Constructing a Kinetics Database in Heterogeneous Catalysis F. H. Ribeiro, J. M. Caruthers, W. N. Delgass, K. T. Thomson, V. Venkatasubramanian Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University NSF Workshop, Washington, April 19-21, 2004 Outline • Analogy with homogeneous reactions • Definitions and concepts in heterogeneous catalysis • Challenges in setting a data base • Suggestions Catalysis is a kinetic phenomenon How to study kinetics? H2 + Br2 2 HBr Method of study: 1-Determine the rate equation experimentally 2-Propose reaction steps (1) Br2 2 Br (2) Br + H2 = HBr + H (3) H + Br2 HBr + Br (-1) 2Br Br2 aH 2 Br2 1 / 2 r (1907) b[ HBr ] 1{ } Br2 3-Use QSSA. Derive rate equation from step 2 compare with 1 a = k2(k1/k-1)1/2, b = k-2/k3 Same general principle applied to Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics Rate constants from NIST database 17 At 251.4 oC 1 6 Br2 2Br k1 1.51x10 k2 Br+H 2 HBr H k 2 2.12x103 L/mol/s k1 L/mol/s H+Br2 HBr Br k 3 5.08x10 L/mol/s k3 10 k 2 H+HBr H 2 Br k -2 6.04x109 L/mol/s k 1 2Br Br2 1 k -1 3.69x109 L2 / mol 2 / s Campbell and Fristrom, Chem. Rev., 58, 173 (1958) HBr Production Rate/10-5mol L-1 s-1 Reaction rate simulation 2.4 Numerical Solution QSSA Rate 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time/min Numerical solution is easy to implement, provides perfect fitting Kinetic modeling • Can calculate rates, coverages, selectivities at any condition, even if the rds changes • There is no equation But it needs the rate constants! Help needed from Surface science Theoretical methods The key tool for analysis: TURNOVER RATES Turnover frequency Turnover rate TOR = (Number of molecules reacted) (Number of sites) x (time) Allows for comparison of data in different catalysts in different laboratories Problems with defining a site* • What is a site? • How do we count them? • If they are not the same, what is the value of reporting a TOR (Langmuirian kinetics)? • Need to be reported under reaction conditions. *Boudart, M. Turnover Rates in Heterogeneous Catalysis. 95(3), 661-6. Chem. Rev. (1995), Reasons for using a TOR • A method to compare catalyst performance, including the ones from different laboratories • Study the influence of the arrangement of atoms on rates (structure sensitivity) • It is a method to quantify heterogeneous catalysis (not perfect) Issues on developing a database in heterogeneous catalysis Reaction mechanism changes with nature of surface NH3 activity/ arbitrary units Variation of rates on ammonia synthesis Ozaki, A. and K. Aika, Catalytic Activation of Dinitrogen, in Catalysis: Science and Technology, J.R. Anderson and M. Boudart, Editors. 1981, Springer Verlag: New York. p. 87-158. d-band occupancy/ % Issues on developing a database in heterogeneous catalysis Reaction mechanism changes with nature of surface – Not only with the nature of metal but also surface arrangement 16 T = 673 K 20 atm 3:1 H2:N2 12 10 2 moles NH3/cm -sec x 10 -9 14 The rate is dependent on surface structure 8 6 4 2 0 111 211 100 210 Surface Orientation 110 Strongin, D.R., Carrazza, J., Bare, S.R., Somorjai, G.A., J. Catal. 103, 213 (1987). Practical catalysts are composed of nanometer size particles Rh (111) 2 nm (100) SiO2 support Profile view images of Rh/SiO2. Particles are nearly cubo octahedral and exhibit (111) and (100) facets (from A. K. Datye U. New Mexico ) Issues on developing a database in heterogeneous catalysis Reaction mechanism changes with surface nature – Not only with the nature of metal but surface arrangement – Rate constants are a function of coverage Rate constant value depends on coverage Heat of adsorption of CO on Pt(111) Yeo, Y.Y. , Vattuone, L. and King, D.A., J. Chem. Phys. 106 (1), 392, 1997 Issues on developing a database in heterogeneous catalysis Reaction mechanism changes with surface nature – Not only with the nature of metal but surface arrangement – Rate constants are a function of coverage The situation is not hopeless Surfaces are non-uniform but in practice surface coverage varies in a limited range. What is needed? •In many examples a simple power rate law •In more involved cases, a full kinetic analysis •In rare cases, Monte Carlo analysis What to do for a tabulation? 1.Tabulate turnover rates and reaction orders Useful and easy to use Problems: • Limited approach. Would have to tabulate reactions at all conditions • Data scatter Ethylene Hydrogenation Ribeiro et al. , Catal. Rev. - Sci. Eng.,39, 49-76, 1997 Some Problems with TOR Measurements on Metals Turnover rate for the hydrogenolysis of ethane on Pt at 473 K The data are scattered! "Reproducibility of Turnover Rates in Heterogeneous Metal Catalysis: Compilation of Data and Guidelines for Data Analysis" F.H. Ribeiro, A.E. Schach von Wittenau, C.H. Bartholomew, and G.A. Somorjai, Catal. Reviews - Sci. and Eng. , 39, 49, 1997 What to do for a tabulation? 2. Tabulate rate constants Compact and thus can solve more problems Problems: Availability of data Kinetic analysis suite not available What to do for a tabulation? 3. Compute the rate constants Tabulate the rates constants and also the output from the ab initio calculations How to store the data? R2 R3 R1 R2 O R1 M Kinetic Data H2C CH2 O A CH3 Chemical Structure Catalyst Chemistry Model time B Attributes Molecular Conformation •• • { ki } Reaction Network A+B C+D B+E •• • HOMO time C C E F •• • {D} LUMO Quantum Chemistry Descriptor Property Determination From Data time Recommendations • Make available to the community a robust software that will allow for kinetic modeling with rate constants • Encourage the archival on a national database of: – Turnover rates – Rate constants experimentally determined – Rate constant calculations and wave functions Acknowledgments • Department of Energy Office of Science