bomb instead of invading
• Thought it would reduce Allied causalities
– Only two atomic bombs ever dropped
– The Bomb
• Truman takes over when FDR dies. Decides whether to
use the nuke or not.
• JPN invasion would be hard. JPN fortified their main
islands. Island hopping & battles like Iwo Jima showed
this fact.
• First bomb over Hiroshima, 3 days later over Nagasaki
• August 14th, 1945 Victory in Japan day.
• Effects of World War II:
• Staggering loss of life (over 60 million)
– Soviet Union loses 20 million civilian and soldiers
(most deaths in the war, followed by China in Asia)
• Holocaust
6 million Jews, 12 million all together
State of Israel created 1947 by Allies
Spurs Zionism & creation of Israel in 1948
Muslims living there already (Palestinians) are ticked
• United Nations replaces League of Nations and
headquarters moved to US
• US & USSR = major powers after the war
• More effects of WWII:
• New tactics in war (fire bombings Tokyo by US,
atomic bombs) = huge civilian toll
• Nuclear age begins
– Nuclear power
– Environmental damage (Chernobyl, Fukushima)
• More rights for women after WWII
– Suffrage around most of the world
• Colonies get independence (From 1945-1980, 90
countries get independence)
• US and Soviet Union emerge as superpowers and
the Cold War begins
– Drama of the Cold War moves from 1945-1990
– Ends with the fall of the USSR in 1989-1991
• Russian, Mexican, Chinese Revolutions all
regarding land redistribution
• Framed as revolt of the proletariat to take
land from the bourgeoisie in Russia & 1949
Rev in China
• Russian Revolution
• Ends 300 year Romanov Dynasty
– WWI showed Russia how behind they were
– Czar Nicholas II was a crappy leader
• More worried about war than Russian people
• Bolsheviks led by Lenin’s call for Peace, Land,
and Bread!
– Starts as a labor union
• Organizes the workers to revolt
• Led by Vanguard (different from Marxist ideas)
• Civil War between Red (communist) and
White (anti-communist) armies
– Nationalism joins communism here
• USSR eventually established
– Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
• Different versions of communism:
• Marx used the industrial workers in his
• Lenin believed that professionals should lead
the revolution
• Mao in China used the peasants in his
– China was not industrialized, so there was no
working class to use
• Both basically revise Marx
• Lenin’s New Economic Policy (communism with a
little capitalism like Deng Xiaoping in China)
– Farmers grow crops  give much to gov’t
– Could sell off any extra
– Should make an incentive for them to grow more
• Lenin spreads communism with Comintern
(Communist International)
– Spur anti-colonial/Communist movements in Korea,
China, & Vietnam
– All with the idea of nationalism behind it
• Why should we be controlled by outsiders?
• Lenin dies and Stalin takes over
– 5 Year Plans (call to industrialize)
– Collectivization (took over farm land)
Government collects crops strictly
Kulak class resists violently
Forced famine & starvation across USSR
Makes Stalin responsible for millions of deaths
Similar to Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward
Consolidates his power with Purges
• Hitler and Stalin comparison:
• Both had kill counts in the top 10 in history:
• Both used camps
– Gulags out in Siberia in USSR
• Punishment for enemies of the state
– Concentration camps in Germany
• Leaders of totalitarian states
– Total control by a dictator over economy, religion,
• Stalin used collectivization and Hitler did not
• Ideologies were vastly opposed
• Cold War (US versus USSR):
• Capitalism versus Communism (Iron curtain
speech by Churchill)
• Germany split into communist east, capitalist
• Berlin Wall (1961)
– Symbol of the Iron Curtain
– East is communist (Controlled by USSR), West is
capitalist (Controlled by Allies)
• Marshall Plan (US) versus Comecon (USSR)
– Marshall Plan – plan to contain communism
• Aide to rebuild Europe and Japan
• Catch was that you could get money, unless you
became communist
– Comecon - a plan to spread communism
• Later development of Comeintern
• NATO versus Warsaw Pact
– NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization
• All the capitalist countries protect each other
– Warsaw Pact
• All the communist countries protect each other
• Has a much more awesome evil name.
• Anything but actually fighting each other
• Cold War
– Space (Sputnik, race to the moon)
• Race for military superiority
– Could launch missiles from space, maybe nuclear bombs
Sputnik was the first satellite in space
USSR puts first man in space, animal in space
USA puts first man on moon
Both spent tons of money on the space race
– Goal was really development of rocket technology (ICBMS to
shoot nukes at one another from another continent)
• Today, US and Russia both work on the International
Space Station
Poor Laika!
• Proxy Wars
– Indirect fighting
– USSR and US never fought each other directly
– They just fought a bunch of proxy wars
• Korean War (1950-53)
– US fights against N. Korean Communists backed by
China who was pushing communism into Korea
– North wanted to be communist, south wanted to
stay capitalist
• Leader was Kim Il Sung
– Kim Jung Un’s grandpa
– Outcome was a stalemate and two new countries
– Still that way today
• Vietnam:
• Remember, Vietnam was controlled by China,
Japan, and France in the past
• US containment versus Ho Chi Minh
(Communist leader in North)
• North Vietnam invades South Vietnam
• Nationalistic
– Saw capitalism as an outside force
• Vietnamese use guerilla warfare to win
– Sabotage, unorthodox fighting, booby trapping
• 1975 Vietnam becomes a united communist
• Afghanistan
– Comparison between USSR in Afghanistan and US in
– USSR loses to guerilla warfare after invading to help
Afgan Commies
– US helps Afghanistan by sending weapons to anyone
fighting the USSR
– Defeat of USSR  chaos ensues & Taliban win out
• Major anti-western hate & Islamic fundamentalism
– After 9/11, US invades seeking Bin Ladin
• Nonalignment
– Egypt (Nasser) and India (Nehru), Indonesia (Sukarno)
& Ghana (Nkrumah) played both sides during the Cold
– benefiting from it
• Cold War in Latin America
• Cuba Revolution (1953-59)
– Fidel Castro
– Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis
– Bay of Pigs
• JFK secretly hires ex-Cubans to overthrow Castro
• They fail
• Cuban Missile Crisis
– After Bay of Pigs, Castro is nervous
– USSR puts nukes in Cuba
– US sends blockade ships in Atlantic
– 13 day stand-off
– Deal is made
• USSR takes back the nukes, US will leave Cuba alone &
removes its own nukes in Turkey
• Che Guevara
– Argentine Marxist who called for socialist
revolutions throughout Latin America and the
Congo in Africa
– Protested capitalism and neo-Colonialism
– US helps kill him in Bolivia
• Women are part of the Cuban and communist
revolutions in Latin America
– They gain a lot of rights out of it
• End of the Cold War:
• Satellite countries (Eastern European countries
controlled by USSR) start to break free from USSR
• USSR is shrinking (Iron Curtain moves further east)
– Remember, USSR is supposed to be an alliance of different
“Socialist States”
• Berlin Wall comes down (1989)
Germany becomes one country again
Will become all capitalist and very strong
Reagan versus Gorbachev
• Reagan: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
– USSR policy of perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost
• Democracy in USSR today. Sorta. Not really.
• Communism in China:
• Non-Commie Nationalist Chinese Revolution
of 1911 (end of Qing dynasty)
– Led by Sun Yat-sen (promoted nationalism, more
equality, land redistribution)
– Land was taken from the upper-class and given to
the peasants
– Becomes more westernized
– Wanted to get foreigner control out of China
– End of 4000 years of dynasties
– Not successful in policies or unity
• Successor to Sun Yat-sen was Chiang Kai-shek
• Communism comes to China (Chinese Communist
• Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek fight both Japan
and communists in China
• Long March of communists led by Mao Zedong
– 6000 miles
– Japan takes over
– Communists and nationalists fight together to oust the
Japanese (common enemy)
• Mao emerges as leader and after fighting off
Nationalist Guomindong, proclaims The People’s
Republic of China in 1949
• Chiang & Kuomingdong retreat to the island of Taiwan
(proclaims it is the real China)
• US doesn’t recognize mainland China until the 1970s
• Mao Zedong:
• Lenin and Marx used the industrial workers while
Mao used the peasants
• Used the Soviet Union as a model
– both Mao and Stalin used collectivization; 5 Year Plans
• 1950s Great Leap Forward (village based
– Failed as many died (30 million) – famine!
– Great stumble backward
• 1960s Cultural Revolution (policy to erase all
classes, erase western influence)
– Cult of Mao to reestablish his power
– Coerced enforcement of Communist mentality
• Deng Xiaoping
– Introduces some capitalism into Chinese economy
• But not civil rights
• OR Democracy
– Tiananmen Square shows how the government
stopped free speech
– Women seem to have more rights in communist
revolutions/countries  state sponsors free daycares, women appear in propaganda in nontraditional roles, etc.
Mao Zedong
Deng Xiaoping!
• Decolonization – when countries run out their
colonizers and become independent
– Motivated by nationalism
– Sparked by oppression & Englightenment ideas of
freedom & mass politics
• Western education, WWI/WWII experiences
• Led by indigenous elites
• India
• Indian National Congress 1885 and Muslim
League 1906
– Both wanted the British out
• Gandhi- nonviolent leader for Indian
– Inspired Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
– Amritsar Massacre  causes more Indians to feel a
desire for freedom from oppression & the ”disciplined
rule” of colonialism
– Hunger strikes
– Salt March – illegal for Indians to use their own salt.
Had to buy it from England.
– India independence & partition 1947
• Partition of India
– Jinnah advocated for a Muslim state- Pakistan
• Because of Muslim north/Hindu south
– Gandhi wanted one big India
– Instead, they got India, Western Pakistan and
Eastern Pakistan
• Eastern Pakistan breaks off to become Bangladesh
• Migration period
– Hindus moving from Pakistan to India
– Muslims moving from India to Pakistan
– Millions of people killed during the migration
(which itself involved about 16 million)
• Kashmir
– Northern part fought over by India and Pakistan
– Still disputed today
– Several wars
– Both Pakistan and India have nukes
• All colonies in Africa are free by 1980
– Some peacefully
– Some with violence
• South Africa free from England in 1910 but
apartheid system in place
– Apartheid (Apartness/Separation/Segregation)
• State sponsored segregation and restriction of black rights
• Lasts until 1994
• Nelson Mandela serves as a unifier & first black African
• Nelson Mandela of South Africa, 27 Years in
prison for speaking out against British 
active in the African National Congress –
political party working to end apartheid
– Released due to international boycotts and
– Becomes president of South Africa
– Ends Apartheid
• Similar to Mughal India
– Ethnic majority people are ruled by an ethnic
– Muslims/Hindus White Colonials/Black Africans
• Algerians fought for independence from France in
– Crazy bloody war of white French settlers v. majority
– Large migrations of Algerians to France
– Even today
• Egypt
– Economically colonized by England and France b/c
they couldn’t pay the loans for the Suez Canal
– Gamal Abdul Nasser uses nationalism to take back the
canal and get all the profits in the 50s
• Congo gains independence from Belgium
– Finally!
– Fewer than 20 college education Congolese in a
population of millions
• Colonial boundaries a cause for violence:
• Remember the Berlin Conference – goal was to
make boundaries to suit Europeans
– Europeans didn’t care about tribes/ethnic violence
when they drew the borders
• Rwanda gains independence in 1962
• Genocide in 1994
– Civil war (1994) led to Hutu ethnicity killing
800,000 Tutsi in 100 days
• Hotel Rwanda Clip
• Southeast Asia:
• Vietnam (1975 independence complete)
– Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam an educated enlightened
political leader that sought independence
• Western educated like so many other revolutionaries
– Ho Chi Minh used guerilla warfare, Communist
ideology, and guerilla military tactics to gain
• Indonesia (1965) – largest Muslim nation in the world
– Dutch attempted to reassert control after WWII
– Fought for self-rule
– Sukarno & Suharto establish independent Indonesia
under one-party rule. Democratizing today.
• Hong Kong (1997)
– England gives it back to the Chinese in 1997
• 99 year lease
– Originally taken in the Opium Wars
• Asian Tigers
• Countries in Asia with booming capitalist
economies in the late 1900s
Hong Kong
• Middle East
– Egypt
• Gained independence from Ottoman Empire in 1922
but established a republic in the 1950’s
• Nasser of Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal
– Ottoman Empire broken up (Turkey, Syria, Jordan
and Saudi Arabia, Israel – causing tension)
• Israel
– Balfour Declaration
– Hussein McMahon Correspondence
– Zionist movement – Jewish nationalism
– 1948- UN declares Israel as a nation
• Because of the Holocaust
• England & USA were the main pushers for Israel
• Religious differences (comparison to
• India/Pakistan is a two state solution
• Israel/Palestine only one state and not a solution
– Today, the one state/two state debate is huge
• Conflict/Violence
– Muslims and Jews fighting over who should be in
– Muslims in Palestine have support of surrounding
Arab nation-states
• 1948 Arab-Israeli War
• 1967- Six Day War
– PLO – Palestine Liberation Organization
• Used some terrorist tactics
• Israel responds with illegal settlements on what is supposed
to be Palestinian’s land
• Latin America:
• Neocolonialism
– Economies of Latin America dependent on exports
to industrialized nations (coffee, sugar, fruit, oil)
• Mexico
– Revolution of 1910
• People are trying to get rid of the rule of caudillos
(populist military dictators)
• Led by Mexican heroes Zapata and Poncho Villa
– peasants call for land redistribution
Something tells me they’re gonna win…
• 1917 Constitution did some land reform
– Cardenas – president until 1930s
– Universal Suffrage
– Government ownership of church lands
– Distribution of land to the peasants
– Government control of natural resources (like
PEMEX) Petroleum of Mexico  Import
Substitution Industrialization
– PRI party rules as a one-party political system until
– Now Mexico is a two party system
• BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South
– Rapidly growing economies today
• Major communist/socialist countries today
– Today, many people use socialist/communist
– China
– Cuba
– Laos
– Vietnam
– Venezuela
– North Korea
• Development of technologies at an unprecedented
• Communication – phone, radio, television, internet
– Spread cultures – leads to globalization, westernization
• Transportation – airplanes, cars
– Cars let people move out of the city into suburbs
• Sort of a backlash of the rush to the cities in the Industrial
• Military – airplane bombings, nuclear bombs, tanks,
chemical weapons, drones
• Space exploration
– Goal = rocket technology for nuclear arms race
– USSR – Sputnik (satellite)
– US – moon mission
• Power
– Oil (OPEC) and Nuclear Energy
• Science
– Freud – psychology – how the mind works
• Our subconscious really controls us
• Repressed thoughts
– Einstein – relativity, modern physics
– Big Bang – actual age of universe (13 billion years
• Makes humans seem insignificant
– Cold War antinuclear movement
• Against nuclear weapons
– Mass killings, environmental damage, MAD
• Against nuclear power
– Chernobyl (USSR)
» Nuclear meltdown that leaked four times the radiation of
• Medicine
– “Rich world” diseases of old age and obesity v. “developing
world” diseases like malaria
– Polio vaccine, antibiotics and transplants combine to give
this period in history the highest life expectancy
• Polio killed a ton of people in the first part of the 1900s
• Population growth - 7 Billion in 2015
– In this century, the population has doubled
• Green revolution provided more food with chemicals, fertilizers,
– Has led to environmental protests (Ex. Greenpeace)
– China and India develop child policies (both over 1 billion
pop) to try to limit population
• Gap between the rich and poor continues to widen
– Income inequality
– In the past, it has generally led to revolutions and the
overthrow of the rich
• Diseases
• Spanish influenza – spread by contact of soldiers
in WWI
• HIV/AIDS – STD starts in Africa, to the West by
– Still huge killer in Africa
• Poverty diseases (malaria, cholera)
– Diseases that could be prevented with some
– Still huge in Africa
• Lifestyle diseases – diabetes, heart disease
– From sedentary lifestyle and overeating
– First real occurrence of this in history
• Globalization
• Economic & cultural integration of the world
• The spread of cultures so much that the world
is becoming one big culture
• Disney, Rock n Roll, McDonalds, Coca Cola,
Nike, Starbucks
• Many smaller cultures are losing their cultures
– It is being replaced by a western culture
• International Organizations
– Humanitarian (Red Cross/Red Crescent, World Health
– Economic (World Bank, World Trade Organization)
– Political (United Nations, EU, NAFTA, OPEC)
• EU – European Union – one currency (Euro) for most of
• NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement
– Easier trade between US, Mexico and Canada
– Cultural (FIFA, International Olympic Committee)
• Cultural diffusion
– Reggae music – Jamaican. Mix of African, Caribbean
and American music
– Bollywood – India’s version of Hollywood
– International sports – World Cup, Olympics
• Comparisons
• Different kinds of communism
– Marx – starts it
– Lenin – agriculture, starts in USSR (spreads it using
– Stalin – Makes it industrial, starves people, collectivization
– Mao – Starves more people, collectivization
• Collapse of land empires (Ottomans, Russia, Qing
• Revolutions (Mexico 1910, Russian 1918, Chinese
1911) all involving land reform
– Around the same time
• Two revolutions in China
– Chinese Revolution 1911 – Sun Yat-sen
– Communist Revolution 1949 – Mao Zedong
• Pan Africanism & Pan Arabism
– Pan = across
– Bringing together an ethnic group as a “nation”
across different country borders
• Changing role of women in Iran, China,
western Europe/US
– Iran – moved back to veiling, strict Islamic control
• b/c Iran had a revolution that led to a strict Islamic
theocracy in 1979
• China – began to get rights
– Western Europe/US – suffrage, employment
equality, birth control
More effective forms of birth control gave women greater
control over fertility and transformed sexual practices
• Lowered birth-rate
• Sex w/ less risk of pregnancy
• Empowered women & allowed them to work
outside the home more easily
– ¼ of college-educated women in the western
world never have children