
Chapter 32 – Inflation, Disinflation, and Deflation – page 1
What distinction did Zimbabwe achieve in June of 2008? ____________________________________
How does the U.S. experience with inflation since the Great Depression compare?
Money and Inflation – The Classical Model of Money and Prices - In the long-run, all
price in the economy, including wages and prices of intermediate goods, rise by the
____________ percentage as the ___________________________________________.
The classical model of price level says what about price level? ______________________________
The classical model was used broadly by economists before the work of what
economist? When did he gain influence? ______________________________________________________
In the classical model, the SRAS curve is ______________________________________________________.
In reality, economists have found that price levels adjust more rapidly during periods of
____________ inflation and less rapidly during periods of ____________ inflation.
The Inflation Tax – Does the U.S. federal government pay for any of its obligations with
printed money? How? Why? What is this called? ___________________________________________
If a person owned $100 of cash in their wallet for a year, and the inflation rate was 3%,
what is the real purchasing power of that $100 at the end of the year? ____________________
(p 863) What does it mean when labor contracts are “indexed” to inflation? ______________
What is the effect of indexation? _______________________________________________________________
The Logic of Hyperinflation – How does the public protect itself from high inflation?
How can the government respond to this move by the public? ______________________________
What is seignorage and how is it calculated? _________________________________________________
What problem can this easily lead to? How? __________________________________________________
How did Zimbabwe get in a position where it needed to print money to meet its
obligations? ______________________________________________________________________________________
Prob. 1.
4. a.
Moderate Inflation and Disinflation - What is the relationship between inflation and
unemployment in the short-term? _____________________________________________________________
What temptations and dilemmas are created by the relationship between inflation and
unemployment? _________________________________________________________________________________
The Output Gap and the Unemployment Rate - The actual unemployment rate is equal to
the natural rate of unemployment when _____________ output equals _______________ output.
When the output gap is positive, actual unemployment is _________________________ than
natural unemployment. When the output gap is negative, actual unemployment is
_________________________ than natural unemployment. (Look at Figure 32-5 to see this.)
What is Okun’s law? How has the law come to be applied typically? Why is this not a
one-to-one relationship? ________________________________________________________________________
Draw a graph that has the inflation rate as the y-axis and the unemployment rate as the
x-axis. What direction is the slope? Why? ____________________________________________________
graph here:
Chapter 32 – Inflation, Disinflation, and Deflation – page 2
The Short-run Phillips Curve shows that as unemployment goes _____, inflation goes
_______. How do the Short-run Phillips Curve and shifts in the AD curve represent the
same intuition? __________________________________________________________________________________
So then why can the government not simply reduce employment by pursuing inflation
in the economy all the time? (Address expected inflation and explain Figure 32-10).
In which direction was the SRPC shifting in the 1970s? Why? ______________________________
In which direction was the SRPC shifting in the 1990s? Why? ______________________________
CYU 32-2 1. _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Problem 6. ________________________________________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Inflation and the Unemployment Rate in the Long-Run – Most economists believe
that in the long-run, there is no trade-off between __________________________________________.
What happens to the SRPC when the public develops expectations about the inflation
rate? ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Explain why the slope of the Long-Run Phillips curve (LRPC) is vertical and how it
represents the nonaccelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU). ________________
CYU 32-3, 1. ______________________________________________________________________________________
How are NAIRU and the natural rate of unemployment related? ____________________________
What have policy makers likely tried to do if an economy has found itself facing
persistently high inflation? _____________________________________________________________________
What are the costs of disinflation? Why? ______________________________________________________
Describe the Great Disinflation of the 1980s. _________________________________________________
Deflation – What is deflation? _________________________________________________________________
How does deflation affect lenders and borrowers (a process known as debt deflation).
Why are interest rates “zero bound”? How can this limit the effectiveness of monetary
policy? ____________________________________________________________________________________________
What is “the liquidity trap”? What effect does this problem have on an economy?
What has the Federal Reserve done in recent years to stimulate the economy as it has
faced zero bound interest rates? _______________________________________________________________
CYU 32-4, 1. ______________________________________________________________________________________
Problem 11. ______________________________________________________________________________________
13. _________________________________________________________________________________________________