CIU #10 Online Consortium Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

CIU #10 Online Consortium Steering Committee
Tuesday, September 24, 2013 – 12:30 PM
-Meeting Minutes1. Welcome & Introductions
Attendees included Gary Massaglia (Bald Eagle), Betsy Baker, Cathy Kaltenbaugh, & Tom Rowles (CIU#10),
Susan Bickford (Glendale), Kelly Hastings & Terry Murty (Keystone Central)
2. Memorandum of Agreement
 Online Consortium Purpose – Attendees were provided with a copy of the Memorandum of
Agreement and the Consortium Purpose was reviewed
Online Consortium Leadership – Attendees were informed that CIU#10 will be hiring a
STEM Consultant who will assume responsibility for leading the Online Consortium. (Note:
Kristen Baughman-Gray was hired for this position on Thursday, September 26. Her start date is
yet to be determined.)
3. Membership
Districts/Schools - A list of all member schools, BOD and Steering Committee Members, and
participating teachers is posted at Schools are reminded to
send Betsy any updates and new members.
Bald Eagle Area School District
Central Intermediate Unit #10
Central PA Institute of Science and Technology LPN Consortium
Clearfield County Career and Technology Center
Curwensville Area School District
Glendale School District
Keystone Central School District
Penns Valley Area School District
Philipsburg-Osceola Area School District
Steering Committee Representatives & Emails – Send Betsy updated names and email
addresses if you have not already done so.
Champion Teachers, Assignments, & Emails - Send Betsy updated names, teaching
assignments, and email addresses if you have not already done so.
District Implementation Team Teachers, Assignments, & Emails - Send Betsy
updated names, teaching assignments, and email addresses if you have not already done so.
GUI Administrator & Emails– Send Betsy updated names and email addresses if you have
not already done so.
2013-14 Meeting and Training Schedule - It was decided that future Steering Committee
Meetings will start at 12:15 because most people also attend Curriculum Council prior to the Steering
Committee. The remaining Steering Committee Meetings will be held on November 20, January 22, and
March 26. Those who are not attending Curriculum Council are welcome to come early for lunch at noon.
5. October Training Plan – The registration links for the October 2 and 31 trainings are operational.
The registration site is Anyone who has trouble registering should
contact Jamie Russler at After-school support sessions will be offered from 4PM to
6PM at CIU#10 on November 6 and March 18 and at CPI on Jan. 14 and May 13. Participants will be asked
to register for those sessions, as well, if they wish to attend so that we know how many people will be
present. Registration for the afterschool sessions will be posted at a later date.
Hierarchy of Communication for Support - The Hierarchy was distributed at the meeting and is
posted on the CIU#10 Online Consortium site at
Implementation Phases – Phase I (2012-13) was reviewed and all items were deemed to be
completed. Phase II (2013-14) was reviewed, and it was determined that most items listed for this year
had already been completed during Phase I. One item “Organizations used as extension of Community for
each LEA” was moved to Phase III because it was deemed to be beyond the scope of Phase II
implementation. (Jamie will create a new document with this change included to share at our next
meeting. We do not seem to have an electronic copy of the current Implementation Phase Chart.)
Another item “Implement Preliminary Content Sharing Strategy” was deemed to be the priority for this
year. It was suggested that there be a Gatekeeper who focuses on the “big picture” of what needs to be
accomplished, maintains the course catalog, communicates progress to member schools, etc. The new
STEM Consultant (in coordination with Tom Rowles) should be able to assume this responsibility.
Procedures for sharing courses will need to be determined and communicated this year.
Policy & Procedures – The Blackboard Naming Conventions Policy Working Document was discussed.
It was determined that these should be considered Procedures instead of Policy. Tom Rowles is going to
investigate the possibility of creating drop-down boxes for naming courses to ensure consistency. If dropdown boxes are available, the Naming Procedures will need re-written. Procedures for sharing courses
will need to be determined and communicated this year.
9. Other – It was expressed that trained teachers should be expected to create a new course each year in
order to build the catalog.