DNA Model Project DUE DATE: November th 16 CANNOT BE TURNED IN AFTER NOV. 20th. 1 DNA Model Project MUST BE: Free standing or hanging. Twisted ladder shaped. Show hydrogen bonds. Big enough to see all the components, but no larger than 2 feet tall and 1 foot wide. 2 DNA Model Project BONUS POINTS: Parent signature (mandatory anyway). Creative. This is NOT a good example… 3 Looks pretty but NOT going to cut it! 4 You will need: 6 Gs 6 Cs 6 As 6 Ts 21 Sugars 21 Phosphates and lots of hydrogen bonds You will need: Phosphates are smaller than sugars Bases are connected to the sugars (not the phosphates) G and A are bigger than T and C C G A=T And a key to explain what each object represents: Your 3D key must be made using the same 3D objects you used on your model. What’s missing? They attached something wrong…