The World Wide Web

The World Wide Web
The world wide web is part of the
internet, series of documents
connected with hypertext link.
Key terms and definition
Web server
Web browser
Search engines
 Stands for Hypertext Mark-up Language. It’s a
computer language and creates websites.
 Hypertext Mark-up Language, a standardized
system for tagging text files to achieve font,
colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World
Wide Web pages.
 Stands for Uniform Resource Locator, and is used
when webpages are searched, every page has a
unique URL.
 Definition: URL stands for Uniform Resource
Locator. A URL is a formatted text string used by
Web browsers, email clients and other software to
identify a network resource on the Internet. Network
resources are files that can be plain Web pages,
other text documents, graphics, or programs.
 A web search engine is a software system that
is designed to search for information on the
World Wide Web. The search results are
generally presented in a line of results often
referred to as search engine results pages
(SERPs). The information may be a specialist in
web pages, images, information and other types
of files
Search Engines
 A web search engine is a software system that
is designed to search for information on the
World Wide Web. The search results are
generally presented in a line of results often
referred to as search engine results pages
 searched on the internet to find information