current issues -- course syllabus

School Phone:
HW Hotline/Voicemail:
Supplemental Text:
Mr. B. Tumino, B.A., M.A.
(440) 572 - 7100
Media Center Mezzanine
(440) 268-5641
Period 4 (5th period lunch), before & after school
Glencoe’s Understanding Psychology
Forty Studies that Changed Psychology
Welcome to Psychology! This class will serve as an introductory course to the scientific study of
psychology. Psychology is a senior-only, elective course intended to acquaint the student with the nature of
self, the scientific method, the psychology of behavior, altered states of consciousness, learning theories,
memory, cognitive processing, human development, stress management, personality, and abnormal and
social behavior. .
I encourage all of my students to be lifelong learners and I welcome questions and/or dialogue.
With this in mind, all students and their parents/guardians are welcome to contact me should they have any
questions, concerns or would like to arrange a conference.
The mission of Strongsville High School is to develop lifelong learners by providing challenging
opportunities, within a safe, supportive environment, which culminates in the development of responsible,
productive citizens who respect one another and the diversity of our complex global community.
History and methodology in psychology
Physiology & biology and behavior (nervous system, endocrine system)
Neurology and the brain (left/right brain, brain structure and function)
Altered states of consciousness (sleep/dream/wake cycle, hypnosis, meditation,
biofeedback, sensory deprivation)
Learning theories (classical and operant conditioning, modeling, behavior modification)
Memory (encoding, central processing, storage, long & short term memory, mnemonic
devices, theories of forgetting)
Cognition (problem-solving, decision making, creative thinking, metacognition, logic)
Human development (life-span, theories/norms/stages of development)
Stress and health psychology (components, physiology, conflict, tolerance, environmental
stressors, coping strategies)
Abnormal psychology and psychological disorders
Personality and social psychology
To be successful in this course, each student must come to class each day prepared to learn. This
includes completing all assignments for the day, being ready to participate in class discussions & activities
and bringing to class all necessary materials (pen/pencil, text, notebook/folder, handouts), unless otherwise
instructed to do so. In addition, students need to have access to miscellaneous art and office supplies.
Students will be notified in advance when such supplies are needed in class. To ensure that these
requirements are fulfilled, each student is expected to:
 abide by all school policies as stated in the student handbook,
 have a separate notebook/folder for this class,
 be in their assigned seat and ready to begin before the bell rings,
 respect others and their property,
 abide by all school attendance policies.
Students' grades will be based upon exams (quizzes and tests), participation and course work
(projects, reports, homework, and oral presentations). I encourage my students to keep a running tally of
their grades throughout the semester. Grades will be based upon a point system. The following scale
(Board of Education policy) will be used to determine final grades for each quarter:
 100%-89.5% of the total possible points = A,
 89.4%-79.5% of the total possible points = B,
 79.4%-69.5% of the total possible points = C,
 69.4%-59.5% of the total possible points = D,
 59.4% and below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = F.
To calculate grades for the semester: 1st quarter=40%, 2nd quarter=40%, final exam=20%. There shall be a
minimum of one-day make-up time for assignments, tests, and quizzes per each day of excused absence.
For long term absences of six days or more, assignments, tests, and quizzes will be made up through
mutual agreement of the student, parent and teacher. Students need to take responsibility to make
arrangements for completing missed assignments, tests, quizzes, etc. This can be done before or after
school or at other mutually agreed upon times. It is strongly recommended that students utilize the
homework hotline.
All rules and regulations described in the Strongsville High School Student Handbook are in effect
in my classroom. Each student is responsible for his or her own behavior. The following consequences
may be used for violations of the rules: 1) verbal warning, 2) teacher detention, 3) disciplinary referral, 4)
note or phone call home, 5) removal from class.
This course syllabus is NOT meant to be all encompassing. As the course progresses, there may
be need for modifications to the course content, assignments, expectations, or procedures. Students will be
informed of any changes.
I look forward to working with you in making your senior year an
educationally rewarding experience. If I can be of any help, do not hesitate to ask!
~~Mr. Tumino
Famous topics in psychology…
Skinner’s Box
Little Albert Experiment
Pavlov’s Dog
Sperry’s Split Brain Studies
Milgram’ Shock Box
Phineus Gage
Honors Psychology: Syllabus Verification Sheet
We have read and understand the course requirements and
expectations for Mr. Tumino’s Honors Psychology Class.
Student Signature: _________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________
E-mail (if applicable): ________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________
Date: ___________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
Phone (H): ________________________________________
(W): _______________________________________
E-mail (if applicable): _______________________________