Breakout Session Descriptions and Presenter List

Location Session
Using Blogs and
Wikis to Organize
Presentations and
Group Papers
Moving Student
10:10 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizing ideas and building presentations can be a taxing and complicated process.
Writing requires multitasking. When some of these tasks are challenging, they can
become overwhelming and can often disrupt the creative flow of ideas. One way to help
students to focus is to have them blog each task and to wiki the references for group
Blogs and Wikis provide a number of benefits to student learning. Blogs help students
develop and improve fluency with thinking. Wikis can help student to collaborate and
edit group papers. They allow students to discover new ideas and relationships between
concepts and finally, get their mind going to generate and organize their thought
processes, new ideas and information. This session with present some tested ideas on
how to organization student projects just the Blackboard Blog and Wiki tools within a
group setting.
As graduate courses in the College of Education have moved to a completely online
format, we’ve had to rethink how to organize the last class meetings which primarily
focuses on student presentations. Online students are still required to research scholarly
literature related to course content and present their findings in the form of a final
project paper, as well as receive peer feedback; but all of this is now done completely
Instead of devoting a final in-seat class session (or more depending on the size of the
classes), we’re now using a combination of blackboard, the Ensemble Video dropbox,
project partners and detailed rubrics to complete the final course project assignment
Hacking the
Learn about copying grades to the Ellucian Banner SIS and importing from Cengage SAM
Faculty Blackboard system. Faculty will be able to explore the full usage of the Grade Center through
Grade Center
categories, color schemes, custom grade schema, smart views, dropping lowest scores in
a category, and other faculty ninja tricks.
System Admin
A round-table for Bb system administrators to ask questions, compare setups, and discuss
Round Table
all things Bb administration.
Julia VanderMolen, GVSU
Rosemary Cleveland, GVSU
Kim Kenward, GVSU
Justin Melick, GVSU
Szymon Machajewski, GVSU
Katie Clark, GVSU
Colleen Cameron, GVSU
Location Session
Tough Cases
Exploring Four
eLearning Tools
that BBL Users
Need to Consider
11:10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Is it a technical or training issue? Sometimes, the answers isn't so easy! Even experienced
faculty can encounter issues in their course that don't have a quick or obvious solution.
Learn about some of the tough questions that we encounter in GRCC's Distance Learning
and Instructional Technologies department. The answers may save you and your faculty a
lot of time and headaches.
This presentation will address the use of various eLearning tools to help engage learners as
well as facilitate their mastery of Critical Thinking Skills when studying the Past. This
academic year I have used four key eLearning resources in conjunction with FerrisConnect
(Blackboard Learn). These eLearning Tools include: McGraw-Hill's LearnSmart system along
with their Connect+ content management system; Camtasia software for Lecture-Capture;
and YouTube's Crash Course in U.S. History.
Garry Brand, GRCC
Kimn Carlton-Smith, FSU
This was my first year to use the McGraw-Hill LearnSmart eBook & Connect+ resources.
Based on student scores from my U.S. History courses these resources have greatly
improved student assessment scores. This is also my first year using Camtasia software &
the FerrisConnect server to record/host my lecture capture recordings, in previous years I
have used iTunes and MediaCore.
Finally, this is my first year using a specific set of educational, professionally produced
videos available on YouTube (Crash Course in U.S. History series) via the Blackboard
"MashUps" feature
The SIS Framework: An overview of the many ways that Central Michigan University leverages the SIS
It's Not a Big Truck, framework in Blackboard Learn. Includes descriptions of use-cases, SIS Integration setup,
It's a Series of
and methodologies for feeding data to integrations for both manual and automated tasks.
Flipped Classroom
Have you ever wondered how you can get more class time to interact with students? This
– Collaborate Style session is will cover the Collaborate ™ option that supports a blended or online flipped
classroom. We will cover the techniques used to create a flipped classroom and how to use
the Blackboard Collaborate™ solution as a tool in this type of learning environment.
Kenny Barnt, CMU
Lawrence Pearson,
Blackboard Inc.