The 1920s & 1930s (Great Depression)

SOL REVIEW—Key Domestic Events of The Twenties and Thirties
The Roaring Twenties
Radio, movies, newspapers and
magazines created a new
popular culture for the times.
Radio broadcast jazz and FDR’s
fireside chats.
Newspapers and
magazines shaped cultural
norms and sparked fads
Movies provided escape from
Depression-era realities.
20s Challenge Tradition
Traditional religion was challenged
by Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
and the Scopes “Monkey Trial”
The traditional role of women was
challenged by the “flapper” symbolizing
the New Woman and the 19th
Amendment and women voting
1. What helped to create a new
popular culture?
 ____________ broadcast the
new music ___________ and
President Roosevelt’s
 ______________ and
cultural _________ and
sparked _________
 _______________provided
____________ from
Depression-era life
20s Challenge Tradition
Open immigration gave rise to a
new Ku Klux Klan feeling a threat
to traditional values.
The 18th Amendment made
Prohibition (outlawing the
manufacture and sale of
alcohol) legal. Americans
smuggled alcohol and went to
“speakeasies” to get around it.
2. The Roaring Twenties challenged tradition in what ways?
 Religion—challenged by _____________ Theory of _________________. It resulted in a trial
about the teaching of evolution in schools that was nicknamed the “___________ (the
defendant) __________ ______________”
 Traditional woman—challenged by the “_________________” who symbolized the “new
woman.” Women got the right to ________ in the _______ Amendment.
 Immigration—challenged by the new _____ _______ ________ (KKK) who felt immigrants
were a ______________ to _________________ values
 Alcohol drinking—ended with the ______ Amendment or __________________ that outlawed
the _________________ and __________ of alcohol.
3. Was Prohibition successful? ______________
 People got around it by __________________ alcohol and they went to “________________”
a nickname for illegal bars
The Stock Market Crash
4. What date marked the “crash” of
the stock market? _____________
Tues. Oct. 29, 1929
America emerged from WWI
as a global power. The stock
market boom and optimism
of the 1920s were due to
5. Trace the steps to the Great
Depression that the market crash
signaled by numbering the
following in the correct order.
(1)Investments made with borrowed money. When
(2)businesses failed, the (3)stocks lost their value,
prices fell, (4)production slowed, banks collapsed,
and (5)unemployment became widespread.
___ Stocks lost their value and prices fell
___ Unemployment became widespread
___Investments were made with
borrowed money
___Production slowed, banks collapsed
___Business failed
6. Specifically what chain of events
 Over-speculation = stocks bought
with ______________ money
 Excessive expansion of _________
 Business failures 
 Banks invested their deposits in
the stock ___________
 When the market collapsed, banks
could not ____________ people
wanting their money
The Stock Market Crash
Specific Causes
•Business was booming, but investments were
made with borrowed money = over-speculation
•Excessive expansion of credit
•Business failures led to bankruptcies
•Bank deposits were invested in the market
•When the market collapsed, banks had no money
to repay people
wanting their money.
The Stock Market Crash
Specific Causes
In addition to the stock market collapse,
the Federal Reserve failed to prevent
the widespread collapse of the nation’s
banking system. It caused a severe
contraction in the supply of money.
High protective tariffs (Tariff
Act of 1930 or HawleySmoot Act) caused Europe
to retaliated, strangling
world trade.
World trade
7. What did the Federal Reserve (that was
designed to regulate the money supply)
do when the market crashed?
 ______________ to prevent the
collapse of the _____________
 ______________ the money supply
when it should have expanded it.
8. Also, high _________________ tariffs
like the ___________-____________
Act, ended up _______________ world
Stock Market Crash Impact
The Great Depression caused widespread hardships.
Unemployment and
homelessness + reduced demand
Collapse of the financial
system and bank closings 
Political unrest and growing
militancy of unions
Farm foreclosures and migration
of people farther West or cities 
9. The stock market symbolized the
beginning of the ____________
10. List the “widespread hardships” of the
Great Depression:
 __________________ and
homelessness + _____________
 ___________ closings  the collapse
of the ______________ system
 Political _________ and the growing
______________ of labor unions
 ___________ foreclosures (people
losing the mortgages and their
 ______________ of people into the
cities or farther ________
In the election following the Crash, President Hoover was defeated and Franklin
Roosevelt was elected. He called his program the New Deal.
FDR and the New Deal
With his New Deal, Franklin Roosevelt
attempted to address the causes and
effects of the Great Depression. He
rallied a frightened nation where one in
four workers was unemployed saying,
“We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.”
FDR and the New Deal
Relief measures provided direct
payment to people for immediate
help—example = Works Progress
Administration or WPA
Fireside Chat
11. What did FDR tell the frightened American people about the Depression and solving it?
“We have nothing to ______________, but ___________ itself. Be able to recognize this as a
quote by FDR about the Depression.
12. Relief measures provided _____________ ______________ to people so they would have
_________________ help.
 An example of a relief agency was _______________________________________ (WPA)
FDR and the New Deal
Recovery programs were designed to bring the
nation out of depression over time.
Example = Agricultural
Adjustment Act (AAA) which
paid farmers to
reduce production
to boost prices.
The government
paid subsidies for
acres not plowed.
FDR and the New Deal
Reform measures corrected unsound banking and
investment practices.
Example = Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation
(FDIC) which guaranteed
individual bank deposits up
to $5000.
Today the number is
13. Recovery measures were meant to end the Depression ________ __________
 An example of a recovery program was the ___________________________________ (AAA)
 It paid farmers to _______________ production which would, in turn, ____________ prices—
the ____________________ paid _______________ for acres not plowed.
14. Reform measures _____________ unsound ______________ and _______________ practices
 An example of a reform measure is the __________________________________ (FDIC) which
guaranteed individual bank _____________ up to $_________. Today the amount is $______
FDR and the New Deal
The Social Security Act created a federal insurance
program to benefit retired workers over 65, workers
who lost jobs (unemployment compensation),
persons blind or disabled and mothers with
Still active program today.
Tax withheld from
pay check
FDR and the New Deal
The New Deal permanently altered the
role of government in the economy. It
changed people’s belief in the
responsibility of the government to
deliver public services, intervene in the
economy, and to promote the general
Organized labor gained
new rights and the New Deal set in
place legislation that reshaped
modern American capitalism.
Uncle Sam as
15. What was the purpose of the Social Security Act?
 It is a federal ________________ program for ____________________ workers over _____,
workers who lost ___________ (unemployment _________________), people who are
______________ or _______________ and mothers with ___________________ children.
16. What was the lasting impact of the New Deal?
 Permanently __________ the role of _______________ in the _____________
 Changed people’s belief in the _________________ of the __________________ to
o Deliver public ___________, intervene in the _____________, promote the general
 Organized labor gained ______ ____________
 New Deal _______________ reshaped American _________________
Cause and Effect
New Deal policies and programsforever alter role of American gov’t in the economy, gave
organized labor new rights, reshaped modern capitalism
Overspeculation on stocks using borrow moneystock market crash 1929
Federal Reserve’s failure to prevent widespread collapse of nation’s banking systemsevere
contraction of money supply
High Smoot-Hawley tariffretaliatory tariffs elsewhere and disrupt world economy even more
Great Depressionunemployment and homelessness, collapse of financial system and bank
closings, political unrest, militancy of labor unions, farm foreclosures and migration to cities
Depressionfailure of Hoover to be reelected
FDR policiesrelief, recovery, and reform
Great Depression—nation’s most severe depression, began with stock market crash 9129
Over-speculation—buying too much stock on margin with small down payment and loans for rest on
hopes of quick profit
Federal Reserve –national banking system created in 1913 that controls the U.S. money supply and
availability of credit
Smoot-Hawley Tariff—highest protective tariff in history, caused retaliatory tariffs
Relief measures, WPA—direct aid for immediate relief
Recovery measures, AAA—longer term recovery measures
Reform measures, SEC, FDIC—measures designed to reform and prevent a recurrence of conditions
Social Security Act—relief for elderly
“Nothing to fear, but fear itself”—FDR’s speech to restore confidence in “fireside chat”
1. __ Treaty of Versailles
2. __Herbert Hoover
3. __Smoot-Hawley tariff
4. __Franklin D. Roosevelt
5. __the New Deal
6. __AAA
7. __Great Depression
8. __FDIC
9. __CCC
10. __Federal Reserve
A. New Deal program for young men, Civilian Conservation
B. 1919, ended WWI, not a “fair and just peace”
C. Governing body established to oversee banks, control
amount of currency
D. Pres. 1928-1932, lost to FDR, favored self-help for curing
E. Agricultural Adjustment Act—New Deal plan for farmers
F. FDR plan for relief, recovery, reform
G.Time of severe economic hardship following 1929 stock
market crash
H. Set high taxes on foreign goods to protect U.S.-made
I. Elected 1932, Democrat, “only thing we have to fear is
fear itself”
J. Reform measure to correct banking problems of