“I had an extremely strange dream last night,” Linda said as she, Marc, and Todd were standing around at school waiting for the bell to ring. “What was it about? Was I in it?” Marc wanted to know. “Sorry, Marc, you weren’t,” Linda replied. “Actually, you know who was in it? Nick. And it was weird because it was Nick the way he used to be before he had the drug problem, before he started spacing out all the time. Back when you could talk with him and know that he was actually listening.” The group was silent for a few seconds while they recalled the way Nick used to be. They were all glad his parents had convinced him to go to a treatment center for help. “But Nick wasn’t the only person in my dream,” Linda continued. “The thing is, I can’t remember who else was there. It was someone I know, but I can’t think of who!” She was obviously annoyed. “Did it work?” asked Linda. “Well, in the movie it did,” said Todd. “But I read in a magazine article that you can only be hypnotized if you want to be.” “How did he hypnotize her in the movie?” Linda wanted to know. “What kinds of things did he do?” “Well, first he got out a chain with something hanging form it. He began to swing it slowly back and forth in front of the woman’s eyes, and he told her to concentrate on it. Then he told her that she was getting sleepy, very sleepy, and that her eyelids were getting heavy. Once he’d put her in a trance, he asked her some questions about her dreams, and she was able to answer them. It was amazing.” “Huh,” pondered Linda. “Sounds a little creepy to me.” Just then the bell rang, and everyone went off to class. Linda never did figure out who else had been in her dream. Rathus, 104 INTRODUCTION TO CONSCIOUSNESS Consciousness is a state of awareness of ourselves and our world It is a construct—a concept that cannot be seen or touched It includes our thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions FOCUSED AWARENESS: concentration only on the immediate task at hand, such as an athlete “being in the zone”; wide awake, fully alert, and fully engaged DRIFTING AWARENESS: daydreaming; a low level of awareness; fantasizing; idle but directed thinking while awake DIVIDED CONSCIOUSNESS: multiple “awareness” of separate thinking processes MULTI-TASKING: the concurrent or interweaved execution of two or more jobs by a single CPU. perceptions CONSCIOUS LEVEL present awareness hidden; “non-awareness” thoughts recalled awareness PRECONSCIOUS LEVEL memories stored knowledge UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL selfish needs violent motives fears immoral urges Unacceptable desires biological functions shameful experiences NON-CONSCIOUS LEVEL Lack of awareness of one’s surroundings or loss of consciousness coma head trauma anesthesia ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS Sleep 1. The brain and the body recover from stress 2. Develop healthy immune system 3. Growth and regeneration of body cells 4. Primitive form of hibernation—we sleep to conserve energy Different people need different amounts of sleep; an “age related” pattern 1.Babies 16 hrs/day 2.Teenagers 9 hrs/day 3.Adults 7-8 hrs/day 4.Older adults 5-6 hrs/day Sleep debt: a lack of sleep creates a need to “make-up” the loss Increase susceptibility to illness Unusual levels of anxiety Apathy Slowed reflexes Reduced ability to concentrate Circadian rhythm: daily cycle of bodily processes •The human biological clock functions on a 25 hour cycle Alert Wakefulness: state of focused attention on active thought Relaxed Wakefulness: state of resting quietly with your eyes closed Stage 1 Sleep – light sleep from which the person can be easily awakened Stage 2 Sleep – deeper sleep, but still easily awakened Stage 3 Sleep – deep sleep; difficult to arouse the sleeper Stage 4 Sleep – deepest stage of sleep REM – rapid eye movement sleep; stage when dreams occur Purpose of dreaming To process and reorganize information To work out unresolved problems To make sense of random stimulation to the brain “…to sleep, perchance to dream….” Hamlet Psychology of dreaming Freud believed dreams represent a form of wish fulfillment – dreams were the “royal road to the unconscious” Manifest content: the story line, images and other perceptual aspects of dreams Latent content: the hidden meaning of dreams that A bio-psychological approach traces dream activity to simple electric impulses No scientific evidences supports the claim that dreams have mystical or predictive meanings Insomnia Types of Trouble getting to sleep Trouble staying asleep Trouble return to sleep after awakening Characteristics of Insomnia Sufferers Higher levels of autonomic nervous system activity Higher anxiety levels More tension in the forehead More concerned about physical complaints Coping with Insomnia Sleeping pills Practice relaxation techniques Avoid worrying in bed Establish a regular routine Narcolepsy. A sudden sleep during daytime hours; rapid onset of REM; duration may be as long as 15 minutes Sleep Apnea. Stopping breathing while sleeping; often caused by an overly thick palate or enlarged tonsils that block a person’s airways; snoring is clue to apnea; risks are hypertension, high blood pressure, and tiredness Nightmare Disorder. Disturbing nightmares that are very vivid and intense; elaborate, story-like dreams that feel extremely threatening; stress contributes Night Terrors. More intense than nightmares; they occur in deep sleep, not REM; appears to be an association with delayed stress (soldiers); hearts pounding, rapid breathing, Sleep Walking. Performing, while asleep, activities normally done while awake; generally harmless and not related to a larger emotional or psychological problem ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS Drugs PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS include any chemical that affects the nervous system and results in altered states of consciousness. There are differences between USE, MISUSE, and ABUSE. The American Psychological Association lists three criteria for drug use, becoming drug abuse Pathological use (habitual, maladaptive, and compulsive) Impairment of occupational or social functioning Lasts one month or more Dangers of Drug Abuse Death or injury by overdose or accident Legal consequence Destructive behavior Loss of control Drug dependence -- addiction Physical dependence: caused by repeated usage that changes body chemistry Psychological dependence: a pattern of behavior to satisfy a psychological need depressants opiates mixed PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS tranquilizers hallucinogens stimulants Treatments for Drug Abuse Detoxification Maintenance programs – controlled use to minimize addiction Counseling – helpful only if the use of the drug is for psychological reasons Support groups Regardless of the method for treating drug abuse, the person must realize he has a problem and desire to change ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS Hypnosis A state of consciousness resulting from a narrowed focus of attention and characterized by heightened suggestibility A trance-like state in which subjects do not exercise critical-thinking skills It is not… …sleep …drug-induced sleep Entertainment and amusement Posthypnotic Suggestion – made during hypnosis that influences the participant’s behavior afterward to remember or to forget after the trance to help change unwanted behavior Hypnotic analgesic – reduction of pain through reduced anxiety and increased relaxation To reveal problems and gain insights – hyperamnesia – retrieval of lost memories A trust relationship between the hypnotist and subject; cooperation, not domination A hypnotist induces a trance by slowing persuading the subject to lose interest in external distractions Braid method Eye method Machine method Embarrassment due to external control Dissociation – unusual change in one’s selfidentity; mental images are lost to conscious awareness and become unavailable to voluntary recall Symptom substitution – hypnosis may eliminate disorders, but unless the cause is eliminated it may manifest itslelf another way ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS Meditation The focusing of attention to clear one’s mind and produce relaxation (Kasshau, 195) 1. Transcendental Meditation. The mental repetition of a word or phrase; concentration 2. Mindfulness Meditation. Focuses on the present moment; observation of physiological rhythms, inner thoughts, sensations or outer objects 3. Meditation as a form of relaxation. 1 http://www.africanamericans.com/images2/TigerWoods.jpg 2 http://www.arcent.army.mil/cflcc_today/2005/january/images/afghan_patrol1.jpg 3 Belch, slide #5 4 http://images.jupiterimages.com/common/detail/50/13/23361350.jpg 5 Belch, slide #6 6 http://tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:2cbZUNf8t0NhKM:http://processcoaching.com/images/Iceberg1.jpg 7 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_35kDzNt-gTQ/STq4uP3bPJI/AAAAAAAABHk/tLDXV91eXLM/s400/sports-injury-picture-football-playercrashes-NFL-injuries.jpg 8 http://tcrogers.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/080401-tc-in-hospital-001.jpg 9 http://a.abcnews.com/images/Health/nm_patient_anesthesia_080910_mn.jpg 10 Belch, slide #9 11 http://cdn-www.answerbag.com/images/answers/355028/1131406/tmb_HomerSleep1.jpg 12 http://www.hypnochick.co.uk/images/sleepdeprivation.jpg 13 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Biological_clock_human.PNG 14 unknown 15 http://meditationforthemasses.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/time-of-relaxation.jpg 16 http://www.50plushealth.co.uk/media/images/sleep-cy450.gif 17 http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/sleep-stages.gif 18 http://bigdaddyseashell.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/hamlet-yorik.gif 19 http://www.why-we-dream.com/images/freudsky.jpg 20 http://www.debbietomassi.com/Images/Fish-Dream-Big.jpg 21 http://karistiansen.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/insomnia-eye.jpg 22 http://promotehealth.info/wp-content/uploads/insomnia-cartoon.jpg 23 apnea: http://api.ning.com/files/XbyE*Qy6bC4V6G*bT4Qzw2y8*lGM4ef7dpg8FhPmudjmdrVE3FjmbjMNCU2qvsDHQBDCqpZB6BNAD3ytngaGiaNA8WQTeug/sleep_apnea.jpg?width=183&height=183&crop=1%3A1 24 http://www.todaystrucking.com/images/usr_240409140134_sleep-anea.jpg 25 http://www.sleepeval.com/SLEEP%20&%20ART/Fuseli_nightmare-1781.jpg 26 http://z.hubpages.com/u/1346286_f260.jpg 27 http://1heckofaguy.com/wp-content/toast2.jpg 28 http://breakingupdate.com/files/Depression-Alcohol-Abuse.jpg 29 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_HIJol_XahNM/SXJH3ogoNBI/AAAAAAAAAVU/ikhjzNjsnoc/s320/drunks3.jpg 30 Drug abuse -- http://blogs.phillyburbs.com/news/bct/wp-content/blogs.dir/3/files/2008/06/wk_of_6.22/0623_Alcohol_Drug_logo.gif 31 Hypnosis -- http://musicforchange.com/cms/images/hypnosis.jpg 32 Braid method - http://www.hermes-press.com/braid2.jpg 33 Hypnotist - http://www.choosehypnosis.com/mike_massachusetts_hypnosis.jpg 34 Hypnotic wheel - http://www.prevention.com/pvnstatic-assets/images/298x232_article_size/health/298x232heal_faster_hypnosis-298x232_heal_faster_hypnosis.jpg 35 http://www.meditationguidance.com/wp-content/themes/CustomTheme/images/meditating2.jpg 36 http://www.gothamayurveda.com/_Media/prabhupada_textmedium.jpeg 37 http://higherbalance.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/mandala.jpg Selected Bibliography American Academy of Sleep Education. www.sleepeducation.com. Belch, Hal. (2004). States of consciousness. Culver City, CA: Social Studies School Service. Kasshau, Richard. (2003). Understanding psychology. New York: Glencoe McGraw-Hill. McMahon, Judith W. and Romano, Tony. (2000). Psychology and you, 3rd ed. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company. Rathus, Spencer A. (2003). Psychology: principles in practice. Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Travis, Fred. (2006). Are all meditations the same? Comparing the neural patterns of mindfulness meditation, Tibetan Buddhism practice "unconditional loving-kindness and compassion," and the transcendental meditation technique. Science of Consciousness. Retrieved from http://www.fredtravis.com/talk.html