Unit 4 Hemostasis as a perfusion problem Jeff Acsell “*” Rick Kunz “*” Chad Smith “*” Juan Tucker “*” Mindy Valleley Tammy Murray Grant Catlett University of Nebraska Medical Center Eric Rauch Clinical Perfusion Education Mark Brown CLPR 775 – Fall 2004 Hemostasis as a perfusion problem Is there a problem more central to the practice of perfusion? Perhaps gas exchange. Yet extracorporeal gas exchange cannot occur without some understanding and control over the process of hemostasis. It is a problem we all struggle with each day we practice our craft. A problem that we often only understand minimally, yet treat cavalierly. It is easy as a Perfusionist to get into the automaticity of giving every patient 400 iu/kg because, “that’s what we’ve always done”. Hemostasis as a perfusion problem It is a big problem Chapter 22 of Gravelee: Cardiopulmonary bypass. Principles and Practices is titled, Anticoagulation for Cardiopulmonary Bypass, is one of five chapters that try to address various issues involved in hemostasis. This one chapter alone contains over 350 references to the scientific literature, in an effort to address this complex topic. Hemostasis as a perfusion problem • A search on Google for Hemostasis yielded about 145,000 “results” • A further search for the British version Haemostasis revealed another 95,800 “results” • Clicking on definition brought up 5 American definitions and 3 British, all of which were various forms of “stoppage of the flow of blood” or “arrest of bleeding”. Hemostasis as a perfusion problem • It is obvious to every Perfusionist that the definition of the word, doesn’t fairly express what it is that makes hemostasis so important for extracorporeal circulation. • Surely there isn’t another profession that is more concerned with the arrest of, control of, preservation of, and restoration of hemostasis. Hemostasis as a perfusion problem • The first problem with hemostasis, in this forum, is its size and scope. There are many sub-topics within this broad subject that should spawn examinations as perfusion problems. • In an effort to “whittle a little off the tree” we narrowed the scope a bit in choosing a topic worthy of inspection. • My fear is that we only saw the root, and may be trying to cut down a sequoia with a butter knife. Heparinization (and Protamine Neutralization) As a Perfusion Problem There are hundreds of thousands surgeries performed each year in the US requiring cardio-pulmonary bypass. In the vast majority of these cases the patient is anticoagulated with heparin and later the heparin is neutralized with protamine –Source: STS Adult CV Surgery national database, Spring 2004 The heparin-protamine regimen has been the method of choice for extracorporeal circulation since 1939 when John Gibbon used this combination approach on laboratory animals, and then humans in 1953 In the intervening 51 years, much research has been conducted on how to safely use heparin and protamine. Research continues today. Heparin / protamine administration has become an automatic process in the daily routine of cardiac surgery. Often, little thought goes into this aspect of the surgery – Protocols are written – The reasons are forgotten This is what prompted this project Through experience and observation, these authors hypothesize that: Many surgeons, anesthesiologists and Perfusionists administer these drugs with such regularity, that the reasons behind their protocols have become clouded by the passing of time. Through experience and observation, these authors hypothesize that: Only when confronted by deviations from the normal case Such as: • Heparin resistance • Heparin allergy (HIT, HITT) • Protamine reaction do clinicians question the processes with which they have become so comfortable. “Familiarity with its use has led to the assumption on the part of many that the control of heparin during, and the neutralization of heparin after, extracorporeal circulation are straightforward matters which can be adequately handled by means of set protocols.” – Brian S. Bull, M.D. 1974 Heparin therapy during extracorporeal circulation I. Problems inherent in existing heparin protocols. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery:1975;69(5)674-684 The intent of this project is to: • review the literature in an effort to elucidate the reasons behind the protocols in use today, • to re-acquaint ourselves with these reasons so that we can evaluate our own protocols, • informally poll the perfusion “World” to discover the range of, similarities of, and differences in hemostasis management in use, • and, let’s not kid ourselves; get a good grade in CLPR775. Heparin • Glucosaminoglycan (polysaccharide) • Found most commonly in mast cells • Strongest macromolecular acid in the body Heparin Acts as a catalyst for ATIII to accelerate the neutralization of : – Thrombin – XIa – Xa – XIIa – IXa – VIIa/TF complex Jack Hirsh, et al. Heparin and Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin Mechanisms of Action, Pharmacokinetics, Dosing, Monitoring, Efficacy, and Safety. Chest. 2001;119:64S-94S Heparin Yep, that’s about all we’re going to go into the specifics of it’s chemical interaction and function with respect to the clotting cascade. This and related problems would provide another excellent topic for inspection. Heparin • Normally Unfractionated – heterogeneous mixture of molecules from 3,000 to 40,000 daltons (mean ~ 15,0000) – batch to batch heparin preparations may have different activity levels per milligram – standardized activity levels reported in units • 100 units = 1 mg – 1 unit will maintain anticoagulation of 1 ml of recalcified sheep serum for 1 hour Sources of Heparin • First isolated from liver extract (hepatic) • Porcine intestinal mucosa • Bovine lung Problem: What heparin should we use? • Porcine • Bovine – Lower molecular weight – Higher molecular weight – More cross linked structure – Less cross linking – Higher content of binding sites for ATIII – Lower content of ATIII binding sites Problem: What heparin should we use? • Porcine – Higher incidence of delayed hemorrhage? • Bovine – Lower incidence of heparin rebound? Abbott WM, Warnock DF, Austen WG. The relationship of heparin source to the incidence of delayed hemorrhage. Surg Res 1977:22:593-597. Problem: What heparin should we use? • Porcine – Higher doses needed for CPB? • Bovine – Perhaps lower doses needed? Stewart SR, Gaich PA. Clinical comparison of two brands of heparin for use in cardiopulmonary bypass. J Extracorporeal Technology 1980:12:29-33. Problem: What heparin should we use? • Porcine – 25-30% less protamine needed compared to bovine? • Bovine – May need more protamine to neutralize? Novak E, Sekhar NC, Dunham NW, et al. A comparative study of the effect of lung and gut heparins on platelet aggregation and protamine neutralization in man. Clin Med 1972:79:22—27. Lowary LR, Smith FA, Coyne E, et al. Comparative neutralization of lung- and mucosal-derived heparin by protamine sulfate using in vitro and in vivo methods. / Pharm Sci 1971;60: 638-640. Problem: What heparin should we use? • Porcine • Bovine – Inhibits factor Xa more effectively than Bovine – Inhibits factor IIa more effectively than Porcine – (only partially neutralized by protamine) – (totally neutralized by protamine) Barrowcliffe TW, Johnson EA, Eggleton CA, et al. Anticoagulant activities of lung and mucosal heparins. Thromb Res 1977; 12:27-36. Problem: What heparin should we use? • Porcine – Lower incidence of HIT with porcine • Rao AK, White GC, Sherman L, et al; Arch Intern Med 1989:149:1285-1290 • Bovine – Cannot rule out bovine spongiform encephalopathy transmission • Bolt J, Zickmann B, Ballesteros m, Scholz D, Dapper F, Hempelmann G, J of Cardiothorac and Vasc Anest 1991:5:449453 Problem: What heparin should we use? • Porcine – Longer lasting • Bovine – Shorter lasting – Renal elimination of bovine and porcine does not differ Bolt J, Zickmann B, Ballesteros m, Scholz D, Dapper F, Hempelmann G, Does the Preparation of Heparin Influence Anticoagulation During Cardiopulmonary Bypass, J of Cardiothorac and Vasc Anest 1991:5:449-453 Problem: What heparin should we use? The answer to this problem may have already been made for us, as there have been several reports from Perfusionists around the United States being unable to obtain bovine lung heparin. With the increased awareness of “mad cow” disease, certain countries (Canada) have imposed restrictions on its use. Additional information to help answer this problem will follow later in this presentation. Heparin • Half life of heparin is dose dependent. – Olsson P, Lagergren H, Ek S. The elimination from plasma of intravenous heparin. An experimental study on dogs and humans. Acta Med Scand 1963:173:619-630. • And Highly variable between patients Dose Half life 400 u/kg Minutes 126 +- 24 200 u/kg 93 +-6 100 u/kg 61 +-9 Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? Historical Monitoring of Heparin Effect • 1953 Extension of the bleeding time • Lee-White clotting time • 1958 Kaolin clotting time - plasma • 1964 Celite clotting time – plasma • 1966 ACT of whole blood • 1977 Automated ACT Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? Activated Clotting Time • Hattersley 1966: – Introduced ACT for whole blood “probably technique of choice in the control of therapeutic heparin”, “quick and more reliable than the Lee-White.” • Hattersley PG, Activated Coagulation Time of Whole Blood. JAMA 1966:196(5)150-154 Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? The ACT • Hattersly found that – room temp values were 60 sec longer than 37o. – variables that showed no appreciable variation in ACT: • quantity of celite, tube diameter, volume of blood between 1 and 3 ml, number of inversions of the tube – 0.1 u of heparin increased ACT in 1ml of blood by ~45 seconds Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? The ACT • Hattersly “simple, reliable, and reasonably sensitive bedside test of the coagulation mechanism.” – He did not use it for extracorporeal circulation monitoring – His test has lasted as the standard of care for 51+ years Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? Heparin Management Empiric management – Primary method for the first 30 years of bypass – Based on knowledge of effect of heparin – Applied to general population – No individualization – No assessment needed – Example • Bolus 300 mg/kg heparin and follow with 1.5 mg/kg/hr until end of bypass • Reverse with 3.6 mg/kg protamine Problem: What is an adequate dosage? The method was as simple as that. Administer the heparin, do the surgery and reverse with a set quantity of protamine. If there was still bleeding they would give more protamine. For many years the determination of safe anticoagulation was the lack of observed clot in the extracorporeal circuit. Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? Empiric management - Problems There is a wide range of variability between patients in – Patient Response to heparin – Half life of heparin Bolt J, Zickmann B, Ballesteros m, Scholz D, Dapper F, Hempelmann G, Does the Preparation of Heparin Influence Anticoagulation During Cardiopulmonary Bypass, J of Cardiothorac and Vasc Anest 1991:5:449-453 Culliford AT, Gitel SN, Starr N, et al. Lack of Correlation Between Activated Clotting Time and Plasma Heparin during Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Ann. Surg. 1981: 105-111 Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? Empiric management - Advocates Metz S, Keats AS. Low activated coagulation time during cardiopulmonary bypass does not increase postoperative bleeding. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 1990:49(3):440-444 – 300 U/kg heparin to 193 patients – No additional heparin given – 51 patients had ACTs less than 400 – 4 patients had ACTs less than 300 – No postoperative bleeding – No clots in the circuits Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? The ACT Landmark paper by Bull, et al in 1975 – Analyzed 30 different protocols of anticoagulation from around the country – Using bovine heparin, he defined ranges • < 180 seconds – unsafe – as determined by observations from long term bypass • < 300 seconds – insufficient heparin • 300 – 600 seconds “Safe Zone” – As determined by observations of lack of clot in circuit • Above 600 seconds – Excess heparin Bull BS, Korpman RA, Huse WM, et al. Heparin therapy during extracorporeal circulation. I. Problems inherent in existing heparin protocols. J Thoracic Cardiovascular Surg 1975:69:674684. Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? Bull, Brian MD • Recommended the ACT as the standard for monitoring anticoagulation on CPB • Recommended that sufficient heparin be administered to raise the ACT to 8 minutes (480 seconds) – easily remembered arbitrary number, approximately between 300 and 600 seconds, which falls in the “safe zone”. • 480 seconds is still the most common target ACT today Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? Bull, Brian MD Introduced the concept of heparin dose response to individualize heparin and protamine dosages (HDR) CPB Bull BS,. Huse W M, Brauer FS, Korpman RA, Heparin therapy during extracorporeal circulation II. The use of a dose-response curve to individualize heparin and protamine dosage. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 1975:69(5)685689 Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? Bull, Brian MD HDR protocol – Perform ACT prior to surgery – Administer 2 mg/kg dose and perform ACT – Construct a dose response curve – Calculate dose needed to reach 480 seconds – Calculate dose of protamine needed from last ACT on CPB Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? ACT-HDR method Comparing the empiric approach to the ACT – Group I – 3mg/kg plus 1.5 mg/kg/45 minutes – Group II – 2.0 mg/kg and maintain at ACT of 400 seconds Group II results 1. Decrease in postoperative blood loss 2. Decrease in heparin administered 3. Lower dose of protamine required With the ACT-HDR method Babka R. Colby C. El-Etr A. Pifarre R. Monitoring of intraoperative heparinization and blood loss following cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery. 1977;73(5):780-782 Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? ACT-HDR method Comparing 58 historic cases using empiric method to 56 cases monitored by automated ACT • In the automated ACT cases. – Protamine to heparin ratio was 25%less – Postoperative blood loss was 48% less Verska JJ. Control of heparinization by activated clotting time during bypass with improved postoperative hemostasis. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 1977:24(2);170-173 Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? ACT monitoring and change in clinical practice • The introduction of the ACT in the 1960s and 1970s brought about a significant change in the practice of perfusion. • The test is easy to perform, especially when automated • Studies comparing dosage based on patient weight or BSA verses ACT demonstrated a reduction in post-operative bleeding when ACTs were used or no difference. • This was compelling evidence that the ACT should become the standard of care. • By the late 1970s and continuing until today the ACT became the most common method of determining heparin dosage and effect Problem: What is a safe ACT? 1978 Young, et al, using an animal model, bovine heparin, experimented to determine the minimum safe ACT • Used the appearance of fibrin monomer as indicator of coagulation – “The lower limit as measured by the ACT...is at least 400 seconds” Young JA, Kisker TC, M.D., Doty DB Adequate Anticoagulation During Cardiopulmonary Bypass Determined by Activated Clotting Time and the Appearance of Fibrin Monomer. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 1978:26(3)231-237 Problem: What is a safe ACT? • The study by Young, is often reported as the first controlled study that used a biological marker to determine a safe level of anticoagulation. It was another step in solving this problem • The appearance of fibrin monomer in blood indicated that coagulation had been initiated and that there was a consumption of fibrin occurring, which meant that there was not enough heparin circulating to totally inhibit thrombin. • This reinforced the work of Bull, and more Perfusionists began to adopt the protocol of maintaining ACTs greater than 400 seconds. Problem: What is a safe ACT? Problems with ACT-HDR? Heparin administration by ACT can be problematic – ACT values are altered by temperature – ACT values are altered by hemodilution – ACT does not measure units of heparin – ACT does not accurately reflect the protamine needed 1. Culliford AT, et al. 1981;191(1):105-111 2. G. J. Despotis, et al. J Thoracic Cardiovascular Surg 1994;108:10761082 3. Tian L, et al. JECT 1995:27(4)192-196 4. Fox DJ, Gaines J, Reed G. JECT;11(4):137-142 Problem: What is a safe ACT? Problem: with ACT-HDR These inherent inconsistencies in ACT driven HDR could lead to; – Overestimation of the actual heparin level – Under heparinization – Consumption of coagulation factors – Increased transfusion requirements Problem: What is a safe ACT? What is needed? Hypothesis: The inherent inconsistencies with the ACT based heparin management might be overcome with a method to monitor the concentration of heparin circulating in the plasma. • Protamine titration – Automatic heparin-protamine titration device (AHPT) Hepcon A-10 Hill AG, Lefrak EA. Monitoring heparin and protamine therapy during cardiopulmonary bypass procedures. Proceedings, American Society of Extra-Corporeal Technology. 1978;6:10-13 Problem: How should we monitor heparin therapy? Hepcon In 1979 two studies, Hill and Lefrak, Fox et al, compared anticoagulation monitoring by the Hemochron device (AACT), and the Hepcon device (AHPT). – The ACTs by the manual method correlated with the AACT – The ACTs did not correlate with AHPT – The AHPT “…more precise in determination of heparin levels and the doses required to facilitate reversal.” Fox DJ, Gaines J, Reed G. Vehicles of heparin management: A comparison. JECT;11(4):137-142 Problem: Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? • Investigators began to wonder if there would be a clinical difference in maintaining anticoagulation by heparin concentration or by ACT or by the empiric method • Several studies were published showing variable results Problem: Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? Patient assigned to one of 3 groups using bovine heparin 1. 300 iu/kg and ACT >400 sec 2. 250 iu/kg and ACT >400 sec 3. 350 iu/kg and heparin concentration of 4.1 iu/ml Results – Sub clinical coagulation occurred in all 3 – Post-op drainage correlated with increased heparin levels – ACT > 350 seconds results in acceptable hemostasis Gravlee GP. Haddon WS. Rothberger HK. Mills SA. Rogers AT. Bean VE. Buss DH. Prough DS. Cordell AR. Heparin dosing and monitoring for cardiopulmonary bypass. A comparison of techniques with measurement of sub clinical plasma coagulation. Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery. 1990;99(3):518-527. Problem: Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? 1. Used porcine heparin 2. Control group, 250U/kg + heparin to ACT of 480sec, protamine 0.8:1 3. Intervention group, HDR to 480sec, protamine by HDR – Higher heparin concentrations are maintained by anticoagulation by heparin concentration – Higher heparin concentrations result in more effective suppression of coagulation Despotis GJ. Joist JH. Hogue CW Jr. Alsoufiev A. Joiner-Maier D. Santoro SA. Spitznagel E. Weitz JI. Goodnough LT. More effective suppression of hemostatic system activation in patients undergoing cardiac surgery by heparin dosing based on heparin blood concentrations rather than ACT. Thrombosis & Haemostasis. 1996:76(6):902-908. Problem: Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? 1. Used porcine heparin 2. Control group, “conventional” to ACT of 400sec, protamine “conventional” 3. Intervention group, HDR to 400sec, protamine by HDR – Intervention group received slightly larger heparin doses and significantly lower protamine dosages – Chest tube drainage was less in the intervention group – Donor exposures less in the intervention group Jobes DR. Aitken GL. Shaffer GW. Increased accuracy and precision of heparin and protamine dosing reduces blood loss and transfusion in patients undergoing primary cardiac operations. Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery. 1995;110(1):36-45 Problem: Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? 1. Used porcine heparin 2. Control group, celite ACT 3. Intervention group, kaolin ACT and heparin concentration measurement – Intervention group had higher heparin concentrations than the control group – Intervention group had lower fibrinopeptide A and D-dimer levels after bypass – Intervention group had higher levels of factors V, and VIII, fibrinogen and ATIII after bypass Despotis GJ. Joist JH. Hogue CW Jr. Alsoufiev A. Joiner-Maier D. Santoro SA. Spitznagel E. Weitz JI. Goodnough LT. More effective suppression of hemostatic system activation in patients undergoing cardiac surgery by heparin dosing based on heparin blood concentrations rather than ACT. Thrombosis & Haemostasis. 1996:76(6):902-908. Problem: Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? 1. 94 patients undergoing DHCA for aortic surgery, aprotinin and 3 mg/kg heparin given to all 2. During CPB – Group A. 49 patients were given additional 1 mg/kg heparin – Group B. 45 patients were given 1 mg/kg heparin if ACT fell below 500 seconds • Heparin dose was higher in Group A • Levels of TAT, fibrinogen, DD,PF-4, beta-TG were lower in Group A • Intra and post-operative platelet count was higher in Group A Okita Y. Takamoto S. Ando M. Morota T. Yamaki F. Matsukawa R. Kawashima Y. Coagulation and fibrinolysis system in aortic surgery under deep hypothermic circulatory arrest with aprotinin: the importance of adequate heparinization. Circulation. 1997 ;96(9 Suppl):II-376-381 Problem: Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? Comparing the porcine heparin concentration (HC) with ACT, during hypothermia and DHCA 1. Maintained ACT >400seconds • 2. Maintained heparin concentration at 3 mg/kg • – Resulted in Higher blood concentrations were maintained by the HC method • – Or and Better suppression of the coagulation system Shirota K. Watanabe T. Takagi Y. Ohara Y. Usui A. Yasuura K. Maintenance of blood heparin concentration rather than activated clotting time better preserves the coagulation system in hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass. Artificial Organs. 2000; 24(1):49-56 Problem: Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? Results of surgery on 487 patients using multiple logistic and linear regression on variables that may have an association on blood loss and/or transfusion. • Female gender, lower heparin dose, pre-op ASA use, and number of transfusions were associated with increased chest tube drainage. Despotis, George J. MD; Filos, Kriton S. MD; Zoys, Timothy N. MD; Hogue, Charles W. Jr., MD; Spitznagel, Edward PhD; Lappas, Demetrios G. MD. Factors Associated with Excessive Postoperative Blood Loss and Hemostatic Transfusion Requirements: A Multivariate Analysis in Cardiac Surgical Patients. Anesthesia & Analgesia 1996:92(1)12-21 Problem: Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? In a Anesthesiology 1999 review of the available literature published, the following statements were made • “Because generation of FPA and inhibition of clot-bound thrombin have been shown to relate inversely to heparin concentration, maintenance of heparin concentrations that more effectively inactivate thrombin may preserve hemostasis during prolonged CPB” and • “..maintenance of higher patient-specific heparin concentrations should be considered to reduce thrombin – mediated activation and consumption of platelets in patients requiring longer CPB intervals.” Despotis GJ, Gravlee G, Filos K, Levy J. Anticoagulation Monitoring during Cardiac surgery; A Review of Current and Emerging Techniques. Anesthesiology 1999:(91)1122-1151 Problem: When should the baseline sample be taken? Though Bull, et al. suggested that the baseline ACT should be determined prior to the start of surgery, there is evidence to the contrary. • Baseline ACTs decrease with anesthesia and surgery. • Therefore an ACT baseline found prior to surgery, could lead to the mistaken diagnosis that all heparin had been neutralized after protamine administration. Gravlee GP. Whitaker CL. Mark LJ. Rogers AT. Royster RL. Harrison GA. Baseline activated coagulation time should be measured after surgical incision. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 1990;71(5):549-553 Problem: How much time should elapse between heparin administration and ACT to confirm anticoagulation? The answer to this question requires us to know: • how fast is the onset of action for heparin? • what is the circulation time of heparin? • how heparin is distributed in the body? Problem: How much time should elapse between heparin administration and ACT to confirm anticoagulation? The onset of action is very fast – In one study Using bovine heparin – Peak arterial ACT occurred within 30 seconds – Peak venous ACT occurred within 60 seconds Heres EK. Speight K. Benckart D. Marquez J. Gravlee GP. The clinical onset of heparin is rapid. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2001;92(6):1391-1395 Problem: How much time should elapse between heparin administration and ACT to confirm anticoagulation? The onset of action is very fast – In a second study Using bovine heparin – ACT of 400 seconds was obtained within one minute – There was a progressive increase for 4 minutes followed by a slow decline where the one minute ACT is essentially equivalent to the 10 minute ACT – An ACT taken at one minute will save time and approximate a long term ACT which is a better indicator of heparinization. E.T. Coleman, M. Hargrove, H.P. Singh, T. Aherne, Estimation of Minimum Heparin Circulation Time for Activated Clotting Time Determination. Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology. 1994;26(2):61-63 Problem: How much time should elapse between heparin administration and ACT to confirm anticoagulation? How is heparin distributed in the body? • Heparin is a highly polarized molecule • This pre-disposes it to stay within the plasma and not cross into any lipid bearing tissues • Some portion of administered heparin moves into an attaches to vascular endothelial cells. • There is also some degree of sequestration in reteculoedothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle. • This may account for the relatively quick fall in the ACT seen within the first few minutes after administration. Hiebert LM. McDuffie NM. The internalization and release of heparins by cultured endothelial cells: the process is cell source, heparin source, time and concentration dependent Artery. 1990;17(2):107-118 Have we found solutions to any of our identified problems? With respect to: What heparin should we use? • On slide #27 we suggested that the decision may have already been made for us in favor of porcine heparin. • In our exploration of the monitoring of heparin, several papers were discovered, hinting that porcine heparin administered and maintained at high concentrations resulted in less post-operative blood loss, better preserved coagulation factors, and better platelet function. • Porcine heparin has a higher anti Xa activity that is not completely reversed by protamine administration, which may be a potential cause of heparin rebound. Another problem to be investigated. • With respect to HIT porcine heparin may be a better choice. For this reason alone, The Medical University of SC switched the entire hospital formulary to porcine heparin three years ago. • For now – porcine heparin has an edge Have we found solutions to any of our identified problems? With respect to: How should we monitor heparin therapy? • It is obvious to most, that strict empiric therapy should not be utilized these days. The advent of the automated ACT, with its proven benefits of reducing post-operative bleeding, and catastrophic coagulation, reduction of transfusion requirements, and reduced protamine dosages, has hopefully put an end to that practice. • The ACT is known to fall short of being the perfect monitoring regimen. It fails to correlate well with circulating heparin concentrations, mainly due to the effects of hemodilution and hypothermia. Have we found solutions to any of our identified problems? With respect to: How should we monitor heparin therapy?, What is a safe ACT?, and Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? • Most of the studies that compared heparin management by the ACT or heparin concentration, favor maintaining heparin concentration or show no difference. • At the time of most of these studies (late 1970s – 1990s) most CPB involved diluting patients to lower hematocrit levels, and utilizing deeper hypothermia than is practiced today. (We don’t have a printed reference for this) • With the current trends toward smaller circuits, retrograde autologous prime, and the resulting higher hematocrits, along with tepid or normothermic bypass, there seems to be an opportunity to investigate whether the ACT better correlates with heparin concentration, under these seemingly more favorable conditions. Have we found solutions to any of our identified problems? With respect to: How should we monitor heparin therapy?, What is a safe ACT?, and Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? • In the book, Cardiopulmonary bypass : principles and practice, the authors conclude that “in most situations” they see no clinical advantage to heparin concentration monitoring. They advocate using the ACT maintained at 400 – 480 seconds. This also seems to be the level accepted by the perfusion community as reflected by our informal survey. (see Chart) • That having been said, one of the editors and co-author of the chapter that this was written in, has conducted research, mainly using bovine heparin, that showed few of the benefits found in other investigations. Dr Gravlee is an expert in the field, but could be considered to be biased in his opinion. “World” Target ACT for Bypass 11% 5% 480 sec 400 sec 16% 350 sec 500 sec 68% N=19 Have we found solutions to any of our identified problems? With respect to: How should we monitor heparin therapy?, What is a safe ACT?, Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? • It is difficult to deny that monitoring the concentration of circulating heparin has distinct advantages over the ACT method. From our informal poll of “World” Perfusionists, extrapolated to the perfusion community at large, the technology to perform protamine titration and monitor heparin concentration, has been embraced by a significant percentage of practitioners • The following chart indicates that 69.6% of the Perfusionists responding to our survey, that indicated what instrument they use for heparin monitoring, have the technology to perform protamine titration for heparin concentration, by using the Hepcon system or the RXDX system. “World” Anticoagulation Monitoring Instruments Reported Hemochron 21.7% RXDX 8.7% Hepcon 60.9% ACT II 8.7% N=23 Have we found solutions to any of our identified problems? With respect to: How should we monitor heparin therapy?, What is a safe ACT?, and Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? • The previous slide provides evidence that the standard of care in perfusion today is, maintaining the technology for heparin concentration determination, and utilization of the ACT. • This seems to be an appropriate choice. For many procedures that are relatively quick and performed at normothermia or tepid temperatures, the ACT is probably adequate. • It also seems reasonable that if the procedure is long and/or requires deep hypothermia, heparin concentrations should be checked and/or additional heparin should be administered. • However, the protocol best supported by the literature reviewed is to maintain both adequate heparin concentration and a corresponding ACT. • From the survey data collected, it isn’t possible to tell how many Perfusionists are actually using protamine titration for heparin management. Have we found solutions to any of our identified problems? With respect to: What is an adequate dosage?, and Does heparin concentration make a clinical difference? • Again the answer not crystal clear, though there seems to be an advantage to the patients maintained with heparin concentrations between 3iu/ml and 5iu/ml, and achieving ACTs between 400 and 480 seconds. • This seems to be achievable with loading doses of 300 to 400 iu/kg, which is the range of loading dosages that the majority of Perfusionists in our survey use. (see the chart) • Most importantly though, Perfusionists must be aware that the circulating concentration of heparin poorly correlates with the ACT, because of hemodilution, hypothermia, and individual patient differences. • For these reasons, an ACT that seems adequate may not be enough to stop the coagulation cascade, and prevent the consumption of factors. “World” heparin loading doses 5% 27% 49% 150/kg 1 200/kg 1 300/kg 11 350/kg 2 400/kg 6 600/kg 1 N=22 9% 5% 5% Have we found solutions to any of our identified problems? With respect to, Problem: When should the baseline sample be taken? • The evidence that was elucidated by Gravlee provides the best answer that we could find. • The baseline should be taken after anesthesia and surgery has been initiated. Have we found solutions to any of our identified problems? With respect to, Problem: How much time should elapse between heparin administration and ACT to confirm anticoagulation? • Considering onset of action, circulation time, and redistribution the most common recommendation is to take a sample 3 to 5 minutes after administration of the initial dose. • However in emergency situations, where speed is of utmost importance, a sample taken one minute after the loading dose should provide a reasonable ACT value. • At the very least it will confirm whether the heparin dose was delivered into the patients circulatory system, which could be missed at any time but especially in the confusion that sometimes accompanies an emergent case. Have we found solutions our original problem: Heparinization (and Protamine neutralization) • As it is so many times when looking for the solutions of problems, we soon discovered many related problems. • First: it was quickly revealed that “Heparinization” alone is a complex problem of a scale much larger than was first imagined. • Therefore we have addressed the problem of protamine neutralization, only peripherally. • The topic of “protamine administration as a perfusion problem” would make another excellent topic for inclusion in subsequent classes of CLPR 775. • We all should be cognizant that the potential answers hinted at in this forum should not be considered the final word. By inspection of the other branches of the hemostasis tree, we may well need to alter our present conclusions. Have we found solutions our original problem: Heparinization (and Protamine neutralization) • There are many sub-topics and side branches to the original problem that we would have liked to include in this project. They were excluded, not by desire, but by time and space constraints. (“beam me up Scotty”) • Some of the identified topics are: – Heparin rebound – Heparin resistance – Heparin bonded circuits (as well as non-heparin coatings) – Pharmacology (aprotinin, amicar, LMWH, alternative anticoagulants, etc.) – Hemoconcentration – Review of available instruments for monitoring coagulation – HIT, HITT Have we found solutions our original problem: Heparinization (and Protamine neutralization)? • There are very few true solutions to most complex problems. What is important is a close inspection of the problems, to try to get a handle on as many pieces of potential solutions that we can. • This is especially true of any profession where decisions made, on seemingly mundane issues, can have life and death consequences. • We hope we have made a reasonable attempt to inspect the problem of heparinization, but realize that the work is not done. This is just one small area of the ‘jigsaw puzzle”, and the pattern is only beginning to be fully revealed. Have we found solutions our original problem: Heparinization (and Protamine neutralization)? The truth is that the original problem posed was, Hemostasis as a perfusion problem We have placed the first piece of that puzzle in the corner. 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Simpson, Heparin Mankad and Protamine Management in Infants Ann Thorac and Children Surg Undergoing 71 Cardiac 2001 922-8 OperationsACT pediatric dose-response blood loss Souza, Whole Chan, blood heparin Andrew concentrations do not correlate with Perfusion plasma antifactor Xa 15 heparin concentrations 2000 203-9 in pediatric Xa HMS ACT patients un Janssens Treatment of Excessive Mediastinal Bleeding After Cardiopulmonary Ann Thorac Surg Bypass 62 1996 1951-4 Mediastinal Protamine Heparin High dose Thrombin Time versus the Activated Clotting Time JECTduring Cardiopulmonary 31 2 Bypass 1999 76-79 HiTT ACT Stipanovich, Comparison Flaherty of Heparin Administration Using the Rapidpoint JECTcoag and Hepcon HMS 36 2004 139-44 Heparin HMS Rapidpoint Tallman Heparin Use in Pediatric Bypass-Empirical Regimen (ACT) JECT vs. Heparin Concentration: 32 2 A2000 Multicenter 84-88 Trial Heparin Administration Empirical Holen, Completely Tangen, Heparinized Brosstad,Cardiopulmonary Abdelnoor, Ringdal, Bypass Oystese, and Reduced Istad Ann Thorac Systemic Surg Heparin: 60 Clinical 1995 and 365-71 Hemostatic Heparin low blood Effects dose loss coated hparin Tangen, Heparin-Coated Tollofsrud, Circuits Ringdal and Reduced Systemic Anticoagulation Ann Thorac Applied Surg to 2500 76Consecutive 2003 First-Time 1144-8 Coronary Heparin reduced ACT blood transfusion coated Artery anticoagu Bypa Mueller, Alternatives Marty, to unfractioned Horisberger, heparin Corno for anticoagulation inPerfusion cardiopulmonary bypass 16 2001 411-416 Heparin Unfractioned HIT CPBP Nitschmann, Effect of Heparin Norman, Loading Andrew, During Williams Congenital Heart Operation Ann Thorac on Thrombin Surg Generation 63 and 1997 Blood 482-8 Loss Congenital heparin thrombin ATIII protocol Mankad Management of anticoagulation and its reversal during paediatric Perfusioncardiopulmonary 15 bypass: 2000 a review 191-201 of current pediatric heparin ACTUK practice protocol Mayer, Use of MacDonald, danaparoid 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Coated low dose O'Brian Comparisonof Epsilon Aminocaproic Acid and Low-Dose Ann Aprotinin ThoracinSurg Cardiopulmonary 71 Bypass: 2001 838-43 Efficiency,EACA aprotinin bleeding Safety and Cost Verkroost, Familial antithrombin-III Novakrova, Brouwer deficiency during cardiopulmonary Perfusion bypass: a case report 15 2000 553-6 AT-III Heparinization ACT How To Obtain Hemostasis After Aortic Surgery Ann Thorac Surg 67 1999 1981-2 hemostasis transfusion Shigefumi, Coagulofibrinolysis Hattori, Shibata, During Heparin-Coated Sasaki, Horsono, Cardiopulmonary Kinoshita Ann Thorac BypassSurg With Reduced 68 Heparinization 1999 1252-6 Reduced coated post operative circuit hepariniza blee Zucker, Assessing Walker heparin neutralization following cardiac surgery: Perfusion sensitivity of thrombin 14 time-based 1999 181-187 assays versus heparin ACT PRT thrombin protamine neutralizati time titratio Additional References Landis Raymond Raymond Edwards Raymond Lubenow Francis Gabriel Williams 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Part 2: calculating Perfusion the overestimation 18of heparin 2003 by277-281 the activated Heparin overestimation ACT clotting time Hamby, Successful Worrall Use of Argatroban as a Heparin Substitute During Ann Thorac Caridopulmonary Surg 75 Bypass: 2003 Heparin-Induced 1622-4 HIT Thrombocytopenia argatro thrombin aninhibito Ray, Heparin Callen, monitoring Marsh during cardiac sugery. 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