
The Dinner Party
by Mona Gardner
1. What is plot?
The sequence of events in a story,
novel, or play.
2. List and define the five
elements of plot.
1) Exposition introduces characters, setting,
and the basic situation.
2) Rising Action develops the conflict or
problem; builds suspense or increases
3) Climax describes the moment of greatest
suspense, emotion, or interest.
4) Falling Action reveals what happens after
the climax.
5) Resolution reveals the final outcome and
completes the falling action; when the
reader learns how the conflict is resolved.
3. What is conflict?
The problem or struggle in a story.
4. List and describe the two
types of conflict.
1) Internal- Character vs. Himself
2) External- Character vs. Outside Forces
5. What is the setting of the
story, The Dinner Party?
A dinner party in India at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wynnes.
6. What do the young woman
and the colonel argue about?
Whether women can remain as calm
as men in a crisis.
7. When does the American
first realize something is
He sees a strange expression come
over the hostess’s face.
8. What does the American do
when he sees the snake bait
being put on the verandah?
He tries to keep everyone calm and
safe by challenging the guests to
remain absolutely still or forfeit fifty
9. Who turns out to have the
most control of anyone in this
The hostess; although it can be
argued that the scientist is equally
10. When does the naturalist
realize that a snake is in the
When the servant puts a bowl of milk
on the verandah.
11. According to the colonel,
what do women always do
in a crisis?
12. What does the hostess
whisper to the servant?
She tells him to put a bowl of milk on
the verandah.
13. What is the purpose of
this story?
The story shows readers how
generalizations about people and
groups are frequently incorrect.
14. How does the American
show control?
By keeping the guests still.
15. Who is really the
outsider at the dinner party?
the American naturalist
16. Who are the hosts of the
dinner party?
Mr. and Mrs. Wynnes
17. What does the hostess
prove to her guests?
She proves that the assumption that
all women do not handle crises well is
18. What bright plan does the
American scientist
In order to prevent panic at the sight
of the snake, he pretends to play a
game that will keep everyone still. He
says that whoever moves will forfeit
fifty rupees. He proposes this test
under the guise of finding out who has
the most control—the men or the
women in the group.
19. What is the reaction of the
guests to the scientist’s
They readily accept his challenge, as
they were just engaging in a debate
about the subject of men and women
handling crises differently.
20. When the host gives credit
to a man for having the
most control, what does the
scientist do?
The scientist points out to everyone
that a woman, not a man, had the
most control because the snake was
evident to Mrs. Wynnes before it was
evident to anyone else. She handled
the situation calmly by requesting a
bowl of milk to entice the snake away
from her guests.
21. One who studies living
things, especially plants or
animals, by observing them
22. Demanding the
attention; striking.
23. To make or become
serious or quiet.
24.To lose as a penalty for
some error or failure.
The End