Ch7 The Executive Branch

Ch7 The Executive Branch
7-4 Presidential Advisers &
Executive Agencies
1. EOP
-created in 1939 by FDR
-assist the president
-prepare reports
-help write bills
-check on work of agencies
in executive branch
-2,000 employees
2. White House Office
-500 employees
-worked directly for the
-screen information and
people for president
-most powerful member of staff
-chief of staff
-press secretary
-provides public
w/news about &
statements from the
3. Office of management &
-prepares federal budget
-statement of presidents plans &
goals for the yr.
4. National Security Council
-helps president w/military &
foreign policy
-safety & security of U.S.A.
-supervise CIA
5. Office of Administration
-provides administrative services to all
executive offices to president
-helps people find records under
the Freedom of Information Act
6. Council of Economic Advisers
-helps president be economic leader
-3 members chosen by president
w/Senate approval
-gives president advice
-tax policy
-foreign trade
7. cabinet
-15 executive departments
-heads of 14 of the departments are
called secretaries
-head of Department of Justice is
called the Attorney General
-all department heads must be
approved by Senate
-main job is to advise president
-make policy decisions
-not listed in Constitution,
custom and usage
-began w/President Washington
-4 original departments
-meet when president feels
-Department of Homeland
-1st new cabinet since
Veterans Affairs 1989
-consolidate resources for
defense against terrorism
-coordinate counter
8. Federal bureaucracy
-agencies & employees of executive
branch(bureaucrats or civil servants)
-executive department & agencies 3
-decide how to apply new laws
passed to daily life
-develop specific rules and
-day to day operations of
-regulate activities
-broadcasting companies
-help shape government policy
9. Independent Agencies
-not part of the cabinet
-president appoints directors w/Senate
-executive agency
-deals w/specialized areas
-government corporation
-run like private business
-government owned & operated
-charge fee but should not make a
-president chooses board of directors
& general manager for each agency
-Senate approval
-ex. Post office
-regulatory boards & commissions
-selected by president
-can be impeached by Congress
-designed to protect public
-make & enforce rules for some
industries and groups
10. government workers
-political appointees usually hold top
-executive ability
-important supporters of president
-job ends when president leaves office
-civil service workers
-90% of government employees
-usually permanent employment
-spoils system
-jobs given b/c of political support
-1881 President Garfield was
assassinated because a job was refused
-caused Congress to pass the
Pendleton Act or Civil Service
Reform Act of 1883
-limits job president can give
-office of personnel management
-directs civil service system
-sets standards for federal jobs
-gives written tests
-merit system
-workers hired based on
standards & tests