
Exploration STAAR Facts
1. Appalachian Mountains – First major physical boundary/Proclamation Line 1763
restricts settler movement west
2. Rocky Mountains – Continental Divide found in western North America/crossed
by Lewis & Clark
3. Ohio River Valley – land disputed by England and France\became NW Territory
4. Spain – European nation first to explore and establish / control Western
Hemisphere & S.W. United States
5. France – European nation controlled Canada for fur trade
6. England – European nation established control of East Coast on No. America/13
Original Colonies
7. Columbian Exchange – Exchange of products/ideas/disease between Old and
New World
8. God, Glory, Gold - Three G's for Spanish exploration and conquest of New World
9. Jamestown 1607 – First permanent English settlement in North America/Virginia
10. Economic Freedom - Financial reasons for settlement of North America by
11. House of Burgesses - First Representative Assembly in North America/1619
12. Magna Carta – Document written in 1215 which limited the power of the King
and guaranteed basic rights to nobles
13. Religious Freedom – Key Reason for Pilgrims/Puritans settling North America
14. Mayflower Compact – First English attempt at self govt. in North America
15. Political Freedom - Desire to establish representative govt. in North America by
English settlers
Draw in and/or label the map below with the following land features:
Mississippi River
Appalachian Mountains
Rocky Mountains
Ohio River Valley
Sierra Nevada Mountains
Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Spanish Territory
French Territory
English Colonies