2014 Annual Performance Self-Assessment Employee name: Position title: Hire date: / / Department: Period covered by this assessment: Supervisor’s name: From: To: 1 PERFORMANCE PLAN and ASSESST Trinity’s Strategic Goals GOAL# GOAL NAME MEASUREMENT 1 Enrollment Development Evidenced by student recruitment, service, satisfaction and retention 2 Financial Performance Indicators which demonstrate fiscal responsibility and good stewardship of Trinity’s assets at the department and/or organizational levels 3 Program Development Evidenced by the development and availability of new curricula and academic programs to the market; in addition to the support of new programs 4 Technology Measured by: the availability of new and relevant technology to the Trinity community; the use of existing technologies to enable accurate and efficient data management and customer service 5 Human Resources Development Measured by: the development and implementation of faculty and staff development programs; the availability of new and relevant professional development programs; the participation in professional development programs employee retention 6 Management Capacity Measured against Trinity’s growth, senior management plans and succession planning 7 Intellectual and Informational Resources Measured by the production and/or publication of intellectual works of faculty and staff 8 Service to Students and Community Measured by student service satisfaction and retention 9 Quality Outcomes and Key Performance Indicators Measured by individual and department goals, and performance against industry standards and Trinity goals. 10 Facilities and Campaign Planning Measured by: improvements for infrastructure efficiency, facility upgrades for current campus, new building construction 2 You are being evaluated on the following seven competency factors: 1. Strategic Focus – How well you have achieved specific departmental and/or Trinity goals over the year. Every job position is aligned with a departmental goal which measures to a strategic goal. 2. Professional Knowledge and Skills - The demonstration of your general or specialized knowledge required to perform the job. Identify the core competencies of the position. Compare to industry standards and Trinity goals. Consider your job knowledge relative to your length of time in the current position. Also consider your endeavors to increase your job knowledge through additional training. 3. Communication - Measures how well you work to ensure positive, effective and clear communication within your department and throughout Trinity. Your communication should be precise, factual, and well-organized, and at the level to which you inspire confidence in both the department and in Trinity as a whole. You seek out opportunities to improve your communication skill. Because of your skilled communication, you are able to engage in and foster teamwork. 4. Risk Management - The degree to which you can anticipate, identify and mitigate risk to the organization. Your focus should be on the accuracy of your work and information, adherence to policies and customer service. Your efforts to improve your risk management skills should be considered. Ethical behaviors in your personal and business practices should also be considered. 5. Technology - How efficiently you utilize information technology in the performance of your job duties. Consider your use of department/job specific software and applications. Examples of technology include (but not limited to): Power Campus, MS Office Suite, Time Force, and other department or job specific technology. Your efforts to improve your technology skills should also be considered. 6. Leadership - The degree to which you hold yourself accountable in achieving departmental or Trinity goals. Consider your ability to inspire and motivate others, and the ability to identify and capitalize on opportunities that advance Trinity’s goals. Your efforts to improve your leadership skills should also be considered. 7. People Management Skills – (for individuals with supervisory responsibility). The extent to which you apply sound, acceptable supervisory practices in the execution of your supervisory responsibilities. Consider evidence of your effectiveness in the hiring, developing and retaining of employees. Your efforts to improve your people management skills should also be considered. 3 COMPETENCY FACTORS AND ASSESSMENT 1. STRATEGIC FOCUS: How well you have achieved specific departmental and/or Trinity goals over the year. Every job position is aligned with a departmental goal which measures to a strategic goal. Department’s Strategic Focus: Trinity’s Strategic Goal: My Goal(s) for the year*: Evaluate each goal on the grid below (duplicate this page as necessary). Use departmental standards and data to measure and communicate results. Goal not met. Goal not met, but significant work was done to achieve goal. Goal met as expected. Goal exceeded Comments: 1. What were your successes? Be specific. 2. Comment on challenges that affected the achievement of the goal(s). 4 2. PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: The demonstration of your technical, administrative, managerial, supervisory or other specialized knowledge required to perform the job. Identify the core competencies of the position. Compare to industry standards and Trinity goals. Consider your degree of job knowledge relative to your length of time in the current position. If applicable, consider your endeavors to increase your job knowledge through additional formal or informal study, seminars, readings, and other professional activities, both on and off the job. I don’t know how to perform the job to my supervisor’s expectation.. The job is not what I expected. I sometimes perform as expected, but I’m not consistent. I may need additional training. I have not completed the “Job Knowledge” requirement under the Trinity Institute. I demonstrate a working knowledge and competence to perform my job duties, as outlined in my job description and/or as communicated by my supervisor. I seek opportunities to improve my job knowledge and skills. I feel I’m a solid performer. I’ve completed the “Job Knowledge” requirement under the Trinity Institute. I demonstrate a high level of job knowledge. I am committed to performing at a higher level. My colleagues seek me out for my expertise in my field. I’d like to do a better job of tying in Trinity’s strategic goals in my work. Comments: What steps can you take to improve your professional knowledge and skills? What do you need from your supervisor or Trinity to help improve your professional knowledge and skill? 5 3. COMMUNICATION: Measures how well you work to ensure positive, effective and clear communication within your department and throughout Trinity. Your communication should be precise, factual, and well-organized, and at the level to which you inspire confidence in both the department and in Trinity as a whole. You seek out opportunities to improve your communication skills. Because of your skilled communication, you are able to engage in and foster teamwork. I find it difficult to communicate clearly, verbally and in writing. I do not participate in group meetings, because I’m not sure I’ll communicate clearly; I would rather others respond to requests. My colleagues and customers become frustrated with how I communicate with them. I am not always clear in my communication, but can generally communicate desired information; I would rather work by myself, but will work on teams, if necessary. Others should research their own information instead of relying on me to provide it. I have not completed the “Communications” requirement under The Trinity Institute. I communicate in an organized, clear, and concise manner on a regular basis. I make sure my supervisor and other stakeholders are in the loop on progress/projects, as necessary. I work well with others, cooperatively and provide good customer service. I feel I’m a solid communicator. I have completed the “Communications” requirement under the Trinity Institute. I always communicate effectively both verbally and in writing; I am a great listener and I willfully share information and always work collaboratively with others. I strive to be a strategic communicator and have sought out opportunities to improve this specific skill. Comments: What will help you to become a better communicator? 6 4. RISK MANAGEMENT: The degree to which you can anticipate, identify and mitigate risk to the organization. Your focus should be on the timeliness and accuracy of your work and information, adherence to policies and customer service. Your efforts to improve your risk management skills should be considered. Ethical behaviors in your personal and business practices should also be considered. Because of my lack of job knowledge, I make many errors in my work. My supervisor has questioned my work ethic and/or attention to detail. I don’t see how my work and behaviors impact risk to Trinity. I don’t understand or know Trinity’s policies. I am aware of those things that impact risk, which is why I try to produce accurate work. I know some of Trinity’s policies, but am not sure they all pertain to me. I have not completed the “Risk Management” requirement under the Trinity Institute. I have solid knowledge of Trinity’s policies and employ them when appropriate. I feel that I demonstrate ethics in my personal behaviors and in business practices. I am aware of Trinity’s professional norms and I seek out opportunities to model desired behaviors identified in them. When I have a question, I review the handbook or ask my supervisor. I have completed the “Risk Management” requirement under the Trinity Institute. I consistently demonstrate ethics in my personal behaviors and in business practices. I anticipate and employ measures to mitigate risk to Trinity. I utilize the employee handbook as a standard resource. I wish to work more strategically when it comes to risk management. Comments: What do you need to assist you in mitigating risk more effectively? 7 5. TECHNOLOGY: How efficiently you utilize information technology in the performance of your job duties. Consider your use of department/job specific software and applications. Examples of technology include (but not limited to): Power Campus, Great Plains, MS Office Suite, Time Force, and other department or job specific technology. Your efforts to improve your technology skills should also be considered. I do not use prescribed technology while doing my work. I can get it done just fine. Technology gets in the way of the job, so I use the manual and/or paper process. I regularly use the Trinity’s technology for personal use. I minimally use Trinity’s technology resources to perform my job. I often ask my colleagues for help using the technology. I have not completed the “Technology” requirement under the Trinity Institute. I proficiently use Trinity’s technology resources to perform job duties. I make use of offered training to improve my skills. I have completed the “Technology” requirement under the “Trinity Institute”. I consider myself an advanced and proficient user of Trinity’s technology resources to perform my job duties. I have identified ways to improve my job performance or customer service through technology. Comments: How can you use technology more effectively to do your job more efficiently? 8 6. LEADERSHIP: The degree to which you hold yourself accountable in achieving departmental or Trinity goals. Consider your ability to inspire and motivate others, and the ability to identify and capitalize on opportunities that advance Trinity’s goals. Your efforts to improve your leadership skills should also be considered. I consider upper management to be Trinity’s leaders and I look to them to set the tone. That is not my job. I am aware of Trinity’s mission, vision and goals, but I’m not sure how to translate that into my day to day tasks. I have not completed “Leadership” requirements under the Trinity Institute. I actively work towards the mission, vision and future goals of Trinity. I hold myself accountable for personal results and am working towards self-improvement to be more effective. I have completed “Leadership” requirements under the Trinity Institute. I demonstrate Trinity values in personal and professional behaviors; I engage with the Trinity community to work towards goals. I plan with strategic goals in mind. Comments: What can you do to be a better leader at Trinity? 9 7. PEOPLE MANAGEMENT: (for individuals with supervisory responsibility). The extent to which you apply sound, acceptable supervisory practices in the execution of your supervisory responsibilities. Consider evidence of your effectiveness in the hiring, developing and retaining of employees. Your efforts to improve your people management skills should also be considered. Once employees come to the department, I expect they hit the ground running. They can learn the job on the job and obtain professional development on their own time. I have had extremely high turnover this year, so I don’t have time to train. If the employee doesn’t get the job done, I’ll get someone else to do it or I’ll do it myself. Because my department is so busy, I find it hard to find time to provide timely coaching and feedback. I didn’t complete performance assessments this year. My turnover was high this year. I have not taken supervisory courses through the Trinity Institute or other means. I feel I communicate job standards and expectations well. I identify opportunities to improve my management skills. I know how to motivate my employees to get the job done. I provide timely and relevant performance feedback. I reward superior performance and coach when appropriate. Turnover has been minimal this year. I have taken supervisory courses through the Trinity Institute or other means. I strongly encourage staff in self-development and I create and maintain a comfortable, cooperative work environment. I inspire my team to focus on personal, departmental and Trinity’s goals. I use every opportunity to coach and prepare staff for the next level of success. Turnover is rare in my department. Comments: What do you need to better manage your staff towards strategic goals? 10 MY IMPROVEMENT AREAS: I would like to improve in the following areas: 1. 2. 3. MY GOALS FOR NEXT YEAR: 1. 2. 3. (Be specific in how you’ll achieve the above goals.) / Signature of Employee* / Date 11