Internet Essentials

Internet Essentials
Accessing the World Wide Web
• Given instructions, the learner will discuss the
use and purpose of the internet with 85%
The Internet and It’s Origin
• The internet is a worldwide network of smaller
networks that allows for the exchange of data,
information, and e-mail message.
– The birth of the Internet is closely tied to a
networking project started by a government division
called the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA).
– The goal was to create a network that would allow
scientists to share information on military and
scientific research.
– The original name for the Internet was ARPANET
– Since then the internet grew drastically.
Accessing the Internet
• Before you can even begin to surf the Net, you
have to be connected.
– Step 1: Locate the internet service provider (ISP) or an
online service. (Internet Companies)
– Step 2: Once you find an ISP, you must install some
type of telecommunication software. This software
enables your computer to connect to another
– Step 3: You will need a software application called a
Web browser in order to surf the Web. ( Microsoft’s
Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator)
Browsing the Internet
• A Browser is the software program that you use
to retrieve documents from the World Wide Web
and to display them in a readable format.
• Mosaic was the Internet’s first browser, providing
a graphical interface to information on the Web.
– The browser sends a message to the Web server to
retrieve your requested Webpage.
– The browser renders the HTML code to display the
page. HTML (hypertext markup language) is the
language used to create documents for the Web.
– Navigate through the web by using your mouse.
Parts of a Browser Window
Title Bar
Tool bar
Address Bar
Menu Bar
Access Point
Go Button
Launching the Internet
• When accessing the internet, you can double-click the
browser icon located on your computer’s desktop or on
your Start menu on the bottom of your screen.
• When your browser is installed, a default home page is
selected. Home page is the first page that is displayed
when you launch your browser.
• The address bar located near the top of the browser
window contains the address of the current page. This
address is called the uniform resource locator (URL).
• The URL tells the browser where to locate the page. A
unique URL identifies each web page.
• If you want to visit a specific Web site, you need to
know the address.
Post Q’s
• Explain the origin of the internet?
– The origin of the internet can be traced to the U.S. Department
of Defense. The original name for the Internet was ARPANET
• Explain how the connect to the internet?
– To connect to the internet you need an internet connection,
telecommunication software, and a browser.
• What was the first internet browser?
– Mosaic
• What is a home page?
– Home page is the first page that is displayed when you launch
your browser.
• What does the acronym URL stands for?
– Uniform Resource Locator
• Computer Basics, Second Edition