Survey Assignment - Bakersfield College

L. Larkin
NAME: ______________________
“Survey Says!”
SCORE: ___/10pts
To demonstrate several statistical and methodological issues, gather data on a sample size of
20 participants (10 female and 10 male). Do NOT ask both members of a couple as this would
violate the assumption of independence associated with the statistical test we will use later
in the semester. For standardization purposes, be sure to ask the question without changing
the wording of the question for each participant. Record your data below.
TARGET QUESTION: “How many pairs of shoes do you own?”
Female responses: ____
Male responses:
After you’ve collected your data, answer the following questions:
1. What is the general population of interest for your research? ___________________
2. Who actually makes up the sample for your survey? ___________________________
3a. What is your (quasi) independent variable? _________________________________
3b. What is the scale of measurement of the IV? ________________________________
4a. What is your dependent variable? _________________________________________
4b. What is the scale of measurement of the DV? _______________________________
5. Is this an experiment? Explain._____________________________________________
6. What ethics should we consider to ensure protection for our subjects? _ _________
PART IIa SCORE: ___/15pts
Using your previous data, complete a GROUPED frequency distribution of both
female and male participants COMBINED:
Score (X)
Graph your results:
(Label the X & Y axes;
Hint: use data above)
f (Y)
PART IIb SCORE:____/10pts
Calculate (SHOW YOUR WORK/FORMULAS below):
Mean _____
Mean _____
PART IIIa SCORE: ____/20pts
Calculate (SHOW YOUR WORK/FORMULAS below):
Range_____ Sample Variance (S12) _____
Est. Variance (s12)_____
Sample Std. Dev.(S1)_____
Est. Std. Dev.(s1)_____
Range_____ Sample Variance (S22)_____ Sample Std. Dev.(S2)_____
Est. Variance (s22)______
Est. Std. Dev.(s2)______
PART IIIb SCORE: ____/10pts
Using the previous data, including the sample standard deviation and sample
mean, calculate z-scores for each (males & females separately) of your raw scores
listed on page 1(assuming a normal distribution). Record your data in the table
X Y
PART IV SCORE:_____/15pts
Follow the steps to hypothesis testing and conduct a two-sample t-test comparing
the female and male participants (yes this study is correlational, but we are NOT
performing a correlation because we are comparing males and females instead):
State the statistical hypotheses:
List the assumptions of the two-sample t-test:
Set up the Sampling Distribution for a two-tailed test. Indicate the critical t-value
and the regions of rejection :
Calculate (SHOW YOUR WORK/FORMULA) the Independent-Samples t-test, using the
estimated variances (s12 & s22) from Part III!!!! (5pts):
tobt =
Calculate (if necessary) and interpret the effect size below:
PART V SCORE: ____/20pts
Check your calculations. Enter your raw data into SPSS. Attach your printout
(5pts), and discuss your results below:
1. Were the results from PART IV and V the same? If not, explain why (1pt).
2. Were the SPSS results significant (i.e., What does this mean about your
variables) (2pts).
3. Report your results statistically(2pts):_________________________________
4. What were the limitations of the study (i.e., what could you have done
differently to make this a better/more valid research study)? (5pts)
5. What are the implications (NOT CONCLUSIONS!!!) of the study (i.e., what do the
results mean for the rest of the world; what can we possibly do with this
information at present or in future analysis)? (5pts)
To familiarize you with research in the behavioral and social sciences and to
assist you with finding supporting research for Part VII, you are required to find a
journal article, print a copy, and answer a few questions. The article must be an
empirical source, meaning that the research was conducted by those who have
written the article. The article must also contain multivariate statistics, including but
not limited to those discussed in your text such as a correlation, t-test, ANOVA, or
chi-square. If you do not understand the article, DON’T use it!
Part VI of your survey answers the “why” questions you’ll address in Part VII;
for example, “why” did you decide on your particular hypothesis for this survey or
“why” did you believe you did/didn’t find significant results? In other words, your
assignment is to find an article that will support your hypothesis and/or findings of
your shoe survey.
Finding an Article:
Locate the EBSCO Host database from the BC Library Homepage. Select the
“Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection” from the initial database list in
EBSCO Host. Type in your selected topic terms (one word per line). Before hitting the
search button, scroll down the page and select “Full Text” and “Peer Reviewed” to
increase the likelihood of locating an empirical journal source that is readily available
to print. Once you’ve selected the search button, the program will generate a list of
article titles that you can browse through. HINT: remember that we are trying to see
if there is a difference between the GENDERS and the number of SHOES owned. Maybe
there are differences in the GENDERS and the emphasis they place on APPEARANCE.
Maybe there are differences in CONSUMERISM between the GENDERS. Maybe this only
applies to certain ETHNICITIES or CULTURES.
Printing your Article:
Be aware of the number of pages before you print. Some articles can be as many as 40
pages! To see a copy of the full text, select the PDF icon or the HTML icon below the
article title (not the article title itself!). I recommend selecting the HTML icon simply
because it gives you an option to print your article in APA format.
Journal Article Questions:
Answer the following questions with regard to your article. If you cannot answer all of
the questions listed below, select another research article. Include as much
information in your own words as possible. Do not copy sections of your journal
article word for word! I WILL be evaluating you for grammar and punctuation so
proofread your responses!
Part VI
1. Explain the purpose of the study.
2. Were the results significant or not? [If the p values stated in this section are less than .05
(i.e., p<.05) than the results were significant]. What test was used and why? Report the
results statistically.
3. Describe the results of the study in your own words.
4. How will this support your hypothesis and/or findings of your shoe survey?
5. Reference this journal in APA format
PART VII SCORE: ____/50pts
At this point in the research process, you’ve learned to define your variables and
describe your sample and population (Part I), calculate the descriptive statistics
for your data (Parts II & III), analyze your data using inferential procedures (Parts
IV & V), discuss the results, limitations, and implications of your research (Part V),
and find a source to support your hypotheses and/or findings (Part VI).
Now it is time to combine all those processes together into a journal summary (no
title page or abstract needed) by completing the following steps:
Based on the feedback you’ve received on Parts I-VI, summarize your
research in your own words. Each section (Introduction,
Methods/Procedures, Results, Discussion) will be approximately one
paragraph of your summary for a total of 4 paragraphs] and should address
the content listed on the evaluation worksheet.
Type your summary in APA format (excluding a title page and abstract),
complete with at least two sources with in-text citations (using the
author(s) last name, year, and/or page #) in the body of your paper and
listed on a separate reference page. Use 1" margins, double spacing, and 12
point font. Your summary should be at least total three pages (2 content
pages and 1 reference page). You must use the statistical terminology we’ve
discussed in lecture and found in your text to receive full credit for this
research assignment.
3) Once you have completed your typed paper return your assignment in this
 Evaluation Worksheet (Cover Page)
 PART VII Summary + Reference Page
Psych B5
L. Larkin
Student Name: ________________________________
TOTAL:________(50pts possible)
Evaluation Worksheet (Cover Page)
Professor Evaluation:
**Proofreading (grammar, punctuation, and spelling) and critical thinking will also
be evaluated in each of the following sections:
Introduction (10pts)
Score: ________
Explain the purpose of this study.
Identify the independent variable (manipulated variable) and the dependent
variable (measured variable).
o State your hypotheses (your educated guess as to what the outcome of the
research was expected to be).
o Include information from your source(s) to justify your expectations of the
Method (10pts)
Score: ________
Discuss descriptives (means, std. dev., etc.) comparing males and females
What statistical analyses was used and why?
Include your book as a source to justify the statistical test that was used.
Were the results significant or not? If the p values (from part V) are less than
.05 (i.e., p<.05) than the results were significant.
Discuss the effect size (if relevant)
Discussion (10pts)
Participants Section:
 Describe the participants (demographics, such as where the participants
are from, their approximate age range, etc.).
Materials/Procedure Section:
 What materials/instruments are being used to conduct your study?
Procedure Section:
 Briefly describe how you conducted your study.
Results (10pts)
Score: ________
Score: ________
Interpret the results (Describe the results of the study in your own words as it
applies to the outcome of your variables).
What were the limitations of the study? How could this have been a
better/more valid research study?
What are the implications of the study? What do the results mean for the rest
of the world? What can we possibly do with this information at present or in
future analysis?
Include information from your source(s) to potentially collaborate with your
Overall Formatting/APA Referencing (10pts)
Score: ________