September 2014 Ms. Petersen Algebra 1A Please review and keep the attached course requirements and have your child bring up any questions you may have in class or contact me directly. I can be reached by phone or email. Email Phone : :845-897-6700 ext. 30090 Algebra 1A is the first year of a two year program that prepares students for the NYS Algebra Regents exam. This course is designed for students who work at a slower pace. Assessment: Algebra 1A students will take a district-wide exam at the end of the 2nd quarter and a district-wide final exam in June. They will take the NYS Algebra Regents exam after completing Algebra 1B. Required Supplies: To be brought to class DAILY 1) 3-ring binder with sections for handouts and homework 2) A Spiral Notebook for notes 3) A pocket folder with holes to clip into your binder. 4) Pens, pencils, erasers, and completed assignments. (NOTE: only blue/black pen or pencils are acceptable for written assignments handed in for grading.) Daily Schedule: Our normal routine will consist of a 5-8 minute warm-up. It will be on the board by the time the bell rings. This is followed by a discussion of the previous day’s homework. (Homework is then collected.) New material will be presented. Guided practice of the new material is then done. On most days there will be some kind of summarizing activity at the end of class. Attendance/Tardiness: You are expected to be on time for class, in your seat, and ready to begin work when the bell rings. If you enter class after the bell rings, you are tardy. You must have a pass in order for a tardiness not to be counted against you; not all excuses are considered legitimate reasons for being late. After three tardies, you may be assigned detention. Behavior: You are expected to follow all school rules. This means being in class on time in your seat prepared to work, when the bell rings. CELL PHONES MAY NOT BE USED at any time in the classroom – NO EXCEPTIONS. Students who exhibit disruptive behavior will be referred to their administrator. Quizzes: Quizzes will be given at least once a week and there may be unannounced pop quizzes. Tests: Tests will always be announced in advance. If a student is absent on a test day then the student is expected to take the exam on the day they return to school. Homework: Homework is an important opportunity to review and practice the skills learned in class. It is not assigned as busy work. It will be similar to examples completed in class. Refer to examples from class to help guide you through your homework. Homework is due at the beginning of the period on the day it is due. Homework will generally be assigned three to four times each week. Show all your work – every step!! Don’t just copy down answers – you won’t receive credit for it. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure homework is handed in if absent. Class Work: This grade is based on positive participation in classroom activities (individual and/or group) and interaction with the teacher and with other students in the class. It is also a reflection of the student’s behavior in the class, timely arrival to class, and completion of assigned work both in and out of class it is expected that the student will complete all worksheets on their own time. Computing Grade Point Averages: Your grade will be based on the percentage of the total possible points you have earned. There are three different categories that are used when figuring your overall percentage. Grade Breakdown: Daily work Homework Tests/Quizzes 30% 20% 50% Student Absences: • Absent for a test or quiz: If you are absent the day of a test/quiz you MUST make it up within three days of returning to school. This class is fast paced and it’s important to stay current with the material. Waiting more than a few days to take a test is not a good idea. (Missing tests can be completed at the test table. • Absent for a regular class: If you are absent from a class you will need to complete the warm-up, notebook, guided practice and new material activity when you return to school. It’s best to try and complete as much class work (and homework) as possible before coming to the next algebra class. That way you won’t fall behind the rest of the class. • Absent for a homework assignment: If you are absent from class you will need to complete the homework that was assigned. Homework assignments can be found on your weekly calendar or on the class website. Late Work: Turning in work late is not a good idea. All late work in automatically assessed a 25% late penalty. Test Corrections: Since the ultimate goal of the course is have students understand and be fluent with the material, tests corrections will be accepted for partial credit. Extra Help: If you feel you are falling behind or confused about any topic, you must seek extra help immediately. Algebra is a building block course. This means that each unit builds on the unit before so it is crucial to learn and understand the content as we go along otherwise you will have problems as we continue on. It is always more difficult to work from a deficit. I will be available for help throughout the school day and during my free periods as well as after school. After school help needs to be scheduled in advance. Maintaining a positive learning environment: Be respectful, communicative, kind and non-judgmental. Specifically I expect the following: • • • • • • Treat all people and property with respect. Use appropriate and respectful language at all times. No food, drinks or gum allowed. Water is okay. All electronics must be packed away and not out during class. Be prepared for class. Be involved with the math discussions. (Don’t be passive in your learning. Participate fully in the learning experience.) YES, I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE COURSE INFORMATION FOR MRS. PETERSEN’S ALGEBRA MATH CLASS. September 4, 2014 Student Name (please print) ____________________________________________ Class _________________________________ period ______ By signing this line, I am stating that I have read, and understand all of Mrs. Petersen’s classroom guidelines and grading policies. I further state that I will be responsible for my own choices and actions regarding Mrs. Petersen’s math class. Student Signature ___________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (please print) ______________________________________ By signing this line, I am stating that I have read, and understand all of Mrs. Petersen’s classroom guidelines and grading policies. I further state that I will assist in making my student responsible for his/her own choices and actions regarding Mrs. Petersen’s Math class. Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________________________ Contact Information – How would you prefer I contact you if/when necessary? Please, complete ONLY the information you would like me to use. Home Phone: ________________________________________________________ Work Phone: ________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: __________________________________________________________ E-Mail address(es): ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Additional Notes & Comments for Mrs. Petersen: