Shifting to Post-Crisis Welfare States in Europe? Long and Short Term perspectives 4 – 5 June, 2013, Berlin WORKSHOP PROGRAM Tuesday 4 June 2013, 11:30 – 13:00 a) Social Policy Concepts, Classifications and Ideas Norwegian embassy Chairs: Klaus Petersen (University of South Denmark, DK, and Christoph Conrad (University of Geneva, CH, Dudchik, Andrei (Belarusian State University): Localizing welfare state?: Concept of ‘Socially oriented state’ in official Belarusian ideology Edling, Nils (Stockholm University), Jørn Henrik Petersen & Klaus Petersen (University of Southern Denmark): Social Policy Language in Denmark and Sweden Fabrykant, Marharyta (Belarusian State University): Wording the Crisis? Comparative Sematic History of the Notion of Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe Kananen, Johannes (University of Helsinki): Nordic Welfare State Restructuring: Transforming the post-war collectivist social order b) The Relationships between Trust, Legitimacy and the Welfare State Swedish embassy Chairs: Ellen Immergut (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, DE, and Pauli Kettunen (University of Helsinki, FI, Bartha, Attila (Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences): Welfare Reforms in LowTrust European Societies. How Transferable is the Nordic Model of Welfare State Adaptation? Kutylowski, A. Jan (University of Oslo): Nordic welfare states in context: a comparison of some ideologic alternatives, recent public opinion findings and the challenge of financicalization Berens, Sarah A. (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, University of Cologne): Weak States – Strong Preferences? A Multilevel Analysis of Social Policy Preferences and Context Bothfeldt, Silke (Bremen University of Applied Sciences) & Sigrid Betzelt (Berlin School of Economics and Law): Can individual autonomy be an appropriate normative concept to cope with present challenges of the welfare state? 1 c) Changing Demography, Care and Gender Relations Felleshuset, meeting room Chairs: Birgit Pfau-Effinger (University of Hamburg, DE, and Sonya Michel (University of Maryland, US, Jönsson, Ingrid (Lund University): Childcare and eldercare in Sweden - different paths of development Höppner, Julia (University of Bremen): Why do Swedes use less cash-for-childcare than Norwegians? Lundqvist, Åsa (Lund University) & Christine Roman (Örebro University): Struggling to survive in a changing economy. Lone working class mothers in Sweden. Szelewa, Dorota (Warsaw University ICRA Foundation): Cash- vs. service-oriented family support systems for single parents. A comparative study d) Poverty and Social Exclusion in Times of Crisis – Historical and Contemporary Impact Felleshuset, auditorium Chairs: Bea Cantillon (University of Antwerp, BE, ) and Pirjo Markkola (University of Jyväskylä, FI, Alho, Rolle (University of Helsinki/WZB, Berlin): Varieties of capitalism and translocal linkages shaping trade union strategy in the context of transnational labor mobility Elstad, Jon Ivar (Norwegian Social Research NOVA) & Espen Dahl (Oslo and Akershus University College): Disability pension in Norway in the 1990s and 2000s: Poverty prevention, class bias Heuer, Jan-Ocko (University of Bremen): Social Inclusion and Exclusion in European Consumer Bankruptcy Systems 2 Tuesday 4 June 2013, 14:00 – 15:30 e) EU: The Problem or the Solution of the Welfare State in Crisis? Felleshuset, auditorium Chairs: Caroline de la Porte (University of Southern Denmark, DK, and Jonathan Zeitlin (University of Amsterdam, NL, Agostini, Chiara (University of Milan) & David Natali (University of Bologna): Evolving EU Social Dimension: Trends in Social and Education Policy in the Lisbon Strategy and Europe 2020 Jessoula Matteo (University of Milan), Chiara Agostini (University of Milan) & Sebastiano Sabato (University of Milan and Observatoire Social Européen – Brussels) : Combating poverty in emerging multilevel arenas: EU2020 and the peer review strategy Moriarty, Elaine (Trinity College Dublin), James Wickham (Trinity College Dublin), Alicja Bobek (Trinity College Dublin) & Sally Daly (Trinity College Dublin): Portability of welfare rights in the New Europe Papadopoulos, Theodoros (University of Bath) & Antonios Roumpakis (University of York): Democracy, welfare reforms and European integration in the light of the Greek politico-economic crisis f) Life Courses, Intergenerational and Gender Relations interacting with Welfare Policies Norwegian embassy Chairs: Chiara Saraceno (Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB), DE & Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin, IT,, and Gunhild Hagestad (Norwegian Social Research, NO, Chevalier, Tom (Sciences Po): The different paths towards familialism: Social policies towards young people in France and the UK. Frericks, Patricia (University of Hamburg): Long-term transformations of the welfare state: Life courses, intergenerational and gender relations interacting with welfare policies Mabbett, Deborah (Birkbeck University of London): Adjudicating on Equality: Combating sex discrimination in private insurance in the EU Ulmanen, Petra (University of Stockholm) & Marta Szebehely (University of Stockholm): From the state to the family or to the market? Consequences of reduced residential eldercare in Sweden 3 g) Crises and Restructuring of Labour Markets: Reinforced Dualisation and Exclusion? Felleshuset, meeting room Chairs: Noel Whiteside (University of Warwick, UK, ), and Paul Marx (University of Southern Denmark, DK, Aho, Simo (University of Tampere): Causes and development of structural unemployment in Finland since the crisis of early 1990s Heidenreich, Martin (University of Oldenburg) & Patrizia Aurich (University of Oldenburg): European Worlds of Employment and Social Services: The Local Dimension of Activation Policies Lloyd, Christopher (University of New England): Capitalism, Welfare, and Regulation: GlobalHistorical Perspectives Sobanova, Petra (University of Ostrava): Long-term unemployment as one of the causes for social exclusion: analysis of the methods for working with long-term unemployed h) What are we comparing and what should we compare? Challenges of comparative welfare state research Swedish embassy Chairs: Jon Kvist (University of Southern Denmark, DK, and Bernhard Ebbinghaus (University of Manheim, DE, Baranowski, Mariusz (The School of Humanities and Journalism PoznaĆ): Welfare State System in Central and Eastern Europe: Illusion or Reality? Clasen, Jochen (University of Edinburgh), Daniel Glegg (University of Edinburgh) & Alexander Goerne (University of Edinburgh): Active Labour Market Policy in Comparative Welfare State Research: A Critical Discussion Kappe, Roland (University College London UCL): Wheat from Chaff: A Sensitivity Analysis of Determinants of Social Expenditure Levels in OECD Countries van Oorschot, Wim (Leuven University): The ‘dependent variable problem’ revisited. Comparative analysis of European welfare states with social survey based benefit recipiency indicators 4 Wednesday 5 June 2013, 9:00 – 11:00 i) Perspectives on the Current Crisis – Background, Response and Experience across Europe Felleshuset, auditorium Chairs: Jochen Clasen (University of Edinburgh, UK, and Ana Guillén, (University of Oviedo, ES, Ganssmann, Heiner (Free University of Berlin): Financial markets, welfare states and the Great Recession Gerba, Eddie (University of Kent) & Waltraud Schelkle (London School of Economics and Political Science LSE/Free University of Berlin): The finance-welfare state nexus of the crisis, Nelson, Moira (Lund University): The Politics of Crisis Management and the Implications for Welfare State Development Picot, Georg (University of Oxford): Pre-Crisis Economic Growth Models and Their Consequences in the Great Recession, Ranci, Costanzo (Polytechnic of Milan) & Stefania Sabatinelli (Polytechnic of Milan): Social vulnerability in European Cities in Times of Crisis and The Role of Local Welfare j) Immigration and the Welfare State Felleshuset, meeting room Chairs: Grete Brochmann (University of Oslo, NO, and Wim van Oorschot, (Leuven University, BE, ). Breidahl Nielsen, Karen (Aalborg University) & Christian Albrekt Larsen (Aalborg University): Migrants within the Nordic Welfare states: Do their orientations become ‘Nordic’? Careja, Romana (University of Cologne): Discriminatory attitudes towards migrants - when parties matter Jakobsen, Vibeke (The Danish National Centre for Social Research) & Tomas Korpi (University of Stockholm): How immigrants fare in the labour market and across the income distribution in the Scandinavian countries Römer, Friederike (Social Science Research Center Berlin): “Picky but Generous”, “Open but Cheap”? – or Something in Between? State’s strategies of aligning Welfare benefits and Immigration Saksela-Bergholm, Sanna (University of Helsinki): Consequences of Long-distance Migration: Filipino Labour Migrants’ Experiences of Working and Living Conditions in Finland 5 k) Public Pensions in Hard Times Swedish embassy Chairs: Jørgen Goul Andersen (University of Ålborg, DK, and Karl Hinrichs (Bremen University, DE, Gelepithis, Margarita (London School of Economic, UK): Unlikely advocates of outsider interests? The pension industry and reforms in Liberal welfare states Naumann, Elias (University of Mannheim): Do increasing pressures to reform change policy preferences? - A survey experiment on support for pension reform Polakowski, Michal (International Centre for Research and Analysis ICRA): From the financial crisis to the pension crisis? An analysis of pension adjustments during the fiscal stress in Poland Stamati, Furio (European University Institute EUI) & Mi Ah Schøyen (Norwegian Social Research NOVA): The politics of real-world NDC pensions: the unsettled Italian trajectory Vauhkonen, Jussi (University of Helsinki): Public Pensions in “Hard Times” – problem or solution? l) The Politics of Social Policy – Old and New Actors Norwegian embassy Chairs: Herbert Obinger (Bremen University, DE, and Urban Lundberg (Stockholm University, SE, Hannikainen, Matti (University of Tampere): Two types of flexibility: Responses to the financial crises of the 1930s and 1990s in Finland Horn, Alexander (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): The Conceptualization of Government Ideology in Welfare State Research: Interest Representation vs. Cognitive Frame Jochem, Sven (University of Konstanz): The Politics of Egalitarian Capitalism Markkola, Pirjo (University of Jyväskylä): Long Term and Short Term Perspectives on Lutheranism and the Welfare State in Finland Schelkle, Waltraud (London School of Economics and Political Science LSE/Free University of Berlin & Deborah Mabbett (Birkbeck University of London): Central Banks as Social Policy Actors 6