
Latin II Projects Magistra Hocker – January 2016
a. Arch of Constantine
b. Arch of Titus
c. Arch of Septimius Severus (Rome)
1. What was the purpose of a Roman triumphal arch
2. What material were used to build them
3. Who constructed each of these arches? Why?
4. When were they built
5. Where in the city of Rome were they located
6. Describe what is depicted on each of these arches
7. Are they still standing?
8. Are there any modern counterparts
Trajan’s Column
What was the purpose of this structure
What material were used to build it
Who ordered it to be constructed? Why?
When was it built?
Where in the city of Rome was it located
Describe what is depicted on this structure.
Is it still standing?
Any modern counterparts?
Roman Baths
a. Baths of Diocletian
b. Baths of Caracella
c. Other Roman baths
1. What material were used to build them
2. Who constructed each of these baths? Why?
3. When were they built?
4. Where in the city of Rome were they located?
5. Describe the various sections of a Roman Bath?
6. What were their capacity?
7. What other activities took place there besides bathing?
8. How much did it cost to go to the baths?
9. Did men and women bath together?
10. Are they still standing
11. Are there any modern counterparts?
Trajan’s Forum and Market
What material were used to build them
Who constructed it? Why?
When were they built
Where in the city of Rome were they located
Describe at least 3 structures found in this forum and their purpose
Describe the construction and location of the market
What was unique about this market?
Are they still standing
Are there any modern counterparts
Roman Theaters
a. Theater of Pompey
b. Theater of Marcellus
1. What materials were used to build them
2. Who constructed each theater? Why?
3. When were they built
4. Where in the city of Rome were they located
5. Describe the various sections of a Roman theater
6. What activities took place there?
7. Who were the actors and how were they viewed by Roman society?
8. Are they still standing?
9. Are there any modern counterparts?
Seven hills of Rome
1. Name them.
2. Create a map showing where each hill was located
3. What activities took place on each hill?
4. Describe the Palatine hill in Republican times. Who lived there?
5. Describe the Palatine hill in Imperial Times. Who lived there
6. What was the significance of the Capitoline Hill
7. What structures where found there? What function did they serve?
8. Which hills are still in use today?
The Colosseum
1. What is the real name of the Colosseum
2. What materials were used to build it
3. Who ordered its construction? Why?
4. Who were the actual people that constructed the Colosseum and how many were
5. When was it built?
6. Did it have a “roof”?
7. Where in the city of Rome was it located?
8. What was the seating capacity of the Colosseum?
9. What was the seating arrangement for the various classes of Roman society?
10. What activities besides gladiator games were held there?
11. What did it cost to attend games at the Colosseum?
12. Why is the Colosseum in such disrepair today?
13. Are there any modern counterparts to the Colosseum Today?
The Pantheon
1. What does the word Pantheon mean?
2. What materials were used to build it?
3. Who ordered its construction and why?
4. Where in the city of Rome was it located?
5. Who might be the real architect of the Pantheon?
6. Describe the unique features of the dome of the Pantheon?
7. Can you still visit the Pantheon today? If so why was it not destroyed long ago?
The Circus Maximus
1. What materials were used to build it
2. Who ordered its construction? Why?
3. When was it built?
4. Where in the city of Rome was it located?
5. What was the seating capacity of the Circus Maximus?
6. Describe the various structures found in a Circus?
7. What was the seating arrangement for the various classes of Roman society?
8. What activities were held there?
9. What did it cost to attend games at the Circus Maximus?
10. Was the Circus Maximus the only Circus in Rome?
11. What remains of the Circus Maximus today?
12. Are there any modern counterparts to the Circus Maximus Today?
Aquaducts & The Cloaca Maxima
1. What materials were used to construct the Aquaducts
2. How did they work to bring water to Rome
3. How was the water distributed once it reached Rome
4. What was the significance of the Aqua Appia
5. From what sources did the aquaducts bring water to Rome
6. How many Aquaducts came into the City of Rome
7. For how long did they function?
8. What was the daily average consumption of water per person in Rome
9. Are there any modern counterparts?
10. How are the Aquaducts and The Cloaca Maxima related?
11. What functions did the Cloaca Maxima serve?
12. Where in Rome was it located?
13. Is it still in existence today? Does it still function.
The original Roman Forum (Forum Romanum)
1. What is a forum? What activities take place there?
2. What careers could be pursued in the Forum
3. What was the Forum Boarium?
4. Discuss the functions and give an illustration for the following buildings found in
the Forum Romanum.
a. Basilica Julia
b. Tabularium
c. Rostra
d. Curia Julia
e. Temple of Vesta
f. Basilica Aemilia
g. Regia
5. What became of these buildings after the fall of Rome? Which of these buildings
were used in a different capacity? Which of these buildings are still standing
Tiber Island and the Temple of Asclepius
1. Where was the Tiber Island located
2. What structures were located on this island
3. When was the Temple of Asclepius built?
4. For what reasons would Romans go there?
5. Describe the activities which took place there.
6. For how long was the Temple in existence?
7. Describe Tiber Island today.
8. Are there any modern counterparts that correspond to the function of the Temple?
The Mausoleum of Augustus and the Ara Pacis
1. Where in Rome were these structures located?
2. When were they built and why?
3. Who ordered their construction?
4. What materials were used to construct them?
5. What was the purpose for these 2 structures.
6. Describe the appearance of the Mausoleum of Augustus
7. Describe the appearance and features of the Ara Pacis
8. In what ways was the Mausoleum of Augustus used over time besides its original
9. Do these structures still exist today?
Basic guidelines
1. You should use a minimum of 3 sources in your research.
2. You will need to cite all resources used including photos and images.
3. You must have a minimum of 4 images in your presentation. Want to impress the
Magistra – Embed a brief video clip in your presentation.
4. Whenever possible try to include a reconstruction of your original structure as well as
what it looks like now.