November 21, 2013 - Carroll County Schools

Board of Education Regular Meeting
November 21, 2013 5:00 PM
Carroll County High School Media Center
Mr. Jim Crawford prior to the beginning of the meeting had Mrs. Drusilla Maiden read the
Oath for Board of Education Member and the Constitutional Oath for Board of Education
and she was sworn in as the District 1 Representative.
1. Call to Order / Roll Call
Attendance Taken at 5:00 PM:
Present Board Members:
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson
Mr. Rob Spenneberg
Dr. Lisa James, Superintendent; Bill Hogan, Assistant Superintendent/CAO; and Tracie
Crawford, Board Secretary were also present.
2. Superintendent's Report
 The Carroll County High School Choir performed for the board. The students were
Kaitlyn Rider, Mallory Perry, Francis Hendren, Rhiannon Jones, Brandon Kruzan,
Ashley Brewer, Sarah Noonan, Elisha Harper, Daniel Smith-Bass, and Sound
Man: Branden Brock. The students preformed a traditional spiritual piece by
Moses Hogan “I’m his Child” and a contemporary piece “Stay” by Rhianna. The
students will be preforming on December 12, 2013 at the Carroll County High
School Cafeteria beginning at 7:00pm.
 Race To The Top, the Carroll County Middle School and Carroll County High
School, Mr. Hogan, and I attended Race To The Top Data Team training meeting.
The training was designed to get into the data and come out with a plan for next
steps. I was there on Wednesday and Mr. Hogan finished out the week with both
groups and they came back with an action plan to focus on developing Literacy.
We are still struggling in the area of Literacy and we are going to focus deeper on
that within the schools. They have also added reading and writing together within
their plan.
 The WIN Learning is also with the Race To The Top Grant. We attended training a
few weeks ago to learn about this software program that focuses on College and
Career Ready. This is an area that will focus on Career Ready. Tony Jury, ATC
Principal wasn’t able to attend tonight however he and I have spoken today about
them moving forward and how they were working with this program at the Area
Technology Center and moving forward with it as well.
 Kentucky Leadership Academy the teachers, principals, and superintendents are
going through Evaluation processes which are new for the state. The principals
and I attended the Kentucky Leadership Academy learning more about the PGES
process. Site Visits are a part of this as well. We are learning more about the
process even though it is a changing process we have pilot schools but we are also
beginning to implement this process with the teachers, principals, and myself
across the district.
 Head Start Federal Review is coming up for our district. We have received notice
that we will have our Federal Review beginning December 8, 2013. The federal
review will be here that week, but it gives us input on what we need to improve on
and what we are doing that is working for the district.
 Our Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative Support, we are moving forward to
ensure our student achievement. We have asked for additional support from Ohio
Valley Educational Cooperative to look at our Elementary Instructional piece so
that we can build additional instructional pieces.
 We had visitors with Lindamood Bell in the district last week and we were given
positive feedback and were told in the exit interview that our district has come a
long way in implementing this intervention in the schools for K-6 and it will
greatly help our students.
 JCTC and the Carroll County High School had a meeting to discuss our schedule
for the 2014-2015 school year for the Juniors and Seniors and what other areas
we would like to include for the students next year.
 OASIS Awards, we
 Strategic Planning process, is continuing. We had our Core Team Meeting
yesterday to look at the information to begin hitting the areas that we would like
to focus on for the district.
 The AESA Conference with OVEC is coming up in December. That consists of the
Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative Board Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, two
superintendents, along with Leon Mooneyhan. This is a conference that is funded
through OVEC at no cost to the district however I did want to make sure that you
were aware.
 I have also included in your packet the new Carroll County Middle School Bid
schedule. There have been some changes and I did want to give you the most
recent information that we have at this time. Mr. Gilbert will not be attending
tonight, but will be at the December board meeting.
3. Approval of Agenda
Order #60844 - Motion Passed: Approve agenda items 1 - 16 as presented. Passed 5-0
with a motion by Ms. Carolyn Jones and a second by Ms. Mary Ann Pearson.
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson Yes
Mr. Rob Spenneberg
4. Treasurer's Report Dr. James presented the financial reports for the month in Mr.
Conrad’s absence. Mr. Conrad was out due to the KASBO Conference. Dr. James
presented the General Fund Recap sheet for Period 4 showing our receipts and
expenditures for the month. We have $4,142,259.00 and if you recall 53% is SEEK and
47% is taxes. The expenditures is $4,216,540.00 and 71% is salaries and benefits and
the goal is below 80% and we are doing well. In the previous year and compare it to the
current year, we are close in the revenue. At this time, we have 20.92% percentage
collected for the general fund revenue which is normal at this time of the year. The
Activity Funds report was presented with a deficit for Cartmell for Achieve 3000, however
there are fundraisers at this time for that program and a deficit at the Carroll County
High School for $5.14 for powder puff shirts which will be resolved next month. The
grant funds are showing a deficit at this time which is typical because of the delay
receiving funds for certain areas. These are not a concern at this time. There were no
questions at this time about the financial reports that were presented. All reports are a
part of the official minutes.
5. Public Recognition None at this time.
6. Approval of Consent Agenda
Order #60845 - Motion Passed: Approved consent agenda items 6A-6AA as presented.
Passed 5-0 with a motion by Mr. Rob Spenneberg and a second by Ms. Carolyn Jones.
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson Yes
Mr. Rob Spenneberg
6.A. Approval of Minutes Approved the October 16, 2013 Working Board
Minutes and the October 24, 2013 Board Minutes as presented.
6.B. Approval of Facilities Use
6.C. Approval of Bills and Salaries Payable Approved the Bills and Salaries
payable as presented.
6.D. Employee Notifications
KRS 160.390; KRS 160.38; KRS 160.370 The Superintendent is responsible for all
personnel actions including hiring, assignments, transfer, dismissal, suspension,
reinstatement, promotion, and for reporting these actions to the board of
education (KRS 160.390 (1). All appointments, promotions and transfers of
principals, supervisors, teachers, and other school employees shall be made only
by the Superintendent of schools, who shall notify the Board of the action taken
(KRS 160.380(2a).
Information presented for notification
New Employees to the District
Lyndsay Williams; Carrollton, KY; Instructional Asst.; K. Winn; 11/04/13
Jennifer Wood; Carrollton, KY; Cook/Baker; K. Winn; 11/06/13
No Longer Employees of the District
None at this time
Transfers Within the District
Robin Fremin; Instructional Asst-Headstart Teacher; K. Winn/Headstart;
Leave of Absence
Janie Martin; Instructional Asst.; CCHS; (FMLA) 10/28/2013-11/01/2013
Louauna Dryden; Instructional Asst.; Cartmell; Pd. LOA 11/14/201311/22/2013 11/25/2013 (Personal Day); 11/26/2013-12/20/2013 (FMLA-Dock
Kayla Webster: Pd LOA (10/14/2013-11/01/2013) FMLA (11/02/201301/06/2013)
Employees No Longer Auxiliary
None at this time
6.E. Approval to submit a continuation grant for 21st Century Learning
Center grades 4-8 Approved Carl Roberts PR/Grant Writer, to submit a
continuation grant for the 21st Century Community Learning Center for grades 48. The deadline for the grant is December 4, 2013.
6.F. Approval of the NKU Mentoring Plan with Carroll County Schools for
2013-2014 Approved the Mentoring Plan for Melissa Stephens, CCMS
Mathematics, between Northern Kentucky University and Carroll County Schools.
NKU will provide a mentor for five (5) hours, spread across the academic year and
Carroll County Schools will provide a mentor for ten (10) hours, spread across the
academic year for 2013-2014 as presented.
6.G. Approval of the Business agreement between Carroll County Schools
and Three Rivers District Health Department Approved the Business
Agreement between Carroll County Schools and Three Rivers District Health
Department, as we have a Service Agreement (the "Contract") which was approved
June 25, 2013. This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions pursuant to
which Protected Health Information that is provided by Covered Entity and with
third parties during the term of their Contract and after its termination as
6.H. Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement between Kentucky Agency
for Substance Abuse Policy NKY (KY-ASAP NKY) and Champions for a Drug
Free Carroll County Approved the Memorandum of Agreement between
Kentucky Agency for Substance Abuse Policy NKY (KY-ASAP NKY) and Champions
for a Drug Free Carroll County from July 2013-June 2014 with a goal to build
community efforts in Carroll County for policy, systems, and environmental
change that, prevent and reduce substance abuse among young people in Carroll
County with a provided fund of $2,800.00 as presented.
6.I. Approval of the Rental Agreement with Duplicator Sales & Service and
Carroll County High School Approved the rental agreement between Duplicator
Sales & Service and Carroll County High School for a Ricoh MP 4001 SP/ARDF
Printer/Copier with a maintenance program of 0.011 per copy/print (includes all
service, parts, drums, toner, developer, staples) as presented.
6.J. Approval of the Affordable Care Act Tracking Subscription Approved the
Affordable Care Act Tracking Subscription for Carroll County Schools at a cost of
$5,519.00 for the first year investment and $2,763.00 estimated subsequent
annual subscription (please note that the annual subscription fee is based on
district employee count) as presented.
6.K. Approval of the Amended Contracts for contracted district therapist
Approved the amended contracts for the contracted district therapists to add the
requirement to carry professional liability insurance for Donna Cundiff (Ohio
Valley Educational Cooperative), Hands On Therapy, and Marian Hardin
(Occupational Therapist) as presented.
6.L. Approval of additional stipend for CCHS Champion Teacher Approved a
stipend of $784.00 for Joseph Creager to work with Mandy Wilson and Cindy
Johann to train CCHS Staff on using technology to enhance instructional practice
as presented.
6.M. Approval of CIITS Stipend for Lead Teachers Approved a stipend of
$500.00 for five teachers in the district to be CIITS Lead Teachers. The teachers
are: Elizabeth Patton, Barb Catt, Kayla Stewart, Christie Jones, and Tamara Cady
as presented.
6.N. Approval of Additional Days for Early Intervention Program Approved an
additional four (4) days for Jeff Root to work at the Center for Accelerated
Learning Early Intervention program. The additional salary for the additional four
(4) days is $981.32 as presented.
6.O. Approval of the School Facilities Construction Commission Offer for FY
Approved the School Facilities Construction Commission (SFCC) official FY-2014
KETS offer of assistance in the amount of $16,805 as presented.
6.P. Approval of the 2013-2014 School Nutrition Program reports for Carroll
County Child Development Center Approved the School Nutrition Program
Report for the Carroll County Child Development Center, the counts are for
reimbursements for breakfast and lunch that is served to the Headstart/Early
Headstart students the months of August, September, and October 2013 as
6.Q. Approval of the Student Overnight Trip for the Steel Band Approved the
student overnight trip for the Steel Band to attend the Panorama Steel Band
Competition in Virginia Beach, VA, May 8-11, 2014 as presented.
6.R. Approval of the Student Overnight Trip for CCHS Kentucky Youth
Assembly Approved the Student Overnight Trip Request for the CCHS Kentucky
Youth Assembly (KYA) to attend a three day overnight trip to Louisville November
21-23, 2013. There will be four students, and one faculty sponsor as presented.
6.S. Approval of the Student FBLA Trip to Newport High School Approved the
FBLA Student Trip to Newport High School on January 22, 2013 from 3:30p9:30p. The FBLA Sponsor David Pepper is presenting this request because the
students will be out of the county and he is requesting that he use his private
vehicle to transport the two students, one chaperone, and himself to the Region 4
FBLA Executive Council Meeting as presented.
6.T. Approval for the Student Overnight Trip for FBLA Approved the
Overnight Student Trip for FBLA March 10-11, 2014, at Northern Kentucky
University for the Region 4 FBLA Leadership Conference, with 2 students, one
other chaperone, and David Pepper faculty sponsor. The request also specifies he
will be using his personal vehicle and he will be driving as presented.
6.U. Approval of the Student Overnight Trip for CCHS Panther Basketball
Approved the Student Overnight Trip for the Carroll County High School Panther
(boys) Basketball team to Maysville Bracken High School December 26th-28th,
2013 for the Holiday Basketball Tournament with 17 students, 3 faculty
sponsors, and one additional chaperone as presented.
6.V. Approval of the Student Overnight Trip for FFA Approved the Student
Overnight Trip for FFA for November 19-20, 2013at Murray State University. The
trip will allow three students to compete in the State FFA Horsemanship
Competition in the various Western Pleasure classes as presented.
6.W. Approval of Cartmell Student Fees for Movie Nights Approved the
student fee of $3.00 for students to attend the Cartmell Movie Nights for
admission as presented.
6.X. Approval of Donations for Carroll County High School Approved the
following donations for the Carroll County High School Honor Guard, CCHS
Soccer Panther and Lady Panther, CCHS Baseball, and CCHS FFA. The Donation
for CCHS Honor Guard: $10.00 Mona Garrett, $150.00 Earl Floyd Ford, $500.00
Browinski Lodge #6 I.O.O.F., $200.00 Carroll County E.S.P. Association, $100.00
Owen County Chamber of Commerce. CCHS Panther and Lady Panther Soccer:
$200.00 Mark Smith, State Farm Insurance
CCHS Panther Baseball: $500.00 for equipment-Earl Floyd Ford; $300.00 ($5.00
for every base stolen and home run). CCHS FFA: $100.00 Soil Conservation
District as presented.
6.Y. Approval of the Carroll County High School Fundraiser for Academic Pep
Rally Approved as school fundraiser for the Carroll County High School to
support and raise money for the academic pep rally by sending out letters of
support asking for donations or supplies for support beginning 11/20/201301/24/2014 as presented.
6.Z. Approval of the Sustainable Modular Management Invoice for Carroll
County Child Development Center Approved the Sustainable Modular
Management Invoice, to be paid from Early Headstart funds and located on the
Carroll County High School Campus, the building costs of $103,770.00 and the
delivery costs of $9,885.00 a total of $113,655.00 as presented.
6.AA. Approval of the Sustainable Modular Management Invoice for the
Carroll County Child Development Center Approved the Sustainable Modular
Management Invoice, to be paid from Early Headstart funds and located on the
Carroll County High School Campus, the set up costs of $15,950.00 as presented.
7. Communications To and From the Board None at this time
8. Champion For Kids Dr. James recognized Mrs. Rachel Hodge, Carroll County High
School Choir Director. Dr. James recognized Mrs. Rachel Hodge for the work that she
accomplished at Kathryn Winn Primary and the work that she is doing now at Cartmell
Elementary and the Carroll County High School Choir. Mrs. Rachel Hodge was awarded
a Champions for Kids Award for Outstanding Musical Leadership.
9. Reports from Principals and Directors Gerda Wise (Winn); Dana Oak (CCMS); Tom
Stephens (CCHS); Ed Nelson (ALC); Bill Hogan (Asst. Supt./CAO); Pam Williams (Elem.
Instr. Supv.); Kathy Bieger (Special Education); Larry Curell (DPP/COO); Nadena
MaHoney (Transportation); Lisa Gault (Food Service); Cindy Johann (Technology) were
present. Mr. Stephens invited the board to attend the Choir and Band concert. He also
commented that we have students receiving college acceptance letters. Mr. Hogan
discussed meeting with North American Stainless and Carrollton Utilities and developing
a partnership to work with our students developing a video with our Video Production
class and looking at recycling water and the students that are in the video production
class and environmental science class will develop videos for North American Stainless
and Carrollton Utilities to use. We are looking at a timeline in April to complete. Met with
JCTC to discuss our students and how our students are working and we were giving
positive feedback that are students are doing great and we hope to continue. The DOW
Mentoring program has begun again this week for the eighth grade students at Carroll
County Middle School. We have fourteen Dow Employees working with our students on
literacy and compass. They will be working with students during Panther block to help
them on compass. Our credit recovery program is doing great also. Mr. Curell stated that
to date we are at 95.69% for the district in attendance. This month Cartmell took the
attendance award for the month. Mr. Curell will be also working to have Brian Linder
attend a board meeting to update the board on our energy reports and usage. Mrs.
Johann was in Northern Kentucky judging STLP, we had four groups from CCMS, five
groups from CCHS, and one group from Kathryn Winn, and we should have the results
next month.
10. Old Business None at this time
11. New Business
11.A. Discussion and Action to approve travel expense for Sheree Phelps, CCHS
Order #60846 - Motion Passed: Discussed and approved travel reimbursements for
Sheree Phelps, CCHS Bookkeeper, from March 2013-September 2013 in the amount of
$169.26 as presented. Passed 5-0 with a motion by Ms. Mary Ann Pearson and a second
by Mr. Rob Spenneberg.
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson
Mr. Rob Spenneberg
11.B. Discussion and Action to approve travel expenses for Julie Truckenmiller,
School Psychologist
Order #60847 - Motion Passed: Discussed and approved the travel expenses for Julie
Truckenmiller from 08/06/2013-09/30/2013 in the amount of $88.83 as presented. .
Passed 5-0 with a motion by Ms. Mary Ann Pearson and a second by Mr. Rob
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson
Mr. Rob Spenneberg
11.C. Discussion and Action to approve the travel expenses for Donetta Duvall,
Cartmell Bookkeeper
Order #60848 - Motion Passed: Discussed and approved the travel expenses for
Donetta Duvall, Cartmell Bookkeeper, for 07/02/13-09/30/13 in the amount of $16.87
as presented. . Passed 5-0 with a motion by Ms. Mary Ann Pearson and a second by Mr.
Rob Spenneberg.
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson
Mr. Rob Spenneberg
11.D. Discussion and Action to approve travel expenses for Cindy Robbins, Bus
Order #60849 - Motion Passed: Discussed and approved the travel expenses for Cindy
Robbins, Bus Garage from July 2013-November 2013 for a total of $52.79 as presented.
Passed 5-0 with a motion by Ms. Mary Ann Pearson and a second by Mr. Rob
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson Yes
Mr. Rob Spenneberg
11.E. Approval for Reimbursement of Superintendent Dr. James' travel
Order #60850 - Motion Passed: Approved the reimbursement for Dr. James' travel
expenses. The travel expenses are for Race To The Top Intro Win Learning Meeting,
OVEC Board of Directors, Kentucky Leads the Nation Lexington Meeting, KSBA Region 5
meeting, OVEC Race To The Top Data Retreat, OVEC Board of Directors for a total of
$203.82 as presented. Passed 5-0 with a motion by Ms. Carolyn Jones and a second by
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden.
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson Yes
Mr. Rob Spenneberg
11.F. Discussion and Action to approve the 2012-2013 Carroll County School
District Audit
Order #60851 - Motion Passed: Discussed and approved the 2012-2013 Carroll
County School District Audit as presented. Jerilyn Zapp, Raisor, Zapp, & Woods was
present to discuss the audit report for 2012-2013. Mrs. Zapp went through the
introductory information stating that they are an independent office that is preparing
this audit report for our district. Mrs. Zapp gave an overview of the audit report of each
report that is prepared, highlighted areas for general revenues, expenses, activity funds,
and concluded with the report that they prepare listing any discrepancy that was found
and how we can work on those areas to correct those discrepancies. The ending cash
balance for the district was $9,451,259.00 in 2013 and $8,403,814.00 in 2012.
Beginning on pages 3-10 is the management’s discussion and analysis for 2012-2013.
The financial statement reports begin on page 11. The report states the Governmental
funds and business-type activities. These reports discuss all liabilities and assets for the
district. Mrs. Zapp began discussing the governmental funds and explained that this
included all accounts and funds except Food Service. The food service fund is located
under the Business Type Activities. Mrs. Zapp highlighted the Claim Payable for KISBIT
since this will be out there for everyone as it is the districts responsibility. The Business
Type activities include the food service. We do have a decrease in the net position of
about $13,000.00 from last year under the Business-type activities. On pages 12-13
there is a two page statement of activities ending June 2013. The school improved over
$1.8 million dollars over last year in the governmental activities. On Page 14, Mrs. Zapp
explained that this report was the same layout with the same information that Mr.
Conrad presents to the board every month and that this report is in the mindset of funds
that we have and how we will use this money within the district. Mrs. Zapp highlighted
the construction funds of $2,073,723.00 that was saved and put aside. Continuing on
page 15 of the audit report gives you a crossover report that allows you to cross
reference the reports and tie back to the funds. The statement of revenues, expenditures,
and changes in fund balances of governmental funds, is the exact report that is the AFR
report that Mr. Conrad presents to the board each month. Our large items were
investment and facilities in the schools. We installed technology in the buildings with
new switches and the renovations for the CCHS and Kathryn Winn Primary cafeterias.
We also paid $180,000 toward the CCMS renovation project. We don’t make money on
grants this money is in and out of the district because it is grants. The general fund
improved by $500,000.00 and the other non-major governmental funds had a decrease
of $54,000 with a total of $447,527.00 for the year. Mrs. Zapp explained that page 17
has a cross walk that will explain all the different transactions. The proprietary fund
which is the food service report, we did have a bank overdraft, which stemmed from the
National School Funds not coming in within the time, so it was a receivable. We do have
a deficit of $13,000, but the year before was a loss of $67,000 which is considerably
better. Beginning on page 24, starts the financial statements which explains the report
and detail out areas which is easier to follow and let the board know that if there were
questions please contact them and she would detail things further. The board members
thanked Raisor, Zapp, and Woods, and there were no questions at this time. If the board
has any questions Mrs. Zapp stated that she could be contacted or Mr. Conrad. The
motion passed 5-0 with a motion by Ms. Mary Ann Pearson and a second by Mrs. Mona
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson Yes
Mr. Rob Spenneberg
11.G. Discussion Headstart Training for Board Members Mrs. Pam Williams
presented Headstart Training. The board members based on Headstart Regulation are
required to have training each year about their role. Our title is the Governing Board for
Headstart however since we are a school board of education certain rules will not apply
because we are a public entity. ERSEA is a term that was highlighted as this is a
regulation based on criteria of how students are determined eligible for our program and
how we enroll those students. Together we make decisions along with the policy council
for head start which is how the policies are created for our program. Mrs. Williams
highlighted how we apply for our funding and how we correct any amendments that may
come up once school begins. Since we are a school board we have safeguards in place to
ensure that we are following are guidelines correctly. Packets were given to all the board
members with detailed information along with a handout of the PowerPoint. All material
presented is part of the official minutes. There were no questions from the board.
11.H. Discussion and Action to Approve the Carry Over Balance request for Early
Head Start Modular project
Order #60852 - Motion Passed: Discussed and approved the carry over balance
request for the Early Head Start Modular project as presented. Passed 5-0 with a motion
by Mr. Rob Spenneberg and a second by Ms. Mary Ann Pearson.
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson Yes
Mr. Rob Spenneberg
12. Student Achievement Mr. Hogan discussed the Professional Growth Evaluation
System and meetings that he has had with his Peer Teachers. Based upon initial
meetings I met with the peer teachers on Monday and asked them what we need to do to
prepare for this implementation. There are trainings that the teachers have to take and
discussions that they have to do online as well and we are getting positive feedback of
what will be expected of them but it has also helped them with teaching. We have done
evaluations in the classroom, but our peer evaluators have not evaluated one another.
However we will be taking the process slow at this time because it is an ever changing
process with KDE (Kentucky Department of Education) so at this time, we are going to
take this process slowly and incorporate things into the district.
13. Board Member Planning Calendar
Initiate the annual needs assessment process
School Improvement Plan (SIP) updates
Review Coordinated School Health Report
Review Advanced Placement Data
Review DIP needs assessment
Review/Update district organizational chart, responsibilities and duties
Review summary revenue projection for next year
Tentative 2014 Board Meeting Dates
1. Election of board officers
2. Appointment of secretary, treasurer, attorney
3. Adoption of regular meeting schedule for the year
4. Superintendent mid-year formative evaluation
Draft budget plan for next school year submitted by superintendent
Outline major priorities
Establish budget parameters
5. Review elementary school programs and offerings
6. Review achievement gap target reports
7. Hold coordinated school health public forum for annual report of nutrition plan
8. Receive status report on the data collection portion of the needs assessment process
from the board's representative to the district improvement planning committee and
appropriate staff Approve revisions to District Improvement Plan (DIP).
9. Schedule a meeting to discuss Valedictorian and Salutatorian along with Athletic
14. Executive Session
14. A. Approval to enter Executive Session
Order #60853 - Motion Passed: I need a motion to go into executive session pursuant
to KRS 61.810(1)(f) for discussions or hearings which might lead to discipline or
dismissal of a Carroll County student or employee at 6:29 p.m. Passed 5-0 with a motion
by Mr. Rob Spenneberg and a second by Ms. Carolyn Jones.
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson Yes
Mr. Rob Spenneberg
14.B. Student Discipline Information
14.C. Superintendent Mid-Year Evaluation/Growth Plan and District Goals
14.D. Approval to Exit Executive Session and Resume Regular Meeting.
Order #60854 - Motion Passed: Approved exiting executive session and resuming
regular meeting at 7:01 p.m. Passed 5-0 with a motion by Ms. Carolyn Jones and a
second by Mrs. Drusilla Maiden.
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson Yes
Mr. Rob Spenneberg
15. Recommendation of the Board for Student Discipline issue for student
Order #60855 - Motion Passed: Approved the recommendation of the board to expel
student 1959216118 until December 2014 at which time, the student will be allowed to
return to the Carroll County High School as long as all conditions of the contract at the
Alternative Learning Center for the student have been met and both the Alternative
Learning School Principal and the Carroll County High School Principal agree to the
change back to the Carroll County High School. Passed 5-0 with a motion by Mr. Rob
Spenneberg and a second by Ms. Carolyn Jones.
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson Yes
Mr. Rob Spenneberg
16. Adjournment
Order #60856 - Motion Passed: Approved adjourning the November 21, 2013 board
meeting at 7:02 p.m. passed with a motion by Mr. Rob Spenneberg and a second by Ms.
Mary Ann Pearson.
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Mona Kindoll
Mrs. Drusilla Maiden
Ms. Mary Ann Pearson Yes
Mr. Rob Spenneberg