Newsletter January 2014

Notes from the Pastor’s
Dear Christ Lutheran,
I pray that you had a blessed Christmas
and that God’s peace, love, and joy be
upon you in this New Year.
Christ Lutheran Church
Duncannon, PA
Church web address:
Pastor Elizabeth Martini
Office Hours 9-12:30 Mon-Wed (That
sometimes has to change so it doesn't
hurt to call first. 717-586-8571
Newsletter January 2014
People to hold in prayer: Betsy Karlik,
Madelyn Hoover, Ritter Gamble,
Briellie Kelly, Alberta Rogers, Nancy
Moore, Sara Jane Hickoff, Jim and
Karin Shumaker, Tom Daub, Shirley
Bucher, Jack Smith, Louise Preston,
Jesse Reed, Daisy Rohrer, Helen Huss,
Hunter Hazzard,Vaughn Schlachter,
Kevin Eckerd, Sethina Tringali, Rose
Barrick, Jeff Eckerdt, Barbara Curran,
Rebecca Kephart, Verna Dagen, Paul
Nappe, Ann Verobish, Leola and
Janine O’Shell, Earl Hayes, Dan
Brennerman, Bob Cotton, Brenda
Hartzell, Danny Peiper, Denby
Quigley, Ronnie Sgrignoli, Joanne
Speis, Bob Rissinger, Danny Heisley,
Farley Frye, Lauren Zaramps,
Stephanie Gamble, Lilah and Lilley
Allen, Randy Huss, Henry, Christian
Armerman, and Kathy Cree.
Thank you for your generosity this
Christmas season. Your cards and gifts
were so wonderful to receive. Thank
you very much.
January can sometimes be a bleak
month with so much darkness, snow,
and chill. The words of John’s Gospel
are especially meaningful this time of
year: “The light shines in the darkness
and the darkness did not overcome it.”
(John 1:5)
During the Epiphany season in
February, we’ll begin a sermon series
called Beyond our Walls. We will be
welcoming various people from our
community to worship and we’ll hear
about God’s work in the world. We’ll
hear how God is at work on the
Appalachian Trail, through Join Hands,
and in our sister churches. I’m looking
forward to this time. Stay tuned for
more information.
God’s grace and peace to you in
2014. May we continue to seek God’s
will and do the Lord’s work in the
Pastor Beth
PS I tried out a video newsletter this
month – did you see it?
Bible Study
Bible study will resume again January
6 and 7. The Tuesday afternoon Bible
study will meet on Tuesday, December
10 at 1:30PM to finish the "Praying
with Jesus" series. This is a make-up
class for November 26.
Social Ministry-Velma Wittlinger
Perry County food bank items for the
month of January; Laundry Month,
detergents, bleach, softener (liquid or
paper) and spot remover. This helps
out needy people in Perry County.
Place items in the hall way of the
education wing.
There are envelopes in the pew racks
for Join Hands, donations here helps
needy people in Perry County. Our
Church has contacted them several
times for help for the people in our
Thank you to everyone who provided
gifts for the children of the Adopt-aFamily program. Everyone was very
thankful and grateful for the gifts and
food. Also, thank you to everyone who
helped do the shopping and putting
everything together.
Our Church is responsible for the
delivery of meals-on-wheels the week
of January 20.
We are continuing to sell Mutzy
Money, see Cindy Brookhart
downstairs during the coffee hour. We
receive 5% of what we sell to fund our
programs, but we need to buy $500
worth to get the 5% back to the
Church. The money can also be used
to buy gas. it. Also, we are still
collecting used cell phones. There is a
container in the education area by the
bulletin board for them. If you have a
friend who needs to dispose of an old
phone, maybe they will donate it to us.
We cannot send the extra items, just
the phone. We earn money for what
we recycle, they also pay for the
shipping of them. This keeps these
phones out of the waste dumps. We
also are collecting old ink cartridges. I
take them to Staples and use the money
to buy paper for the copier.
Members on our committee are; Peg
Ryan, Donna Clay, Sandy Hoover,
Norma Jones, Sandy Morrison, Gail
Smith, Joanne Speis and Velma
Wittlinger, Council Liaison and
chairman. We welcome anyone who
would like to be part of our ministry.
Our mission Statement is: To provide
the congregation of Christ Lutheran
Church with ways to serve the needs of
our neighbors and to encourage each
member of the church to participate in
this service.
Calendars for Kinkora
Christ Lutheran is again collecting the
surplus 2014 calendars we receive this
time of year. The calendars will be
given to kinkora Nursing Home. One
will be given to each resident. Any
calendars left will be used in craft
projects throughout the year. You may
place the calendars in the large Sunday
School room, or give them to Bev
Clothing Bank
The Clothing Bank has been fortunate
to receive a donation of many winter
coats. If you or someone you know is
in need of a coat, please see Cindy
Two Liter Soda Bottles Needed
Altar Guild is in need of empty, clean
two-liter soda bottles. These bottles cut
about six inches from the bottom make
great vases to transport the Altar
flowers after worship service. You
may give the clean and cut two- liter
bottles to any Altar Guild member, or
put them in a bag in the hall of the
education building.
Meals for Shut-Ins
If you are available to prepare meals
for shut-ins, please sign in the narthex.
We are currently preparing meals for
Roger and Sara Jane.
by on Thursday January 9th at 1:30PM,
or later, if you can't arrive at that time.
Once we get into full production, we
will also meet one evening a week, for
those who can't help during the day.
The LWR Quilters auctioned 2 quilts
in 2013 to raise monies for fabric and
other quilting supplies needed to
continue the quilting ministry in 2014.
The person who won the first quilt was
Becky Meisel. The second quilt was
won by Sandy Morrison. We thank
both people for their generous bids. We
will continue to auction a quilt when
more fabric needs to be purchased. We
again thank all who supported this
ministry with donations and prayers.
Indian Mobile Mission News
Quilters News
The LWR Quilters will begin meeting
every Thursday, beginning Thursday
January, 9 at 1:30PM, weather
permitting. The first year of the
quilting ministry was a success. We
plan to continue in this ministry, and
hope to make even more quilts this
year. We are welcoming more helpers.
You don't need to sew. There are many
steps to making quilts, besides
sewing. We need people to cut squares
from fabric, and people to lay
out the quilt squares and design
quilts. We need people to assemble the
quilt by pinning the quilt top, middle,
and back together. Then we need
people to hand tie the three layers
together. Hand tying is a simple
procedure to learn. After the quilt is
hand tied, it is pinned for machine
finishing. If you are interested in
helping with one or more of these
steps in the making of a Lutheran
World Relief Quilt, please stop
We had a new Navajo child to
Christmas shop for this year. So many
of you gave generous donations to help
Jake Jim with his needs. Sylvia Webb
sent us a list. We were able to buy
everything on the list, and mail the
package. The things we sent Jake Jim
included a new winter coat, a zippered
hoodie, shoes, socks, underwear, 2
pairs of jeans, three long sleeved shirts,
pajamas, gloves, matchbox cars, and
some Christmas treats. Thank You for
all your donations. A box was sent to
Indian Mobile Mission after Christmas
containing children's clothes,
crocheted hats, and a few children's
books. Sylvia Webb will give these
items to the Navajo children who are in
great need of them. Thank you to
everyone who donated these items.
Sylvia Webb and all the children are so
thankful for any help. May we
continue to pray for and support the
Indian Mobile Mission.
When the cabbage is tender, add the
egg noodles and bacon, mixing
thoroughly. Season with pepper.
Serve immediately.
Nursery Service
Nursery service is provided during the
10 AM worship service for infants and
pre-school children only. Children
who are in the first grade and over are
asked to attend the worship service in
the sanctuary. The nursery is staffed by
an adult volunteer.
Cabbage & Noodles with Bacon
from Marianna Henderson
1 head of cabbage, chopped
1 pound of bacon
1 large onion, chopped
2 – 3 large handfuls of egg noodles
Black pepper
In a large skillet over medium-high
heat, cook the bacon until crisp.
Remove from the pan and drain on
paper towels, then break into bite-sized
pieces. (Warning: there’s a chance that
you could end up snacking on the
bacon bits while you’re finishing
dinner. It’s been known to happen
Meanwhile, bring a large pot of salted
water to boil for egg noodles. Add the
noodles and cook until done. Drain the
noodles and set aside.
Drain some of the bacon fat from the
pan, reserving enough to cook the
onions. Add the chopped onion to the
pan and cook for about 1 – 2 minutes,
or until the onions begin to soften.
Add the cabbage to the skillet and cook
until tender, stirring occasionally.
The Judgment
A man died and went to The Judgment,
they told him, “Before you meet with
God, I should tell you — we’ve looked
over your life, and to be honest you
really didn’t do anything particularly
good or bad. We’re not really sure
what to do with you. Can you tell us
anything you did that can help us make
a decision?”
The newly arrived soul thought for a
moment and replied, “Yeah, once I was
driving along and came upon a person
who was being harassed by a group of
thugs. So I pulled over, got out a bat,
and went up to the leader of the thugs.
He was a big, muscular guy with a ring
pierced through his lip. Well, I tore
the ring out of his lip, and told him he
and his gang had better stop bothering
this guy or they would have to deal
with me!”
“Wow that’s impressive, “When did
this happen?”
“About three minutes ago,” came the
Fly in My Soup
Atheist: What’s this fly doing in my
Waiter: Praying.
Atheist: Very funny. I can’t eat this.
Take it back.
Waiter: You see? The fly’s prayers
were answered.