Instructor: xxx
Office: xxx
Email: xxx
Phone: xxx
Office Hours: Available virtually via Skype or email on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
In this course, you will explore .............. It is a fully online course, so make sure that you are comfortable to online learning before taking this course.
At the end of this course, you will be able to
learning objective
learning objective learning objective
learning objective
learning objective
Module 1:
Learning Materials & Activities Assignments Start Date
Module 2:
Module 3: ...
Email is the best way to contact me. I will try to reply your email within 24 hours during the normal working hours on Monday through Friday. In order to get a quick response from me, your subject line in your emails should follow this format: course number-Your Stated Issue.
I will provide feedback in a timely manner. Please give me two weeks from the deadline of submission to grade and provide feedback to you. Please do not email me until after this two week period has elapsed.
Virtual Office Hours
I will make myself available on Skype on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. EST.
My Skype ID is: xxx. You can also call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx during these hours. If these hours do not work for you, please email me and we will work out an alternative time.
Online sharing and discussion plays an important role in this course. I encourage the interaction among everyone, so for each discussion, I require you to post one initial response to the discussion question and reply to at least two of others’ posts. You are expected to participate in all online discussions of class topics by sharing appropriate resources and insights based upon class readings, resources and work experiences. Your responses should be professional and thoughtful, meaning that they should tie your reading, thinking, and professional experiences to the question or you should have additional resources to support your opinion.
In addition, I expect you to follow following netiquette rules during the discussion:
Be friendly: if you are friendly, others will be more inclined to participate in your discussion.
Respect other member’s privacy.
Don’t flame: We should argue the point rather than attacking the person who made the point.
You will be evaluated in the following areas:
1. Online sharing and discussions (30%)
2. Quizzes (20%)
3. Paper (20%)
4. Midterm Exam (15%)
5. Final Exam (15%)
Late assignments – Late work will not be accepted and this will affect your final grade. If there is an unavoidable delay in completing assigned work, you should inform me in advance and arrange an alternative with me. All missed work must be made up as arranged.
Grading Scale
A=90% - 100%
B=80% - 89%
C=70% - 79%
D=60% - 69%
F= Below 59%
This course is completely online. We are going to use D2L as our learning management system, which means all the course content will be available on university's eLearning Commons. Please visit GeorgiaVIEW System Checker ( to check your computer system’s compatibility with D2L. In order to successfully complete this online course, you will need:
Regular access to computer with reliable Internet access
The ability to search the internet and send/receive email
The ability to write and submit assignments in electronic format (accepted file formats are .doc/.docx and .pdf)
If you need any technical help, please contact UGA Help Desk ( at
or 706.542.3106.
UGA takes academic integrity seriously. It is expected that each student will do his/her own work. Academic dishonesty, including any form of plagiarism or cheating will not be tolerated.
Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty may receive a failing grade in that portion of the course work in which the act is detected or a failing grade in the course without possibility of withdrawal.
If you plan to request accommodations for a disability, please contact the Disability Resource
Center in 114 Clark Howell Hall at 706-542-8719. Please register with Disability Resource
Center. If you need more information, check out Register for Service web page