The Jim Crow Era


The Jim Crow Era


• By 1900 many of the gains made by

African Americans during

Reconstruction had been taken away , and relations between blacks and whites had grown strained.

Three Different Approaches to African

American Equality

• Most African Americans favored social integration

• Some blacks and some whites called for racial separation

• Many whites looked for ways to keep races separate and unequal through voluntary segregation

– Called for separation of the races in daily life ; developed into new era of discrimination called the Jim Crow era that lasted nearly 100 years

History of

Jim Crow

• The origins of the term "Jim Crow" can be traced back to a song and dance known as

"Jump Jim Crow" in 1828 by a white comedian known as Thomas Dartmouth

Rice .

• Rice created this routine earlier in the decade. He was supposedly inspired by watching a crippled black man known as

"Jim Cuff" on a Cincinnati levee, dancing to his own accord.

1 After some time, he imitated this dance while smearing grease paint on his face , a technique now known as

" blackface .”

Redeemer Governments

•1870s White Democrats who favored segregation began to gain power in


•Southerners referred to new governments as “Redeemer Governments”

•Thought the new leaders would “ redeem ” the South by reversing Reconstruction policies

•Firm believers in white supremacy, leaders wanted to limit the power of black citizens

Jim Crow laws

Redeemer lawmakers passed laws to establish separate facilities for black people ; laws became known as Jim

Crow laws.

What events led to the passing of Jim Crow laws in the South?

(3 events)

Legalizing Segregation

• The Slaughterhouse Cases

•Slaughterhouse owners argued Louisiana law violated 14 th amendment rights; no state could impede the rights and privileges of its citizens

•Court did not agree; 14 th only protected rights of national citizenship—not rights granted by states

•Cases later used to justify Jim Crow laws and creation of separate facilities in states




– “ Separate but equal ”

– In landmark case the Supreme

Court sided with the Louisiana court; agreed segregation was lawful as long as blacks and whites had access to equal facilities

Louisiana Supreme Court. Justice Henry

Billings Brown, writing the majority opinion, wrote the following:

"Legislation is powerless to eradicate racial instincts or to abolish distinctions based on physical differences....If the civil and political rights of both races be equal, one cannot be inferior to the other civilly or politically. If one race be inferior to the other socially, the

Constitution of the United States cannot put them on the same plane.

Black Disfranchisement

•New black codes included unfair voting laws; adding literacy tests to their voting restrictions

•States voting fee called a poll tax

•Poor and illiterate whites were exempted by grandfather clause; if grandfather eligible to vote, then that person could vote as well

Racial Violence on the Rise

• Race Riots

•Number of race riots increased; in cities, large numbers of whites took to the streets to punish blacks accused of crimes

•1 st major riot in Wilmington, NC in 1898 , another in Atlanta, GA in 1906

•Lynchings and race riots more common in the South; both occurred in the North as well

Racial Violence on the Rise

• Lynching

•Most common forms of racial violence in late 1800s—lynchings, murders of individuals without a trial

•Nearly 900 blacks lynched from 1882 to

1892; many committed no crime

•Black journalist Ida Wells- Barnett fought to expose and end the practice

Between 1882 and 1951, 4, 730 people were lynched in the United


•3,437 were Black

•1,293 were White

•The most lynching happened in 1892 (203). 161 were


•The Chicago Tribune did not start keeping record of lynching until


•The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

(NAACP) did not start keeping records until 1912.


Deep South Border South

Mississippi/ 462

Georgia/ 423

Louisiana/ 283

Alabama/ 262

South Carolina/


Florida/ 212

Tennessee/ 174

Arkansas/ 162

Kentucky/ 118

North Carolina/



