EXHAUST AIR ENERGY RECOVERY ANALYSIS by SYSTEM ENERGY EQUILIBRIUM (SEE) MODEL The objective of a System Energy Equilibrium (SEE) building energy model is to duplicate the hourly performance of a real building energy system at all operating conditions of weather and load; giving flows, temperatures, cooling loads, kW demand of equipment, and total site kW as weather and operational conditions change. The (SEE) model, as presented here, consists of a set of simultaneous equations that obey the laws of thermodynamics, models the hour by hour loads of the building and the response of the central chilled water system (CCWS) to the building loads and air side system, and includes the nonlinear performance characteristics of the plant equipment and air side equipment. A (SEE) model iterates to steady state energy equilibrium after a perturbation to the system just as a real system responds; a defining characteristic of a (SEE) model. The primary objective of this paper is to investigate the energy savings potential of an exhaust air energy recovery system applied to a large office building located in weather zone 4. (SEE) MODEL CHARACTERISTICS Understanding the performance of a complex system, in this case a building and (CCWS) that serves the building, requires a model that includes detail model equations of all components of the system. These equations of each system component are solved simultaneous, by computer, giving the effect of each component on the operation of the total system and the effect of the system on the performance of the component. Real building energy systems operate according to the laws of thermodynamics and the performance characteristics of the equipment installed; therefore the model must incorporate equations that duplicate the laws of thermodynamics and input the characteristics of the system components consistent with the manufactures verified data. To accomplish this objective the model must incorporate every design and control feature of the real system; resulting in a model, as presented here, consisting of more than 150 performances and design variables, each variable defined by an equation and/or is a design constant that changes if the design is changed. The set of equations is solved simultaneously by computer and will duplicate the performance of a real system if sufficient detail has been incorporated into the model and the detail is consistent with the actual equipment and controls of the real system. The model is always at System Energy Equilibrium (SEE). The challenge developing a (SEE) model might be summarized as; a real system is very complex where minor changes in weather, design, and control, can have a major effect on the performance of the system; therefore the system (SEE) model must be equally complex incorporating all characteristics of the real system within a set of simultaneous equations solved by a computer. THE BUILDING & ASSUMED WEATHER Figure 1 illustrates the building and Figure 2 the assumed weather for this analysis of exhaust air energy recovery. http://www.energycodes.gov/achieving30-goal-energy-and-cost-savings-analysisashrae-standard-901-2010. The building schedules and other details of the building, as defined by the (PNNL) study, are in this model design but the plant of this study is designed to a series of articles in the ASHRAE Journal, (Taylor 2011). Figure 1 Building The building of this study is defined by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) study of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010, a large 13 story office building, Figure 1, with 498,600 square feet of air conditioned space. The Figure 2 Assumed peak summer design weather (PNNL) study is given by Liu, B. May 2011. BUILDING SCHEMATIC “Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.12010” Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Figure 3 defines the components of the building schematic and nomenclature is given at the end of this paper. Figure 3 Building schematic defined BLD ft2 = 498600 %clear sky = 100.0% # floors = 13 Tdry-bulb = 99.8 2 Roof ft = 38,354 N/S wall ft2 = 40,560 InfilLat-ton = 30.84 Ex-/Infil+-CFM = 6811 << Twet-bulb= 77.2 Infilsen-ton = 15.2 WallNtrans ton= 4.92 E/W wall ft = 27,008 WallStrans ton= 5.30 Wall % glass= 37.5% WallEtrans ton= 4.09 2 Glass U = 0.55 WallWtranston= 3.28 Wall U = 0.09 GlassN trans ton = 17.29 Glass SHGC = 0.40 Wall emitt = 0.55 GlassS trans ton = GlassE-trans ton = 17.29 11.51 RoofTrans ton = 33.3 GlassW-trans ton = 11.51 Roofsky lite ton = 0.0 Peopleton-sen&lat = 59.5 GlassN-solar-ton = 7.1 plugton&kW = 93 Lightton&kW= 115 39.7 GlassS-solar-ton = 20.8 327.6 GlassE-solar ton = 403.9 GlassW-solar ton = 4.7 33.1 BLD kW= 731.4 Total Bldint-ton = 300.8 (int-cfm)to-per-ret= 176985 Tstat-int= 75.0 (Bld)int-air-ton= -300.8 ^ 479.1 SITE kW = 1210.5 Design Tair supply int= 56.11 kW 17.7 62.4 GlassTot-solar-ton = 65.7 (int cfm)per-ton = 0.00 > Tot Bldper-sen-ton = 156.1 v Tstat-per = 75.0 return ^ (Bld)per-air-ton= -156.1 air Tair supply per= 57.04 Design ABS Bld Ton = Ton 17.6 GlassTot-trans-ton= 57.6 4PM ASHRAE ^ (fan)int-ter ton&kW= FAN kW= WallTot trans ton = 456.91 ^ (fan)per-ter ton&kW= Ton kW 17.7 62.4 0.0 0.0 V Theat-air= 55.0 (D)heat ton&kW = Treheat air = 55.0 (D)reheat ton&kW = (D)int-air-ton= -318.6 Interior Tair coils = 55.00 duct (D)int-CFM= 176,985 >>>(Coil)sen-ton= 682 (coil)cap-ton= 35.7 (coil)H2O-ft/sec= 1.10 (coil)des-ft/sec= 1.20 LMTD= 14.17 (COIL)L+s-ton= 855 <<<< -173.8 Tair coils= 55.00 duct (D)per-CFM= 96,565 (coil)gpm= 39.9 UAdesign= COIL ^ ^ 2.52 (one coil)ton= 32.88 ^ (H)coil= 1.8 (H)coil-des= 2.1 42 280,361 Return (FAN)ret-kW= 81.8 Fan (FAN)kW-VAV= 272.5 (FAN)ret-ton= 23.2 V (Air)ret-ton = 527.9 ^ 26 VAV FANS TFA to VAV = 99.8 > Tret+FA = 79.57 168.6 (dh) = 5.568 > (FA)CFM= (FA)kW= 41,817 114.1 0.0 TBLD-AR = 75.00 (FAN)ton-VAV= 77.5 >(FA)sen-ton = > > (FA)Lat-ton= V (Air)ret-CFM = ^ 26 F.A.Inlet ^ ^ 2.66 UA= Tair VAV= 82.72 (FAN)VAV-CFM= 273,551 statFA= 0.0 62.4 Peri (D)per-air-ton= ^ ^ 0.0 Tar-to-VAV = 75.92 VAVret-sen ton = 436.3 VAVret Lat-ton = 58.28 < VAVret-CFM = 231,733 < > Efan-VSD= 0.657 VAV inlet-sen-ton = 604.9 VAVinlet-lat-ton= 172.4 V ExLat-ton = -12.2 ExCFM = -48,628 SEE SCHEMATIC air side Air temp green kW red Air CFM purple Ton blue TEx = 75.92 Exsen-ton = -91.6 V v Figure 4 Air side system-no exhaust energy recovery at peak design weather Figure 5 Air side system with exhaust energy recovery at peak design weather Figure 4 illustrates the air side system without exhaust energy recovery and Figure 5 gives the effect of recovery. Note that all system values are the same for the building, duct system, and VAV kW fan performance. With recovery, Figure 5, the exhaust air temperature increases from 75.92F to 92.27F and the fresh air into the VAV fans decreases from 99.8F, the outside dry bulb temperature, to 80.8F; resulting in a drop of load to the plant of (855 - 783 = 72 ton). Exhaust air energy recovery only reduces the load on the plant. Figures 6 & 7 are of the VAV fan systems of Figures 4 & 5. Figure 6 VAV fan system of Figure 5-exhaust air recovery on Figure 7 VAV fan system of Figure 4-no exhaust air recovery Comparing Figures 6 & 7 illustrates the effect of exhaust air energy recovery at peak summer design conditions. Transferring energy from the exhaust air to the fresh air decreases the air into the VAV fans from 79.57F to 76.67F; resulting in a return air load to the VAV fans of 533.4 ton sensible load verses 604.9 ton without recovery. Note that the VAV kW and CFM are not changed by the exhaust air recovery systems. The load presented to the plant is reduced from 855 ton to 783 ton; let’s look at the response of the plants. 2 BLD ft = 498600 Condenser %clear sky = 100.0% (cond)ton= 464 Pipesize-in = 6" (H)T-pipe= 13.5 2 Tower Roof ft = 38,354 Ex-/Infil+ CFM = 6811 << Twet-bulb= 77.2 Ex/Infilsen-ton = 15.2 TCR-app= 1.53 (H)T-total= 68.7 (H)T-static = 12.2 Tfan-kW= 24.8 N/S wall ft2 = 40,560 E/W wall ft2 = 27,008 (COND)ton= 928 PT-heat ton = -1.36 Trange= 12.4 tfan-% = 100% Wall % glass= 37.5% (H)cond= 43.0 < pT-kW= 28.1 < (lwt)T = 85.0 tton-ex= -467 Glass U = 0.55 WallWtranston= 3.28 EfTpump= 0.83 Tapproach = 7.8 T #= 2 Wall U = 0.09 GlassN trans ton = 17.29 T-Ton-ex= Trg+app = 20.2 Glass SHGC = 0.40 Wall emitt = 0.55 GlassS trans ton = GlassE-trans ton = 17.29 11.51 RoofTrans ton = 33.3 GlassW-trans ton = 11.51 Roofsky lite ton = 0.0 Peopleton sen&lat = 59.5 GlassN-solar-ton = 7.1 20.8 TCR= 98.9 (cond)ft/sec= 9.7 > gpmT= 1800 > (ewt)T= 97 tfan-kW= Ptower # = 2 Compressor 12.4 -935 ASHRAE Design (chiller)kW= 226.5 (chiller)lift= 56.9 St Louis Large 90.1-2010 #people Office 2380 (chiller)% = 89% (chiller)#= 2 Peak day Weather Design %clear sky = 4PM 1.00 plugton&kW = 93 Lightton&kW= 115 conditions Tdry bulb = Twet bulb = 99.8 77.2 Total Bldint-ton = 300.8 (int-cfm)to-per-ret= 176985 (CHILLER)kW= 453.0 (chiller)kW/ton= 0.572 Plant kW = 39.7 (fan)int-ter ton&kW= WallStrans ton= 5.30 WallEtrans ton= 4.09 GlassE-solar ton = 403.9 GlassW-solar ton = 4.7 33.1 BLD kW= FAN kW= 731.4 479.1 SITE kW = ^ kW 17.7 62.4 GlassTot-solar-ton = 65.7 (int cfm)per-ton = 0.00 > Tot Bldper-sen-ton = 156.1 v Tstat-per = 75.0 return ^ (Bld)per-air-ton= -156.1 456.91 ^ (fan)per-ter ton&kW= TER= 42.0 Ton kW 17.7 62.4 0.0 0.0 Treheat air = 55.0 (H)evap= 34.5 (D)reheat ton&kW = 0.0 0.0 (evap)ft/sec= 8.38 62.4 (evap)des-ft/sec= 8.38 (D)int-air-ton= -318.6 Interior V Tair coils = 55.00 duct gpmevap= 1200 Psec-heat-ton = -2.1 > Psec-kW= 28.6 (lwt)evap = 44.43 (H)pri-total= 44.1 ^ (D)int-CFM= 176,985 > (ewt)coil= 44.4 >>>(Coil)sen-ton= 611 v Efdes-sec-p = 0.80 (coil)cap-ton= 30.7 (H)pri-pipe= 2.5 Tbp= 44.43 Efsec-pump = 0.75 (coil)H2O-ft/sec= 1.00 (H)pri-fitings= 7.0 gpmbp= -249 PLANTton = 783 (coil)des-ft/sec= 1.20 (Ef)c-pump= 0.81 (H)pri-bp= 0.11 LMTD= 12.83 (H)sec-bp= 0.00 Pipesize-in = 8.0 (COIL)L+s-ton= < (gpm)sec= 951 < (lwt)coil= 64.4 Pc-heat-ton= -0.66 ^ < pc-kW= 12.3 v (ewt)evap = 60.27 (H)sec= 119 (H)sec-pipe= 58 783 <<<< chillerkW/evapton= 0.572 4PM (plant)kW/site ton= 0.698 Design Peoplesen+lat ton = 99.2 All Electric kW BLD.kW= 731.4 (Fan)kW = 479.1 WeatherEin-ton = 431.4 Ductheat= 0.0 (Site)kW-Ein-ton = 344.3 (FA)heat= 0.0 PlantkW-Ein-ton = 155.5 Heat total = Total Ein-ton = 1030 PlantkW= 546.9 SystkW = 1757.4 BLD.kW= 731.4 Pumptot-heat-ton = -4.1 Fuel Heat THERM 0.00 Plant 0.0 Tower Tton-Ex = Einternal energy chg = SEE SCHEMATIC Ton Blue kW Red -935 CCWSkW = 1025.9 Water temp pink 12.3 1757.4 Water gpm orange Total Eout-ton = -1030 SystkW = St Louis air temp green Peri duct (D)per-CFM= 96,565 ^ (coil)gpm= 36.6 UAdesign= 2.66 COIL ^ ^ 2.39 (one coil)ton= 30.12 (H)coil= 1.5 (H)coil-des= 2.1 280,361 Return 81.8 Fan (FAN)kW-VAV= 272.5 (FAN)ret-ton= 23.2 V (Air)ret-ton = 527.9 ^ ^ 26 VAV FANS 80.8 > Tret+FA = 76.67 97.1 (dh) = 5.568 (FA)kW= 41,817 0.0 TBLD-AR = 75.00 (FAN)ret-kW= 42 114.1 V (FAN)ton-VAV= 77.5 TFA to VAV = > (FA)CFM= ^ (Air)ret-CFM = >(FA)sen-ton = > > (FA)Lat-ton= ^ UA= ^ 26 F.A.Inlet statFA= 0 0.0 -173.8 Tair coils= 55.00 ^ Exhaust air recovery ON AHU ExLat-ton = -12.2 AHU Exsen-ton = -91.6 Tdry bulb = 99.8 0.00 (D)per-air-ton= Tair VAV= 79.81 (FAN)VAV-CFM= 273,551 Pchiller-# = 2 CCWSkW/bld ton= 2.25 V Theat-air= 55.0 (D)heat ton&kW = EVAPton= 792 ^ air Tair supply per= 57.04 Design TER-app= 2.39 ^ 17.6 GlassTot-trans-ton= 57.6 4PM ABS Bld Ton = Ton WallTot trans ton = 1210.5 Design ASHRAE ^ (evap)ton= 396.1 4.92 GlassS-solar-ton = Tair supply int= 56.11 Evaporator WallNtrans ton= 327.6 Tstat-int= 75.0 546.9 (Bld)int-air-ton= -300.8 > Ex/InfilLat-ton = 30.84 Tdry-bulb = 99.8 # floors = 13 Tar-to-VAV = 75.92 VAVret-sen ton = 436.3 VAVret Lat-ton = 58.28 < VAVret-CFM = 231,733 < > Efan-VSD= 0.657 VAV inlet-sen-ton = 533.4 VAVinlet-lat-ton= 172.4 V ExLat-ton = -12.2 ExCFM = -48,628 SEE SCHEMATIC air side Air temp green kW red Air CFM purple Ton blue TEx = 75.92 Exsen-ton = -91.6 Exair recovery ON Tex-recoc = 92.27 V v Figure 8 Total system with exhaust air energy recovery. Comparing 8 & 9 illustrates the plant kW reduces from 597.4 kW to 546.9 kW and the total system kW reduces from 1807.9 kW to 1757.4 kW at peak summer design conditions. Each chiller kW reduces from 249.4 kW to 226.5 kW. A 9% smaller chiller with exhaust air energy recovery; the only significant effect of exhaust air energy recovery as we will show with an analysis of 24 hour energy consumption. Figure 9 Total system without exhaust air energy recovery Figure 10: 24 hour performance with recovery Figure 10 illustrates the 24 hour performance of the system with exhaust air energy recovery. The bottom chart illustrates the maximum possible energy transfer to the fresh air as a function of air CFM and delta temperature. For the conditions of this design and the fact that it is a one shift office building; the exhaust air has more max possible energy than the fresh air. The bottom chart also gives the energy transferred to the fresh air. The top chart of Figure 10 shows the fresh air CFM drops off and therefore the tons transferred to the fresh air drops off. The top chart also shows the air temperatures illustrating the difference in the dry bulb temperature of outside air and the approximate 75.8F exhaust air drives the amount of energy available for transfer to the fresh air. A building that operates more than one shift would have greater 24 hour transfer of energy to the fresh air. Figure 11, 12, & 13 illustrates the exhaust air energy recovery has moderate effect on 24 hour energy consumption at peak design summer weather conditions. Figure 11: 24 hour performance BLD sq-ft = 498,600 ALL ELECTRIC Peak day Design 24hr BLD.24hr-kW= 10,096 (Fan)24hr-kW = 6,482 (Duct)24hr-heat kW= 0 (FA)24hr-heat kW= 0 Heat24hr-total kW= 0 Plant24hr-kW= 7,688 SYST 24hr-kW = 24,267 (CCWS)24hr-kW= 14,170 BLD.24hr-kW= 10,096 Total24hr-kW = 24,267 People24hr Ein ton = 950.0 Weather24h-Ein-ton= 6059.6 SITE24h-kW-Ein-ton = 4715.2 Plant24h-kW-Ein-ton = 2186.6 Total24h-Ein-ton = 13911.4 Pump24hr-heat-ton = -79.3 AHU Ex24hr-Lat-ton = -181.5 AHU Ex24hr-sen-ton = -1247.9 Tower24hr-ton-Ex = -12696.4 E24hr chg internal energy = 294.23 Total E24hr-out-ton = -13910.9 ASHRAE Figure 12: 24 hour performance without exhaust air energy recovery Figure 13: 24 hour performance with exhaust air energy recovery CONCLUSION FOR PEAK DESIGN DAY WEATHER CONDITIONS Exhaust air energy recovery reduces the chiller kW about 9% for the conditions studied here. Next we will consider average summer conditions. TYPICAL SUMMER WEATHER Figure 14: Summer weather Figure 16 System 24 hour performance with exhaust air recovery CONCLUSION Figure 15 24 hour system kW demand Figure 14 gives the assumed typical summer weather and Figure 15 gives the 24 hour system kW for the system with and without exhaust air energy recovery illustrating very little effect with exhaust air energy recovery. For the conditions studied here exhaust air energy recovery has be shown to have very little effect on the total energy consumption of the system. This study showed that the kW size of the chiller is reduced about 9% if exhaust air energy recovery is installed in all 26 VAV fan systems. ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 requirement for exhaust air energy recovery is at best questionable. NOMENCLATURE (NOTE see other papers at this site for additional understanding of the system and nomenclature) Air Side System Nomenclature Each of the more than 100 variables of the air side system will be defined. Building structure; BLD ft2 = air conditioned space # Floors = number of building floors Roof ft2 = roof square feet N/S wall ft2 =north/south wall square feet E/W wall ft2 =east/west wall square feet Wall % glass = percent of each wall that is glass Glass U = glass heat transfer coefficient Wall U = wall heat transfer coefficient Glass SHGC = glass solar heat gain coefficient Wall emit = wall solar index Building interior space; Rooftrans-ton =transmission through roof (ton) Roofsky-lite-ton =sky lite load (ton) Peopleton sen&lat = sensible & latent cooling load due to people (ton) Plugton&kW = cooling load & kW due to plug loads Lightton&kW = cooling load & kW due to lights Total Bldint-ton = total building interior load (ton) (int-cfm) to-per-return = CFM of interior supply air that returns to perimeter of building Tstat-int = interior stat set temperature (F) Bldint-air-ton = supply air ton to offset interior load BLD kW = total building kW demand Building perimeter space; %clear sky = percent clear sky Tdry bulb = outside dry bulb temperature (F) Twet bulb = outside wet bulb temperature (F) Ex/Infillat-ton = latent load due to air infiltration or exfiltration (ton) Ex/InfilCFM = air infiltration or exfiltration CFM Exfilsen-ton =sensible load due to air exfiltration or infiltration (ton) Walln trans ton = north wall transmission (ton) Walls trans ton = south wall transmission (ton) WallE trans ton = east wall transmission (ton) Wallw trans ton = west wall transmission (ton) Walltot-trans-ton = total wall transmission (ton) GlassN-trans-ton = north wall glass transmission (ton) GlassS-trans-ton = south wall glass transmission (ton) GlassE-trans-ton = east wall glass transmission (ton) GlassW trans-ton = west wall glass transmission (ton) Glasstot-trans-ton = total transmission thru glass (ton) GlassN-solar-ton = north glass solar load (ton) GlassS-solar-ton = south glass solar load (ton) GlassE-solar-ton = east glass solar load (ton) GlassW-solar-ton = west glass solar load (ton) Glasstot-solar-ton = total glass solar load (ton) (int cfm)per-ton = effect of interior CFM to wall (ton) Total Bldper-sen-ton total perimeter sensible load (ton) Tstat-per = perimeter stat set temperature (F) Bldper-air-ton = supply air ton to offset perimeter load Air handler duct system Interior duct Tair supply int = temp air supply to building interior (F) (fan)int ter ton&kW = interior ton & kW due to terminal fans (D)int-air-ton = cooling (ton) to building interior duct Tair coils = supply air temperature off coils to duct (F) (D)int-CFM = supply air CFM to building interior duct Perimeter duct Tair supply per =temp (F) air supply to building perimeter (fan)per ter ton&kW = perimeter ton & kW of terminal fans Theat-air = temp supply air before terminal fan heat (F) (D)heat-ton&kW = heat to perimeter supply air ton & kW Treheat air = temp perimeter supply air after reheat (F) (D)reheat ton&kW = reheat of perimeter supply air ton & kW (D)per-air-ton = cooling (ton) to perimeter duct Tair coils = supply air temperature off coils to duct (F) (D)per-CFM = supply air CFM to perimeter duct (ABS Bld Ton) = absolute building load on (CCWS) Coil (coil)sen-ton = sensible load on all coils (ton) (coil)cap-ton = LMTD * UA = capacity (ton) one coil (coil)H2O-ft/sec = water velocity thru coil (ft/sec) (coil)design-ft/sec = coil design water velocity (ft/sec) LMTD = coil log mean temperature difference (F) (coil)L+s-ton = latent + sensible load on all coils (ton) transferred to Plant (coil)gpm = water flow (gpm) thru one coil UAdesign = coil UA design value UA = coil heat transfer coefficient * coil area. UA varies as a function water velocity (coil)gpm thru the coil, as the (coil)gpm decreases the coil capacity decreases. (one coil)ton = load (ton) on one coil (H)coil = air pressure drop thru coil (inches) (H)coil-design = design air pressure drop (inches) VAV Fan system Fresh air statFA = fresh air freeze stat set temperature (F) TFA to VAV = temperature of fresh air to VAV fan (FA)sen-ton = fresh air sensible load (ton) (FA)CFM = CFM fresh air to VAV fan inlet (FA)Lat-ton = fresh air latent load (ton) (FA)kW = heat kW to statFA set temperature Air return TBLD-AR = return air temp (F) before return fans (Air)ret-CFM = CFM air return from building (FAN)ret-kW = return fans total kW (FAN)ret-ton = cooling load (ton) due to (FAN)ret-kW (Air)ret-ton = return air (ton) before return fans TAR to VAV = TBLD-AR + delta T due to return fans kW VAVret-sen ton = return sensible (ton) to VAV fans inlet VAVret-lat ton = return latent (ton) to VAV fans inlet VAVret-CFM = return CFM to VAV fans inlet Exhaust air ExLat-ton = latent load (ton) exhausted ExCFM = CFM of exhaust air TEx = temperature of exhaust air Exsen-ton = sensible load (ton) exhausted VAV Fans Tret+FA = return and fresh air mix temperature (F) (dh) = VAV air static pressure (in) Efan-VSD = VAV fans efficiency VAVinlet-sen-ton = sensible load (ton) inlet to VAV fans VAVinlet-lat-ton = latent load (ton) inlet to VAV fans Tair-VAV = temp air to coils after VAV fan heat (FAN)VAV-CFM = CFM air thru coils (FAN)ton-VAV = load (ton) due to VAV fan kW (FAN)kW-VAV = total VAV fan kW demand AIR SIDE SYSTEM PLUS BUILDING FAN kW = total air handlers kW SITE kW = total site or air side kW Plantton = (COIL)L+s ton load (ton) to plant CENTRAL PLANT Nomenclature will be defined by addressing each component of the plant. Primary/secondary pumping nomenclature gpmevap = total gpm flow thru evaporators (H)pri-total = total primary pump head (ft) = (H)pri-pipe + (H)pri-fittings + (H)pri-bp + (H)evap (H)pri-pipe = primary pump head due to piping (ft) (H)pri-fittings = primary head due to pump & fitting (ft) (Ef)c-pump = efficiency of chiller pump Pc-heat-ton = chiller pump heat to atmosphere (ton) Pc-kW = one chiller pump kW demand (kW) Pchiller-# = number chiller pumps operating (lwt)evap = temperature water leaving evaporator (F) Tbp = temperature of water in bypass (F) gpmbp = gpm water flow in bypass (H)pri-bp = head if chiller pump flow in bypass (ft) (ewt)evap = temp water entering evaporator (F) Psec-heat-ton = secondary pump heat to atmosphere (ton) Psec-kW = kW demand of secondary pumps Efdes-sec-p = design efficiency of secondary pumping Efsec-pump = efficiency of secondary pumping (H)sec = secondary pump head (ft) = (H)sec-pipe + (H)sec-bp + (H)coil + (H)valve (H)sec-pipe = secondary pump head due to pipe (ft) (H)sec-bp = head in bypass if gpmsec > gpmevap gpmsec = water gpm flow in secondary loop (ewt)coil = water temperature entering coil (F) Plantton = load (ton) from air side to plant Pipesize-in = secondary pipe size (inches) (lwt)coil = temperature of water leaving coil (F) Evaporator (evap)ton = load (ton) on one evaporator TER = evaporator refrigerant temp (F) TER-app = evaporator refrigerant approach (F) EVAPton = total evaporator loads (ton) (H)evap = pump head thru evaporator (ft) (evap)ft/sec = velocity water flow thru evaporator (evap)des-ft/sec = evaporator design flow velocity Compressor: (chiller)kW = each chiller kW demand (chiller)lift = (TCR – TER) = chiller lift (F) (chiller)% = percent chiller motor is loaded (chiller)# = number chillers operating (CHILLER)kW = total plant chiller kW Plant kW = total kW demand of plant Condenser nomenclature: (cond)ton = load (ton) on one condenser TCR = temperature of condenser refrigerant (F) TCR-app = refrigerant approach temperature (F) (COND)ton = total load (ton) on all condensers (H)cond = tower pump head thru condenser (ft) (cond)ft/sec = tower water flow thru condenser Tower piping nomenclature Pipesize-in = tower pipe size (inches) gpmT = each tower water flow (gpm) (H)T-total = total tower pump head (ft) PT-heat = pump heat to atmosphere (ton) PT-kW = each tower pump kW demand EfT-pump = tower pump efficiency Ptower # = number of tower pumps (H)T-pipe = total tower pump head (ft) (ewt)T = tower entering water temperature (F) (H)T-static = tower height static head (ft) Trange = tower range (F)= (ewt)T – (lwt)T (lwt)T = tower leaving water temperature (F) Tapproach = (lwt)T – (Twet-bulb) Tower nomenclature tfan-kW = kW demand of one tower fan Tfan-kW = tower fan kW of fans on tfan-% = percent tower fan speed tton-ex = ton exhaust by one tower T# = number of towers on Tton-ex = ton exhaust by all towers on Trg+app = tower range + approach (F) One hour performance indices BLDkW = kW demand of building lights & plug loads FankW = air side fans kW, VAV, return terminals Ductheat = perimeter heat to air supply FAheat = heat added to fresh air Heattotal = total heat added to air PlantkW = total plant kW SystkW = total system kW CCWSkW = air side + plant kW ChillerkW/evap ton = chiller kW/evaporator ton performance PlantkW/site ton = plant kW per site or air side ton CCWSkW/site ton = CCWS kW per load to plant WeatherEin-ton = weather energy into the system SitekW-Ein-ton = load (ton) due to site kW PlantkW-Ein-ton = load (ton) due to plant kW TotalEin-ton = total energy in to system (ton Pumptot-heat-ton = total pump heat out (ton) AHU Exlat ton = air exhausted latent ton AHU Exsen ton = air exhausted sensible ton Tower Tton Ex = energy exhausted by tower (ton) Total Eout ton = total energy out of system (ton) 24 hour performance indices BLD24hr-kW = building 24 hour kW usage Fan24hr-kW = fan system 24 hour kW usage Duct24hr-heat kW or therm = duct heat FA24hr heat kW or therm = fresh air heat Heat24hr total kW or therm = total heat into system air Plant24hr kW = plant 24 hour kW usage Syst24hr kW & therm = total system 24 hour energy usage (CCWS)24hr-kW = Central chilled water system (air side + plant) 24 hour kW usage Weather24hr-Ein-ton = 24 hour weather energy into system SITE24hr-kW-Ein-ton = 24 hour energy into site, building & air side system Plant24hr-kW-Ein-ton = 24 hour kW energy into plant Tower24hr out-ton = tower exhaust from system (ton) Total E24hr-out-ton = total 24 hour energy out of system Total24hr-Ein-ton = total 24 hour energy into system Pump24hr Heat out-ton = pump heat to atmosphere (ton) AHU Ex24hr Lat ton = exhausted latent load from building AHU Ex24hr-sen-ton = exhausted sensible load from building