WORLD WAR I In this activity, you will work in groups to examine the causes and effects of the Great War from the perspective of the involved country that has been assigned to you in class. Use the accompanying question sheet as you navigate the Web to gather data regarding your assigned country. Each group member should work to navigate the websites to contribute to this project. This activity spans several days. On the first day, it is expected that your group will have completed the question sheet (each group member must have his/her own copy of the completed sheet). For the following days of this activity, your group will spend the class period creating a presentation that summarizes your findings to share with the class - using ONLY the supplies I will be providing to your groups on that day. On the final day of this activity, all groups will present their findings to the rest of the class. This activity is designed to allow you to examine the causes - and the devastating effects - of the First World War from a variety of perspectives. What did the great powers involved hope to gain by entering into war? Did they achieve their aims? Ultimately, at what cost were these objectives reached? The big idea: WHAT IS THE LEGACY OF WORLD WAR I? Task Summary: You have been assigned with a group to discover information about the First World War specific to a particular country. This activity is divided into a few steps: 1) Complete the Web Quest activity in order to answer the questions provided to you in class (each group member must complete his or her own sheet); 2) Summarize your results into a format (poster/PowerPoint/presentation) to share with the rest of the class your answer to the Big Idea; The Web Quest should be completed in one class period. The second class period will be devoted to the compilation of your data and to the creation of your presentations. All groups will present their findings in the final class. Process: With your group, complete the questionnaire given to you in class - answers should be written separately from the question sheet, on loose-leaf. Each group member should be actively contributing to the Web Quest research. You may wish to divide the questions equally among the members of your group, or you may prefer to work at the same rate and work together to find the answers. At times, you will find data that seems to be conflicting. Record all of your findings on the questionnaire sheet. You will be able to examine your results during the second class in order to decide which information is most valuable, relevant, and accurate. Be sure to indicate the name of the country you are researching on your questionnaire sheet and on your posters. Use the links below to guide you as you locate information. Use your time wisely - you have only one class to complete the Web Quest. Work together to locate the answers. Keep in mind, there might not always be a "right" answer to the questions on your sheet. The purpose of this activity is not to draw definite conclusions or assign blame - it is to explore the Great War from multiple perspectives. France England Canada Germany Russia Other possible countries: Italy, Belgium, Hungary, USA, Austria, Ottoman Empire (Turkey) Mastery - 4 Independent - 3 Instructional - 2 Intervention - 1 Support For Opinion Support is detailed and persuasive. Your supportive evidence is believable and basic. There is little or no support for your opinion. Presentation Sophisticated, engaging, mastery of topic Your supportive evidence is credible, convincing and thoughtful Clear communication; planning is evident. Little evidence of planning or preparation; presentation is not engaging. Off topic or plagarized Analysis In depth analysis, multiple factors identified and explained thoroughly and critically. Effective analysis; major factors are identified and clearly explained. Little evidence of analysis or understanding. Off topic or plagarized "When you go home Tell them of us and say For your tomorrow We gave our today."